Big Novel


Chapter 65 

"Right, shit there isn't a hospital around for miles". Scratching the back of his head something he always did when he was thinking he started to pace the room. 

"Guess I can wait until tomorrow" I shrugged pulling the towel off me and the jumper down. "I'm not as sore as I have been if you could find me some 

I painkillers and some tea I'm sure I'll survive". 

"You don't drink tea" He replied coming to a stop a few inches away from me. Raising my eyebrows at him I held back my smile as he about turned and went to 

the kitchen area. 

"Sugar?" He called 

"Sweet enough just tea with no milk" I smiled as I tried to make myself comfortable. "How long do you reckon I'll be here?" I asked taking the steaming cup 

from him. 

"As long as it takes, you warm enough?" He asked taking a seat beside me and pulling out his phone. 

"Why do you use phones like that? I've noticed you all have one" I said not answering his question. They were definitely outdated. 

"Can't track these ones darling and they are easier to use when you do the shit I do" Bringing the phone to his ear I was about to say something when he pressed a finger to my lips. 


Zoning out I thought about the one person I had been thinking about since I woke up. 


Why didn't he come visit me? Why wasn't he the one that was there when I woke up? I thought we were together did I have it all wrong? I was angry but I was more hurt than anything else. I wanted to know why he wasn't there. 

I was happy with Nate. The way he dropped everything for me. How he made me feel like I was the only girl in the world. I missed that, I missed him. I missed the way he made me feel inside I missed the way he would look at me when he thought I didn't notice. 



Snapping out of it I cleared my throat "Sorry what were you saying?" I asked putting Nate to the back of my mind. 

"What were you thinking?" 

"Just zoned out, who was on the phone?" 

"Ally and Cage are on there way up she's booked you into the hospital to get your cast replaced. That'll keep you busy for a good few hours tomorrow" he said falling back into the space beside me. 

"Great" I sighed 

"You hungry yet?" 

"Why didn't he visit me?" I blurted out. 

Watching as his eyes fell into slits he sucked in a breath threw his teeth. Was asking Blaze about Nate a good thing? No it wasn't but I wanted to know. Not taking my eyes of him I noticed his fists were clenched and his eyes had closed. 

"I could make you some grilled cheese? I know how much you loved it the last time" He grinned. 

And of course he dodged the question. 

"Or I could put a pizza in the oven?".... 

"Blaze" I yelled "I don't want anything to eat I want you to tell me why he didn't visit me? Why he didn't call me, hasn't called. Did you do something?". 

"And of course you think I had something to do with it" Chuckling he ran both hands through his hair. "Wake up princess, my brother is a bigger asshole than me and the quicker you realise that the better". Pushing himself of the couch he stormed out the cabin the door slamming shut behind him. 

"And of course he runs away" I muttered under my breath. I knew deep down inside there was a reason he didn't come. Was thinking Blaze had something to do with why he didn't wrong? No because that's the kind of guy he is. I wasn't angry with Blaze I was frustrated. Nate isn't the kind of guy that goes MIA well at least I thought he wasn't. 

Sighing I grabbed the remote of the coffee table and turned the tv on. I needed something to do and god knows when he'll come out of his mood. Getting bored I settled on an episode of sons of anarchy. Kind of ironic how the life they are playing is the life I am living. 

"Didn't peg you for the kind of girl that liked sons" 

Oh so he had calmed down? 

"It's not real and Jax Teller is hot" I smirked just as his ass flashed on the screen. 

"Jax Teller isn't real babe" He replied stealing the remote out of my hands and turning the tv off 

"Hey" I yelled 

Placing the remote on top of the tv he settled into the armchair across from me. "He came to the clubhouse the day you woke up". 


"I had left the hospital as there was no change and your mom forced me to go home and get a shower so I did. Walking into the clubhouse and seeing him made me so fucking angry. You had been unconscious for 3 weeks and never once did he show his face. I told him if he came near you I would put him to ground". 

And we all knew what that meant. So blaze really did have nothing to do with him not coming to visit me. How could I be so wrong about a person? 

"Sorry" I whispered. Secretly I blamed Blaze for Nate not showing his face but with a relationship like there's how could I not? 

"What you sorry for sweets?" 

"For blaming you" I said 

"You didn't blame-..." 

"In here" I sighed pointing to my head and cutting him off "I was secretly blaming you for Nate not showing up. My crazy ass mind thought you had something 

to do with it but you didn't. Also thank you Blaze thank you for sitting by my bed for three weeks, thank you for protecting me the way you do and thank you for always being there for me. I've never said it before Blaze but you are a good guy and I'm glad you're in my life". 

Taking my hand in his he laced our fingers together before flicking the tv back on. "I swear you see more of his ass than anything else on this god damn show" He growled causing a giggle to fall from my lips. 

"It's a good ass babe" I smirked as I could feel his eyes burning a hole in the side of my face. "Stop staring". 

"You just called me babe" 

Taking my eyes off the tv I stared at him in confusion. What was the big deal with me calling him babe? Did he not like it? 

"Say it again" He smirked causing my cheeks to redden. Of course he was trying to embarrass me. 

"It just slipped out now be quiet a good bits coming up" I lied trying to change the subject. 

Hitting the off button I was about to protest when he got all up in my face gently holding my good arm above my head. 


"Say it again" He whispered his lips just above mine. 

Okay so this escalated quickly. Swallowing the lump in my throat my eyes moved down to his lips and then back to his eyes. 

