Chapter 62
"I thought I was going to die" I whispered "When I was stuck in that car I thought that was it for me. I've never been so scared in all my life Blaze".
"You're a fighter Ava".
Just as the words left his mouth Josh walked through the door clipboard in hand.
"Good to see you awake Ava" He smiled walking to the side of my bed. "I'm going to top up your pain relief it should make you sleep through the night. As you know now that you're awake the pain will be a lot worse... There that should help".
"Thanks Josh" I smiled as I lay back against my pillow.
"I wish you a speedy recovery Ava. I'll run some tests with you tomorrow and let you have some time with your family tonight. I'll be here all night so if you need me push that button" Removing his gloves he grabbed his clipboard and turned to Blaze. "We don't usually allow visitors to stay over night but under these circumstances I've pulled some strings and made it happen. You are free stay stay with her as long as you like. Now if you'll excuse me" He gave Blaze a nod before exiting my room.
"Like I was going anywhere" Blaze huffed causing me to roll my eyes. "I've pulled some strings and made it happen" He mocked "I don't like that guy".
"You don't like anyone" I sighed as the pain started to ease.
"There's just something about that kid" He grumbled running a hand over his face. It was in that moment that I noticed how tired he looked.
"When was the last time you slept?" I asked noticing the dark circles under his eyes and he badly needed to get a hair cut and a shave. "Or the last time you had
a shave?".
"What don't you like my beard?" He grinned smoothing it out with his hand. Matching his grin I shook my head. I did love his beard but I liked it better when it
was groomed.
"When was the last time you slept?" I asked again.
"Haven't had much in the last three weeks" He replied "Wasn't leaving your side sweets".
Wait! He was with me that whole time?
"You were here all that time?" I whispered sinking my teeth into my bottom lip.
"Every day and every night. I told them I wasn't leaving you only left today because your mom forced me to go take a shower".
"B-blaze" I stuttered reaching out and taking his hand. Maybe he was the one for me I mean he was by my side the whole time but the question swimming around in my head was where was Nate? Nate was my boyfriend yet he was no where to be seen. Surely he had a way of finding out I was awake? I doubted Blaze a lot but he always came through for me he was always there.
"What's causing that frown?" He asked knocking me out of my thoughts.
"You're always there for me Blaze. Every time something happens you always put me first. What happened scared the shit out of me and if I'm being honest I'm terrified. They got me this time Blaze but who's to say they won't come back and finish me off?"
"Hey calm down" He whispered gripping my now shaky hands. "No ones going to do anything to you I'll keep you safe" Taking a seat on the bed beside me he moved me gently so I was lying with my head on his chest. "No one will attempt to take you away from me again".
"Promise?" I croaked the feel of his steady heartbeat like a lullaby.
"Promise" He whispered kissing the top of my head.
He always was my safe haven...
Groaning as the pain circled throughout my body I slowly opened my eyes jumping slightly when I realised I was no longer in the hospital.
What the.....
Gazing at my surroundings my heart calmed when I noticed it was familiar very familiar. How the hell did I manage to get here? Catching sight of the figure asleep on the chair beside the bed I took the pillow next to me and threw it at him. Watching his reaction made a giggle burst from my mouth.
"I thought she gave you enough meds to knock you out until morning" He grumbled flicking on the light. As my eyes adjusted to the brightness I gave him a
look that he knew all to well.
"Don't give me that look sweets. You wanted your own bed...."
"So you decided to take me to yours instead?" I asked cutting him off. "And who drugged me up enough for you to bring me here?".
"I thought it would be better if I brought you here. No one can make any surprise visits and I can catch some sleep" Taking his smokes from the bedside table he lit one up and sat on the edge of the bed.
"And what happens when I need medication?" I asked. Sure I wanted to be home but I wasn't ready yet and I couldn't go without some sort of pain relief.
"Got that covered darlin' are you in pain right now?" He asked
Shaking my head no I glanced at the alarm clock 3.30am flashing back at me. Funny thing was I felt wide awake and I was starving. As if on queue my stomach rumbled very loudly might I add. Feeling the light blush spread over my cheeks I sunk my teeth into my bottom lip.
"You hungry sweets?" He asked as he got to his feet.
"Starving" I answered "but I can wait until it's light outside". Honestly I didn't want him to leave me on my own.
"Or I can go see what we have and whip you something up?"
Eh? Was this the same Blaze?
"Whip me something up?" I smiled "I don't think I've ever seen you cook".
"Cheeky" He grinned coming to a stop beside me "I'll have you know my grilled cheese is the best. I'm going to carry you to the kitchen, that okay?" He asked
Okay....where had blaze went? When did he ever ask?
"Since when did you ask?" I said lifting my good arm so I could slide it over his shoulders.
"I'm trying to be a gentleman here babe and you're questioning it. Let me do what I'm doing and you just enjoy it okay?"
"Hmm have I missed something? Did you do something while I was out?" I asked as he sat me down on the kitchen counter.
"Can't I just take care of my woman?" He growled trapping me between his arms.
"Grilled cheese" He muttered moving away from me and towards the fridge. "I swear you won't have tasted anything better. I just hope they greedy bastards
haven't ate all the cheese".
"Blaze" I whispered as he prepared me something to eat. He was acting weird and I didn't like it. Not nice weird just weird like he still didn't know how to act around me and then there was that moment right there when he changed the subject. He wasn't acting like the Blaze I know, like the Blaze I fell in love with.
