Chapter 80
Wiping my eyes I got to my feet. Nate was here and he wanted to help.
"He's my brother Ava, he's the only family I have left. Yes he hates my guts but I would still do anything for him and those bastards will pay for what they've done to him".
I get that he wanted to help but what could Nate do? He wasn't a brother, he wasn't a member of devils due. Yet thinking about it what the hell could I do? I had fired a gun once and that day luck was on my side. I didn't know how I was going to help but I'd be damned if I was going to sit at home doing nothing. I could be a hard faced bitch when I wanted to and from now on I know I had to be ready for anything.
"Nice to see you without the casts on. How you holding up?" He asked taking a step closer.
This wasn't about me it was about Blaze. I get he wanted to see how I was doing but I couldn't think of anything else except Blaze waking up.
"It's nice to have the use of my leg and hand again" I smiled "My dads in there you better go speak with him". I didn't want it to come across as me brushing him off but Nate was the last thing on my mind right now and I know that sounded horrible.
"Come in with me before you catch a cold. You're hairs soaking and I'm pretty sure he'd kick my ass if he knew I was letting you stand out here".
I guess he was right but the fresh cool air against my skin felt good. I felt like for the first time in months I could breathe.
"Nate fuckin' Thomas what the hell brings you here".
"Franko" Nate nodded his head in acknowledgment of my dads presence.
"So?" My dad asked as he lit up a smoke and slung his arm around my shoulder. "Don't think you're here trying to steal her back".
"Dad" I groaned
"I'm here because I want to help". Nate said as my dad stood there and said nothing. I'm surprised the cigarette never fell from his mouth with how wide it had fallen open. "He's my brother Franko".
"But he hates your fuckin' guts" My dad stated taking a long puff of his smoke "Do you think he'd do this for you?".
"Doesn't matter Franko he's still my blood and if I can help then let me. You know what I'm fucking capable of".
Where had sweet Nate gone?
Throwing his head back an almighty laugh fell from my dads lips. "I knew he was still in there somewhere. Welcome back brother".
Hold up....did he just?
"Wait did he-.."
"Get your asses inside now" My dad yelled as he threw his smoke to the ground and headed for the entrance.
"Nows not the time Ava". And of he went following my dad through the hospital doors while I stood with my mouth hanging open and my mind blown.
Walking back into the hospital I stopped at the coffee cart knowing it was going to be a long night. Every night was a long night especially when I was struggling to sleep. Every time I close my eyes everything that happened that night floods back.
"Still not sleeping then?".
Ever since the accident Jared and I had become pretty close. He was always looking out for me, bring me food and clean clothes. Could say I had the wrong impression of him from the start. All in all he was a good guy despite the things he had done.
"I'm fine Jared" Stirring my coffee I brought it to my lips. I knew he was looking out for me because I was Blazes old lady but a friendship had bloomed.
"When was the last time you had a good nights sleep?" He asked pouring himself a coffee.
"Could ask you the same thing" Putting the lid on my coffee I linked my arm through his "I can't sleep good" I shrugged as we walked back to Blazes room. "Every time I close my eyes it all comes back to me".
"Have you tried taking something to help?" I hope he wasn't suggesting something illegal.
Chuckling he sipped on his coffee "I know that look Ava but I mean have you took a sleeping pill or something to help relax you?".
Truth was I could have but I didn't want to miss him waking up. I want to be the first person he sees so he knows I never left him.
"I'm fine" I repeated as we both walked into the room Jared immediately stiffening at the site of Nate.
"You know you aren't welcome here" He hissed his hands going into fists.
"He's my brother Jared and all I want to do is help".
Laughing Jared ran a hand through his hair "You should have helped him when you got him banged up".
Wait what?
"Jared" My dad snapped
"Na prez he's thinks he can swoop in now and try and help? When he's lying in a hospital bed. Where was he when he was doing the stretch in county because of him? Never visited him fucking once".
"He was in jail because of you?" I whispered not taking my eyes of Nate but moving closer to where Blaze lay.
