Chapter 69
"Don't I know what age he is but come on" She cried cutting me off. Chuckling I wrapped my arm around her neck as she helped me inside.
"So how did it go?" She asked helped me onto my couch.
"Well I have my new cast" I grinned "Doctor was really nice we got chatting and holy god I never realised how much I miss what I do".
"You'll be back before you know it. Trust me I want you back more than anyone but not until you're ready. I can suffer a few more months without you" She pouted
"Can't come quick enough. I'm bored Ally and I can't do anything about it because I can't do anything on my own".
"Are you and Blaze back together?" She asked a knowing look on her face. She already knew we were.
"We're trying but this is the last time if it doesn't work out this time then it just isn't meant to be" I shrugged
"It will work out you love each other what could possibly go wrong?"
Sometimes love wasn't enough and sometimes when you love someone so much you have to let them go.
"We'll see" I smiled just as Blaze walked through the door.
"As much as I love the kid he's a pain in the ass at times" He huffed taking a seat next to me.
"Tell me about it" Ally sighed rolling her eyes "Where is he?" She asked
"Go find him" He smirked
"Do you really have to go?" I asked not liking the way I felt.
"Got to baby I don't have a choice" He whispered kissing the side of my head.
"I don't like this Blaze I don't like staying here I want to come home with you".
"Absolutely not"
"I can't stay here when there is a chance I'll never see any of my family again" Yes I had started to panic. I had no idea what was going to happen.
"Not another word Ava I mean it. We aren't talking about this anymore and you aren't going anywhere".
"I'm not staying here" I argued "I can't stay here not when I know what's going on back home".
"You are staying here" He growled taking a hold of my chin.
"I'm not" I yelled shaking my head.
"Will you just fucking listen to me for once. You aren't coming and that's the end of it. I'll come back and get you in a few days-..."
"No" I screamed pushing him away from me. "They are my family not yours I can't stay here and do nothing".
Feeling the hairs on the back on my neck stand up because of the way he was looking at me I swallowed the lump in my throat.
"You are my old lady Ava now you will take this as an order and stay fucking here" Gripping my chin hard he pulled our faces together so close our noses were touching. "Do you fucking understand me?" He hissed baring his teeth.
Not being able to help the lone tear that rolled down my cheek I shrugged him off me. "F-Fine whatever" I stuttered turning my head so I didn't have to look at him.
"Don't try and pull anything when I'm gone. The guys have been warned and surely you wouldn't want any of their deaths on your hands" he muttered whilst throwing some clothes into a bag.
"Weren't you leaving?" I snapped causing him to stop what he was doing.
"I'm doing this for you" He yelled "I want you to be able to feel safe, dammit" Running his hands through his hair he cursed a few times before taking a seat on the bed beside me.
"I don't want to leave like this Ava" He sighed before looking at me. "I'm doing all of this for you".
"Just go" I whispered
"Is this how you want this to go?"
"You tell me you're the boss".
"Don't babe me Blaze. You gave me an order and now I'm giving you one. Get the hell out of here and go do what you need to do".
"Ava I'm trying here".
"Just go" Sinking my teeth into my bottom lip I tried my best not to cry.
Grabbing my face in his hands he forced his lips on mine. Struggling to make him stop I gave in and kissed him back. Feeling his tongue run along the seam of my mouth I moaned when it massaged against mine. There was nothing soft about this kiss. Pulling on his hair with my good hand I pulled back trying to catch my breath.
"I'm doing this for you" He said again kissing the tip of my nose.
"I know" I trembled falling back against the pillows. I knew he was doing it for me but it still didn't stop me from feeling guilty. I knew the club was anything but innocent but now they are stuck in a mess with a rival club because I killed their VP. If anything happened to one of the guys it would be on me.
"This has been coming for a long time sweetheart you just helped speed it up a little" He chuckled but I didn't see the funny side of it. How could he laugh about it? People were going to die and he was laughing.
"How can you laugh?" I asked "Killing people isn't funny. What happens if one of your brothers get killed?".
