Chapter 70
It actually worked!!
"Evil twins 1 scary bikers 0" Ally smirked as she patted Cooper on the head.
We were so dead...
"We need to go Ava getting out of here was the whole point in doing this" She said as she waved her hand around.
Now that we had actually gone through with it I felt sick to my stomach.
"Don't back out on me now the deed has been done and if we don't get a move on I'm pretty sure they will murder us when they wake up".
"You're right lets go" I said as she helped me to my feet and out of the cabin.
As she took off from the cabin I opened the bag that was at my feet and started digging around. Clasping what I was looking for in my hand I pulled it out and placed it on my lap.
Can never be too careful
"Is that..."
"A gun? Yes it is" I answered cutting her off.
"Why the hell do you have a gun?" She asked glancing at me before setting her eyes back on the road.
"Protection" was all I said before I turned my attention to the scenery we were passing.
"Ava l-we - what the hell have we got ourselves into? You have a gun resting on your lap and you're as calm as ever. Where the hell did you even get it?" She asked
"My reaction was the same when I first seen one up close but let's face it having a gun is better than having nothing. Eyes on the road Ally I don't need to be in another accident" I smiled trying to lighten the mood.
She was freaked out and I didn't blame her. God knows what we were thinking leaving the cabin.
"You're holding a gun Ava".
"It's not the first time I've held one probably won't be the last time I've shot one either" I shrugged
"Hold up" pulling the car into the side of the road she turned in her seat to look at me. "What the hell has happened to you? Why are you saying it won't be the last time you've shot one. What's going on?".
We really didn't have time to stop and do this
"Look who my family are Ally, look what has happened to me over the last few months".
"You're scaring me Ava" She whispered "We don't kill people we save then and you're sitting there with a gun in your possession"
"You should get Cage to give you one because you never know what might happen now can we please get moving?" I asked
"This isn't you why are you talking like this? Ava you're a doctor for god sake. I don't know how to handle this anymore" She panicked
"Trust me Ally this isn't what I planned either. I love my job I love saving people's life but I need to also look after myself because I can't safe life's if I'm dead. I need to face up to this and realise Blaze isn't always going to be around to save me and I'm always going to have people chasing after me. Once we get back home go home l'II-..."
"No way I'm not leaving you" She yelled cutting me off "I'm freaking the fuck out but there is no way I'm leaving you. I'm in this just as much as you are and I knew what I was getting into the first night I stepped into the clubhouse. I mean you did warn me" Sighing she lay her head against the steering wheel. "It's true what they say love the man love the club. Why the fuck did I have to fall in love with him?".
"You're in love with Cage? Does he know this?" I asked as she straightened up.
Shaking her head "I haven't told him because I don't know how he feels and I don't want to go confessing my love for him and he turns around and tells me he feels nothing.
I can take a lot but I don't think I'd be able to handle that".
"He definitely feels something or he wouldn't act the way he does. Once this is over with tell him how you feel at least if you do you'll know where you stand. Now can we please get going before I get the dreaded phone call and he makes me turn around".
"Right your right" Putting the car back into drive she pulled away from the side of the road. "How are things with you and Blaze?" She asked picking up a little speed.
"We're taking it slow like tortoise slow but right now we're doing okay. I thought I was dead set on not going back there but I can't explain how he makes me feel. I didn't expect to still feel the same way about him after everything he had done heck if I know how to explain it but it's like he sets a fire inside me and it can't be put out".
"Have you fucked him recently?".
"Ally" I groaned shoving her leg with my good hand.
"What? A best friend has to know these things" She laughed causing me to shake my head. This girl was sex daft.
"Haven't had sex since the day of my accident and anyway it's pretty hard to be intimate when I've got a broken leg and hand".
"Be pretty easy if he's doing all the work" She winked.
"Eyes back on the road. I'm going for a...-"
Hearing the vibrations coming from my phone cut me off. Feeling the dread start in the pit of my stomach I looked down at my screen.
"Is that..."
"Yes" I whispered as the vibrations stopped and then started again.
"He knows"
"Of course he's knows he wouldn't be calling if he didn't but I sure as hell ain't prepared for what he's going to say" I said my eyes still glued to the screen.
