Big Novel


Chapter 64 

Walking through the car park he didn't stop until he placed me gentle onto my feet next to my car. 

"Where are we going?" I asked as he opened the passenger side door. Lifting me into his arms again he placed me into the seat and did up my seatbelt. 

Was he going to answer me? Jumping at the sound of him closing the door I waited until he was seated. 

"Blaze?" I questioned as he started the car and took off. 

"It's a surprise" He grinned turning on the radio. 

"You know I hate surprises" I groaned "Can I have a hint?" 

Were we going away for just today? A couple of days? I didn't even have an overnight bag heck I didn't even have my purse nor my phone. 

"You'll like where we're going and that's all you need to know" He said turning up the radio, I'm guessing it was so I would stop asking questions. 

"I don't even have my purse" I said a little louder so he would hear me. 

"Don't need it babe" 

"I don't have my phone either and what if-..." 

"Just you Ava no phones no nothing now be quiet I love this song" He smirked. Sighing I lay my head against the window and stared at the scenery as we passed. 

We had been driving for almost 2 hours and I was bored I was bored hungry and starting to get sore. 

"How much longer?" I asked as he turned onto a slip road well if you could even call it a road. It was surrounded by trees and grass and if I was the one driving I 

would have missed it. 

"Not long darlin' maybe another hour or so" Taking his smokes from the dash board he lit one up and opened the window. 

"I'm starting to get sore Blaze" As soon as the words left my mouth he pulled over and came to a stop. 

"Wanna get out and stretch for a bit?" He asked leaning over and undoing my seatbelt. I didn't want to burst his bubble because he was trying to do a nice thing and take me away from it all for a bit but did he actually think it through first? 

I smiled at him not bothering to mention it. I didn't want to sour the atmosphere when he was trying. "No lets just keep going" My ass was numb and I couldn't move much because of this bloody cast. 

"You sure?" 

"I'm sure" I nodded as he started the car again and took off. Truth be told it was just as much hassle getting out of the car and I couldn't do that on my own. 

"What you thinking?" He asked turning the radio down and finishing off his smoke. 

"About where we're going" I grinned "Have I been before? Are we going just for today? Please tell me you remembered clean pants for me if we're staying longer than today". 

Placing his hand over my good one he gave it a little squeeze. "Calm down babe" He laughed "You don't need to worry about anything it's all been taken care of even your panties". He smirked sliding his hand down to rest on my knee. 

"Fine" I sighed as we fell into a comfortable silence. Laying my head against the window I closed my eyes 

As I felt myself falling into a deep sleep the car came to a stop jerking me awake. Groaning a yawn fell from my mouth as I opened my eyes. 

A cabin? He had brought me to a cabin?Feeling the smile tug at the corner of my mouth I glanced around bouncing in my seat like an excited child. I had never been to a cabin before and truth be told I was looking forward to the peace and quiet. 

"Surprise sweetheart" 

"Can we go inside"? I asked already taking off my seatbelt and opening my door. The cabin was based on its own nothing around for miles. 

Hearing him chuckle made my smile widen "I'm guessing you like it?" He asked opening the car door and jumping out. 

"I really like it" I grinned as he slipped his arms around me and lifted me like I weighed nothing. "I can walk" no I can't I said slipping my arm around his neck as he ignored me and headed towards the door. Sliding the key in the lock he pushed the door open the heat immediately hitting me. 

"Wow Blaze" I said looking in awe as I glanced around. Settling me into the couch my eyes landed on the open fire. I wonder if he has marshmallows? Glancing around some more I noticed one wall that was covered in photos and by the looks of it this cabin was owned by the club. 

Of course it was 

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked dragging his attention away from his phone. 

"Change of scenery and I thought you could do with a break" He said rubbing at the back of his neck. 

"How long am I here for? And who's going to take over babysitting me when you go back tomorrow?" It didn't hit me on what he was up to until I realised there was only one suitcase by the door. I should have known he was up to something. 


"It's fine Blaze but you could have just told me why you were bringing me here. I know shit is going to go down so there wasn't any point in lying about it". I sighed pushing my hair out my face. 

"I didn't lie..." 

"But you didn't tell the truth either" I said cutting him off. "So who will be here tomorrow?". 

Sighing he came and took a seat beside me placing his hand just above my knee. "I did bring you here because I do think you need a break but you're right shit is going to go down and I can't have you there when it does". 

"So who gets the pleasure of babysitting me?" I asked again. 

"They aren't babysitting you Ava they are keeping you safe". 

"Same thing Blaze so come on who is it?" I asked leaning back so I could rest my head. 

"Cage will drop Ally off because you'll need pain relief. Tank and Tim will be here and Cooper from Marko's MC will stay with you girls until we're done. You'll be safe with them. 

"Okay" there was no point in asking anything because I already knew in my head what was going to happen. 


"What else do you want me to say Blaze?" I asked starting to feel unwell. 

"This is the part where you usually chew my ass off and storm out" 

"Kinda hard to do when I've got a broken leg" I sighed rolling my eyes. Why was it so hot in here? Taking a deep breath I wiped at my forehead, I really didn't feel good. 

"Also a good thing. I don't need you running from me again" He chuckled getting to his feet. "You hungry?". 

"Can I just have some water?" I asked my mouth suddenly dry. 

"You don't look so good sweets, you sure you don't want something to eat?" 

"I-I don't feel so good" I stuttered squeezing my eyes shut. "Sick....I'm going to be sick" I yelled my head spinning as I threw up all over myself. 

