Big Novel


Chapter 75 


I had only been waiting 10 mins but he had until half past and if he wasn't here I was leaving. 

'If he isn't here by half past I'll leave. Happy?' 


Smiling to myself I shoved my phone inside my jacket pocket. I was starting to get frustrated, if it was one thing I hated it was people being late. Everyone has a phone, why couldn't he just message to say he was running late? Or text to say he couldn't make it. I had no patience when it came to stuff like this. 

That was it...... 

Sighing I scraped back my chair and stood up. I wasn't waiting any longer if I did I'd just get angry. 

"Are you okay?". Fred asked as he approached me. "Can I get you anything?". 

"No thank you Fred I was just leaving" I smiled just as the person in question walked in. Not being able to take my eyes of him I gave him a good once over. He looked good, healthy and he was sporting a well groomed beard. 

"I'll leave you to it" Fred winked as he sauntered off. 

Why did he wink? 

"I'm sorry Ava I had business to attend to and traffic is insane right now. Shall we sit?" He asked unbuttoning his suit jacket. 

Taking a seat once again I watched his every move. "Would you like something to eat or drink?" Eyes wondering over the menu he hadn't looked at me once since he came 


"Why am I here?" I asked wanting to get straight to the point. I had already waited 20 minutes for him. 

"I'll get to that now would you like something to eat? Maybe some wine?". He asked his eyes finally connecting with mine. 

"No thank you I'm still on pain killers so I can't drink". 

Signalling for the waiter to come over he placed his food ordered. "Fred can you bring over a bottle of wine. Ava would you like anything else?". 

Okay now I was starting to get annoyed and I never thought Nate would cause that to happen. 

"I'm okay with water"....... 

"Shame you can't have any it tastes divine" He smiled sipping on his wine. 

"Nate...." I sighed 

"I brought you here to apologise. I should have been there, I should have been the one by your bedside everyday. Ava you don't know how sorry I am that I wasn't there for you or that I haven't been there for you". 

"Nate you don't-...." 

"I do" He sighed cutting me off "Please let me finish. There are so many excuses I could tell you right now as to why I didn't but the truth is you didn't need me there not when you had Blaze. I had my head in the clouds thinking we could ever work and I don't mean that in a bad way. I knew from the start your heart belonged to him I guess I thought I could worm my way in but let's face it you're in love with my brother and sweetheart that's okay". 

Oh my.... I wasn't expecting that. 

"I can't speak on behalf of him Ava but I hope to god he knows how lucky he is to have someone like you by his side. You're good for him, I can already see that you make him a better person". 

"I really did like you Nate" I whispered aware of the lump that had appeared in the back of my throat. "But I love him". 

"I know you do" He smiled leaning his hand over the table and laying it on top of mine. "Just know that I have all the time in the world for you Ava and regardless of my relationship with my brother I'll always have his back. Anytime you need something or you're in trouble don't hesitate to pick up the phone. I still hope we can be friends". 

My head was all over the place. I wasn't expecting any of that and I had no idea how to respond. I still wanted Nate to be in my life, he was a good guy and regardless of anything he was one hell of a friend. 

"I would like that" I smiled feeling my phone vibrate from inside my pocket. Pulling it out Blazes name was flashing on the screen. 

"He never was patient" Nate chuckled as I pushed my seat back and stood up. "Tell me about it" I grinned silencing my phone once again. "I have to go". 

Getting to his feet he pulled me in for a hug which I gladly accepted. "Don't be a stranger Ava and remember I will be expecting an invite to the wedding". 

Laughing I pulled back "That better have been a joke. I'll see you soon Nate and thank you, thank you for just being you". 

Making my way out of the bar I clocked sight of Blaze leaning against the bumper smoking a cigarette. Walking towards him he pushed himself off and matched my movements. Once he was reachable I circled my arms around his waist and lay my head against his chest. Feeling his arms circle my waist and rest on my lower back I sighed. 

"Babe you okay?" He asked 

"Better than okay" I smiled pulling my head back so I could look at him. "Let's go home we still have one more thing to do". 

"Hm and what's that?" He grinned slipping his hand in mine as we walked back to the car. 

"If I told you I'd have to kill you" I smiled as he clipped my seatbelt in and made his way round the other side. 

Starting up the car he pulled away from the side of the road and headed for the clubhouse. I was waiting for him to ask me what happened but it never came. We sat in silence for most of the car journey back well that was until we arrived at the clubhouse to find police cars everywhere. 

"You have got to be fucking kidding me" Blaze growled hitting his hand off the steering wheel. 

"Please don't tell me you have a gun" I sighed watching the commotion that was going on in front of me. 

I already knew the answer, he was packing I mean when was he not. Sighing I slipped my hand around the waistband of his jeans and pulled it out. Looking around me my heart jumped into my throat when I saw a policeman walking towards the car. 

