Big Novel


Chapter 71 

Rolling my eyes I continued to glare at the floor. One minute he's screaming at me the next he's asking if I'm hungry. 


"I'm not hungry okay now can you just go so I can sleep" I sighed wanting to be left a lone. Hearing the door slam shut was when I lifted my gaze from the carpet knowing 

he had left. 

Hours had passed and I was still in the spot where he left me. Wasn't quite easy to get up and move around. 4 weeks and I'll hopefully have my hand and leg back. 

Shuffling my bum I had somehow managed to manoeuvre myself so my back was rested against the headboard. Not once had he come to check up on me and for some reason it annoyed me. I was pissed that he thought he could speak and treat me the way he did and he can bet his sweet ass that he'll know how pissed I am at him. Hearing the door click had my head snapping up. 

Did he lock me in? 

Not taking my eyes off him as he entered the room he made a bee line for the bathroom. It was like I wasn't even there. Huffing out loud I tried my best to get comfy which wasn't working out very well. Eyes glued to his as he exited the bathroom I could see the humour dancing in them. 

The bastard knew I needed his help 

Gritting my teeth my hands balled into fists, I could be a stubborn cow when I wanted to be but I really needed to pee and my ass was numb from sitting so long. 

"Need help?" He asked just as I was about to give in and ask. 

Nodding my head yes I watched as he dropped the towel from his waist and pulled on a pair of sweat pants. Sucking my bottom lip into my mouth my eyes were glued to his upper body and the ink that covered it. 

"Your name will go right here" He said placing his hand over his heart. And we were back to talking about the tattoo. I wasn't getting it, I didn't want it. 

"Blaze I don't want-..." 

"You're getting it sweetheart, it makes us official in the eyes of my brothers" He grunted cutting me off. 

"Why now?" I asked throwing him of slightly. "How come I've never heard of this and why are you only just mentioning it?". He had never said anything about it before and I hadn't heard of anyone talking about it or showing theirs of. 

"Had to make sure you were ready, make sure you weren't going to run this time" 

Laughing out loud I rolled my eyes "And you think a tattoo is going to stop me from running? Why the hell-..." 

"You're getting the fucking tattoo Ava and I don't want to hear anymore about it". 

That's what he thinks 

Like the stubborn witch I am I sat boring holes into the carpet while he stood at the far end of the room staring at me. 

"It's almost 3am do you want me to help you get changed?" He asked making his way towards me. 



"Stop being ridiculous" He sighed pulling out one of his t-shirts and a pair of boxers. "It's been a long night and you need sleep now arms up". Grunting I gave up and did 

what he asked. 

"See that wasn't so hard now was it?" He smirked patting me on the head. 

"Fuck you" I growled turning my head away from him. He had pushed me too far tonight and I was tired of holding my breath and not saying anything enough is enough. 


"Don't Ava me" I snapped cutting him off "You've helped me get changed now can you please just leave me alone. I don't want you near me right now". 

"Well that's just tough because I'm not going anywhere. You made the decision to come home so now you'll be with me every minute until this is over with. You pulled some dangerous shit tonight Ava and that hasn't gone unnoticed by the club. Now scoot your ass over and let me in". I couldn't be bothered arguing with him anymore. 

Sighing I managed to move myself to the other side of the bed. Grabbing one of the spare pillows he propped it under my leg before getting in beside me. Turning the bedside light off he snaked his arm over my stomach and pulled me against him. 

"I'm still pissed at you". 

"Trust me darlin' the feeling is mutual". 

"Stop it" I mumbled feeling the light touch of his fingers against my arm - still he continued. Why must he annoy me this early? Groaning I buried myself deeper into the covers hoping he would go away. 

"Rise and shine sweets" 


Feeling him tug on the covers a groan fell from my lips. I didn't want to get up I was comfortable and cozy. 

"Ava get up" 

"No now go away" I muttered my face buried in between the pillows. Hearing him sigh I could feel myself drifting back to sleep until the covers were ripped off my body. 

"I hate you" I snapped the cold air circling around my body. 

"Not that I'm not enjoying the view and all but get your ass up". 

