Chapter 77
"Yeah, I know how much it means to him" I smiled as my eyes landed on it. Small and dainty but perfect for me.
"The boys will be ecstatic" He chuckled "Blaze can be one cold hearted motherfucker but you make him better darlin'."
"Who makes who better?" Came his gruff voice as he walked through the clubhouse in nothing but a towel around his waist.
Holy fucking Jesus........
Sharing a manly hug he grabbed his bottle of beer that was on the table and took a drink. "Congrats man finally bagged the right one" Jared smirked
I couldn't think or focus on anything else except Blazes ass. My eyes were glued and they weren't moving. Why did he think it was appropriate to come out here in just a towel? Was he trying to make me jump him?!
Trailing my eyes up his body they finally met his and guess what....the bastard was smirking.
That sneaky little.......
"I'm going outside for some fresh air I'll leave you two to talk" I needed to get the hell out of here before I embarrassed myself.
Sitting on one of the benches I looked across the lot, it didn't feel right when it was this quiet. I've never experienced it being this quiet but I knew everything was still hot with Vagos. My dad had every guy in here out working, trying to find a lead. What I was led to believe was Vagos had vanished. My dad couldn't get a trail and that was the reason that cop was sent from Marko.
Hearing the roar of an engine my eyes squinted at the bike pulling into the lot. Once he parked up and removed his helmet my eyes fell into slits.
"Finally showing your face then?" I asked as he dropped down onto the seat opposite me. Cage was a good guy, funny, great at what he did but my best friend was hurting and right I wanted to knock him out.
"I know what you're going to say and trust me if I could have got in contact I would have" He sighed pulling out a smoke.
"Gotta do better than that Cage, she's worried sick". I said
"I know" He groaned "Cops were all over me Ava I couldn't come back here until I knew it was safe".
"A simple fucking text would have done" It was out before I could stop myself.
"I don't need you on my case Ava I know she's going to hate me fuck she probably already does".
"She doesn't hate you" I sighed "She fucking loves yo-...." cutting myself off I sunk my teeth into my bottom lip.
Never did know when to shut my mouth....
"What did you just say?" He asked getting to his feet.
No point in trying to hide it I already blurted it out. "She loves you. I mean how can you not see it?" I asked
"She loves me?"
Rolling my eyes I got to my feet "Yes you big dummy and if you want my advice I suggest you go find her". Grabbing my crutch I started to walk back towards the clubhouse.
"Where's she hiding?" He shouted
"You'll find her" I replied pulling open the door and stopping at the bar. "Cage is back" I said taking a seat on one of the bar stools.
"Jared" Blaze yelled
"I'm on it boss" and then he was gone.
What the?
"You okay babe?" He asked circling his arms around my waist. Sighing I leaned back against him placing my hands on top of his. "Just can't wait to get these off. You could be out doing what you do and I could be back at work. I'm getting really fed up now".
"Exactly why you should let me take you out" He whispered his breath sending chills down my spine.
"Blaze" I groaned closing my eyes "13 days isn't long to wait".
"13 days is too fucking long" He growled his arms tightening. "I want to take you out on a proper date. I don't give a fuck what you look like....."
"Are you kidding me?" I snapped cutting him off and digging my nails into his hand.
"Because you're beautiful regardless. Fuck sake babe let me finish and do that again and I'll take you over my knee and spank your ass so hard". He growled nipping the base of my neck with his teeth.
That was fucking hot....
I didn't know what was happening I wasn't really a sexual person but I was becoming frustrated and all I could think about was him fucking me.
"But you'd like that wouldn't you" He whispered trailing little kisses over my neck. "You'd like me to bend you over and smack that ass wouldn't you?".
"Mm" I moaned
"Answer me Ava".
"Yes" I croaked.
I couldn't concentrate on anything but what his mouth was doing. It didn't help that I could feel his erecting against my lower back.
"B-blaze" I stuttered. I was turned on and frustrated but I still didn't want to have sex not until I could be in control of it. "The longer we wait the better it will be" I whispered turning my head so I could place a kiss on his lips.