They were only here a few weeks ago what could they possibly want now? 

Thinking fast I shoved the gun down the cast on my leg. My leg was almost healed so I had no pain and the gun fit perfectly. 

Hearing the chap on the window I rolled it down and made eye contact him. I hadn't seen him before and I knew quite a few of the officers from them popping in and out of the hospital. 

"What can I do for you officer?" I asked catching the way he was glancing at Blaze. 

"I'd appreciate if you both stepped out of the vehicle. I need to ask you some questions". 

"Sure no problem. Blaze could you reach in the back for my crutch please" I didn't know why the cops were here but I was in no way going to be unpleasant. 

Catching him looking at my leg and my hand he held his hands up. "If it's easier miss you can stay seated. I had no idea you were in a cast". 

"Thank you but I'm perfectly fine to get out. Do you mind if I ask what this is about?". As Blaze opened the door he passed me my crutch and helped me out. 

"It's not personal we just have some questions for Mr Roberts. Have you seen him?". He asked 


"And it takes 6 of you to come here and ask questions? Fucking bullshit."...... 


"Again I'm only here to ask about Mr Roberts"... 

"Yeah well he ain't here and we ain't seen him" Blaze all but growled out. "Now if that's all you can fuck off". Lighting up a cigarette he nodded his head in the direction of the clubhouse. "Let's go sweetheart". 

Watching him walk off I turned to the police officer "Sorry about him he just doesn't like it when this happens. Sure if you were actually here on police business then it would be fine but my dad and the rest of them are sick of cleaning up the mess". 

"I get it and next time you might want to hide that gun a little quicker. Pass this on to your old man. Marko sent me said your dad needs an in I got transferred yesterday tell 

him I'll be in touch". 

What the fuck? 

Watching the police cars round up and pull out of the clubhouse I stared after them with my mouth hanging open. What the hell just happened? 

"Babe you coming?" Blaze called turning my attention away from what just happened. 

Walking over to him he helped me up the steps and into the clubhouse. At least this time they hadn't trashed the place. 

"Take the gun out my cast wouldn't want me killing anyone again". 

"Funny" He growled removing the gun and slipping it back into the waistband of his jeans. "You hungry or did pretty boy feed you?". 

"That cops dirty" I said a little louder than I expected causing everyone around me to stop what they were doing. 


"What did you just say?" My dad asked his footsteps the only thing you could here as he stomped towards me. 

"That cop that was asking us about Mr Roberts by the way who the hell is that?" I asked going off topic. 

"Cage" My dad growled "Little pricks about to have a date with the end of my barrel. Now tell me how you know he's dirty?". 

"Where's mom?" I couldn't see her and she was always stuck to my dads hip. Wasn't like her not to be here. 

"Ava focus" My dad snapped clicking his fingers in front of my face. 


"He told me" I shrugged attempting to walk to the bar for a drink, of course that didn't happen. 

"Gotta do better than that sweetheart. Now tell me word for word before I lose my shit"..... 

Yeah my dad was a scary man when he needed to be. 

"He said Marko sent him because you needed an in he said he'll be in touch. Now can I go get a drink?" I asked sweetly 

"I call bullshit" Jared piped up 

"Well no one asked you did they?" I said not actually meaning for it to come out. This is why I need to think before I speak. 

"Ava" My dad roared causing me to wince. What? I wasn't exactly Jared's biggest fan. Rolling my eyes I finally made my way to the bar. I had been craving cola all day. 

"Get her to whined her neck in Blaze"...... 

Turning my head round quickly my eyes fell into slits when I noticed Jared smirking at me. God I would love to wipe that smirk off his face. Just as I was about to give him a smart ass reply the look on Blazes face told me I wouldn't like the outcome if I did. 

"Ears to the ground I need to know if this fucker is who he says he is. Im away to call Marko. I want the rest of you to find out more and I still want you riding in twos and carrying at all times. This shit is still hot we have to be careful. Now fuck off and do some work". 

"How come you aren't fucking off and doing some work?" I grinned as he sat on the stool beside me. 

"VP darlin' but you're right I should be doing something. You said we had one more thing to do when we got back what was it?" He asked pulling out a smoke. 

"I'll tell you tonight when you come back" I didn't need to tell him I was ready for him to tattoo me. I had no idea how ready I was for the pain but I knew it was the right time. 

"Will I like it?" He smirked his tongue coming out to wet his bottom lip. 

Sweet Jesus....... 

"You'll love it" I winked my smirk now matching his. I loved the playfulness we had and I know I've said it before but it felt good not to be at each other's throats. 

"Tease" He whispered leaning in and placing his lips against mine. I had no idea how much I was into it until I heard someone clear their throat. 


"Hey Tommy" I smiled very aware that my cheeks were on fire right now. 

