Chapter 78
I couldn't wait any longer.
Screw that I still had my casts on I'm sure Blaze won't mind doing all the work.
"Ava are you sure?" He asked picking up the blanket and basket. "You know I was just teasing baby I can wait".
"I can't anymore" I whispered as I grabbed hold of his hand "Please Blaze". It was like a spark had went off inside his head because before I knew it he was carrying me to
the car.
It was perfect. We had the clubhouse to ourselves and there was no one to interrupt us. My stomach was going like a washing machine I couldn't help but feel nervous. Was I always going to feel nervous when it came to having sex with him?
"You have got to be fucking kidding me" Blaze growled knocking me out of my thoughts.
My heartam sank...... I was finally ready to have sex, finally feeling comfortable and not giving a damn about everything that was going on inside my head - my mom and dad had returned, the clubhouse was in full swing.
"Should have stayed at the beach" I grinned playfully hitting his shoulder. "Come on we better show face". I was surprised I hadn't received a call or even a message from them.
"I know babe I'm just pissed and not because we can't have sex I was just getting used to having you all to myself" He smirked pushing open his door.
"You still have me all to yourself" I shrugged as he helped me out of his truck.
"Yeah....we better get in"....
"Them being back doesn't change anything"I felt I had to say it.
Slinging his arm over my shoulder he kissed the side of my head "The only thing that'll be different is those fuckers in there will know you are officially mine".
And we were back to this.
"They already do" I sighed
"Nah baby I mean for real" He said as he pushed the clubhouse door open.
I had no idea what he meant..
"Blaze I'm just going for a pee you don't have to come with me" I sighed.
"But I want too" He pouted his hands grabbing my bum and pulling me towards him. Did I forget to mention he was drunk? I had never seen him drunk before.
"Wanna make out?" He grinned his face so close to mine our noses were touching. Laughing I rolled my eyes "Make out really?" Sinking my teeth into my bottom lip I heard the moan escape his mouth.
"Baby you can't be doing that" swiping his tongue from his mouth he licked my lip making me release it. "I have never wanted anyone as bad as I want you right now"He whispered and suddenly me having to pee didn't matterly anymore, no one in the room mattered. Everything was forgotten about the moment his eyes met mine.
"You're drunk" I whispered my mouth suddenly dry. Smirking he placed his hands around my hips and pulled me flat against him. He wasn't only drunk he was hard too. "Blaze I need to...- before I could finish my sentence he had me in his arms carrying me outside.
"Blaze.............lacing me on the hood of his truck he stepped in between my legs and just stared at me.
"I'm not as drunk as you think I am sweets I know exactly what I'm doing, what I'm thinking and how I'm feeling" Placing both hands on my thighs he stared to rub them up and down "Just wanted to get you out here so we could be alone now give me a kiss" He smirked moving his head closer to mine.
"Hm no" I teased circling my good leg around his so he couldn't move.
"Wrong answer darling" Before I could take a breath he was on me. Smiling into the kiss I flicked my tongue out catching his bottom lip causing him to release a low groan.
Hmm he liked it.
"Do you want me to put another bullet in your leg? Don't do that shit in front of me".....
Moving his head he rested it on top of my shoulder. "I fucking hate your dad at times". He wasn't the only one.
"Got it prez" Blaze yelled as he took a seat beside me.
"Why are you out here anyway? The party's inside" My dad grinned as he strode towards us. If he was out here where was my mom?
"Fresh air now why are you out here?" I asked still curious as to where my mom was. They two were inseparable these days and it kinda made me sick a little. Even though what happened was in the past and don't get me wrong I was happy she was happy but I still had a little bit of hatred for my dad.
"She's safe darling always will be when she's with me" He smirked pulling out a cigarette.
How did he know that's what I was thinking?
"Why are you all out here? It's freezing" Ah there she was. Strolling out the clubhouse dressed to perfection as always. My mom had never lost the touch, she was beautiful she is beautiful and you wouldn't think she'd just had Leighton. Wrapping her hands around my dads waist he lifted his arm tucking her protectively into his side.