"That's how it works Ava and if that happens then they'll get the send off they deserve. They know what they're getting into the minute they put on that cut. To us darling death isn't really a big deal".
"Are you kidding me right now? Death isn't a big deal? What if it's you that gets killed or my dad?. How do you expect my mom to cope if he gets killed".
"You need to calm down and stop getting so worked up. This isn't the first time we have done this and it certainly isn't going to be the last. There will always be another club
out there trying to take down the best. Your dad is a pretty big deal and yeah you being his daughter makes you a target but trust me when we're finished with Vagos no one will come near you".
I had heard enough. I didn't want to think about it anymore. "I think you should go before it gets any later" I whispered knowing I had taken him by surprise.
"You'll be fine darlin' and the guys will look after you. I'll give you a call when I get back but you have to promise me one thing" He said pulling his bag closer and opening it. "If by any chance they find you, you don't hesitate to shoot".
He was giving me a gun!!
"I- Blaze I don't think-.."
"Anyone comes at you, you shoot them. Do you understand?" He asked cutting me off. "Take the gun Ava and do not let it out your sight".
With shaky hands I took the gun from him and placed it next to me.
"I'll see you in a few days sweets" Leaning in for a kiss I turned my head so it landed on my cheek.
"You'll get a proper kiss when you come back and get me"
"Trust me darlin' I'll get more than a kiss" He winked before bending down and kissing the top of my head. "Be good".
He was gone.....
I hadn't heard from him in two days. He called and told me he got there safely told me he loved me and he'd see me soon. So much could have happened in those two days.
Hearing a knock at the door I quickly closed my eyes before whoever it was entered.
"She hasn't moved in two days" Tim whispered to whoever else was there.
"Must be an old lady thing Chantelle is the exact same. Leave her be she's coping the best way she can".
That must be Cooper. Haven't really met him to know him well enough.
"That other chick isn't like this she's out there stuffing her face". Tim hissed.
"Let's get one thing straight kid. We may be from different MCs but we all fall under the one man and that man is Franko. In case you have forgotten he's also a husband and a father and her right there is his little girl. Maybe Ally isn't like this because it's not her family that's involved. Now how about you go make yourself useful and check the area". Cooper all but growled out.
Thinking that they had both left I opened my eyes to find Cooper staring at me from the door way.
"How you feeling kid?"
"Did he call?" I asked needing to know what was happening. No one was telling me anything and I had no idea why. It only made me worry more.
"You hungry? How about we go outside and get some fresh air? It will do you the world of good".
"Have you heard anything?" I asked ignoring his question.
Sighing he walked further into the room and sat on the end of my bed. "I haven't heard nothing since the night he got back but that doesn't mean they aren't safe. They will call when they can. This is how it goes Ava and I know it's hard but staying in here all day isn't doing you any good".
"What am I suppose to do?" I asked him "I can't think of anything else and like you said it's my family that's involved".
"He'll call now how about you come through for something to eat. Blaze will kill me if he finds out you haven't been eating".
Truth be told I didn't have an appetite hadn't since the night he left. I was stressed and worried and the last thing on my mind was food. I knew Cooper didn't know me very well but I could see he was trying.
"I guess some fresh air will do me good can you ask Ally to come here for a sec?" I asked a plan already forming in my head.
"No problem kid" Closing the door behind him I sat thinking over the plan I was brewing. Would Blaze kill me for it? Yes he probably would but I couldn't stay here any longer without knowing what was going on. I hated being kept in the dark.
"I hate this" She moaned as she barged into my room a big bag of chips in her hand. Did she worry eat? "I mean how can they expect us to stay here and do nothing when
god knows what is happening back home". Shoving a chip in her mouth she passed me the bag. "I worry eat" She moaned answering my thoughts from before.
"I think we should get out of here" I said my stomach growling at the smell of the chips.
"When?" She asked taking back her chips "And how because in case you've suddenly forgotten we have babysitters and that big one is scary".
"I don't know how yet but I will find away but you have to do everything as I can't even walk on my own. We'll wait until early hours when it's still dark and then we'll make
our move".
