Chapter 79
I couldn't feel.
My heart was broken.
I was broken.
Black and red everywhere. The emergency room was full of club members from all over. Word got out that Franko's VP had been shot.
Was he going to make it? that's what everyone was waiting for.
I was hanging on by a thread.
Multiple gunshot wounds, lost a lot of blood, wasn't sure if he would make it through the night.
Those were the paramedics words.
"Hey sweet girl".
"Whatever you need we're here"
"Sobbing I felt the tightness of Lexi's arms around my shoulders. I wanted nothing more than for this to be a dream and I was going to wake up in his arms.
But it wasn't a dream it was a nightmare, my nightmare.
"Miss Mendez I need you to come with me" The sheriff stated standing in front of me with a couple of officers.
Over my dead body was I leaving here. I wasn't leaving him.
"Miss Men-.."
"She heard you the first time and she ain't going anywhere with you" My dad spat gripping a hold of my hand and placing me behind him. "She goes nowhere do you understand me?" He growled
"Calm down Franko I just need a statement so we can catch-...."
"This isn't your business Jack so I suggest you just fuck off and let me handle it. Know your place this is my fucking town".
The other two officers stood with there heads bowed, the sheriffs teeth were gritted embarrassed because my dad had just owned him in front of everyone. He was angry but even I knew he didn't have the balls to mess with Franko Mendez.
And off he went.
Placing his hands on my shoulders I already knew what was coming, Blaze wasn't doing good.
"You gotta go be with him darlin' he ain't doing so good".
As the cry of heartbreak fell from my mouth everyone around me fell silent. Feeling the tears roll down my cheeks I looked around the waiting area everyone's eyes on me.
They were here out of respect. There brother had been hurt.
I was hurt, angry but I wanted whoever did this to pay. I wasn't a violent person I helped people I saved life's but something inside me snapped, the good girl was slowly disappearing.
"They have to pay dad, first me and now Blaze. They have to pay" I whispered
Resting his hand on my shoulder my dad squeezed hard "Finally taking your place, I always knew you had it in you. A true devil at heart and now I finally know you have it in you to be by his side when I hand it over".
Placing my hand on top of his I squeezed it back "No one messes with my family". They all thought I was sweet little Ava. Didn't have it in me to be his old lady, didn't have it in me to be a member of devils due. I couldn't possibly be Franko's daughter because I wasn't ruthless.
Watch and see how ruthless I could be. In that precise moment I knew the old me was gone.
As soon as I walked into his room my heart broke again. Climbing onto the bed beside him I lay my head on his chest and sobbed. Seeing him so weak and pale seeing him like this so fragile.
"Don't you dare leave me" I whispered my tears falling onto his bare chest.
He was getting stronger everyday but he was yet to wake up but I hadn't lost hope. I knew he was still in there fighting, I knew he wasn't going to leave me. Taking a hold of his hand I started to tell him about my day like I had done everyday since he had been in here.
"You'll probably kick my ass for this but I rode your bike today. I know you don't let anyone touch it but I didn't think you'd mind me being on it" I laughed thinking of the pissed off look he'd be giving me right now.
"Finally got my cast off weeks ago I can finally have a bath and when you're awake you can join me" Smiling at the reaction he would give me if he was awake. "I also went back to work 14 hour shifts are long when I don't have you messaging every 5 minutes checking up on me" Squeezing his hand I blinked the tears away.
"Please wake up Blaze" Resting his hand against my face I couldn't hold anything back I never could when I was here. I needed him to wake up and tell me everything was going to be okay.
"I can't do this without you Blaze" Kissing his hand I placed it back onto the bed but never let go. "So my dad signed his house over to us you're going to hate what I've done to the place" I laughed knowing how he'd feel about all the girly stuff lying around. "Truth be told I haven't stayed in it once. I won't sleep there until you're awake and home where you belong".
I thought if I did this everyday he may have woken up by now. I know it was good to speak to him because I knew deep down he could hear me. Sighing I closed my eyes just as I felt it.
He squeezed my hand.....
"Blaze can you hear me? Squeeze my hand again if you can".
And he did. It was light but he squeezed my hand, he was there, he could hear me.
Bursting into tears I threw myself at him unaware that members of the MC had joined me. He hadn't opened his eyes yet or even muttered a word but he squeezed my hand and that was huge, that told me he was fighting.
"And you're sure he squeezed your hand?" Josh asked as he continued to exam him.
"I know what I felt" He squeezed my hand but there was still no activity. I wasn't allowed to be the doctor on his case because I was too close to him and it pissed me off. "I know what I felt" I repeated as he placed his chart into the holder at the bottom of the bed.
"I'll come back in a few hours but maybe you should try and get some proper rest. Working all those hours and then staying here overnight isn't good for anyone Ava".
Everyone had been trying to get me to leave the hospital for more than an hour a day but I wasn't prepared to leave him. An hour was enough for me to collect clean
"I'm fine"
I was dead beat but I wasn't leaving his side especially not now.