"Shit shit shit" He hissed rustling around me. Feeling the coolness against my forehead I blinked my eyes open. "I really don't feel well Blaze". 

"Fuck" He yelled running both hands through his hair. Feeling my eyes close on there own the pain in my head became excruciating. 

"No Ava keep them open baby" I knew he was right beside me but my eyes felt like led, so heavy I couldn't open them. Hearing the loudness of my own heart beat I felt the little beads of sweat running down my forehead. 

Why did I suddenly feel so sleepy? 

"Don't you think I fucking know that? She's in and out of consciousness! I don't know what the fuck to do" 

Gasping my eyes sprung open the brightness of the room making me squint. The pain in my head had dulled but my full body felt like it was on fire. 

Peeling at my clothes a cry fell from my mouth catching his attention. 


"You should never had took her from the hospital".. 

Was that my mom? 

"My body is on fire" I cried tugging at the top I had on. 

"Blaze do as I say and strip her"... 

Ally too? 

"You need to get her in a tepid bath and get that fever down......I don't hear any movement" Ally yelled. 

"Fuck right" 

Lifting me into his arms a strangled scream fell from my lips. I had never felt pain like this ever. 

"What about the cast Ally?" He asked as he marched us both into the bathroom. Turning on the taps he sat me gentle on the toilet seat and began to rip the clothes from my body. 

"Get her in the bath, you need to get her temperature down". She yelled 

"Ava? Baby? Can you hear me?" 

With my head against Blazes chest I moaned my response. 

"You better pray she's okay Blaze or so god help me I will put a bullet in your head myself". My mom growled before there was silence. 

Biting my lip so the cry wouldn't escape my mouth as he placed me into the bathtub, I squeezed my eyes shut. 

"Keep talking to her Blaze and make sure she answers everything you say. Keep her responsive and if anything changes get her to the nearest hospital. We're leaving in the next hour so we'll see you soon". 


"Blaze" Ally yelled 

"I heard you" He growled 

Feeling his presence beside me I felt the coolness of his hand on my lower back. "You have had a shitty couple of weeks huh?" He whispered running the bath 

water over my full back. 

Tensing I made a sound from the back of my throat - I was still responding wasn't I? 

"Gotta do better than that sweets" 

"Yes" I croaked my body not feeling as hot as what it was. As he repeatedly ran the water over my body I blinked my eyes open. "Guess a change of scenery wasn't really what I needed" I said trying but failing to give him a small smile. 

"I should never of took you from the hospital" He sighed placing the back of his hand against my forehead. "What was I even thinking?". 

"I-I feel better" I lied as I watched the water soak into the cast that was on my leg. 

"And I told you before you can't lie for shit" He chuckled "Your temperature is through the roof sweetheart". 

"It's helping" I whispered closing my eyes and letting the water roll over my skin. Leaning my head to the side I took a deep breath. 

"Get those eyes open Ava" 

"I'm still here Blaze I'm just resting them" I replied as he fell silent. 

"Ally said I have to keep talking to you and you have to respond to everything I say". 

"I can still respond with my eyes closed". I muttered 

Feeling the back of his hand against my forehead for a second time I blinked my eyes open. "You don't have to keep doing that I'm here I'm still responsive and my body isn't burning up like it was". 

"I'm just worried sweets and that's why you are going to respond to everything I say" He grinned. 

Same old Blaze....and I wasn't getting out of this one! 

"First time you rode a bike?" He asked as he perched himself on the side of the tub. 

"4 years old" I smiled 

"Fast learner" He chuckled "Favourite color?" 

Oh so we were playing the question game? This was his way of making me respond to everything he said? 

"Red but I'm pretty sure I already told you that. What's yours?" I asked 

"Blue just like the color of your eyes. Favourite season?". 

"Winter" I smiled "I love snow, I love when it's frosty, I love how the air smells so fresh and clean. Favourite memory?" 

"The first time I lay eyes on you, I'll never forget that day". 

"Blaze" I sighed really not wanting to get into it. "That can't be your favourite memory". 

"Oh but it is sweetheart. What ever happened to those thick rimmed glasses you used to wear?". 

"You watched me at my house?" I asked pulling my self into a sitting position which wasn't really a good idea. Why did I not care that I was sitting here stark naked? Why was I not embarrassed about him seeing me naked? 

"I was following orders and when you're a prospect you do whatever the hell your told". 

"That's kinda creepy even for you Blaze now get me out of here the waters freezing". 

Taking a towel from under the sink he threw it over his shoulder before helping me to my feet. Wrapping it around my body he gentle lifted me into his arms and took me into the living room and next to the fire. 

"So what happened to them?" He asked as he went to get my suitcase. 

"I still have them" I confessed as he opened my suitcase in front of me. "An oversized t-shirt will do" I said as he pulled out one of his jumpers and held it up. 

"So why haven't I seen you wearing them?" 

Really? We were still taking about my old boring glasses? What was he getting at? 

"I wear them sometimes at night when I'm alone and no one can see me. Why did you join the MC?" I asked changing the subject. 

"I owe your dad my life. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't be here". 

"That's it?" 

"Yeah so stop pushing. Arms up" He ordered as he pulled the jumper over my head. 


"Favourite snack?" He asked taking a seat beside me. 

"I need to go to a hospital" 

"You burning up again?" Jumping from the couch again he placed his hand on my forehead. Knocking it off I shook my head "No dummy my cast is soaking and I'm pretty sure it's doing nothing for my leg".