"He'll be pissed but if you don't answer he'll be worried and more pissed"
"Do you want to answer it?" I asked pushing the phone her way and chancing my luck.
"Eh no I like my head attached to my body thank you very much. Put those big girl panties on and answer the damn phone. He's not going to stop unless you do".
She was right
Sliding my finger across the screen to answer him I squeezed my eyes shut at the blow that was about to come.
"What the fuck did I tell you before I left"?
Oh god he was angry! Chewing on my lip I glanced at Ally who's eyes were glued to the road.
"Fucking answer me Ava"
"Are you fucking stupid? Seriously you never listen to a word I say but this time I thought she'll stay there she's not an idiot but no you fucking are an idiot. Turn that fucking car around and get back to the cabin. Don't make me fucking leave to come get you".
I didn't like when he was like this and to be honest it scared me.
"I'm not going back" I whispered
"Yes you fucking are! Ally you better turn that car around or I swear to god I'll beat the shit out of the both of you" he growled
"Blaze you're over reacting" I said noticing how Ally's hands had started to shake.
"Over reacting? I'm not over reacting I'm fucking furious. You knocked two of my guys out and then thought if was a good idea to come back home. Are you trying to get killed or just trying to piss me off".
"Shut up" I yelled "Just shut up. They're my family Blaze not yours or anyone else's mine. So if I want to come home then I'll come home. Fuck what you or anyone else thinks". I screamed hitting the end button to disconnect the call.
"He didn't sound happy" Ally piped up
"I don't care" I huffed "He doesn't own me and he can't tell me what I can and can't do. This is why we don't work because he expects me to do everything his way and that's just not going to work for me. God I sometimes hate his bloody guts. Regardless if he's only trying to keep me safe I can be safe back home".
"We are so dead" She moaned "Did you hear how angry he sounded? And the whole I'll beat the shit out of the both of you. He won't actually do that right?" She asked
"He won't touch us because if he does we'll be finished for good".
"Your phones going again"
"I'm not answering it just to be yelled at again. He knows how stubborn I can be and he knows I won't go back to the cabin".
"It's your dad"
"I better answer him"
"Stubborn like your fucking mother. You come straight to the clubhouse when you arrive".
And then he hung up!!
By the time we arrived at the clubhouse it was dark. Ally detoured and took the long way home and to be honest I'm glad she did. The longer it took us to get home the longer it kept me from getting my head chewed off.
"It's really quiet" Ally whispered from beside me as she parked the car.
"It'll be fine" I said trying not to think about the way my stomach was churning. Just then the clubhouse door swung open revealing a very pissed off Blaze who way heading
our way.
"I'm so dead" Ally cried hitting the button on the dashboard making the car doors lock automatically.
That definitely wasn't going to help the situation.
"Open the fucking doors" He spat voice like venom as the words rolled of his tongue.
As my hand moved shakily towards the button I pushed it the click letting me know they were no longer locked. I think now maybe I had gone to far I was afraid of him. He's always frightened me a little but I've pushed him to far this time.
Ripping the door almost off its hinges I felt his rough hands pull the seat belt off me. "You" He spat pointing at Ally "Fuck off" Like a puff of smoke she was gone, running off into the clubhouse without a glance backwards.
"Put your hands around my neck" He grunted as he slid his hands under my bum and lifted me from the car.
He didn't speak one word as he carried me throughout the clubhouse but I knew he was pissed. The little grunts and cursing under his breath told me I was in for it.
No one spoke as we passed club members they just stared, my mum and dad not in sight. Kicking his room door closed the bang knocking me out of my thoughts and back to reality. I knew it was coming I just wasn't prepared.
Sitting me on the edge of the bed he started pacing the room the glare he was sporting making my toes curl.
He was pissed alright!!
I don't know how long I sat there or how long he was pacing the room glaring at me but I couldn't take it anymore.
"Blaze"... I started but stopped as soon as he stopped pacing and his eyes met mine. In that very moment I knew why everyone was afraid of him. The way he was looking at me hurt. Never once had he looked at me like I was nothing, like I was a piece of rubbish.