"Apparently they're out here for fresh air" My dad grinned. There was no apparently to it, that's exactly what we were out here for.
"We're just going back-....."
"When are you giving me grand babies" My dad asked causing me to choke on my own saliva. Two minutes ago he was going to put a bullet in Blazes leg for kissing me.
"Franko" my mom hissed "Leave her alone and get your ass back inside. I have something for you" She smirked
"Do you?" He asked his hand sliding from her shoulder to her bum as he pulled her in for a kiss.
Okay that's enough of that......
"And that's my queue to leave. Seriously you two are worse than teenagers" I huffed as I got off the truck. "Please take me away from that" I grimaced making a sicky face.
Chuckling he slug his arm over my shoulder "Wanna go for a ride?" That sounded so good right now but I wasn't risking it when he had been drinking.
"Or we could get someone to take us to my dads house?" I said reaching up so I could peck his lips "Means we'd be alone" I whispered not sure if I was initiating sex or not.
"Best thing you've said all night" He growled rushing us back inside the clubhouse.
"You" Blaze pointed to the new guy behind the bar. "You drive?" He asked.
"Y-yes" He stuttered dropping the glass he had in his hand. Surely Blaze didn't have that effect on everyone he met? He wasn't that intimidating.
"Start fucking moving then we need a lift" He growled taking a hold of my hand and leading me back outside.
"Blaze" I hissed tugging on his hand "There's no need to be rude he's already terrified of you".
"Good" He smirked as the new guy pulled up in front of us.
"I don't like that kid"
Rolling my eyes I put the key in the lock and opened the door to my dads house. "You don't even know him how can you not like him?" I asked making my way into the living
"Gut feeling darling and trust me it's never wrong now come here" He smirked patting his knee.
"What did your gut tell you about me?" I asked slowly making my way towards him. Licking his lips he grabbed a hold of my hips when I was close enough making me fall into his lap. "Strong, powerful, a spitfire that could handle her own. A mouthy little witch at times, didn't know when to keep her mouth closed and the girl that was going to be my wife one day". Kissing the side of my necknd his arms got a little tighter around my waist.
"And you got all of that from your gut?" I laughed it soon turning to a gasp as his teeth nipped at my neck. "Careful baby wouldn't want you ending up with a sore ass now would we?" Heyi breathed against my neck licking over the spot he had just nipped.
"You hungry?" He whispered pushing the loose strand of hair behind my ear. Sinking my teeth into my lip I shook my head no. Gazing into his eyes I couldn't help but smile. Who'd have thought we'd end up like this? "Time do you have the hospital at tomorrow?" He asked placing a soft kiss against my lips. I wanted more of that.
"Two-thirty but my moms going to take me and it's gives us a little time to catch up. What's my dad got you doing tomorrow?" I asked knowing he'd be up to something.
"Church first thing but-..." Cutting him off I placed my lips against his. I needed to feel him, to taste him. Sinking his hands into my hair he tugged slightly causing a moan to fall from my lips.
"Babe" He growled his tongue sliding into my mouth. Teasing my tongue over his bottom lip I grinned when he pulled my hair tighter. "I love it when you do that" He whispered pulling me closer to him. Resting my forehead against his a sigh escaped my mouth just as his stomach rumbled.
"Sorry to ruin the moment babe but I'm starving".
Laughing I placed my hands on his shoulder before standing up. I was getting better at walking around with this cast on a little help from my crutch but I was getting there. "Why didn't you say something?" I asked as his stomach growled again. When did he last eat? "Go get some food Blaze I'm sure there's something here we can cook up" I grinned tugging on his hand and pulling him towards the kitchen area.
"Did I mention I'm not very good at this?" I shrugged as the fire alarm went off for a third time.
Laughing he pulled on my hand and pushed me towards one of the kitchen chairs. "You sit I'll cook agreed?" He asked struggling to hold his laugh in.
Give me a scalpel and I can work wonders, a frying pan not so much. "Fine" I huffed folding my arms across my chest as I took a seat.
