Chapter 67
He wasn't here I knew that even before I opened my eyes or moved my hand to feel how cold the other side of the bed was.
He didn't come back, I shouldn't have opened my big mouth and told him....
"Morning beautiful".
Blinking my eyes open I swallowed hard when my eyes landed on him standing at the bottom of the bed in nothing but his boxers and two mugs in his hands.
"Sleep okay?" He asked placing the coffees on the bedside cabinet before slipping in beside me.
"Better than I expected" I yawned stretching out my arms only to gasp when he grabbed a hold of my hand and laced our fingers together.
"That's good you hungry?" He asked rubbing his thumb over the top of my hand.
Was he really not going to bring up last night? I may have almost been asleep but I still knew what I said.
Sighing I pulled my hand from his and snuck it under the cover of course he wasn't going to bring it up but I wasn't going to either. "Not really think I'm just going to lie here until I need to get up".
"I'm not hungry Blaze so you can go and do whatever it is you normally do in the morning. Just give me my coffee before you go". I cut in before he could
I told him I loved him, confirmed it three times and he's acting as though I hadn't said a thing. I wasn't trying to be angry but how was I suppose to act? Do I just forget about it until he brings it up?
"Here" He sighed handing me my coffee. "I'm going for a jog I'll be back before you need to leave". Taking the coffee from him I didn't say another word because if I did I was afraid I would have lost it.
Hearing the door click shut I sunk my teeth so hard into my bottom lip I tasted blood. That right there showed me how this day was going to go. He didn't utter one word about it never even acknowledge that I had said anything. He wanted us to be together and yet this is how he reacted to me saying the three most important words.
Taking the pillow from behind me I screamed into it until my throat became sore. What a bloody jackass of a man. Maybe he didn't feel the same and that's why he didn't say it back because if wouldn't mean anything.
How stupid do I feel now?
Bursting through the door there she stood with a broom in her hands. "What happened? Where are they? Are you okay?".
Looking at her I couldn't hold back the laugh that burst from my mouth. Scowling at me she dropped the brush to the floor and crawled in beside me. "Why the hell did you scream? I thought something had happened".
"And what exactly were you going to do with that?" I chuckled
"Shut up it was the closest thing to me now what were you screaming about?" She asked as she pulled the covers up and over her legs.
"I told him I love him".
"Ava that's great you finally grew some balls and told him again- wait that doesn't explain why you were screaming"
"I told him I love him confirmed it three bloody times for him and do you know what his reply was?" I snapped feeling my self getting angry.
"Do I want to know?" She whispered
"I need a drink" I hissed my teeth clenched so tight I could feel the strain.
"You have coffee right there or I could.."
"No Ally" I laughed cutting her off "That was his reply after I had said those three little words, he told me he needed a drink".
Watching her jaw fall slack I could tell she was thinking of something to say but what could you say to that?
"I let it slide because I was really tired last night and so I thought he'll mention it today I mean he has to. After everything he said about wanting me back and wanting to make me happy he would have to say something this morning but no he didn't even acknowledge that I had said anything. How the hell do I deal with that? I mean I have a right to be angry don't I?" I asked taking a sip of my coffee.
"Maybe he has something planned?" She asked shrugging her shoulders.
"I'm not even bothered anymore" I snapped placing my mug on the cabinet with a bang. "Can you please help me out of this bed?" I asked pushing the covers off my body.
"Yeah you definitely don't sound bothered" She smirked climbing out of bed and making her way round to my side.
As if this morning couldn't get any worse I was now stuck in the bath tub with my leg hanging over the side. Is it possible to start this day over? Ally was just about to help me out when Cage and Blaze had returned from their jog. I mean who dumps their best friend for their stupid boyfriend?
Ally does that's who.
Hearing a knock at the door I grabbed the towel and covered my body the best I could. "What?" I growled already knowing it had to be him and with the way I was feeling I knew something was going to slip out.
