Big Novel


Chapter 76 

I wasn't sure how sore it was going to be. This was my first tattoo so I had no experience with them but surely they can't be that painful right? 

"I know that look babe and trust me it'll be over before you even find it painful. It's only a little B. Now have you decided where you want it?" He asked as he began to bring out his equipment. 

"Where do they usually go?" I asked having no idea whatsoever where I wanted it. 

Chuckling he shook his head and placed his tattoo gun on a sterile tray. "It can go anywhere you want it to go. Back in the day old lady's usually got it across their lower 


Like a tramp stamp?! 

"And by the look on your face I'm guessing that ain't going to happen?. Listen baby you're only getting my initial so it would be best to have it somewhere it isn't going to look stupid". 

"What if I want your full name?" I asked watching his eyes light up. Yeah I kinda thought I may as well go all out and get the full thing. "But I have one condition" I didn't know how he was going to react to this. 

"Name it" He grinned 

"If I get your full name I get it as Sean not Blaze" And just as I expected the smile vanished from his face his lips thinning into a hard line. 

"Babe you know how much this means to me but I can't tattoo that onto your body. I'll take the small B over that any day". 

He had a point. He wasn't known as Sean, to everyone he was Blaze and why should I make him put something on me that would technically mean nothing. 

"You're right" I smiled "I think I have the perfect place for that little B to go". 

"Are you sure you're okay with this? I get that you wanted my real name but sweets 'Blaze' is really all I've ever been called". He had everything set up down to the black 

sterile gloves on his hands. 

"Yes I'm fine with it. Now about where I want to put it" I grinned 

"And where's that?" He asked his lips pulling up into a smirk. Holy shit I couldn't wait for these casts to come off. Fair to say little shy Ava was getting frustrated. 

"Right here" I whispered holding up my left hand and pointing to my ring finger. 

"Perfect, now get that little ass over here so I can officially make you mine". 

"Like it?" He asked placing his tattoo gun down and removing his gloves. 

I couldn't stop staring at it. Yes it was only a letter and it was small but it was perfect. 

"I love it" I grinned "I never thought I'd ever get a tattoo never mind a guys initial but I'm so happy with it. Thank you". 

"No baby thank you" He said getting to his feet and walking to where I was. Kneeling down to my level he took my hand in his. "I never thought you'd get it done I know how much you were against it but know this Ava you have no idea how much it means to me in here" He whispered placing my hand over his heart. "It's a big deal in our world for an old lady to get that. Now every little punk that visits here will know you're mine when they clock that" Smirking he gently pulled me to my feet. 

Rolling my eyes I placed my hands against his chest "Everyone already knows I'm yours and I mean everyone. Not being big headed or anything but I'm hot and no one even looks at me anymore or checks me out I mean....... Not being able to hold it in any longer I burst out laughing at the way his facial expressions changed so quickly. "I'm kidding" I whispered sneaking my hand inside his cut and placing it over his heart. 

"You're fucking gorgeous Ava and trust me they look at you. If I had my way they'd all have fucking bullets in there skull" He growled gritting his teeth. 

"Hey calm down I was only kidding and if they do look then let them it doesn't mean anything. Can't have you killing every guy in here that looks at me, my dad would have no club left" I whispered watching the corners of his lips twitch. 

"Let me take you out" He whispered 


"Out where?" I asked not sure where he was going with this. Blaze wasn't exactly the romantic type. 

"On a date, let me treat you the way you deserve to be treated". 

Smiling I removed my hand from under his cut, walking towards the bed I took a seat on the end of it. 

"What's wrong sweets?" He asked taking a seat beside me. Truth was nothing was wrong he was trying to make this work, he was changing, I just hope I wasn't the only reason he was doing it. I didn't want him to change for me but I needed to know that he wanted to change for himself. 

"Nothings wrong Blaze I just feel a little overwhelmed. Could say I'm still not used to us being like this" I shrugged. 

"You sure it's just that?" Brushing the hair out my face he slipped two fingers under my chin turning my head towards him. 

"I'm sure" I grinned "Now how about you tell me more about this date". 

We had never been on a date before well not a proper one. 

"Can't I'd have to kill you if I did" He smirked leaning in and placing a kiss on my neck. 

Sighing I tilted my head back my lips parting and my eyes falling shut. "I can't wait to have you naked and under me" He whispered a little moan escaping my mouth as he nibbled on my ear lobe. Feeling my back hit the bed I peeled my eyes open my teeth sinking into my bottom lip at the way he was staring at me. It was like he was looking into my soul. 