"Don't look so pissed babe you can learn to cook before we're married" he chuckled turning his attention back towards the cooker. Flipping him off I pulled out my phone quickly sending a text to Ally. I still hadn't heard from her and it wasn't like her not to at least send me a message.
"Do that again princess and you'll have a sore ass" He growled causing me too look up from my phone. How did he even know?
"What are you actually going to do it this time?" I smirked "Or is it just another empty threat?" My heart beat quickened at the way he was looking at me.
"Careful Ava" He growled slamming the spatula onto the work top. "I don't make empty threats darling".
"Hm sure about that?" I questioned watching as he flicked the switch turning the cooker off. "Because I'm pretty sure you've told me that before".
"Oh baby you have no idea what I'm going to do to you".
Instantly he was in front of me.........
"But first I'm going to feed you" He whispered his breath fanning over my lips. The temptation was killing me but I was willing to wait it out. I knew when the time was right it would happen.
"And what exactly are you going to feed me?" I whispered my stomach doing front flips with how he was making me feel. In that split second I wanted everything.
"This?" I breathed my fingers sliding over his hard cock. I had no idea where my confidence was coming from but Blaze made me feel alive. He brought out a side of me that I didn't know existed. He had started a deep passion, a passion that I only ever felt with him.
Groaning his hand slid around my neck and into the back of my hair. Sinking my teeth into my bottom lip I did it again only this time I popped the button of his jeans.
"Careful Ava" He growled his eyes snapping open and connecting with mine. Placing his hand around my wrist he moved my hand and pulled me flat against him. "Eat before I lose control" He whispered
I couldn't breath never mind eat. I could feel how hard he was with how close our bodies were. "I can feel you against me" I whispered my breathing had turned into short
What was he doing to me?!
"Ava" He groaned resting his forehead against mine. "You're a tease baby and I want nothing more than to pound that sweet little pussy of yours".
Why did I have a feeling there was a but coming?!
"But you don't want too hurt me?" I sighed picking up the grilled cheese that he had made. "I'm fine with waiting until I get these off" Clearing my throat I moved out of his arms and headed towards the fridge. I was cool with waiting but I'm not going to lie the sexual tension was killing me.
"Eat you're the one that said you were starving" Just as I was about to grab the orange juice his arms were around my waist and I was once again pressed against him.
"Let me eat your pussy" He whispered his teeth grazing the side of my neck.
Oh god!
"Let me make you feel good" Moving his hand lower his fingers slipped inside my sweat pants resting them just above my pussy. He had barely touched me and I knew if he slipped his fingers inside he'd see how wet I was. Moving his fingers gently he started to rub me through my panties.
"Fucking hell you're soaking already" He growled his grip on my waist tightening.
Closing my eyes my teeth sunk into my bottom lip as he began to rub faster. "Blaze" I moaned as the tingling feeling began in the pit of my stomach. Rubbing wasn't enough I needed more.
"That's it baby, tell me what you want" He growled pulling my panties to the side but not touching me where I wanted him to. "Tell me you want my fingers inside you, tell me you want to cum on my tongue".
"Please Blaze" I needed him to touch me, to take the ache away.
"Say the words Ava" He whispered as he gently rubbed his thumb over my clit. "Tell me what you want darling".
Leaning against him I could feel how hard he was his dick resting against my ass. Placing my hand on top of his I tried to push it to where I wanted him to be.
"Tut tut" He whispered taking my ear lobe between him teeth and sucking on it "Do you want my fingers here?" Sliding his hand down I could feel his fingers at my opening "Or do you want them here?" Circling his thumb against my clit my body jerked at how good it felt.
Moaning softly I took his other hand in mine and brought it to my mouth. Rubbing his finger over my lips I slowly started to suck on it.
"Please Blaze" I begged wanting nothing more than for him to slip his fingers inside. I needed to feel him, we needed this.
"Tell me you want me to fuck you" He growled pulling his hand from my trousers and turning me around "I want to hear you say it Ava".
Just as I was about to tell him how badly I wanted him...........screeching tires, gunshots, glass shattering.
Screaming my screaming.
Everything happened so fast.
Blood everywhere, his lifeless body.