"Are you going to stand out there all day or are you going to come in here and get me out this bloody bath?" I snapped slamming my hand of the side of the
Watching as the door was pushed open I shifted my gaze so I didn't make eye contact with him. "What's got you all angry?" He asked lifting me from the tub not even caring that the towel had slipped from my body and I was now naked in his arms.
You I wanted to scream but decided against it.
"Can you please just take me to my room so I can get dressed?" I asked not even caring that I was as naked as the day I was born- not as if he hadn't seen it all before anyway.
"Sure thing sweets".
Pushing open the bedroom door he kicked it shut behind us sitting me on top of the bed. Grabbing his t-shirt from my pillow I pulled it over my head. "Appointment isn't until 2.30, I'll be leaving around six or whenever the guys get here".
Shrugging my shoulders I started rummaging through my suitcase that was already on the bed. "2.30 got it" I said pulling out a clean pair of panties and a long dress shirt. I missed wearing trousers.
Closing the lid to my suitcase I placed my clean clothes on the edge of the bed. Why was he still standing there? "Anything else I need to know before my babysitters arrive?" I asked smiling sweetly at him.
"No not really" He shrugged turning on his heel and leaving me to get on with it.
"Blaze" I yelled my eyes never leaving the closed door. He really was acting as though I hadn't said a word. Watching the door open and close my breath caught in my throat as he stood right in front of me.
What the hell was he up to?
"Yes darlin'?" He smirked
"Never mind" I sighed turning my head away from him. I wasn't in the mood for playing whatever game he was playing. I told him last night how I felt and this was how he wanted to act. I put myself out there, lesson learned I won't be doing that again. That ladies and gentlemen is how we don't work. As much as he says it will be different and he'll be different he always changes when it starts to get serious. Once again he fucked with my head.
"I've been a cock" he stated making my head snap up so fast I hissed out in pain "Careful" he smiled taking a seat beside me. "I've been the biggest idiot and maybe a little bit of an asshole".
"You think?" I huffed moving slightly so I could put some distance between us.
"I freaked out".
"I told you I love you and your reply was you needed a drink. How do you think that made me feel?" I asked pushing his hand of my leg.
"You heard that?" He asked sounding weary. "I thought you had fallen asleep. I'm such a fucking idiot if I'd have known-..."
"Yes of course I heard it and now I don't want to talk about it. You had all morning to bring it up but instead you acted like the asshole you can sometimes be. I fell in love with you not who you pretend to be". I yelled cutting him off.
Grabbing a hold of my chin he pulled my head so close our noses were touching. "If I'd have known you were awake I would have said it back. I love you Ava Maria Mendez, god you don't know how much I love you". He whispered his lips grazing against my nose.
"Nope it's not the same" Turning my head I crossed my arms over my chest. I think it was my turn to let him sweat a little bit.
"Ava stop playing and tell me you love me"
"Nope" I said refusing to look at him. Before I knew what was happening he had somehow managed to pin me down. "This cast is very hard I'd hate to think how sore your head would be if I hit you with it".
"Trust me darlin' it's not the only thing that's hard". He winked causing me to roll my eyes.
"Get off of me now I'm not in the mood to play your silly games. When someone tells you they love you you're suppose to say it back" I huffed still not looking at him. "Unless of course you don't feel the same".
Sighing he slipped onto the other side of the bed. "Are we really going to argue about this?" He asked placing his arm over his eyes.
Frowning I used my good arm to punch him in the side "We aren't arguing Blaze I'm just making a point. You talk about how you want me and how much you want to make me happy yet you act like an asshole. This isn't the whole treat them mean keep them keen. If you think acting like that is going to score you points then you can just leave right now".
Was I turning this into an argument? Was I making to much of a big deal out of it?
"So we are arguing about it then? Because you sound really angry and punch me like that again and your ass will be red raw" He hissed pulling up his t-shirt.
