Big Novel


Chapter 72 

'Don't be afraid to use it' 

"I swear you are going to get me hung drawn and quartered" Ally muttered from beside me knocking me out of my own thoughts. 

"He knows I have my own mind Ally and when I get something stuck in my head I have to see it through". 

I knew what I was doing was stupid but I was the reason they were stuck in this mess. I had to try and sort it and if this was the only way I could then so be it. 

"How do you even know he'll be here?" She asked as she stopped at a red light. 

"I don't but I need to try and see him. I know he'll have a way to get a message to them. Men with money always do". 

"I have a really bad feeling about this Ava. You haven't seen him for a long time. How do you know he'll even help you?". 

"Again I don't but I have to try. Take a left up here....." 

"I know where the Hilton hotel is Ava I'm not stupid" She snapped "We're so dead again....Cage told me if I pull any more shit he will end it". 


"When did he say that?" I asked 

Sighing she turned into the car park of the hotel and stopped the car. "Today after we got back but you're my best friend Ava of course I'll help you out anyway I can. I love Cage and he doesn't even know it but if he's willing to end it over me helping you out then I guess this whole love thing is one sided". 

"Drop me off at the door and go back" I couldn't let her ruin a relationship that I know is worth it. I know he loves her, can see it every time they are together. He's so possessive of her. 

"Are you crazy?" She asked "I'd rather we both get our asses whooped and be miserable than it all fall back on you. Besides they'll know straight away it was me that got you here. What's the point in bailing out now?" 

"I don't want to be the one that ruined your relationship. I can't have you blaming me for that. Cage is the one for you I just know he is" I smiled 

Bursting into a fit of laughter she smacked her hand of the steering wheel. Did I miss something?! 

"Ava can you not see what's right in front of you?! The more you push him away the harder he's going to push back. You need to take your own advice, stop fighting what's going on between you two and for once just let it happen. And if I'm being completely honest I think we should turn the car around and go back before we both end up dead". 


"What's the worst that could happen? Huh? Stop fighting him and actually let him be what he wants to be. Let him look after you". 

"I already let him in, I let him be who he wanted to be and he cheated on me" I sighed "Turn the car around I want to go home". 

Silence...... it wasn't until we were nearly home she started speaking again. 

"What if it's different this time?". 

"It might be" I shrugged "but how many more chances can I give him? I can't sit around and be what he wants me to be. He can't wrap me in cotton wool Ally". 

"It's your decision Ava but I genuinely don't think you have anything to worry about this time especially not woman anyway". 

"I don't know" I whispered as we pulled into the car park of the club house. 

"Damnit they're already back" Ally sighed just as I noticed the door to the clubhouse being pulled open. 

"And you were taking me to the hospital to get more pain relief " I smiled taking the extra ones out my back. 

"Thank you Jesus" She whispered as she blessed herself before jumping out the car - avoiding any contact with Blaze as he was walking towards me. 

"And before you say anything I needed to go pick up more pain relief". I muttered as he opened the door and undid my seatbelt. 

Not saying a word he picked me up gently in his arms and carried me into the clubhouse. Ignoring everyone in his passing he took me straight to his room locking the door 

once we were in. 

What was going on? 

Placing me on top of the bed I watched as he disappeared into the bathroom. What was he up to?! Did I do something I don't know about to piss him off?! 

Hearing the door open my eyes met his - he had completely stripped down to his boxers. What the hell was going on? 

"You look confused" He smirked as he walked around the bed and took up the other side. 

I was confused.... 

"Am I missing something?" I asked. 

It wasn't even 10 o'clock and he was in bed next to me. He's never usually here at this time never mind in bed. 

"What do you mean?" He smiled his fingers running over the top of my thigh. 

"Blaze you're here in bed with me and it's not even 10 o'clock. What's going on?" I sighed not sure if he was up to something or not. 

"Can't I just spend the night with my old lady?" He sighed 

"And I'm your old lady?" I asked trying to fight my smile. Regardless of how many times he's said it, it still did something to my insides. 

"Always have been always will be" He smirked moving his hand to cup my cheek. "Is that alright with you?". 

Maybe I should just go with it. Let him look after me, maybe I should stop fighting it and see what happens. 

"I don't want a tattoo Blaze and before you start I don't need a piece of ink on my body to prove I'm yours". I blurted out having no idea how he was going to take it. I knew it was a big deal in the clubhouse. 

"Its tradition Ava, you have to get it to make it official in the eyes of my brothers. I've already told you this" He whispered keeping his cool which I was a little surprised by. 

"I don't want your name tattooed on my body and I don't want to argue but you can't make me get it". 

"Ava....." he paused pinching the bridge of his nose. "What about a small tiny B?" He asked. 

A tiny b?! I guess that was better than his full name..... 

"Do I get to choose where it goes?" I asked watching as his eyes lit up. 

"As long as I know it's on you I don't care where I put it" He grinned 

"And we can do it when I'm ready?" I was going to give him another chance, I was finally going to stop fighting whatever it was between us but I wasn't ready for the tattoo just yet. 

"Whenever you're ready baby" He whispered taking my hand and bringing it to his lips "Whenever you're ready". 

