Big Novel


Chapter 73 

"Nothing darlin'." Moving in closer to me he started moving his finger around my hip bone. Even a small thing like that was relaxing. It wasn't everyday that we got to do this In fact I don't think we've ever did this. It was nice not to be at each other's throats every chance we got. 

After sending the message I lay my phone flat on Blazes chest. "He really isn't a bad guy" I whispered not sure how far he was going to let me push this. I mean I didn't know the reason as to why they didn't talk, I just knew that Blaze had a hatred for him. 

Laughing he shook his head. I wasn't daft I knew it was a sarcastic laugh but him nor Nate had ever told me. 

"You have no idea sweetheart, no fucking idea".... 

"Then tell me" I said moving slightly so I could sit up. "Why do you hate him so much? You can't even say his name without it upsetting you. So please tell me what happened". 

"Story for another time darlin'. Here" Giving me my phone I opened up the message aware that he could read every word. 

'I just need to see you Ava. Meet me at the wine bar where we first met. Tomorrow noon. I'll be there. N x' 

"Aw look he sent a little kiss at the end. How fucking cute". He spat 

Rolling my eyes I placed my phone on the bedside drawers before trying my hardest to get comfortable. Leaning my head against his shoulder I knew he was still pissed over the message. He'll say he's not but I know him well enough now to read him like a book. Sighing I started running my finger over his forearm feeling the smooth bits of skin where he had scars. 

"Did you think this would have happened?" He asked 

"Hmm?" I mumbled 

Sitting up he grabbed my good hand in his "This, us? Did you ever think we would get here?". 

"Acting like a real couple?" I laughed stroking my thumb over his knuckles. 

"Smartass" he chuckled "I mean us being together". 

"No I didn't, my life flipped upside down as soon as I got here. Everything was wild and out of control and I hated it. I guess I was always set on not staying here, not being a part of this family this lifestyle but then I realised when I woke up in hospital I needed it. As much as I acted like a spoilt child and kept pushing everyone away I didn't realise back then that I need my family more than I need anything. I'm not fighting it anymore Blaze, I'm tired I want to be happy. I want to be with you I think deep down I always knew I would be". 

"You have no idea how much I want to fuck you right now."..... 


"Make love to you....." 

"That's better" I grinned "But I'm not having sex with you". Very aware of his fingers sliding over my stomach my breath hitched as he got to the very bottom, tickling the bare skin that lay there. 

"Sure about that darlin'?" His voice had lowered and I knew he was turned on. 

Pulling my bottom lip between my teeth I closed my eyes and counted to 10. Taking a deep breath I opened my eyes and looked at him. "Positive Blaze, I'm not having sex with you". I smiled taking his hand and moving it up. "Not yet anyway". No matter how much I wanted to I wasn't allowing it to happen. 

"How positive are you?"..... 


Laughing he took my hand in his and brought it to his mouth laying a kiss on my knuckles "I'm joking sweets right now I'm happy with having you here and when the casts comes off I'll have you here" He smirked taking my hand and placing it over his very hard dick. 

"And there I thought you were being cute" I smiled removing my hand and placing it on my leg. 

Throwing his head back a hearty laugh escaped his mouth "Did you just call me cute darlin'?". Matching his laugh I hit his shoulder with my good hand. "I think you could be" Sticking out my tongue his laugh was cut short when my dad burst into the room. 

Instantly he had his game face back on..... 

"We got a problem prez?" Blaze asked jumping out of bed and pulling his jeans on. 

Nothing, he was just stood staring. 

"Dad?" I questioned 

"Do you know how long I've waited to here that throughout this clubhouse" He grunted moving closer and taking a seat on the edge of the bed. 

Looking at Blaze I noticed the shit eating grin that had took over his face. What was I missing? 

"He's talking about you laughing babe"...... 

"I was getting to that" My dad grunted as he pulled a smoke from his cut pocket. "Get the fuck out till I speak to my daughter". 

Rolling my eyes I watched as Blaze pulled a shirt over his head before leaving me alone with my old man. 

"Smoke?" He offered passing me his lit cigarette. Taking it from him earned me a smack to the back of the head. 

"Hey what was that for?" I asked rubbing the back of my head. 

"Shouldn't be smoking A, they aren't good for you".... 

"Says the guy that smokes about 40 a day. When was the last time you had a check up?" I asked passing him his smoke back. 

"Don't you start I've had you're mother on my back for weeks about getting seen". 

"You should listen to her" I said a yawn escaping my mouth. 

"I'll leave you be darlin' looks like you're getting tired". Watching him get to his feet I frowned. 

"Was there something you wanted?" I asked as he made his way to the door. 

"Nah darlin' I'll see you tomorrow". 

"Dad it's fine if you want to talk then we can do it now" 

"I'm not good at this shit Ava" He sighed sitting back in the same position. "You and your mom are my girls sweetheart you do know that right?". 

"What's this about?" I asked not really sure I knew what he was getting at. 

"Your mom told me you weren't feeling like you belong here"..... 