"You're so fucking beautiful" He growled pulling on my lip "I'm trying really hard baby and that's not helping". 

"I need a drink......." 

I wanted to cry!! 

"Shit my bad". Ally yelled slamming the bedroom door shut behind her. 

"I'm really starting to fucking hate her" Blaze snapped a chuckle falling from my lips. Rolling to the other side of the bed he placed his arm over his forehead "Seriously 

could her timing be any worse?". 

Rolling my eyes I pulled myself into a sitting position before getting to my feet. "She's had a rough day cut her some slack" I smiled grabbing a hold of my crutch. "I'm going to see what's up with her. You staying here or is there something you have to do?". 

"Gonna work on my bike babe" Getting off the bed he was by my side wrapping his arms around my waist. "She's not keeping you all night" He whispered "I have a surprise for you later". 

Feeling my cheeks grow hot I had a feeling I already knew what that surprise was. 

"Help yourself why don't you" Blaze said as we entered the bar area, Ally sat in the corner a bottle of whiskey in front of her. 

Something was up with her I knew that much. Sitting down beside her I waited for her to speak first. I knew it was coming I just wasn't sure if I was prepared for what she was going to tell me. 

"I hate men" She sighed knocking back another whiskey shot. "Like seriously Ava I hate them, I hate him". 


"What's happened?" I asked knowing she was ready to blurt everything out. You bottle so much stuff up inside that one day enough is enough and you can't take it anymore. 

"lam haven't heard from him Ava. He hasn't called he hasn't texted heck I don't even know where he is. I know I say it annoys me when he calls me all the time but truth is it makes me feel safe and lets me know he's okay but I don't know is he's safe Ava. He could be dead for all I know especially with everything going on" She cried tears falling from her eyes. "I need to know he's safe". 

Moving closer I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer to me. "He'll be okay Ally he's not stupid and I'm sure he'll turn up when he's knows he can". I had no idea what to say to her. She was the one that always gave me the advice, I sucked at it. 

"One text Ava that's all I need. I'm going out of my mind thinking something bad has happened to him". Sobbing into my chest I could feel my own eyes start to water. She was my best friend and I didn't like it when she was upset. As she pulled back I wiped my eyes as she poured herself another drink. 

"He'll be fine Ally you've just got to give him time and please try and not worry about him to much and that" I said swiping the bottle of whiskey away from her "Is not going 

to make you feel any better". 

"You're right" Pushing the glass away from her. "I don't know what I'd do without you A". She croaked giving me a half smile. 

Hearing the clubhouse door swing open diverted my attention. Feeling my mouth fall open slightly I sunk my teeth into my bottom lip at the sight of him. Old dirty denim jeans that were covered in oil, bare chested, his hair in a man bun and the beard that he had yet to shave. 

What the hell was he trying to do to me? 

Blaze was the definition of a mans man. Rough and ready. As I openly stared at him I couldn't stop the little moan that fell from my lips. 

"Did you just....." 

"Huh?" I whispered now feeling slightly embarrassed that I was getting all hot and bothered while staring at my boyfriend while my best friend was sitting here upset. What the fuck is wrong with me? 

Giggling she pushed my shoulder "Guessing you haven't jumped on that yet?". 

Peeling my eyes away from him as he disappeared into the bar I glanced at Ally. "What did you say?" I asked 

"You need to get laid Ava, jump on that dick heck let him do all the work until you're better but for the love of god fuck that fine piece of ass before you end up having an orgasm just by looking at him". 

"Say it like it is" I laughed "He wants to take me on a date but I don't want to until my casts are off". 

"Like a date date?" She smirked 

"Yes so I want to impress him and I can't do that with these on" I sighed "He's only ever seen me dressed up once and even then I wasn't exactly at my best. Everything is perfect right now so when we do go out I want him to be proud to have me on his arm. I want him to be proud that I'm his old lady". 

"Are you on drugs?" She asked 

"What? Why would you say that?" 

"You're gorgeous Ava and Blaze loves you everyone can see it. You could put on a bin bag and he'd still think you're perfect. Seriously what goes on in that head of yours? Of course he's proud to have you and he's one lucky son of a bitch. You are the strongest most loyal person I've ever met". 

Yep she got me crying. 

"Everyone has insecurities Ally and I know he loves me but I still want to be able to take his breath away. Is that stupid?" I whispered 

"Ava why are you crying?"He growled 


Wiping at my eyes I smiled at him "No reason how's the bike going?" 

"I'll leave you too it" Leaning in she wrapped her arms around me and squeezed me tight "You have nothing to worry about". 