"No" I grumbled lifting my good hand in the air and saluting him with my middle finger. Why can't he just let me sleep? 


"Put me down you big asshole" I yelled really not in the mood to deal with this. "Why do I have to get up? Why can't I sleep in? It's not as if I need to be anywhere". He wasn't 

listening as he carried me throughout the clubhouse, it only made me more pissed. Taking in my surroundings I noticed no one was up yet the place was empty. "I bloody hate you sometimes" I soon realised I wasn't only ranting because he made me get up but because of last night. 

"Seriously why....." 

"Shut up just shut the fuck up and sit there" He growled dropping me onto the pool table. "Sit there and don't say a fucking word". Rolling my eyes I watched as he gripped his hair in his hands. I could really be doing with some coffee right now and maybe a muffin. I wonder where Ally was hiding? 

"Are you even listening to me?" He asked 

Sitting my teeth into my bottom lip I shook my head no. "Of course you weren't. Your dad will be here around 2". 

"Woo" I replied sarcastically trying not to think about the ass beating he will give me. He broke my jaw once whose to say he won't do it again. 

"What's wrong?" He asked leaning against the pool table beside me. 

"Nothing's wrong now if you aren't going to feed me then can you please take me back to bed". I asked my stomach growling because of how little I've ate over the past few days. 

"Demanding little thing aren't you" He smirked moving so his hands were on both sides of my hips, trapping me in. 

"Only when I'm hungry or tired and in this case I'm both". I hated the way he made me feel especially when I was mad at him. 

"Ava look at me" He whispered his hot breath fanning across the side of the face. I wasn't looking at him, I wasn't giving in. 

"Ava" He whispered again only this time he had moved his head so his lips were brushing against my neck. 

Hot damn 

"No" I croaked, kicking my self when my voice came out sounding small. I wanted to sound strong like he didn't have any effect on me. "I'm still mad at you" With my good hand I pushed against his chest. Not that it made any difference because he didn't move. 

"Mad at me for what?" He asked moving backwards slightly. 

Was he kidding? 

Pursuing my lips I continued to stare at the floor. "Nothing now can you please get me down from here?". 

I sometimes wondered if he liked picking a fight or he actually wanted to start an argument. Maybe he liked it when I was angry. 

"You're not going back to bed" He said moving away from me so he could grab his smokes. 

"Well I'm not sitting here all morning and I'll go back to bed if I want" I huffed "Not like I have anything else to do". 

"Well if you stayed at the cabin you could lie all day in bed if you wanted but no you thought it was a good idea to come home. Sorry sweetheart but when I'm up you're up". 

And we were back to this! 

"I don't feel good Blaze" 

"Bullshit Ava" He smirked taking a long draw of his smoke. 

Could have worked! 

"I can't wait to get this off" I groaned squeezing my eyes shut. I'd like to see him try and control me when I've got the cast off. "So are you just going to make me sit here all day? My legs getting sore Blaze" This time I wasn't lying. 

"No I'm going to take you in there and help you get washed and dressed and then we're going out". 

I didn't like the sound of that. 

"Going out where?" I asked wrapping my arms around his neck as he carried me back to his room. "I'm not going back to the cabin Blaze and you can't make me". I knew what he was like and I knew if he got me inside a car that's what he would do. 

"Chill out I'm not-..." 

"I know you and I know you were thinking it" I said cutting him off. 

"No I wasn't thinking it and no you aren't going back because everyone refuses to keep an eye on you after the little stunt you pulled" He snapped dropping me onto the bed. 

Fair enough 

"I'm going to shower first I won't be long" Slamming the bathroom door behind him I lay back against the pillows and shut my eyes. He was pissed I knew that much but I didn't care. 

"You better not be sleeping" He yelled 

"You better not be sleeping" I mimicked peeling my eyes open to find he was already dressed. "Why are you so moody" I asked as he took a smoke out of his packet and lit it 


It was still early and I wanted to sleep. It was a long night and I needed more than 5 hours sleep to function right. 

"Are you going to answer me or are you just going to stand there gawking?". It was like he could see into my soul when he stared like that. 