"Okay" I whispered 

"Or we could do it now I have my stuff here" He smirked "I mean it would take me like a minute". 


Laughing he moved closer to me his arm resting over my stomach "I'm kidding we'll do it when you're ready. Now how about I go get some food and you can pick a film. Sound good?". 

What had happened to him? A film? 

"Sounds good" I smiled as he moved his head up catching my lips in his. 

"Pick whatever you want, I won't be long". 

Won't be long my ass....... 

Grabbing my phone from the bedside cabinet I noticed I had a message from a number I didn't recognise. 

'I need to see you' 

Frowning I hit the reply button not really sure who I was replying to. 

"Who's this?" 

Just as I hit send the bedroom door opened "I hope you're hungry I got a lot" He grinned placing the bags on the bed. 

"Did you buy the full store?" I laughed picking up the goodies he had just bought. 

"Didn't know what you fancied so I got a mixture. I'm going to go get this hot stuff plated. Did you pick a film yet?" He asked 

"Hm not yet haven't moved an inch since you left" I smiled "You pick something, I'm not really bothered what we watch". Truth be told I was more up for talking. This whole chilling out together and relaxing wasn't him. 

But maybe it was.......maybe this was the side he kept hidden. 

As he went to plate our food my phone vibrated in my hand. 

'It's Nate..I need to see you. Please Ava' 

What could he possibly want to see me about? I hadn't seen Nate in weeks. Yes I had a lot of messages from him and I had replied to none of them. I still didn't like that he didn't visit me, I still needed a reason as to why he never showed. 

"What's causing that frown?" 

Immediately locking my phone I looked up my eyes landing on his. "That smells amazing" I grinned my stomach growling. 

"A little bit of everything. Now eat I haven't seen you eat proper food in ages" Handing me my plate he took the space beside me. I didn't hesitate to dig in. 

We ate in silence. It wasn't uncomfortable it wasn't awkward it was nice and for once it felt normal. To chill out together with some food and a movie. To actually act like a normal couple instead of something going wrong every 5 minutes. 

Wait were we even a couple? 

"What are you thinking?" He asked breaking the silence. 

"I like this" I smiled "This is good Blaze it's normal and god knows how long it's been since it's felt normal". 

Chuckling he got to his feet placing his now empty plate on the bedside table. "Can't remember the last time I chilled out with a girl to watch a movie". Scratching the back of his head he began to get out of his clothes. "You're changing me Ava". 

Feeling stuffed I placed my plate to the side of me and rubbed at my stomach. I ate that way to fast. Deciding to ignore the part about me changing him I brought up something else instead. 

"What happened tonight?". 

Taking my plate off the bed he placed it beside his. "The little you know about what is going on the better now did you pick a film yet?" He asked climbing in beside me. 

I wasn't going to push it. If he didn't think I needed to know then I was dropping it. 

"I'd rather just talk but we can watch a film if you want". I said turning my head so I could look at him. 

Maybe I'm wrong but something felt different about this time, I felt different about it. Could it be because I'm not going to put up a fight anymore? I'm actually going to take Ally's advice and let whatever was going on between us happen. 

"I'm good with just talking sweets" Yawning he snaked his arm over my stomach resting his hand on my hip. 

"I have something to tell you" I muttered not sure how this was going to go. If this was going to work, if I wanted it to work then I had to tell him about Nate contacting me. 

Hearing him sigh he propped his head on his elbow. "I'm all ears darlin'." 

Just as I had mentally prepared what I was going to say my phone vibrated against my leg. I didn't need to look to know who it was. 

I had no idea why I was afraid to tell him I mean it's not as if I wasn't used to arguing with him or dealing with how horrible his words could be. 

"Ava please just tell me you're starting to worry me". Placing his other hand over my good one he gave it a little squeeze. 

"Nate texted me saying he needed to see me" Sinking my teeth into my bottom lip I waited for the blow but surprisingly it didn't come. 

"When?". He forced out through gritted teeth. 

"Tonight when you were out getting food. Blaze please don't be angry I didn't message him back and I'm telling you about it. I'm telling you because I want us to work this time and that means no secrets, no lies". 

"I'm not angry Ava I'm pissed I told him not to contact or come near you and this is what he does......" 

"Blaze" I sighed sliding my hand out of his so I could cup his cheek "There's no need to be pissed about it, no point in letting it get to you. I didn't respond to it and I won't so please put it out of your mind". 

"I want you to reply".... 


"Message him back and ask him why he needs to see you. I want to know what he's up to". 

Letting my hand fall from his cheek I continued to stare at him. Of course I was curious as to what Nate wanted but I never thought I'd ever hear those words come out of 

his mouth. 

"Why?" I asked knowing nothing good would ever come out of this. Blaze was a jealous guy heck we all knew that and he wanted me to text his brother back. 

"He's up to something Ava, he has to be". He muttered more to himself than me. 

Sighing I picked up my phone opening the message he had just sent and hitting the reply button. "What do you want me to say?" I asked 

"Ask him why he needs to see you and then when he replies we'll take it from there" He grinned. 

"Why are you grinning?" This wasn't funny. I didn't want to hurt Nate, that wasn't my intention.