"Bye Blaze and if he contacts you will you let me know?". 

Nodding his head his eyes never left mine "Gonna tell me what's up? I don't like to see you cry". 

"I'm alr-...." 

"Bullshit Ava" Cutting me off he started to pace up and down. "I can't fix it if you don't tell me what's going on. You don't cry for nothing baby". 

"Me and Ally were talking stuff got said and I started to cry and before you lose it she didn't say anything bad. It's not a big deal Blaze honestly I'm fine". 

"I know you're not and I know something is bothering you. I just wish you would tell me what's goingiy on in that little mind of yours". 

"I don't want to go on a date until my casts are off. I want to be able to impress you and I can't when these are still on". 

"Baby please don't tell me that's what you were upset about?" He asked taking a seat beside me. "How many times do I have to tell you you're perfect before you start believing me?" 

"Everyone has insecurities Blaze and I'm no different" Now I felt stupid and I didn't want to talk about it anymore. 

"Tell me what your insecure about? Don't give me that look Ava, if something is bothering you or worrying you thennd I sure as hell want to know. You're my girl and I hate seeing you like this. I know when something's up baby but it kills me that you don't think you can talk to me". Sighing he got to his feet, heading towards the bar he got 

himself a beer. 

What was the point in keeping it from him? I knew I was stupid to think it but I couldn't help it. "I want you to be proud that I'm your old lady, I want you to be proud that I'm on your arm. I want to be able to take your breath away and I want you to think 'fuck is she really mine' every time you look at me. I need to know that you feel exactly the same way I do when I look at you or when I'm with you. I know it's stupid but you wanted to know what was going on in my head well there you have it". 

His back was to meyi so I couldn't read his expressions, couldn't see what he was thinking. I guess I had the insecurity that he would ditch me as soon as something better came a long, someone younger when I get older. I knew I was being daft but I couldn't stop everything that was going on in my head. We were getting on so good right now and I was seeing a side to him that he only let me peek at a few times. Was I thinking too much? Probably but I was after all a girl and when we fall we fall hard. 

"You have no fucking idea do you?" 

Snapping out of my thoughts I watched him as he made his way towards me. "I've been in love with you since the first time I laid eyes on you all them years ago. I knew from the start that one day I'd make you my wife. I don't know how many times you want me to tell you how much I love you, how much I care about you and to finally have you as mine fuck baby everything is going right for me for once. Do you know how hard it was for me to ride back and forth and not once talk to you? To never approach you or batter every little fucker that spoke to you?!". 

"Blaze I'm-...." 

Let me finish" He said lighting up a cigarette "I've never felt like this Ava not once, you make me feel things the guys would rip me for. I have a reputation baby and you know it's not a good one but you see the good in me you bring the good out in me. To have someone like you, someone so beautiful and strong as my girl fuck Ava I'm the luckiest guy alive. I worship you darlin' I'm thankful everyday to be blessed with you. God I sound like a fucking pansy, if the guys could hear me now...." 

Laughing I wiped away my tears "Fuck the guys and fuck everyone else" Grabbing a hold of his belt I pulled him closer to me. "You have no idea how much that means to me. I appreciate everything you do for me now give me a kiss". 

"Look at you getting all demanding" He smirked leaning in closer but not close enough. "Would you like your surprise now?" He whispered making the hairs on the back of 

my neck standing up. 

Trailing my fingers up his bare chest I could feel his muscles tightening. "We - we need to behave" I stuttered finding it hard to concentrate when he was sucking on my 


Sighing he pulled away from my neck and placed a kiss on my lips. "I'm going for a shower you be okay here?" 


Watching him walk away I knew straight away that he was getting frustrated. The longer I put it off the harder it seemed to get but I didn't want to have sex until I had the proper use of my hand and leg again. Deep down I knew he understood that but it still bothered me that I couldn't give him what he obviously needed. 

But if he loves me he'll wait...right? 

"VP about?"..... 

I really needed to stop going off in a world of my own. I didn't even hear Jared come in. 

"He's in the shower" Jared wasn't exactly my favourite person but I knew all in all he wasn't a bad guy we just got off on the wrong foot. 

"How long till they come off?" He asked nodding towards my leg. 

"13 days and counting" I grinned as he grabbed himself a beer and took the chair opposite me. He was trying to make conversation so I was going to be nice. Was it weird that I felt a little awkward?! 

"Ah so you finally made it official?" He asked his eyes falling onto my hand. And there I thought it was too small for people to notice.