"I'm not moody Ava I'm tired it's been a rough few days" He sighed sitting on the side of the bed. "And you being back here isn't going to make it easier". 

"Is that how you really feel?" I asked not knowing how to take it. I know he wants to keep me safe but wouldn't he rather keep an eye on me here? I know I'd prefer to be here rather than in a cabin with people I barely know. 

Puffing on his smoke I waited for him to answer me. I know coming back here would knock his focus but I couldn't spend another night in that cabin not knowing if my family were alive or dead. 

"I want to keep you safe Ava but the shit you pulled was fucking stupid. How do you expect me to keep you safe if you won't bloody listen to me?" His voice was raised but I didn't know if it was because he was still pissed or he wanted an argument. 

"I know and I'm-.." 

"No you don't fucking know" He yelled getting to his feet. "How can I deal with this shit and keep an eye on you at the same time?". 

Wow!! An argument it is 

"Well I'll go stay with Ally then and you won't have to keep an eye on me" I snapped turning my head so I didn't have to look at him. 

Hearing him laugh made me grit my teeth. "If Cage is anything like me that bitch will be getting her ass whooped. It's the least she deserves for what she did. Both of you will be here at all times". 

"Anything like you? You haven't whooped my ass" I growled my teeth scraping together. Gripping a hold of my chin he pulled my face close to his "That's because I wouldn't have stopped" He snarled making the hairs on the back of my neck rise. 

Gasping at his words I pulled my face from his grip. I couldn't believe he just said what he did. "You would really hit me?" I asked my voice coming out shaky. 

"Get ready I've got shit to do" Turning his back on me he slipped his cutte on and headed for the door. 

"Blaze" I yelled as he pulled the door open. 

"If that's what it'll take to put you in line then yes I would". 

Hearing the door slam shut I grit my teeth and balled my good hand into a fist. 


I wanted to scream with how frustrated I was becoming. I skipped having a shower because I knew I couldn't manage on my own. Dressing was a great struggle and now I couldn't even get a damn hair tie in my hair. 

Did he come back and help me? Did he hell! 

Throwing the brush against the wall I ran a hand down my face. Another couple of weeks and I'd be back to normal and I couldn't wait. No more depending on anyone, no more needing help with anything and if I wanted to get up and leave then I was free to do so. Well maybe not free to do so but I could be sneaky. 

"You done?" Came his gruff voice from outside the bedroom door. 

Fuck you 

I wanted to scream it so badly but instead decided not to answer. If he wanted to act like an asshole then I'll treat him like one. 

"Ava?" He called, again it fell on deaf ears. 

"Seriously if you're sleeping I'II..." opening the door his eyes fell on mine "Why didn't you answer me?" He asked leaning against the door frame. 

Shrugging my shoulders I turned my attention to the mirror in front of me. Pretending to fix my hair my breath caught in my throat as he placed both hands on my shoulders. 

"You could have called out if you needed help" He said as he began to massage my shoulders. 

Shrugging him off I cleared my throat "Yeah well I don't need your help Blaze". Staring at him through the mirror I watch the frown settle on his face. 

"I was an ass" He sighed 

"You think?" I laughed sarcastically. How can he think hitting me is ok? I step out of line - bang punch to the face. Is that what it'll be like? Did he actually mean it or was it a heat of the moment thing? 

"Ok I was a gigantic asshole that shouldn't have spoke to his old lady like that. Is that better?" He asked his hands moving down my arms. 

"You don't mean it" I sighed casting my eyes downwards so our eyes were no longer connected. "I get that it's in your nature to speak to me like crap and still expect me to 

be okay with it but Blaze it's not in my nature to sit and take it and no matter how much you beat me it will never work". 

"Do you think I'd actually beat my old lady? You get some men that do but I would never lay a hand on you. I know I said..." 

"You said if that's what it'll take to put me in line then yes you would" I said cutting him off. "How do you think that makes me feel? Do you want me to be scared of you?". 

As he was about to answer the door burst open "VP we need to go" Jared said sounding out of breath. 

What the hell was going on? 


"I'll be back stay here and if you need to, take the gun from my top drawer and don't be afraid to use it" Kissing the top of my head he left with Jared leaving me thinking the 

