Big Novel


Chapter 68 

"Now remember no baths" He chuckled as he helped me into the wheelchair. 

"You got it doc" I smiled wondering how the hell I was going to get back to the cabin. Blaze didn't come back and I had no idea if he was still here. I didn't think he would have made such a big deal out of what I said. I didn't think it would have hurt his feeling enough for him to storm out. 

"Any other problems with it you give me a call. I'll wheel you out to the waiting room". 

Nodding my head I sunk my bottom teeth into my lip. I didn't even know where the cabin was located so even trying to make my way there was pointless. 

"Nice chatting with you Dr Mendez" Charlie smiled knocking me out of my thoughts. 

"You too" I waved as he began walking with another doctor. 

Okay so now I needed a plan. 

"Didn't take as long as I thought it would. You ready to go?" 


"You're still here" I whispered looking up at him. Giving me a confused look he got behind me and started pushing me towards the entrance. 

"I went for a smoke and they told me I couldn't go back up so I had to wait down here. Did you think I had left you?" 

"You were mad and when you get mad you usually-..." 

"No more running sweetheart, that means the both of us and do you really think I would leave you in a hospital in a state you don't know?". He grilled stopping next to the 


"I didn't know what to think" I said honestly "I just want to go back now I'm starting to get sore". I muttered as he lifted me from the wheelchair and placed me in the passenger side. Jumping as he slammed the door shut I watched as he got in his side and started the car. I was mentally preparing myself for an argument but strangely it 

never came. 

We had been driving for a little under thirty minutes when he finally broke the silence. "I told you it would be different this time and I meant it. I overreacted and took what you said the wrong way and I'm sorry. I'm sorry for leaving you and letting you think I wasn't coming back. I wouldn't leave you sweets not for anything or anyone. Now are you hungry because I'm fucking starving". 

Just on cue my stomach rumbled really loudly remembering me I had yet to eat. "I really want a burger. With load of cheese and pickles and fries and a strawberry 


"Sure there's a McDonald's round about here somewhere". He muttered taking a left at the traffic lights. I was no help at all because I had no idea where we were. 

"How's the leg feeling?" He asked knocking me out of my thought. 

"Little sore and really itchy. Never in my 24 years have I broke anything well that was until I came here. My luck sucks" I laughed my stomach rumbling again. 

"Nothing to do with luck sweetheart but those bastards will pay for what they did to you I can promise you that" Moving my gaze I noticed how hard he was gripping the steering wheel. Guess this was a touchy subject for him to talk about. 

"Are we nearly there I'm starving" I groaned changing the subject. 

"Nearly...I think" He paused causing another groan to fall from my lips. "Right up a head if I can remember correctly". 

"Blaze are we lost?" I asked "Please don't tell me we're lost I need food" I whined catching his trademark smirk making an appearance. "You're an asshole" I huffed turning my head the other way. 

"There's always something else you can snack on if you're that hungry" Taking a hold of my hand he placed it over his crotch. 

Gasping I was surprised I didn't move my hand away and by the way he was tensing beneath me he was too. Suddenly the atmosphere in the car had changed and my hand was still resting on his very erect cock. Swallowing the lump in my throat I took a deep breath before I moved my hand slightly causing him to jerk forward. Taking my hand back I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks. Did I do something wrong? 

Hitting the indicator he signalled left and pulled into the McDonald's parking lot. Now I felt awkward. Why didn't I just move my hand off when he placed it there? 

Clearing my throat I started chewing on my bottom lip. "Give me a few minutes and then we'll go get you fed" He mumbled eyes closed head resting on the headrest. 

"What are you doing?" I whispered just as his eyes popped open. "What were you just mumbling?". 

"Baby my cock is as hard as a rock I gotta do something to get it down". 

"I- I could help if-.." 

"No you won't because I don't want to hurt you and you aren't ready for anything yet. Until those casts are off and everything is healed I ain't touching you and the same goes for you. But be prepared darlin' because when they do come off you ain't leaving my room" He smirked his eyes growing darker. 

I had no idea where it was coming from but I wanted him to lock me away in his room right now. He had a way of making my body feel alive. I wasn't a sexual person but when he was near or touched me it gave me a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach, a good feeling. 

I was excited I wasn't going to lie. 

"Is it bad that I want that to happen now?" I asked chewing on my bottom lip. 

Hearing him groan he ran a hand through his hair. "This is going to be harder than I thought but I'm sticking to my word baby, I ain't touching you till I know you'll be safe. Now let's go get some food in your belly". 

"Why does everyone have to stare?" I whispered as he placed me into a chair. 

"Fuck them let them stare" He growled 

"It just annoys me I mean we're just getting some food". 

"It's the cut baby but don't let it annoy you" Kissing the side of my head he walked away to place our order. 

Were we always going to get stared at wherever we went? 

"Excuse me?" 

Looking up I locked eyes with a pair of brown ones. "Can I help you?" I asked really not in the mood to talk to strangers. 

"Do you need help?" He whispered looking at me and then looking at where Blaze stood in the queue. 

Are you fucking kidding me!! 

"No" I snapped causing him to take a step back whilst holding up both hands. "Does it look like I need help?". 

"If he's holding you-.. 

"Okay you need to shut the hell up and go back to what you were doing" I yelled catching the attention of the others in the restaurant. "What gives you the right to come up to me and ask me if I need help?". 