"There isn't even a mark so stop whining you big baby and yes I am angry I mean how would you feel if I said that to you?".
"Fucking hell you aren't going to drop this are you? Ava I fucking love you I think I always have I didn't say it back last night because I thought you were asleep. I wasn't going to say it if you couldn't hear me say it. You have no idea how much I love you and for you to say it to me first it kinda threw me off my game. I wasn't expecting you to say you love me not after everything that has happened now can we please not argue about it and just let me bloody hold you" He grumbled slipping his arm around my waist and pulling me to him.
"Silence is golden" he whispered kissing the side of my neck.
"Why didn't you mention it this morning?" I asked causing him to groan. What? I wanted to know.
"I love you and you love me now can we please just let it go?"
I guess there really wasn't any point in arguing about it but why did it take him all that time to say it back?
"Fine I need to start getting ready anyway" I sighed attempting to get up which was really hard when you had someone's arms wrapped around you never mind the broken leg and hand. "For me to do that you have to let me go".
"I think we can manage 5 more minutes" He mumbled rubbing his thumb over my hip bone. "Plus I'm not letting you go until you tell me you love me". I knew he was smirking I could feel it against my shoulder.
"Then I guess we'll miss my appointment because I'm not saying....." Feeling the laughter erupted from my chest as he began tickling me all over I forgot what I was saying. "S-stop Blaze" I laughed mesmerised how he never once managed to hurt me. Still he continued to torture me. "Okay fine" I chuckled "Please just stop". I huffed out of breath from all the laughing.
"Not fair you know I can't do nothing about it while I'm like this" I frowned holding up my broken hand.
"Don't you have something you have to say to me?" He grinned
Getting my breath back I placed my hand gently against his cheek, suddenly the moment becoming serious.
"I love you Sean"..
"Blaze" He interrupted
Rolling my eyes I poked his chest "I love you Blaze. As hard as its been life is too short to be angry all the time. I want to be happy, I want to start enjoying my
life and I want you to be in it. I want you to share all my memories good and bad. I know we have a long way to go and there will be bad times but I will stay no more running. I will love you even when I hate you. I want to be a part of your life and I sure as hell hope you want to be a part of mine".
"That was deep" He breathed causing me to shove him. "I'm trying to be serious and your making fun of me". I huffed
Getting into a sitting position he took my good hand in his and gave it a squeeze. "I love you too Ava more than you will even know. I've waited years to hear those words fall from your lips and you have no idea how happy you have just made me. Once this is all over with a ring will be put on your finger and a baby in your belly". He smiled bring my hand to his mouth and kissing my fingers.
"What if I don't get pregnant straight away?" I blurted out.
Inner thoughts Ava..
Hearing him chuckle I could feel my cheeks becoming hotter. I really need to think before I speak. I don't even want to get pregnant straight away. Even thinking about being pregnant freaked me out.
"Practice baby and there sure as hell will be a lot of practice happening". He smirked
Hearing a knock at the door it opened, Cage standing with his hand over his eyes. "Is it safe to come in?" He grinned
"You look ridiculous" I laughed as he dropped his hand the stupid grin still evident on his face.
"Does this mean what I think it means?" He asked as Ally joined him. "Has my little Blaze finally won his girl back?" He joked
"Out" Blaze growled
"Ava and Blaze sitting in a tree...."
"How old are you?" Blaze snapped taking his smokes from the bedside cabinet.
Locking eyes with Ally my smile matched hers. Girls didn't need to speak to communicate and she knew just with that one look that we were trying again.
"Man I'm relieved because you are a crabbit, mean old bastard without Ava by your side. Honestly you have no idea what it's been like being around him. So Ava I will be forever grateful" He smirked doing a little curtsy.
"You are so cheesy" Ally sighed grabbing a hold of his arm and pulling him out the door. "Happy for you guys and AI did say you two were made for each other - I swear Cage if you eat that I will..." And then the door slammed shut.
They two were like small children.