"Patience sweets it'll be ready...."
"Forget the sandwich Blaze I don't even feel that hungry anymore" Why was I suddenly feeling annoyed? "Can you just take me back to bed?" I asked glaring at
the floor.
"I wouldn't like to be that floor right now" He muttered turning on the grill.
"Why are you acting like this?" I asked
"Don't know what you're talking about. Your food will be ready soon".
"I told you I wasn't hungry anymore and I want..."
"You'll eat something and then I'll take you back to bed. Jesus fuck Ava what the hell is wrong with you? I'm trying my hardest here and still I'm getting know where" Throwing the utensils into the sink he stormed out of the kitchen.
Was I to just sit here until someone got up? Did he forget I couldn't get down from here on my fucking own?
"I was just getting a smoke" He muttered as if reading my mind. "What's wrong with you? One minute you're happy the next you're ripping my face off".
"I should be asking you the same question. It's like you don't know how to act around me anymore. I don't like it Blaze I don't like it one bit".
Laughing he flicked the ash off his cigarette "I'm trying to be a gentleman and you're moaning about it? Fuck I can't win no matter what I do".
"Maybe I don't want a gentleman" I glared clenching my teeth together.
"Well you are dating my brother" He snapped.
And there it is ladies and gentleman the whole reason why he was acting like this. "So what happened?" I asked knowing they had met at some point while I
was unconscious.
"Nothing happened"
"Okay whatever can you please take me back to bed I'm starting to get sore" I said looking anywhere but at him.
"Eat the sandwich first and then I'll take you" He sighed placing it next to me.
At that very moment it was the best cheese sandwich I had ever tasted. I never realised how hungry I was until I took my first bite.
"I think that's the fastest I've ever seen you eat something" He chuckled taking me in his arms so he could take me back to bed.
"Good sandwich" I grinned "Sorry I snapped at you I just, everything seems weird around me right now". Laying me on the bed he placed a pillow under my broken leg before pulling the covers over me.
"A lot is going on darlin' but we don't want you worrying about it. We only want for you to get better".
I was afraid to ask my next question but I had to know for sure. I just didn't know the reaction I was going to get.
"Did he ever visit me?" I asked knowing he knew who I was talking about. I already knew the answer but I had to hear him say it.
"No Ava he didn't" Sitting back on the chair he propped his feet onto the bed and closed his eyes.
That was it? That's all I was getting? I knew it was hard for Blaze to talk about Nate but I was expecting a longer answer maybe even an explanation as to why
he never came.
"Get some sleep it'll be light outside soon".
"But I'm not tired" I sighed really wanting him to talk to me.
"Blaze" I said nudging his boot with my hand. Nothing not even a huff. "Blaze" I groaned hitting his boot again. "I'm not tired".
Sighing he placed his feet on the ground before standing up. Where was he going? "Don't leave me" I panicked. Watching his eyebrows drop he started to take
off his boots followed by his cut and his shirt. Slipping in beside me he leaned against the headboard moving me gently so my head was resting against his chest all the while I just sat there gazing at him.
"This really has you scared doesn't it?" He whispered running his hand up and down my good arm.
"Terrified and I don't know how to handle it. I can't always depend on you being here but I always feel safe when you're around".
"Do you mean that?" He asked resting his hand on my stomach.
What was the point in lying to him? After the accident I realised life was to short to waste. There was no need for us to be fighting all the time.
"Yes" I whispered because it was the truth. No matter how many times I tried to block him out or cut him from my life. He was the man that had my heart and I couldn't lie about my feelings anymore.
"Then why push me away?" He asked
We're we really going to do this now?
"You already know why Blaze I've screamed it at you plenty of times".
"I know" He sighed
"Then why ask me again? You already know you hurt me in more ways than one but I'm over it now. Life is to short to be angry all the time and I'm sick of being angry Blaze".
"So what happens now?" He asked playing with a strand of my hair.
Good question....
"I don't know Blaze what does happen now?" I asked repeating his question. I didn't know what to do and then there was Nate. Were we still together? Did I still
want to be with him? My head was all over the place but when it came down to it Nate wasn't the one that was here, Nate wasn't the one sat by my bed for three weeks. Nate's arms weren't the ones that were currently wrapped around me like a vine. All in all Nate wasn't Blaze.
"It's up to you sweetheart the balls in your court" He whispered
Sinking my teeth into my bottom lip I lifted my head from his chest so I could look at him. "What's wrong you getting sore? You needing some pain relief? Ally"... Placing my finger over his lips I grinned. Nate wasn't the one fussing over me like I was a big deal right now.
"I'm fine" I smiled
"You sure?" He asked his eyebrows dropping into a frown.
"Im sure"
"You double sure?" He grinned causing me to roll my eyes.
"Always fussing over me" I smirked moving so I could try and get comfortable.
"I'll always fuss over you you should know that by now" Slipping his arm over my shoulder he placed my head back onto his chest.
"Mhmm" I mumbled a yawn escaping my mouth.
"So now you're tired?" He chuckled
"Uh huh" I muttered as my eyes started getting heavy. I was suddenly feeling wiped out. Moving my arm so it was wrapped around his torso I fell asleep to the
beat of his heart.