"B-babe" I stuttered my teeth going straight into my lip something I always did when I was nervous. 

"Not helping the situation I'm in" He groaned pulling my lip with his finger. "You know what that does to me". 

This really wasn't a good idea at all. 

"You're heartbeat is so strong" He whispered "I can here it beating from here". 

I needed to calm down and he seriously needed to get out of my personal bubble. As his face suddenly got closer to mine I started to panic "I'm hungry" I blurted grabbing the remote from his hand a turning the tv back on "go make me something to eat slave" I grinned as he pulled himself away from me and headed to the kitchen. 

Taking a deep breath I fanned my face with my hand suddenly feeling like the room temperature had shot up by 10 degrees. Should I have let him kiss me? I'm happy with where we are and I wasn't ready for anything other than us being friends heck I don't even know if I want to be with him again but right now I just liked it the way it was. 

"Toast with cheese okay?" He called from the kitchen. 

Nodding my head yes I was to engrossed with the tv to actually give him an answer. Sons of anarchy was far to addicting and yes Jax Tellers ass was a hell of 

a bonus. 

"My ass is well nicer" He huffed handing me my toast and sitting beside me. 

"You keep telling yourself that" I grinned taking a huge bite. When was the last time I had ate something? 

"I'll prove it". 

Choking on the food that was in my mouth I held up my hand "You don't have to do that" I wheezed trying to catch my breath. 

"Say I have a nicer ass than him" He smirked starting to unbuckle his belt. "And I won't have to prove it". 


Would he actually do it or was he bluffing? Clearing my throat I tilted my head to the side as he popped the last button on his jeans. Of course he would do it, this was after all Blaze. 

"Say 'babe your ass is well nicer than Jax Tellers" He chuckled my eyes now glued to his crotch area. 

"I'm not saying that" I huffed trying to stop my self from smiling. He was so flipping cheesy at times it was hard to believe what he did was hurt people for a living. 

"Say it or my bare ass is coming out" He sang pulling his jeans half way down leaving him standing in his boxers. 

Rolling my eyes I couldn't help but stare at his musclier legs. Sighing I averted my gaze back to his face so our eyes were level. I wasn't saying this wasn't a nice view and I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy looking at a fine man. 

"You are so cheesy at times but yes your ass is nicer than Jax Tellers" I said watching as he broke out into a full blown smile. "Happy?" I asked as he kicked his boots off and pulled his jeans from his legs. 

"Happy for now" He winked picking up his jeans and folding them. "Going to nip in the shower you be okay until I get out?". 

"Not like I can go anywhere and yes I'll be fine go get washed you smell" I lied wrinkling up my nose. 

"Lies lies lies I smell amazing and you know it" He smirked tapping me on the nose before heading towards the bathroom. 

"You really are a cheese ball" I laughed as he winked at me before disappearing into the bathroom. 

But he was my cheese ball.... 

"Sweets let me take you to bed you're falling asleep" He whispered as he continued to run his fingers gently through my hair. 

Moaning I rubbed at my eyes but kept them closed "I'll wait until Ally and Cage get here then I'll go to bed and if you stop playing with my hair I wouldn't fall asle..ep" I yawned. 

Hearing him chuckle beneath me his fingers stopped. I didn't actually want him to stop playing with my hair. Moving my good arm I found his hand and put it back on my head "Didn't really want you to stop" I whispered loving how one little movement made me feel so relaxed. 

"I'm taking you to bed" He whispered his fingers still running through my hair. 

"I don't want to go to bed" I huffed to comfortable to even think about moving. 

"Sweets you're falling asleep please let me take you to bed" 

Sighing I opened my eyes "What time is it?" I asked moving slightly so I was no longer leaning on him. 

"Midnight now let's get you to bed" As he stood I let my head fall back against the sofa and just stared at him. 

"What's wrong?" He asked crouching in front of me. May I remind you he was only in his boxers and a tank top. 

"Nothing's wrong Blaze I'm allowed to stare am I not?" I smiled my eyes rolling over the ink that covered both his arms. How could someone make tattoos look 

so beautiful? 

"I ain't got a problem with that" He smirked his hand coming up to caress my face. "I stare at you all the time even when you don't know I'm doing it" He whispered his thumb stroking my cheek. 

But I did know he was doing it. 

It was hard not to notice when I could feel his eyes burning into me whenever we were in the same room. 

God knows how long we both just sat there staring at each other. Could have been hours could have been seconds who knows but I do know this I think I was falling for him again. 

"I notice" I said breaking the silence and my stare. "I know when you're staring at me even when you think I don't". 

It was hard not to when every time he did the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. "You make me feels things that scare me Blaze and I don't know how to handle it. We've been over this hundreds of times and yet I can't shake it". 

"Then don't shake it" He sighed moving in closer so there was no gap between us. 

Smiling I took a hold of his hand "We don't work Blaze and you know how it ends every time we try". 

"It will be different this time Ava, I'll be different this time. I almost lost you to death and that was the scariest thing I have ever been through. Those 3 weeks were the toughest and hardest weeks of my life. I don't want to be the one that only gets to stare at you from a distance I want to be the one that takes you to bed every night, the one that holds your hand and tells you everything will be alright. I want to be the one that puts the smile on your face everyday, the reason behind that smile. I want to lay in bed at night and listen to you telling me how your day was. I want to see you round with our child inside you. I want to be your man Ava but most importantly I want to make you happy". 


"Sweets please don't cry I'm sorry". 

Wait I was crying?