"Let's get you dressed it's almost half one".
"You didn't have to carry me you could have gotten a wheelchair" I said hating all the stares we were getting. Of course they weren't looking at me, no they were looking at Blaze well his cut anyway.
"I like carrying what is mine" He smirked as we took a seat in the waiting area. "I'm just going to check you in I won't be a sec".
Taking a quick glance around I noticed how everyone diverted their gaze. Seriously what the hell was wrong with these people? Catching my eye were the three girls around my age sitting in the corner staring at Blazes ass. I knew he was hot but it was rude to stare.
"That's you checked in beautiful girl. Shouldn't be much longer. You hungry?" He asked obviously to the girls and the laughter that came from them.
"Not really I just want this to be over and done with. They are going to have to break the cast and fit a new one. We're going to be here for ages" I sighed the laughter really starting to get on my nerves.
"Well here's hoping we get took next" He replied taking a hold of my hand.
"He's super hot". One of them said loud enough for me to hear. Was that on purpose?
"And she's so lucky" Another whined "I bet he's great in bed".
"Lucky cow bet I'd be able to swipe him" The one in the middle laughed.
That was it......
"He also has an 8 inch cock and great stamina" I snapped all three girls faces turning beetroot.
"Ava Mendez" The doctor stood clipboard in hand. "Right this way" He smiled once I raised my hand.
"Was that a little bit of jealousy I was sensing?" He whispered as we followed the doctor down a small corridor.
"Shut up" I snapped as he began to chuckle.
Following the doctor into the room I looked around suddenly feeling a little confused. Surely he wasn't fitting my cast here?
"So we are replacing the cast with a new one?" He asked taking a seat behind his desk.
Something felt strange and I knew I wasn't the only one who felt it. Blaze was holding me so tight I thought he was going to cut off my circulation.
"I get that look every time I bring patients in here" The doctor chuckled "I just need to ask you some questions and then we'll move you up to the orthopaedic floor and fit you with a new cast".
"Right" I smiled as Blaze sat me on the chair in front of the desk him taking the one beside me.
"State your full name and age please"
"Ava Mendez and I'm 24"
"And.." He was about to continue when Blaze cut him off.
"Dr Ava Mendez so you better not fuck this up" Blaze added my face turning scarlet with embarrassment. Why did he have to say that?
"Oh I didn't realise I was treating one of my own kind" He grinned ignoring Blazes comment. "What's your specialty?" He asked
"General surgeon I couldn't decide on what I liked better. Never have one day the same" I grinned forgetting how much I missed my job.
"How long?" He asked setting the clipboard on the desk in front of him.
"Passed my boards almost two years now and have been an attending at Gracie Square Hospital for the past year and a half".
"Interesting we actually...."
"Can we just get on with this? Some of us have places to be" Blaze snapped reminding me that he was there. I guess when I start talking about my job I forget everything around me.
"Of course, I apologise I'll be back in a second I'll just inform them you are coming, excuse me" He nodded before leaving the room.
"You didn't have to be so bloody rude" I scolded "He was only asking a few questions about my job".
"You're the one that didn't want to be here for ages yet you're happy sitting here talking doctor shit. And in case you have forgotten I've got somewhere I need to be too".
"Doctor shit? What's that suppose to mean?" I frowned "I miss my job Blaze and having someone to talk with about it is nice".
"Talk to me about it".
"You wouldn't understand" I instantly wanted to take back my words as soon as they left my mouth.
"Oh now I get it you think you're better than me. High and mighty doctor Mendez while I'm just the bad influence and dangerous boyfriend"
"Blaze that's not..."
"No I get it" He said cutting me off and getting to his feet.
"What are you doing?" I asked scared of what was coming next because deep down I knew.
"Guess I'm just good for my 8 inch cock and great stamina". He spat before storming out the door.
"Blaze" I called just as the doctor walked back into the room.
"We're ready for you now Ava".