Chapter 59
Blazes POV
Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!
Slamming my other fist into the wall I cursed words that would make my mother turn in her grave. I wanted her more than anything but after the stunt I just pulled I don't think she'll ever forgive me. God she felt so good, so soft, she felt like home.
Storming out the closet it took all my strength not to barge down to her office after her. The way she got up and left, left without saying a word and that to me wasn't a good thing. I fucked up the one thing that's ever been good in my life and for what? A skirt? A release? Having her made me a better man. I could be myself with Ava and just as fast as I had her I let her slip through my fingers and into the palm of my brother.
My fucking goodie two shoes brother
Nearing the exit I pulled the cigarette from my ear and lit it up. What the fuck was I going to do now? There was no way in hell she was going to speak to me and I knew for a fact she would avoid me at all cost. Leaning against my bike I shook my head as Cage walked towards me with a shit eating grin on his face.
Guess that bastard got lucky!
"What the fuck are you grinning about?" I asked taking a long draw of my smoke. Never did think the kid had a heart but he seems smitten as fuck and I was jealous. Never truer words were spoken when they said a biker needs his old lady by his side. Everyone was starting to notice the changes in him. Was Ally his old lady? Beats me but she was defiantly doing something right.
"My lady" He smirked mounting his bike as he lit a cigarette. "Honestly man I've never felt this way about any chick and even though she drives me insane I think she's the one". Laughing he ran a hand through his hair "Gay as fuck right?"
Well shit!!
Normally if a dude sat that and told me how he felt about a chick I would put a bullet in his knee cap but I knew exactly how he felt because I felt the same way about Ava and the only difference was he had his girl in his pocket.
"Nah kid not at all you want her you make it official and you make sure she know who she belongs to. Don't fuck this shit up if she's the one". Now I sounded gay as fuck but when it came down to it everyone needed a good lady and when you're lucky enough to find her you grab on and don't let go.
"Thanks man that means a lot" He grinned slipping on his helmet.
"Right lets stop being a pair of pussy's and get back to the club house I've got shit to do". Clipping my helmet together I revved my bike and sped off out of the hospital. Speeding onto the highway I had came to the decision of getting out of here for a bit. I needed to give her space and with me bring around I know she wouldn't step foot near the clubhouse. Prez wouldn't mind and I still had some work to do with the other club. They still had a rat and I sure as fuck wasn't leaving without finding out who it was this time.
The distraction would be good and it would give me time to clear my head. Signalling into the clubhouse I parked my bike and slipped my helmet onto my handlebars. Watching the guys in the lot joke around and work on their bikes I wondered to myself where I would be if it wasn't for Franko. The guy could be a dick and a right hard nut but when you needed him he was there. When times got tough and you felt like throwing in the towel he was there and trust me living this life wasn't easy.
"Hey Blaze can I get you anything?"
"No thanks sweetheart and don't you be lifting anything to heavy. How are you feeling? I hope Tim's pulling his weight" I said watching as her mouth fell open slightly. What? I could be a nice guy when I wanted to be. I used to blame Kelsey for Ava and I not being together but it wasn't her fault. She was just a kid desperately trying to fit in around here and trust me it wasn't easy not when you had the likes of Sandra and Melissa.
As the grin took over her face she placed her hand on the lower of her stomach and shook her head. "A part from the sickness and feeling nauseous every time I smell food I'm doing great. It's hard to believe that another human is growing in my stomach, a little baby that Tim and I made".
"That's good sweetheart and what about Tim?" I wanted to make sure he was doing his part and taking care of her. Tim was a good guy and a good brother and I didn't doubt him one bit but when your girls pregnant she should be the only thing on your mind.
"He's great Blaze" She smiled but it didn't quite reach her eyes. I wasn't going to push the matter any further because really it was none of my business. "I better get back to work" She said as she walked towards Hawk and Tommy.
Leaning back on my bike I lit a cigarette and watched the world go by. I knew Franko wasn't in by his bike not being here and I had time to kill before he came back. Taking out my phone I looked at the only picture I had on there. She was happy and grinning from ear to ear. Why do I keep looking at it? Because it reminds me that I did that. I was the one that made her smile like that. Like she didn't have a care in the world.