"Hey kid sorry to interrupt but I gotta steal your man for a few".... 

"Say what you gotta say in front of her". Blaze piped up cutting him off. 

Club business was club business and that meant that I usually got to know nothing so for him to say that it kinda caught me off guard. 

Catching Tommy's smirk I watched as he slapped Blaze on the back and pulled him in for a man hug "Fucking finally it's about time too. Glad to see you finally manned the fuck up and claimed what is yours now when are you making it official?". 

"Still sitting here" I waved really not in the mood to discuss my personal life with a guy that's knew me since I was in diapers. 

"Sorry darlin'." Tommy chuckled "Prez wants you to stay here with Ava. Everyone else is already left, me and Franko are heading up to see Marko". 

"Where's my mom?" I asked again really not liking that she wasn't here. 


"Right here" my mom said as she walked towards me carrying my little brother in his car seat. She was right when she said all he did was sleep. 

"How you doing baby?" She asked placing a kiss on my cheek. 

"You going with dad?" I asked 

"I don't want to but that big idiot won't let me stay" She sighed rolling her eyes. 

"Who's the big idiot?" He growled wrapping his arms around her waist from behind and pulling her against him. Giggling she ran her hands over his arms "No one baby" She winked at me causing me to smile. 

It still amazed me at how much she had him wrapped around her finger. All those years apart and yet looking at them now you'd think they hadn't spent a day away from 

each other. 

"No" I sighed 


I was starting to get a sore head. 

"Blaze....." I groaned. 

He had decided it was time to give me his moms ring. And before you all start going off your head no he didn't propose it was more of a promise ring until it was the right 


"Ava it's going to be yours anyway so why not wear it now? Wear it on your right hand and when the times right baby we'll swap it over". 

Truth was I didn't want to lose it. I knew how much his mom meant to him and I knew the ring was very important. 

"Please don't make me take something so important from you". 

"You're the most important person to me sweets and this ring deserves to be on your finger it's yours". 

"I get that but I don't want to wear it in case I lose it and there's a high chance that will happen. Please keep it safe and just buy me a jelly one" I smiled 

"A jelly one?" He smirked walking behind the bar and grabbing a beer. It was strange to be in the clubhouse with just a few club girls. I wasn't used to it being so quiet. 

"A jelly one" I repeated as he placed fresh juice in front of me. 

"If you insist" He grinned placing the ring back inside his inside pocket. 

"I don't think I've ever seen the place so quiet. Do these girls ever go home?" I asked 

"Do you want them to go home?" 

"I never said that" Taking a sip of my juice I watched as the girls cleaned the clubhouse. 

"They work here. Your dad pays them to clean and make sure the place is tidy but if you want to get me on my own darlin' all you had to do was ask" He smirked. 

"I'm just not used to the place being quiet is all I mean there is literally no guys here's expect you and you're only here to babysit me". 

"Babe I haven't taken a day off ever so if your dad considers me spending all day with my old lady a days work then I'll do it all the fucking time". 

"Oh so it's moved from babysitting to a days work?" I asked my eyes falling into slits. "And there I thought it was because you liked spending time with me". 

"I do and you have the sexiest ass I've ever seen so that's an added bonus" He winked coming out from the bar and taking the seat to my left. "Gonna tell me what we still have left to do since I'm not going anywhere". 

I was curious as to why he still hadn't brought up Nate. 

"Hm nope" I grinned wanting to see how far I could go with this before he lost his head. 

Watching his eyebrows knit together he sighed before pulling his cigarettes out and lighting one up. "What about if I guess?". 

"You could" I shrugged knowing he'll never get it. 

"You're going to let me play with that little pussy?". He smirked causing me to choke on my juice. 

"Really Blaze?" 

As much as I got embarrassed talking about sex I loved that he was so confident about it and how he was so good at it. 

"You should because now I know you're thinking about it and I bet if I slipped my fingers in you'd be soaking wet". 

"Blaze" I whispered looking around myself making sure no one heard him. He wasn't exactly being quiet. 

"I love how those little cheeks blush it's fucking adorable now tell me" He chuckled placing his hand over mine. 

"I want you to tattoo me" I smiled "I know how important it is for you and I know I was against it but I'm ready for it now. I want everyone in here to know that I'm your old lady even though they probably already know I want to make it official". 

"Babe are you being serious right now?" He asked getting to his feet. 

"Deadly serious" I grinned as he picked me up in his arms. Laughing at the way he was acting he burst through his bedroom door and sat me on the bed. 

"You have no idea how much this means to me Ava. I know that we've been through a lot and most of that has been shit because of me but baby this is it. You're my girl, my old lady, you'll be the mother of my kids. It's forever sweets and you best believe you ain't getting rid of me now". Placing his lips on mine he grabbed a hold of my face in both hands "I love you darlin' I always fucking have".