"Babe" He groaned letting his arms fall "You're killing me".
"It's not always about sex Blaze" I snapped regretting it as soon as I said it.
"I never said it was" He snapped back "I'm away to put some clothes on".
"Yeah you do that" I yelled
I get he wanted sex, I knew he wasn't used to this whole relationship thing and that he would sleep with anything that walked but I wasn't going to jump into bed with him
until I was comfortable and right now I wasn't. Yes we've already had sex but it wasn't about that, I wanted to wait until I as 100% better.
"I hate men" I growled
"Should I leave then?"And then there was a chuckle.
Cop from the other day!! Why was he here?
"Can I help you?" I asked really not in the mood to get asked questions I knew nothing about.
"Guessing you don't remember -".......
"I know who you are" I said cutting him off "Now what do you want?".
"Lovely" He chuckled "Your dad in?" He asked moving closer to where I was sat.
"Does it look like it?"...
Laughing he took the seat next to me "Ain't you a charmer. Is anyone else around?".....
"Aye fucking me and keep looking at her like that and I'll bury you" Blaze growled placing his hand on my shoulder. "The fuck do you want?".
That was him told!!
"And you must be Blaze" The cop grinned "Heard a lot about you, not good things at all".
This guy had a death wish.....
I could feel Blaze tensing behind me and I knew exactly what this cop was up to. He was trying to get him to bite. Regardless if he was bent he could still arrest him.
"Don't" I whispered pulling on the pocket of his jeans.
"What do you want?" Blaze asked
"In fact I'll wait until Franko comes back" He grinned getting to his feet. "You seem lovely little lady why the fuck are you with that scum bag?"
Tightening my hold on his jeans I got to my feet so I was standing in front of him. This guy was a right dick.
"My dad won't be back for a few days. I suggest you leave now and don't show up again until he's here". I could physically feel Blaze shaking behind me. Takes a lot for him
to back down.
"And one more thing" I called as he got to the door "Say that again and I'll put a bullet in your fucking head" I smirked as the smile fell from his face.
I didn't care that he was a cop I had never been in trouble with the law before but if Blaze placed his hands on that guy I knew he'd go straight back to jail.
"Have I ever told you that you're fucking hot when you're angry" He growled his arms slipping around my waist. "Appreciate you sticking up for me darlin'." Placing a kiss on my cheek he moved his hands so they were placed on my hips. "You hungry? I still want you to tell me what happened with Nate".
There is was...... he finally mentioned it.
"You didn't think I had forgot did you?" He asked as I slid off the stool.
"No Blaze I was wondering when you were going to bring him up but nothing really happened so there isn't much to tell". I shrugged.
"Is that you saying you aren't going to tell me?"
"Is that what I said?" I asked getting a little frustrated "Did you hear those words come out my mouth? In fact I'll speak to you later I'm going for a lie down" I felt like I was going to blow and I needed to get away from him before we ended up in a full blown argument over nothing.
"Ava?" He growled
"Just leave it Blaze I really need to go for a lie down and be on my own for a bit". Making my way to the room he didn't follow.
Standing in front of the mirror I pulled my top up tracing my fingers over the ugly scar that lay there. 2 more days and the stitches would be out. At least my face had
healed and I didn't look like I had gone 2 rounds with Mike Tyson anymore.
Hearing my phone vibrate from the bedside table I picked it up noticing I had a few texts from my mom.
'Hey baby I hope you're all right. Staying up here for a few more days :( your dads lucky I love him lol oh and the girls are asking for you xx'
'Ava I don't like when you don't message me back but I know you're safe and Blaze is with you xx'
She knew she had nothing to worry about but I know what she's like always panics over nothing. Quickly texting her back I fell onto the bed and closed my eyes. I didn't feel like myself, I missed being able to go and do what I wanted, I missed working heck I missed arguing with Blaze.
Opening my eyes I smiled at him "Coffee?" I asked as I sat up and took the mug from him. "Sorry for being moody I'm just fed up and taking it out on you" Taking a sip of my coffee I rested my head against the headboard.
