Chapter 63
"No no no"
"Help me...blaze."
"Ava baby"
As a scream fell from my lips I jumped forward my hands looking for something to grab.
"Baby hey look at me" Feeling hands grab my face I started to struggle. "Ava it was just a dream".
Breathing deeply I tasted the saltiness of my tears. Looking around the room my eyes landed on Blazes concerned ones.
It was just a dream
I was soaked in sweat and my body wouldn't stop shaking. If it wasn't already bad enough now I was having bloody nightmares.
"Want to talk about it?" He asked placing both hands on my shoulders as if to try and stop me from shaking. Shaking my head no I ran my tongue over my dry lips as he moved so he was leaning his back against the headboard.
"You want to get up?" He asked grabbing his smokes from the beside table. Was it day light outside already? Why do I feel so tired?
"I could murder a coffee" I yawned dying to stretch my limbs but knowing it would hurt to much.
"You want to come with or are you okay staying here?" He asked getting out of bed and pulling on his jeans. When did he take them off?
What was he going to think if I tell him I'm to afraid to be on my own? Even though I know I'm safe and no one can get me here I still don't want to be left
"Babe?" He questioned knocking me out of my thoughts.
"Can I come with?" I asked as he began to pull the covers off my legs. As he carefully lifted me into his arms a thought popped into my head.
"Didn't they give me crutches?" Surely they did I mean I have a broken leg and can't walk.
"Yeah but I like carrying you" He grinned as he walked us into the kitchen. Sitting me on the counter he went to fix us some coffee while I just stared at him. Hearing the thumping and the hissed voices my eyebrows creased.
"He'll go nuts if you wake her" Jared whispered as he walked into the kitchen Cage following behind him.
"Wake who?" I smiled taking the steaming hot cup from Blaze.
"Never mind she's awake. How you doing sweet tits?" Cage smirked earning him a slap around the head from Blaze.
Sweet tits?
"I'm great needle dick" I grinned causing Blaze to choke on his coffee. "That's my girl" He winked as I looked at him from over my cup.
"You're funny but seriously how you feeling?" He asked rubbing at his head.
"Sore" I shrugged "But alive". What else could I say?
"Fucking not right" Jared piped up "Look at her Blaze! When are we going to hit back man?"
"Jared" Blaze hissed his eyes going from Jared's to mine. Did I really look that bad? I hadn't looked at my face yet.
"No fucking wonder! They had the nerve to run our prez' daughter off the road and we're doing fuck all about it?"
"Jared not here" Blazed snapped
"Its not right is all am saying. We should be out gunning for blood"
"And we fucking will" My dad growled making me jump. When did he come in?
"Ava" He asked his eyes going wide when he saw me sitting there. "Why the fuck are you out of the hospital?".
Wait so if he didn't tell my dad he brought me home? That means.....
"What? Ava Maria Mendez you need to get your butt back to the hospital right now".
He didn't tell my mom......great!
"I'm fine" I sighed
"How are you even.... You" My moms eyes fell into slits as she pointed at Blaze "I know you want to win her back but taking her from the hospital when she has just woken from being unconscious for that amount of time is stupid" She snapped "What is she to do when she's in pain? What happens if something goes wrong?".
"Mom" I sighed
"What if she gets an infection or her stitches burst?"
"Mom I'm-..." Wait what stitches?.....
"Honest to god I sometimes wonder where men get their fucking brains from" She cursed shaking her head before leaving the kitchen.
"I thought she'd be safer here prez and Ally is close by if she needs medication. We can keep a closer eye on her if she's here" Blaze muttered talking as if I
wasn't in the room.
Glancing at my dad I noticed he wasn't even listening to what Blaze was saying. He was staring of into the distance deep in thought. Taking a puff of his smoke he muttered something under his breath, cursed a few times and then left the room.
This wasn't him this isn't how my dad acts and it was worrying.
"What's wrong with my dad?" I croaked swallowing the lump in my throat.
"Don't worry darlin' he always gets like that when he's thinking" Blaze said coming to stand beside me.
Shaking it off I placed my hand on top of his shoulder. "Can you take me to the toilet?" I asked. I really needed to check myself over in the mirror to see how bad I actually was.
"Well getting washed is going to be fun" I said as Blaze placed me on the bed. Thinking about it there really was no way I was going to be able to wash myself not with a broken hand and leg.
"Sponge bath?" He smirked leaning against the drawers.
"Looks like it" I shrugged "I can't get my casts wet so yeah it'll be sponge baths for a while and before you say it no you can't" I grinned watching the smirk fall from his face.
"You want me to get your mom?" He asked
"Can you get my crutches please? I need to see if I can use them" I needed to see how hard it was going to be to get around on them. Nodding his head he disappeared out the door.
Where I was sitting I was in line with the full length mirror that I have never seen before. When did he get that? Taking a deep breath I lifted up the hospital gown I was still wearing to see a white gauze taped over my side. I was scared to see what it was like underneath.