"Looking at it isn't going to change anything"
Locking my screen I stuffed my phone back into my pocket. "Fuck off Jared I'm really not in the mood for your shit today" I growled as he placed a cold beer in front of me. Grabbing it I downed the neck before pulling it back from my lips. I could trust Jared with my life but sometimes I could put a bullet in his head.
"I didn't mean anything by it Blaze so chill the fuck out, here" He snapped handing me a smoke. "How bad this time?" He asked as I lit up my smoke.
"Fucked it again" I sighed running a hand through my hair. Man I was badly needing a hair cut and a shave.
"Not even going to ask how but she must be pretty special if you're chasing here the way you are. She'll come around you can't miss the chemistry between you two and besides she belongs here she always will".
"Yeah I thought that to but I'm afraid that she really has moved on and I can't blame anyone but myself. I hurt her Jared and I'm surprised Franko hasn't put me to ground for it yet"...
"Put you to ground for what?" Came his gruff voice from behind me. "Let me guess this has something to do with Ava? Jared go get the guys round the table we'll be there in a second".
"Don't shoot me in the leg again it's a bitch to heal" I muttered as he took a seat on the bench parked next to my bike. Hearing him chuckle he patted my shoulder. "I'm not going to do anything but give you a little advice about Mendez woman".
What the fuck has happened to my prez?
"Ava is like her mother in every way but she gets her stubbornness from me and if she doesn't like something then she'll tell you. What ever you have done to my daughter you better fix it. I can see she's hurt Blaze and I don't know how to sort it, she's my little girl and I haven't been treating her like it. Do you know when she was younger I couldn't move for her" He laughed scratching the back of his neck "Everywhere I went she would follow me. The neckless I gave her I had no idea that she would where it all those years well that was until she came back here and ripped it off".
"She thinks you don't care about her" I said taking a drink of my beer. "She thinks you care about Aubrey and your club".
"That's not fucking true she is my little girl she always will be. Who the fuck put that idea into her head?"
Shrugging my shoulders I stood from my bike "Well maybe you should try and get the relationship back you had all those years ago. She doesn't feel like she belongs here prez".
"I can't fix how she feels Blaze she's a grown woman she's makes up her own mind. Regardless of what she says or how she feels she will always be my daughter and she will always comes first no matter what she believes. In all honesty this is the first time I don't know how to fix it. Do you not think it kills me to see the hurt in her eyes every time I look at her? To know that she isn't happy. I want her to be happy Blaze and for her to be happy she has to do what she's doing".
"I thought you were giving me advice?" I muttered not liking the sound of where this conversation was going. "I want to win her back, give her the world. She would want for nothing and if she would just give me another chance-...."
"How many chances do you need Blaze? You're lucky I like you and you're good at what you do because you broke her heart and I don't take lightly to that. If you were anyone else I would have killed you with my bare hands". He growled cutting me off.
"Do you not think I know that?" I yelled "I need her Franko and I know I've hurt her bad but she makes me better. I don't know what I'll do if I can't get her back".
"Stop sounding like such a little pussy if you need her that much then fucking fight for her, now man the fuck up and get your ass to the god damn table. This conversation is done and trust me if you break her heart again I'll make sure you can't walk. Got it?".
"Got it".
"About fucking time what were you girls doing out there?" Tommy grinned as I took my seat.
"Enough" Franko growled causing the room to grow silent. "Now where are we at with the dead VP any information?" He asked lighting up a smoke.
"Nothing yet prez but I'm sure they're waiting it out until they hit back. We don't got no leads but I'll take a trip into town and speak to Charlie see if he's heard anything". Hawk said.
"You do that and take Tim with you and with this shit going on no one rides without protection. Now the other situation what's happening with the guns? The shipment is due Friday. I need to make sure it doesn't go tits up and the ware house needs to be secure".
"Everything is sorted but we have one little problem" Jared piped up scratching the back of his head. "They want 20% for shifting them through there territory and if we don't agree then the deals off".
"I always new they leeches were bad for doing business with but what fucking choice do we have? Make the call and set up a meet. I need to be sure they aren't going to fuck us over".
"Got it prez"