Big Novel


The sniper smiled as his target went down, his smile was short lived however as Aiden rounded the corner, followed by Marcus. 

"Dam! " Marcus shouted as he ran towards Jason and Stefan. Seeing no shelter to drag them behind he tackled Lilly to the ground and then threw his ridiculous size on top of Jason and Stefan protectively, whilst barking at Lilly to stay down flat on the ground behind him. 

Whilst Marcus was protecting Stefan, Jason and Lilly... Aiden had got himself in position and had scanned the area to find the assassin's location," Goodbye you bastard,"Aiden whispered as he pulled the trigger and the assassin topple dramatically from the aircraft carriers roof. 

Marcus hearing the assassin's body smack the tarmac craned his neck, "STAY DOWN UNTIL I'VE SWEPT THE AREA!" Aiden ordered as he checked the area carefully for any more enemies. 

Seeing none and knowing it was clear Aiden slowly walked towards Marcus, Lilly and his fallen friends, with his rifle still raised however- just in case his training was rusty and he had missed one. "Let's move them into the air craft carrier whilst we wait for back up. It's likely one of them was seriously hit and the other was probably just grazed and knocked unconscious with the impact of the fall. " Aiden said making Lilly sob, as he saw the amount of blood that was flowing underneath Marcus and covering the tarmac. " On my mark Marcus I need you to carry the one who's more seriously injured and make it to the aircraft carrier as quick as you can, lay him on the ground and apply pressure on the wound. Lilly, I need you to drag the other behind Marcus in the same direction...can you do that?" 

Aiden asked softly aware Lilly was most likely suffering from shock. 

Lilly looked at Aiden, her face streamed with tears but she nodded in confirmation, " okay then on my mark,, MOVE!" Aiden shouted and he lifted his rifle and protected them as they moved to the shelter of the air craft carrier. 

Once they were all safely inside Aiden told Lilly to run into the office and search for a first aid kit and she somehow managed to comply immediately, knowing time was of the essence despite her state of shock. 


"Thank you," Aiden said as he gestured for Lilly to give the first aid kit to Marcus. 

"How badly hurt is he?" Lilly asked watching Marcus with anxiousness, concentrating fully on the person lying beneath him. As she knew the person she carried other than a minor gash on the head was unconscious, but breathing normally and she had placed them in the recovery position meaning she could focus on the person who was seriously injured. Marcus...?" Lilly asked with a shaky breath, nervous by the fact Marcus wasn't responding. 

"I am sorry...Lilly but I have done all I ca but it doesn't look good..." 

Marcus said as he looked at her with his own tears streaked face. 

"NOOO!! " Lilly screamed as she ran over the the unconscious victim on the ground and cradled his body to her, holding him lovingly, "PLEASE DON'T DIE...we were just getting to know each other properly..." Lilly wept as Marcus squeezed her shoulder gently and Aiden focused on guarding the only entrance and exit, ignoring his instincts to turn to see which man Lilly was talking too. As he was so busy protecting them when they moved and now that he hadn't yet found out which was seriously injured. 

Please...Jason don't leave me..." Lilly sobbed. 

Before Aiden even had the chance to react to the news it was Jason hurt and not Stefan he heard foot steps coming and braced for an attack, he was relieved however to see it was the rest of Stefan's men entering the aircraft carrier. 

" Mr Marconi...?" The one in the front asked worriedly. 

"I am here..." Stefan said as he stood on shaky legs and nodded to his men at the entrance and then to Marcus and Aiden to continue to take charge before he went to kneel beside Lilly to comfort her. 

"Lilly..." Stefan said as he reached for her and cradled her as she cradled Jason who was also beginning to stir. 

" Stefan...." Lilly said as she leaned into his safe embrace needing the comfort his embrace always offered. "It's Jason...I think he's dying..." Lilly sobbed just as Jason's eyes slowly flickered open. 

"You..r... not...get..ting...rid ...that..eas..y," Jason managed to 


"Oh, JASON! Please don't die...we have only just started to get to know each other properly and I love you Jason..." Lilly said as she held him tightly 

refusing to let go. 