Oh that.... 


"No Ava" He sighed cutting me off "Do you know how much that angers me when I hear shit like that. You are my daughter and you don't feel welcome in my home. I don't ever want you to feel like that, I don't ever want anyone to make you feel like that. I know I haven't been a good dad darlin' but you have no idea how much I want to be your dad". 

"Then be my dad" I shrugged 

"That's it?" He grunted lighting yet another cigarette. 

"Well I kinda miss having one" I smiled watching as he got back onto his feet. "Got something of yours I want to give back to you". Watching him trying to shove his big hands into his jean pocket made me smile even more. 

"Open your hand Ava". 

Doing as I was told I knew exactly what he was giving back to me. 

"Get it back around your fucking neck I don't want to see you without it" he grinned dropping a kiss on my forehead before leaving the room. 

Staring at the necklace in my hand it wasn't until I felt the bed dip that I knew Blaze had come back. 

"Can you put this on for me?" I asked slipping it into his hand. 

"Sure thing baby" 

Laying with my head against his chest I was almost asleep when I heard the commotion coming from the bar. 

"Stay here" Came his gruff voice as he slipped out the bed. 

"You could have fucking killed him"... 


What the hell was going on? 

"I fucking wished I had" 



"Fucking idiots" Blaze growled as he slipped back into bed his arm pulling me closer. 

"What's happened?" I yawned 

"Don't know I fucked them both out. Ruined the best sleep I've had in ages" He growled burying his head in my hair. 

Pushing myself up I leaned my back against the headboard. Glancing at the clock I almost groaned when 530am was flashing back at me. 

Why the hell did I feel wide awake? 

Looking at Blaze I couldn't help the smile that tugged at the corner of my mouth. Was this actually happening this time? Were we actually doing it? Flicking the bedside lamp on my eyes went straight to the tattoos that covered the full length of his back. Tracing the reaper that was placed right in the centre with my finger a scream 

escaped my mouth when he turned over so fast and grabbed my hand. 

"Sorry" I blurted out trying to pull my hand back. 

Laughing he lay my hand over his chest "Get a little fright there darlin'?" His voice was low from just waking up. 

"Asshole" I muttered my heart still beating out my chest. "Don't do that". 

"Couldn't resist sweetheart, you mind if I smoke?" He asked pulling himself into a sitting position. 

"Have I ever?" I yawned watching his every move. Why did I suddenly feel the need to have him? 

Shaking his head no he lit up his smoke and grabbed the ashtray sitting it on top of the bed. "Couldn't sleep?" Was his next question. 

"I don't feel tired anymore but I really want to sleep" I sighed my eyes flicking over every part of his chest. The art work on this man was amazing, I could stare at it all day. 

"Keep staring darlin' and I'll start to think you like me" He smirked his tongue coming out to wet his bottom lip. 

Ignoring him I reached my hand out and started tracing the tattoos coving his skin. "Did they not hurt?" I asked my eyes flicking back to his only to see they were closed. 

"When do you get they casts off?" 


"Not for another 2 weeks why?" Why was he randomly asking about my casts? 

"Fuck" He cursed his eyes snapping open. Taking a deep breath he finished his smoke placing the ashtray on the floor. "I can't fucking wait". It wasn't until my eyes travelled lower that I knew why he was asking about my casts coming off. 

"Told you I wasn't having sex with you" I smirked watching as his eyes fell into slits. Matching my smirk he was on top of me before I could blink. How can he move so fast? 

Burying his head in my neck my breathing hitched as I felt his tongue. "You sure about that?" He whispered taking the lower part of my ear between his teeth. Biting my lip l felt my back arching off the bed as he continued to nibble away. 

Fucking hell 

"You smell so fucking good" He growled kissing and biting my neck causing a moan to fall from my lips. 

Felt so good 

"Ok-ay you proved your point" I stuttered pushing against his chest with my good hand. 

Chuckling he licked up my neck before falling over to his side of the bed. "That little fucking moan nearly made me blow". Feeling my cheeks grow hot I pulled the cover up as close to my neck as I could get it. How does he still make me blush like that? 

"You're staring" I whispered 

"Too fucking right I'm staring, staring at my old lady because she's fucking beautiful and I can't believe she's mine". 

Smiling at him I leaned over and placed my lips against his "I really want us to try this time Blaze, please tell me you'll try". I said pulling back so I could look at him. 

"I'm not gonna fuck up this time Ava. Seeing you in the hospital and thinking that I might have lost you for good was the hardest thing I've ever had to deal with. This is happening baby you have my word. No more fuck ups no more games. I want to marry you Ava, I want my kid in here" He grinned placing his hand over my stomach. "I'm all in this time sweets are you with me?". 

For once I actually believed the words that came out his mouth. I don't know how to explain it but it did feel different this time. I wanted it to happen I wasn't playing around anymore. Life was too short for that and I knew it. I could have lost my life but I didn't I wasn't taking anything else for granted. 

I wanted him.... 

"I'm with you"......