"I-I'm sorry I just-.." Watching him swallow he glanced ahead of him "Please tell him not to kill me". He pleaded 

What the hell? 

Catching what he was looking at my mouth fell open a little. Blaze was storming towards the table hands balled into fists looking like he was ready to murder someone. 

"Who the fuck are you?" He sneered looking him up and down "Are you upsetting my girl?". 

This wasn't going to go down well. 

"N-no l-." 

"Then piss off before I break your nose" He growled straightening his shoulders and cracking his knuckles. 

"Blaze it's okay" I said as the stranger quickly turned on his heels and left. 

"Little pricks fucking lucky you were sat there. What did he say to you?" He snapped and I know it wasn't at me. I get why he was angry I was pissed as well. 

"Let's just get our food and go please" I begged. 

Why do people think it's okay to get all up in other people's business? And why do they always assume Blaze is a bad person or that I'm being held against my will? 

Once we were back in the car I didn't open my mouth until he had started driving. "All I wanted was a burger" I sighed leaning my head against the window. 

"Eat yours the now Ava because it won't be hot by the time we get back" He muttered sounding really pissed off. 

"How about we just park up somewhere and we can both eat while it's still hot" I suggested 

"Just eat your burger Ava". 

"I get that you're pissed off Blaze but don't take it out on me" I snapped. If he wasn't going to eat his then I wasn't going to eat mine. Childish I know but I was one stubborn bitch when I wanted to be. 

"Not taking it out on you sweets I just hate people like that. He doesn't know anything about us yet just like everyone else he fucking judged us and jumped to conclusions" 

"Never took you for someone that cares about what other people think" I said taking his hand in mine. "I don't mind eating a cold burger just keep driving so we can get back". 

Hitting the brakes hard the car screeched a long the road causing me to fall forward in my seat. "Are you trying to fucking kill me" I roared gripping onto my seat belt for dear life. "In case you forgot I've just been in a car accident. Why would you do that" I cried repeatedly hitting him with my good hand. 

Was he out of his mind? 

"I don't give a shit about what other people think of me its you I care about" He yelled gripping a hold of my wrist to stop me from hitting him. 

Breathing fast and rapid I counted to ten in my head trying to calm myself down. My full body was shaking and I wanted to get out the car. 

"I don't care" I cried pulling my arm out of his grip. "Why would you do that? I was trapped in that car for hours Blaze. You had no idea what I went through and you go do something like that. What if you had crashed?". 

"We didn't calm down" He said starting the car again and began to drive along the road like nothing had happened. Chewing my lip I turned my head so I didn't have to look 

at him. 

"It's been 45 minutes" He sighed placing his hand on my knee. 

My eyes were shut so I was hoping he would think I was sleeping. I didn't want to talk with him right now I was still pissed and if we spoke I knew it would end with us foaming at the mouth in a heated argument. 

"I was out of line sweets and I should never have done that. Heck I was so fucking stupid and I wasn't thinking. That's the problem with me Ava I don't think most of the time and that's what fucks everything up". 

Opening my eyes I turned my head to look at him. "You scared me back there Blaze and maybe you don't think most of the time but that was a shitty thing to do. What would you have done if we had crashed? How would you have felt? Don't you think I've got enough broken bones?" I asked as I started recognising where we were. 

"I said I was sorry now eat your burger".. 


"You eat your burger" I muttered pushing his hand off my knee. I wasn't going to make a big deal out of it but I was going to ignore him for the rest of the ride home. If I don't talk then we can't argue. 

"You haven't ate all day Ava now get it...-" 

"Not hungry" I snapped cutting him off. I had lost my appetite a while back and the last thing I wanted was a cold stale burger. 


"Fine" I muttered back. 

"Stop being so bloody childish Ava I'm not in the mood" He snapped hitting his hand off the steering wheel. 

"Well stop being a moody asshole then" I huffed as he pulled the car into the side and turned the ignition off. 

"I so want to put you over my knee right now and give you the spanking you deserve you little witch" He grit out his grip tightening on the wheel. 

"I'd like to see you try" I hissed as his eyes fell into slits. I wasn't backing down to him and he didn't scare me. 

"You're lucky I love you" 

"Oh am I?" I questioned knowing I was adding fuel to the fire. 

Ignoring me he started the car and pulled off back onto the road. First argument I think we've had where I got to have the last word. 

"I think you're the only girl that can get under my skin" He said breaking the silence. 

"I think you're the only guy I want to punch in the throat" I replied smiling sweetly at him. Okay so I wasn't helping the situation but one thing I did love was pissing him off. 

"Watch it sweets" 

Glancing out the window I could see the cabin in the distance. The rest off the ride was silent well that was until we stopped outside and he locked the car doors. 

"I'm leaving as soon as the guys get here and I don't want to leave like this" He muttered taking my hand in his. 

I didn't either. If he was going back and shit was going to go down then I at least wanted him to be focused. 

"We're okay" I sighed rubbing my thumb against the top of his hand. 

"Then give me a kiss" He smirked wiggling his eyebrows. Just as I took a hold of his cut there was a knock on the window. 

"Blaze and Ava sitting in a tree..." 


"Hold that thought while I shoot this fuckers knee caps off" He growled all but throwing off his seat belt. 

"Shit" Cage mumbled before taking a run for it. 

Laughing as Blaze jumped out the car after him I watched as Ally made her way out of the cabin and towards me. 

"I'm dating a man child" She sighed helping me get to my feet. "Seriously I think he thinks he's still a child. 