Everyone had left and the night routine had begun. My dad and Tommy would come by in the morning with a few guys outside on stand by and Jared and Cage would come by at night.
"Have you ate anything?" Jared asked
"Yes" I lied still not taking my eyes of Blazes face.
"You know he'll kill us because you aren't taking care of yourself right? When one of our brothers is hurt we take care of his old lady. Now I've brought you some food and other stuff go and clean yourself up".
I couldn't argue because I knew what he was saying was right. "You know where-..."
"I know where you'll be if he wakes up. Ava you tell me the same thing every time I make you do this which is every night. Don't worry sweetheart if he wakes I'll be sure to come get you now go".
"Thank you" I was hesitant to leave him I always was but Jared made me the same promise every night and he was yet to come and get me.
You were lucky if I was in the shower 5 minutes. It was a quick wash and back out again just incase. I didn't want to miss him waking up. I didn't want him to wake up and I not be there. I didn't want him thinking I didn't stay. Hair still wet from the shower I towel dried it as I was walking back to his room. Pushing the door open I was enclosed into a hug.
"Sorry I haven't been here"
"Things got a bit much for me Ava but I'm here now and I'm so sorry. I came as soon as I heard".
"Don't be silly" I whispered hugging her back. I knew her and Cage had some stuff to sort out. I know how hard it can be and how sometimes you just need space.
"How long has he been like this?" She asked
"Too long" He squeezed my hand but that was the first movement he's made in months. I was trying so hard to stay strong and hold myself together but I could feel it slipping away.
"He's a fighter Ava" She said squeezing my hand before taking a seat.
"I don't know how much longer I can cope" Everyone's eyes met mine. Did I say that out loud?
"You gotta fight for him Ava. If you give up hope now what chance has he got? You're his fucking old lady dammit".
"Jared" Ally hissed but he was right. I couldn't give up on him he didn't give up on me. "What you need to do is rest and get a good nights sleep".
"I'm fine" I replied moving the seat closer to his bed and taking a hold of his hand. "What I need is for him to wake his stubborn ass up".
"Funny you should say that he said the same thing to you when you were lying in a hospital bed. He didn't give up". Jared said and I knew it was a dig. This was his best
friend he was hurting just as much as me.
"I'm not giving up Jared" I sighed squeezing the hand I was holding I rested my head against his arm. "I'm tired" I whispered "Tired of how they keep getting a way with it. I'm sick of people getting hurt because of them". I snapped feeling myself get angry.
"Trust me they're getting fucking handled"
"Handled how? What's going on?"
"Nothing you need-...."
"Don't do that" I snapped getting to my feet. "Stop keeping me in the dark I want to know what's going on. I want to help instead of feeling useless".
"I want to be in the loop I deserve that much" I was sick of everyone trying to protect me. I wanted to be involved.
"Stubborn like your mother" He sighed "I can't have you getting hurt".
"Don't underestimate me I'm tougher than you think".
"Trust me darlin' I know that but you're still my daughter and I still want you safe".
"I can't take this sitting around doing nothing anymore. You all look at me as if I can't handle myself or I'll break at the first sign of bad news. If I'm a member of this club then bloody treat me like one. I'm going for some fresh air" I sighed knowing my dad was right behind me.
Sitting on the steps at the front of the hospital I gazed at the dark sky. Every time it goes right we get knocked back down again. Why are people so determined to ruin us?
"How you feeling kid?" He asked handing me a lit smoke. Gladly taking it I didn't know what to say. He knew how I was feeling.
"How do you think I'm feeling?"
"He'll pull through Ava. Blaze is the strongest guy I know".
"Then why hasn't he woke up yet?"
Wrapping his arm around my shoulder he pulled me into him. "He'll pull through I know he will".
For the next few minutes we sat in silence. I loved how peaceful it was at night. "Are you serious about wanting to be involved?".
"Deadly serious" I didn't even have to think about my answer. This had been going on far to long.
"Clubhouse tomorrow at 10"......
"I'm not leaving him"
"You two are well suited" He laughed pushing against my shoulder "He said the exact same thing with you".
"I want kept in the loop, I want to know what's going to happen and how we're going to take them down but I can't leave the hospital until I know he's awake".
"I get it darlin' but you have a lot to learn and for that to happen you need to be at the clubhouse".
"Ava I can't teach you how to shoot a fucking gun in a hospital. Don't give me that look darlin' you want to be involved then first things first. I have to teach you how to protect yourself".
"And a gun is going to protect me?" I asked
"It'll sure fucking help" He grunted "I know you don't want to be away from him but a few hours a day isn't going to hurt".
He was right I did need to learn how to protect myself. "Fine but don't get pissed if I accidentally shoot you".
Chuckling deeply he got to his feet "He'll fucking kill me for this". Running a hand through his hair and sighing he crouched down in front of me. "I'll do anything to protect you and your mom but it is time I finally let you in now come back inside it's freezing"
"Give me a minute".
Resting my head on my knees everything hit me like a train, my emotions got the better of me and I let them.
Snapping my head up I gazed at the figure in front of me.
"I want to help".