"I can handle you Ava, if you want to shout at me to get it all out then go for it babe. I'd rather that than you keep it built up inside". He said taking a seat next to me.
"I'm okay just being stupid" I grinned taking his hand in mine. "My mom texted they're staying a few more days".
"I figured that when I got the call from your old man telling me to keep a close eye on you".
"They worry too much. They need to realise I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself".
"We all know you can but you're a target Ava and the main goal is to keep you safe. If those bastards get to you again god knows what will happen. I can't lose you not when I've just got you" Kissing the side of my head he put his hands out for me to take.
"Where are we going?" I asked as he helped me up.
"Out of sight out of mind darlin'."
"What does that even mean?" I muttered as he led me through the clubhouse.
"The beach?" I grinned when the car came to a stop. I hadn't been to the beach in forever, I don't know what it was but being near the water and feeling the sad between my toes always made me feel better.
"Good place to relax" He said unbuckling his seat belt and getting out. Following suit I couldn't help but smile when I noticed the picnic basket and the blanket under his
"Blaze" I whispered my teeth sinking into my bottom lip.
"Don't get all cute and shit you were fed up and I thought this would help".
"I love you even more for all the cute little things you do" I whispered slipping my hand into his. "But you're still my sexy ass hot headed bad boy biker".
"And don't you forget it" He growled slapping my ass as we began to walk.
As he lay the blanket on the sand I stopped for a minute just to take in the beauty of what was in front of me. I loved the sound of the waves crashing against the cliffs but also how peaceful and quiet it was and how relaxed it was making me feel.
"Thought you'd like this spot better, it's secluded so you can get naked if you want".
Feeling my mouth fall a jar I was about to respond when he started to chuckle. "I don't need to take you to a beach to get you naked" He whispered circling his arms around my waist and gently pulling me to him. "But I do think it would be pretty sexy to see". Nibbling on my neck my head fell against his shoulder.
If ever there was a time I was hating being injured now was it. Closing my eyes I enjoyed the way his lips were sucking on my neck and how every so often he would scrap my skin with his teeth.
Sweet Jesus I wanted him.....
"Blaze" I whispered turning my body so I could face him.
"I know babe I shouldn't be teasing you but fuck Ava it's getting hard" He sighed placing his forehead against mine.
I hated it, I hated that I didn't feel comfortable enough to have sex with my boyfriend.
"What are you thinking?" He asked my eyes opening so I could look at him.
"All I can think about is you. The way you make me feel, the way you make my body feel. The way my heart flips out when you think I don't notice you staring at me. Every little thing you do makes me fall for you that little bit more. Everything that happened in the past has made us come out stronger. God thinking about everything that I put you through....-"
"Stop right there" He growled taking a hold of my chin. "We both fucked up in some way Ava but baby I fucked up the most. I hate myself for what I did to you and how I treated you. To this day I still don't know why you gave me that chance. When the accident happened I thought about giving up" He sighed letting go of my chin and putting some space between us.
"I thought about leaving, going nomad and only checking in when I needed too. I thought you'd have been better off without me in your life and how much easier it would be without me around".
"You thought about leaving me?" I asked not liking the pain that appeared in my chest.
"I did babe I thought it would have been better but I couldn't go through with it. I thought of my life without you in it and it drove me crazy. I would rather be in your life with you hating me than be on the other side of the world and not seeing you everyday".
"Blaze" I whispered
"Everything happens for a reason darlin' I'm just glad you gave me this chance to prove I am good enough for you. I may not be the smartest or have a lot of money but trust me when I say I'll make sure you have the best life..... No baby you aren't meant to cry".
"I'm- I'm sorry I can't help it" I stuttered hating that my emotions were getting the better of me. I didn't want to cry but I couldn't help it.
"Come here" He whispered pulling me against his chest. Pulling back I watched his hand come up so it could wipe away my tears. Grabbing a hold of it I placed a kiss on top
of his knuckles.
"Take me home and make love to me"..