Jason smiled at his sister, "I ...LO..VE ...Y..OU...TOO," Jason replied as he slowly returned her hug. 

"Boss, I am sorry to interrupt but the men have just told me that the Council are on their way...they will be here shortly " Marcus said smiling pleased to see that at least Jason was conscious so if the worse should happen at least Lilly would get to say good bye. 

Jason looked at Stefan pointedly as he reached out for Stefan's hand, Th..e...plan, Boss...go...yo..u," Jason ordered in a tone that was surprisingly forceful, given his current state. 

"The plan? No Jason I am not leaving you...not when you could die ...NO!! " Lilly shouted as she swatted Stefan's hands away. 

"LILLY ...L.I..STEN...TO..M.E, TRUST...ME,... M..UST GO...NOW! " Jason shouted making Lilly pause hearing the determination in her brother's tone and seeing his pleading expression. 

Aiden approached and leaned down to face Lilly, "Lilly the ambulance will be here shortly, I promise I will do all I can until then and I will stay by Jason's side I promise. But you have to go with Stefan now, the plan he is following was Jason's idea he made in himself to keep you safe and you can see how much he is begging you to follow it...allow Jason the peace of knowing your save ...PLEASE. Don't deny him what could be his last request." Aiden said making eye contact with Lilly who sobbed before she nodded. 

"I love you Jason...always, thank you for doing what mum asked and keeping me safe, you're an amazing brother and a good son. Mum would be proud." Lilly said before she quickly gave him one last sisterly hug and kiss and then exited the airport hanger...but as she did an explosion went off, 

black smoke covered the sky as debris feel from it and Stefan's men ran 

around frantically just as the Council arrived and the ambulance closely behind them. 


The church graveyard was full of people all dressed respectably in fine suits and gowns of black. 

Marcus and Abby stood by the grave side with their hands entwined and Abby was leaning on his chest for support as Matt stood behind his head lowered in grief with Jason by his side," this is so hard...I can't believe it, I didn't even get to say goodbye." Abby sobbed as Marcus pulled her into his loving embrace, "I know babe...I know, it's very hard for me too, Stefan was my best friend as Lilly was yours, but I promise you we will get through this together." Marcus said as he stroked Abby's back soothingly. 

Marcus and Abby were still stood by the grave side long after all of Lilly's friends (apart from Matt) and Stefan's business associates and friends had gone- all apart from the Council members who attended the service that was, who were watching Marcus and Abby with interest. 

"Mr Davenport, may we have a word?" The Council members asked as they tapped Marcus on the shoulder. 

Marcus gave Abby a quick hug and nodded to Matt who came to escort her to the waiting car. Marcus hated that the Council dismissed Abby so rudely, not even bothering to acknowledge her. That would change when he officially took over the London Mafia and he made Abby his wife- she would be his equal in very way Marcus vowed and god help anyone who didn't treat her with the respect she deserved, Council member or not. "Yes? "Marcus barked with so much dominance that the council members took a step back. 

"We wish to discuss the succession of the London branch of the Mafia 

and well Stefan's uncles branches as well," the Council member at the front 


And you choose to bring this up matter up at Stefan's funeral? This is a 

time for family and friends to pay their respects, NOT TIME TO DISCUSS 

BUSINESS !" Marcus growled intimidating them - he intended to start his 

relationship with the Council how he intended for it to continue...with them 

knowing he was the one in charge. 

"We apologise profusely Mr offence was intended. It's 

just as you can understand the matter is pressing and we have waited two 

weeks already...if we wait any longer things might become disorderly..." the 

Council member nearest replied nervously trying to be diplomatic. 

'You've waited two weeks, one more day won't do any harm. As I said, 

today is not a day for business. Come by my office at Tease tomorrow 

afternoon and we will discuss it then and if there is any...disorder I will deal 

with it PERSONALLY. Excuse me, I have a wake to attend." Marcus said 

walking to the awaiting car and dismissing them with out a second 