As I started peeling back the tape Blaze walked back into the bedroom. "You sure you wanna take it off just now?" He asked
"When did you get that put in here?" I asked nodding my head towards the mirror. Hissing I forgot how nippy taking medical tape of your skin was.
"For you getting out, Ava I think you should leave that for a few more days" He winced as I finally got the bottom piece detached from my skin.
"Can you help me up so I can get a better look at it?"
"Was my side ripped open?" I asked running my finger over the 9 stitches that lay there. "Stupid question of course it was" I said pulling the tape completely off before he could even answer.
"I know what you're thinking Blaze" Sighing I placed my crutches under my arms and hobbled back to the bed. It was written all over his face and he never was one for hiding his emotions. "They are just bruises that will heal with time". My face looked like I had gone a few rounds with Mike Tyson.
"It just makes me angry every time I look at you. I should have dragged your ass with me like I was going to" He growled running a hand through his hair.
Frowning I took a seat on the bed placing my crutches next to me. What was he talking about? "Dragged my ass to where? What are you talking about?".
"Never mind forget it do you want me to go get your mom so you can get washed?"
I wanted to know what he was talking about but I didn't want to push him. He had some temper and with the way his eyes were boring into the floor I knew he was close to going off on one.
"Can you just do it?" I whispered his head snapping up and his eyes meeting mine. It's not as if he hasn't seen it all before. "I - I mean if you don't want to" I stuttered pushing my hair out of my face.
"It's not that I don't want to babe it's just-" Sighing he rubbed a hand over his face. "It's fine I'll get my mom to help" I smiled before he could finish what he was going to say.
"How about I take you somewhere when you get cleaned up?" He asked as I got to my feet crutches in hand and the door to his room opened.
"Everything alright in here?" My mom asked a questioning look on her face.
"Yes why wouldn't it be?" I asked taking a seat on the bed. Those damn crutches were going to take ages for me to get used to.
"Too quiet and you two alone together means it's never quiet. You are usually tearing each other's-..."
"Mom" I sighed cutting her off "Everything is fine but I will need your help to get ready".
"Can you wait an hour? I just have to pop out with your dad".
I really wanted to get out of this hospital gown and into my own clothes.
"I swear we won't be longer than 1 hour. Blaze you look after her" She said rushing out of the room without giving me time to answer.
"Great" I said rolling my eyes "Can you please just help me get washed?" I asked
"I need you to untie the knot at the back" I said as we both stood in the bathroom. It was nice to see he had replaced the mirror I had broken.
Feeling the breeze at my back as he undid the knot a shiver ran through my body. Slipping my arms out I watched as the gown fell to the floor. There I stood completely bare a part from the panties I had on the day of the crash.
"I'll run the water you stay put" He said
Was he nervous?
"Not like I can go anywhere" I chuckled placing my hands on the sink to take the weight off my good leg. "If you run the water I can sit on the laundry basket and do it myself and you can wait outside?" I asked trying to make him relax. I had no idea why he was acting nervous he had seen it all before.
"I think that would be for the best sweetheart. Give me a shout if you need anything, I'll just be outside".
"Why?" I blurted out wishing I hadn't. My cheeks turned scarlet at the look he pulled.
"Get washed I'll be outside if you need me"
And then he was gone.
"Just cut the leg off I can buy a new pair of trouser when I get this cast off" I said already sweaty with how hot it was in here. "Seriously how hot is it?" I asked wiping at my forehead.
"Stay still in case I cut your fucking leg" My dad groaned cigarette hanging from his lips and a pair of scissors in his hands. He was currently trying to cut my trouser leg off because if wouldn't fully go over my cast.
Rolling my eyes I rested my hands on his shoulders "Make sure you leave some on so the top of my leg doesn't get cold".
"I know what I'm fucking doing Ava" He growled causing me to sink my teeth into my bottom lip so I wouldn't laugh. My dad was sweating like hell.
"Done" He sighed getting to his feet "Fuck I'm getting old" He huffed puffing on his smoke.
"How do I look?" I asked as I grabbed my crutches that were leaning against the bar.
"Hot as fuck"
Feeling the grin take over my face I was pulled into her arms in a tight grasp. "Shit sorry and I'm sorry for drugging you up. How are you feeling? Sore?" She
"I'm okay Ally and I'm actually quite glad I'm home. I feel safer here and I know I'll be well looked after" I whispered
"What's wrong? Are you in pain?" Blaze asked his eyes settling on Ally.
Always fussing
"I'm fine Blaze" I sighed rolling my eyes playfully as he snuck his arm around my waist causing Ally's eyes to widen. Ignoring it I rubbed at my forehead with my good hand "Seriously how bloody hot is it in here? Blaze you're going to have to get me a wheelchair the crutches are to hard to use with my hand". I muttered.
As the squeal fell from my lips I caught the attention of everyone in the clubhouse. "Guess I'll just have to carry you everywhere". He smirked the hoots and hollers coming from the guys causing my cheeks too redden.
"Blaze" I whispered burying my head in the crook of his neck as he began to walk. "Where are we going?" I asked
"You'll see"