What kind of brother let's his younger brother take the rat for his wrong doing? In fact what kind of man does that never mind brother. Obviously Nate wasn't the man I thought he was, not that it mattered.
"Wait when you told me you had killed someone?" It was all starting to make sense. It was all becoming clear as to why Blaze has a hatred for him.
"He killed a rival and Blaze was the one that served the time. Did he forget to fucking mention that part?" Jared spat his knuckles turning white. "He wouldn't want your help and he certainly doesn't need it".
I had never seen Jared this angry before.
"I was punished-...."
"Punished?" Jared laughed cutting him off. "You should have been put to fucking ground. You were stripped of your patch for that reason now fuck off before I do something I won't regret".
"You're not the president of this club Jared and-..."
"He's not" I interrupted "But I'm the old lady of the guy that one day is going to be and I suggest you leave".
I had to stick by my family and Jared was my family. I could see how angry he was and I didn't want him doing anything stupid.
"Franko?" Nate questioned looking at my dad who was grinning from ear to ear. What the hell?!
"You heard the lady. You have no idea how long I've waited for Ava to stand up and show her place around here. She's taking her stand and right now her word goes. Sorry Nate but I'm out of this one. If Ava wants you to leave then I suggest you fucking leave".
Turning to look at me he ran a hand through his hair "I don't want any trouble Ava I just want to help and get the guys that did this. What happened was a long time ago but I'll respect your decision. You know where to get me if you need me".
Why did I feel guilty? He only wanted to help and I made him leave. Was I being to harsh?
"I'm going for a smoke" My dad grunted kissing the side of my head before leaving.
"Why didn't anyone tell me he used to be apart of this club?" I asked Jared. My mind was still blown by this.
"Used to be Ava, let's just leave it at that".
"It all makes sense now" I whispered more to myself. "I now get why he hates him but what I don't get is why he went to prison for something he didn't do".
"He fucked up Ava, he took the blame willingly. Nate and Blaze used to be closer than me and Blaze. You could see how close they were, the bond of true brothers. Blaze always looked up to Nate and that's what fucked him. He got jailed and Nate left him high and dry".
If I didn't know Jared I would say he was lying. It's hard to believe Blaze and Nate ever being close. I couldn't wrap my head around the whole thing.
"I need him to wake up Jared" I had to change the subject. "What if he doesn't wake up?".
"Stop getting yourself worked up Ava. He'll wake up because he's fucking Blaze and he knows you're fighting for him just as much as him. You need a good nights sleep and some well needed rest".
Not this again.
"I'm fine with sleeping here. I've done it for the last few months. I'm not leaving him Jared I'm just not". And yes my emotions had got the better of me yet again.
"Just try and get some sleep" And then he left us alone. I knew Jared didn't do well with tears. I knew it made him feel awkward.
Climbing onto his bed I rested my head against his chest listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. My tears were still strolling down my face. I was exhausted and emotionally drained. No matter how hard I tried to fight it I could feel sleep taking over me and my eyes beginning to shut.
"Please wake up" I whispered just as my eyes closed for the last time that night.
I could feel his hand running through my hair, the way the hairs stood up on the back of my neck every time he touched me. I knew I was dreaming I just wasn't ready for it to end yet.
"Wake up sweets".
How I had missed that. I always pretend that his pet names annoy the hell out of me but truth be told I liked them, I liked that I was the only one he used them on.
Feeling his thumb stroke my cheek I could feel the lone tear escape my eye.
"Ava baby"
Wait?! I wasn't dreaming...... is he?
Jumping up from the bed I burst into tears as he lay smirking at me. Was this real? Was he really awake? Pinching my arm I heard the deep chuckle fall from his lips.
"Ain't you going to come give your man a kiss?" He smirked patting the space beside him.
How can he still be this cocky and playful when he's been unconscious for months.
"Oh god I am dreaming" I cried wiping at my eyes and pinching my arm again.
"Baby" He whispered again patting the space beside him. "Get that cute little ass over here".
"Blaze?" I cried fresh tears rolling down my cheeks. Walking towards the bed I crawled into his arms and began to full on sob.
He really was awake.