"Why must you make me look like an idiot in front of my brothers?" He spat inching his way closer to me. "Why can't you listen to a bloody thing I say? Do you want to fucking die Ava is that it?" Pulling his gun from the back of his jeans he clicked the safety off.
Taking a sharp in take of air I could feel my bottom lip start to tremble. This wasn't my Blaze this was the biker he had grew up to be, the monster that lurked behind the shadows.
"Answer me" He roared taking a grip of my arm and pulling me to my feet, a cry for help slipping from my mouth.
"You're hurting me" I cried the tears springing to my eyes.
"You're lucky I'm not beating the shit out of you" He hissed throwing the gun onto the bed and wrapping his hand in my hair, pulling it tight. "You may be Frankos daughter but you are my old lady. You're behaviour won't be tolerated much longer darlin' you need to be taught a lesson".
He had lost me
"Once you're branded and you're cut is made you will take what I give you" He snapped twisting his hand tighter around my hair.
Not being able to hold it in any longer the sob fell from my lips. I wasn't weak I didn't want to show him I was weak but what choice did I have when he was acting this way.
"You will learn sweets whether it be the hard way or the easy way rest assure you'll learn to fall in place".
Is this how old lady's are treated? Is this the way it's meant to be? This wasn't Blaze
Nodding my head yes I swallowed down the lump that appeared in my throat. Cheeks soaked with tears and nose full of snot I had no choice but to agree. I knew if I snapped back all hell would break loose.
"Good girl" He whispered finally releasing his hand from my hair. Sitting me back onto the bed he disappeared into the bathroom. I was chewing on my lip hard trying not to burst into tears. That right there is something I never want to experience again.
Watching him exit the bathroom I noticed the bowl and face cloth he was carrying. I didn't want to be in here with him - I was terrified. Taking a seat beside me I flinched when he brought the cloth to my face, the flinch not going unnoticed by him.
"I just want to clean you up" He whispered softly wiping the cloth over my face. I was shaking and I couldn't stop. "Ava I'm not going to hurt you now please stop shaking" Again he wiped away the tears that had continued to fall. I couldn't stop shaking, couldn't stop crying. Was he going to act like this every time I disobeyed him or didn't
agree with him? As he continued to clean my face I pulled my bottom lip into my mouth.
"You need to start listening to me Ava I can't have you running around unprotected when shit like this is happening". Taking a stand he placed the bowl and cloth onto the bedside table before bending down in front of me so we were eye level. Taking my hand in his I dropped my gaze so I was staring at the carpet. "I'm sorry if I scared you but you have to understand I can't lose you. I'm only trying to protect you sweets and sending you to that cabin was the best way to keep you safe".
"W-why was it just me and Ally?" I stuttered still not being able to look at him. "How come all the other girls got to stay here?" Hiccuping I brought my hand up to wipe at my
now sore eyes.
"Do you see your mom?" He questioned getting to his feet so he could like a cigarette. "What about Lily did you see her?"
Come to think of it the only people I noticed were club girls. So where the hell was my mom staying?
"Club whores darlin' and I really couldn't give a fuck about them. They are here on their on free will. Nobody forced them to stay and they all know what could happen".
Nodding my head in some sort of understanding I started playing with the loose thread on my sweatpants.
"What did you mean when you said branded?" I asked not really sure I wanted to hear the answer.
"My name will be tattooed onto the back of your neck once-..."
"Absolutely not" I said cutting him off. Nobody will be putting any needles near me. That's one I will be putting my foot down at.
Grabbing a hold of my chin gentle he pushed my head up so I was forced to look at him. "You can bet your sweet ass it will be. Once and for all everyone will know you belong to me".
"Blaze I'm not-..."
"I'll be gentle"
"No" I spat dropping my gaze. It was one thing to let him treat me like this but to actually let him tattoo his name onto my body, that wasn't happening.
"It's tradition" He growled running a hand over his beard.
"Well how come my mom doesn't have it" I argued back.
"Trust me she does" he glared as he started pacing the room again.
I so badly wanted to punch him in the throat.
"Are you hungry?" He snapped
Was he joking?