"Or we could just knock them out?" She grinned "We are doctors and I have stuff that will knock them out for a few hours".
Okay now she was scaring me a little.
"It's just a drug that makes you sleepy and it's yours from when you just got out of the hospital. Could just slip in it some coffee and boom out for the count".
I didn't know how I felt about knocking them out but I sure as hell knew I wanted out of here.
"Just enough for a couple of hours so it gives us time to get away far enough. Forget the coffee I'll suggest I cook tonight thanking them for looking after us and I'll slip it in
their dinner".
What the hell was I thinking?
"I like the way you think evil twin" She grinned getting off the bed.
Rolling my eyes I let her get me to my feet "Let's just hope it works because if not we are going to be in so much trouble". Maybe this wasn't a good idea.
Huffing she placed my arm around her shoulder "We're already going to be in trouble if we pull it off. Blaze will skin you alive and me for helping. Shit maybe it isn't such a good plan after all. Blaze scares me Ava and I don't scare easily".
"It will be fine" I said reassuring her but I think I was mainly reassuring myself.
"I hope so" She whispered as we walked into the living area.
Propping me onto the couch my eyes clocked my phone, my dead phone that had been sitting there for the pass 3 days. Maybe he had tried to call me or maybe even text.
The last I spoke to him was of a burner phone.
"Ally can you please put my phone on charge and give it to me" I asked a little bit of hope rising in my chest. How could I have not charged my phone. Plugging it in she passed it to me. Immediately holding the on button I waited for the apple sign to appear on my screen.
Come on...
As soon as it switched on it didn't stop vibrating. I knew most of the messages were from Nate but I wasn't interested in them I just needed to see if Blaze had tried to phone or let me know he was okay.
"Okay girls what do you fancy eating tonight?"
"Actually Ava and I would like to cook something as a thank you for looking after us" Ally said causing me to look up from my phone.
This was it...
"A nice home cooked meal anything of your choosing" I added
"I'm on dinner tonight so it'll be a take out from down town" Tim piped up "Blaze would have my balls if you cooked for me. He is VP and you don't cater to anyone but him".
Feeling my stomach sink I couldn't help feeling disappointed. That was our only hope of getting out of here.
Guess it was going into their beer.
"If you say so" I shrugged my phone finally stopping. How many messages did I have?
"Do you need anything while I'm out?" Tim asked
Shaking my head no I started scrolling through my messages. I didn't read any because j wasn't ready to read any. I admit I fucked up I went from Blaze to Nate and back again and I know it was a horrible thing to do and it was wrong. I would deal with Nate when it came to it right now wasn't the time for him.
Hearing the cabin door swing close I looked up to see all three guys had left.
"What are we going to do now?" Ally sighed
"How do I get rid of the guilt?" I asked. It was eating me up inside and I know I said I would deal with it when it came to it but I couldn't stop feeling guilty.
"Wow what are you talking about?" She asked taking a seat beside me, chips in hand.
"Nate I'm talking about Nate. He was so nice to me Ally and he was good. I did a horrible thing and heck I don't even know anymore".
How the hell did I get myself into such a mess? Yeah go ahead call me all the sluts and whores of the day, I already knew.
"I think deep down you knew you would always end up with Blaze. I think you tried as hard as you could to get over him and forget about him but you already knew he had your heart. Yeah it happened to be Nate but it could have been any random guy. You need to stop beating yourself up about it you aren't the only girl that's ever done this".
"But he was his brother I should have known better" I sighed
"Maybe you have have but we all make mistakes and that's how we learn now enough about that how do you plan on getting us out of here?" She asked changing the subject.
She was right I needed a clear head if we were going to pull this off.
"Make sure you have my car keys on you and as soon as Tim leaves we'll slip it into their beer. When it works we have to be quick, we have to be a good bit away before
Tim comes back".
"I'm scared Ava"
"Me too" I whispered
"Let's pray"
Not being able to help it I burst into a fit of laughter.
We were going to be so dead!!!