"Think it's time you give your man a kiss" He croaked his hand running through my hair. Being as careful as I could I straddled his waist and sobbed. I couldn't stop my tears, happy tears. My emotions were all over the place.
Wiping my eyes I leaned forward careful not to hurt him and placed my lips against his. "I missed you" He whispered kissing the tip of my nose. "I missed you too" I whispered burying my head in the crook of his neck and breathing deeply.
I don't know how long I straddled him, my head buried in his neck but I didn't want to ever move. I felt safe again.
"I need to get the doctor" I whispered pulling back so I could look at him.
"Fuck the doctor" he chuckled
Rolling my eyes I pushed the button at the side of his bed. "We need to let the doctor know you're awake and check you over". Leaning down I kissed his cheek. I didn't want to let him go and I couldn't stop touching him.
No one from the club was around except Jared. He would always go to my office at night and sleep on my sofa. He wanted to stand outside the door but I refused. He needed sleep just as much as me.
"Can't I have you to myself just until morning?" He whispered
"I'm not going anywhere" I smiled "But I need to know you're okay. And I need to let my dad and the rest of the guys know you're awake. They'll kick my ass for not phoning them already".
"Screw the club" he grunted just as the doctor walked in.
Screw the club?! What?
"Ah Mr Thomas it's nice to see you're finally awake" Janie the nightshift doctor smiled as she came closer. "Ava lovely to see you as always. Can you step down a moment please?".
Getting of the bed I stood by him and let Janie check him over. "As you were shot several times Mr Thomas I still want to run some tests and keep you on observations. Do you have any pain? Any numbness? Can you feel this?" She asked as she pinched his foot.
"I can feel it doc"
"Great well hang tight and I'll see you in a few hours" Taking his file she gave me a nod before leaving the room.
"Can I call my dad now and let him know you're awake?".
"Told you I want you all to myself until morning. Screw your dad and the club, now get your ass up here".
Rolling my eyes I made my way to him and climbed up onto the bed. Curling myself into his side I lay my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat. Moving his arm his hand lay against my hip bone.
"Tell me something" He asked his fingers moving over my hip bone continuously.
"Hm?" I replied feeling the most content I've felt in months.
"When was the last time you fucking ate?"
And here we go.....
"Blaze I'm fine" I had Jared at me for the same thing and now he's at it. He's just woke up after being unconscious for months and all he's worried about is my weight.
"I never asked if you were fine I asked you when you last ate. You're fading away to nothing Ava".
"Wait until I get my fucking hands on them" he snapped cutting me off. "They should have been looking after you because I couldn't".
"They did look after me" I sighed sitting up so I could look at him. And there he was my angry man a face like fizz.
"Doesn't fucking look like it. I swear things are fucking changing when I get out of this hospital. You're my old lady Ava, they should have been looking after you better".
"Calm down" I whispered sliding my hand over his "Stop getting worked up you've just woke up". I knew he was angry but he had nothing to be angry about.
Sighing he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "You're my girl Ava. I wasn't able to look after you and they should have. They're-..."
"They did, they have been" I sighed moving off the bed and onto my feet. "They have been nothing but good to me, they haven't left my side. The support I've got from everyone, the way they have respected me and looked after me. I couldn't have asked for anything else Blaze. You've been unconscious for months and if it wasn't for they guys out there, your brothers heck even my dad I don't know what I would have done. Now stop getting worked up about them not looking after me cause they have done one hell of a job".
"Don't babe me" I huffed folding my arms over my chest. "You've just woke up and I want nothing but for you just to rest and get better. You shouldn't be getting worked up over me I'm fine, better now you're awake".
"No you'll be fine when I'm back on my feet and looking after you. Now back into bed don't make me come get you"
Trying to hide my smirk I rolled my eyes. I knew he couldn't get out that bed even if he wanted to.
Matching my smirk he patted the space beside him "Get you're cute little ass over here so I can feel you".
Always knows what to say to make my cheeks scarlet.
"Ah and there's my girl" He chuckled "Bring those rose little cheeks over here sweets".
"Shut up" I laughed sticking my tongue out at him and sliding onto the bed.