Big Novel


The race was on. 

Mia and Stefan were racing towards the Royal London Airport both at death-defying speeds, much to the anger of the rest of London's road users who responded to them with a chorus of beeps, rude hand gestures and colorful words that were screamed out of their car windows. 

Mia, of course, arrived first and exited the car with a smug smile on her face," we are here," Mia said standing outside the car and peering in it to look at her men who held an unconscious Lilly and Amy in their arms. Stefan shouldn't be far behind if everything is going to plan, do you know what you have to do?" Mia asked expectantly. 

"Yes, Boss," they replied in unison. 

"Excellent...get on with it then," Mia barked as she casually walked towards the glass waiting room outside the aircraft carrier, leaving her men to do their jobs, her designer shoes clicking on the tarmac as she went to wait on her guests arriving. 

"You know the plan then?" Stefan asked. 

"Yep, enter here..." Marcus said pointing to the entrance on the map that was displayed on Stefan's tablet, "we split up in three directions, Aiden will take a high point and we will finally put his claims of being the best marksman in his old regiment to the test, as he acts as our sniper, picking off our enemies one by one," Marcus said winking at Aiden who nodded in acknowledgement. "Jason and I will blow some s**t up to cause a distraction and draw as much of Mia's men to us as possible and then hopefully blow them up too and when we run out of grenades... kill them 

before they kill us. And you will make a b-line for the runway where Mia 

should be and YOU WILL CALL THE MEN SO THEY CAN REDIRECT HERE IF YOU SEE MIA AND WAIT ON BACK UP IF YOU CAN...AS YOU PROMISED, but if there's no time and ONLY THEN will you go after Mia, killing the b***h and saving your girl," Marcus summarised. 

"Yeah, that's pretty much it, well summarised." Stefan said "Jason, Aiden are you two clear on the plan? 

"Yes, Boss." They both acknowledged. 

"Great let's grab our weapons, and move out the airport is half a mile away. We will approach on foot and try to make our entrance as quietly as possible, we will move quickly so keep the pace and remember we are most likely walking into a trap so keep your eyes open." Stefan ordered as he followed by the rest stepped out the car and made their way to the boot of the car which was filled with an arsenal of weapons. 

"Wow...we were just driving around London with a boot full of sniper rifles, grenades, combat gear, and weapons?" Jason said as he took in the pile of weapons in shock. 

"Yes...? We are Mobsters we need to be prepared for all situations," Stefan replied not seeing why Jason was so shocked. To him, it was perfectly normal to drive around with illegal weapons and enough weapons in your car boot for a small army. 

"Wow..." Jason said as he picked out a gun, knife, and combat vest trying to shake off his shock. 

"Ready?" Stefan asked once they were all kitted out and they nodded in response." Okay then let's go and get Lilly back and deal with that b***h 

Mia once and for all," Stefan said as h lead them in a brisk jog towards the airport base. 

"Another glass? " one of Mia's men asked holding the expensive bottle of champagne. 

"Why not, our guests will be here any minute I might as well greet them looking classy," Mia laughed as she held out her glass for more. The man filled up her glass and as he opened the waiting room door to leave Mia heard an explosion at the other end of the airport followed by screams of her men and clouds of black smoke formed and quickly filled the air. "Oh, how exciting! That will be them now," Mia said as she gesture for five of the ten men guarding her to go towards the sound of the explosion to eradicate Stefan's men whilst she sat sipping her champagne waiting on Stefan to come to her. 

As they reached the airport they breached the perimeter silently. 

As planned Aiden went to the center towards a vacant looking two-story, building that he planned to scale using the rope and climbing equipment he was carrying and then position himself on top ready to watch out for Stefan, Marcus and Jason as well as taking out as many men as possible. 

Stefan guarded Aidens back from the left and Jason guarded his back from the right as Marcus watched both of theirs. Once Aiden had safely reached the building and had successfully scaled to the top and was positioned with his rifle at the ready Stefan took in his surroundings. "It looks like the runway is to the left so I will go that way whilst you two head right, give me five minutes then throw your first grenade and Marcus..." "Yes, Boss? " Marcus asked 

"Try not to blow yourself up or get's took a decade but you've finally grown on me," Stefan said with a cheeky wink. 

Marcus snorted, "You know I think that is the nicest thing you have ever 

said to me," Marcus grinned as he patted Stefan on the back, " I will try my very best, now go and get your girl and remember your promise...if you can wait for backup," 

"I will, I PROMISE," Stefan said as he quickly hugged Marcus," and Jason take care of yourself and make sure Marcus doesn't do anything stupid," 

"Don't worry Boss I have no desire to die just yet and I will try my best but you know what he's like..." Jason said joking making Marcus smile. Stefan grabbed Jason into a quick unexpected hug before he headed in the direction of the runway ready to confront Mia. 

Stefan had just reached the runway and from his concealed position he could see Mia sitting smugly in a glass waiting room drinking a glass of champagne without a care in the world- arrogant b***h, Stefan thought. But what he couldn't see was Lilly, where was she? Was she somewhere with Jamie? Before Stefan could think of his net move a loud explosion went off followed by screams from Mia's men, he waited to see how Mia would respond and he noticed disturbingly she seemed excited- no matter he still got the result he wanted as she stupidly sent away half of her guard leaving Stefan only with five men to take on. Stefan c****d his gun and took a deep breath before he sprang into action. 

Stefan jumped from his cover and with deadly accuracy and speed he shot two of Mia's men in the head and a third directly in the heart, he was just about to shoot the remaining two when they finally reacted and drew their guns prepared to fire. 

Stefan didn't wait to see if their aim was as good as his, he dived behind a stationary baggage cart taking shelter as Mia's men fired bullets pointlessly at the cart before they wised up and began to circle round the 

baggage cart aiming to confront Stefan two against one- odds Stefan was more than comfortable with. 

Stefan waited until their footsteps were louder, indicating they were close before he leaped to the left, leaving his cover and shot the man closes to him in the leg making him drop his gun, then he quickly grabbed him in a chokehold and held him close to his body using, him as a human shield just as the other man emptied his last bullets into his chest. "If I am not mistaken your guy only holds six bullets and you just used the last of them on your friend. You have two choices you can retreat and leave the b***h to 


my mercy or you can choose to stay and try and earn the money she has paid you which means you will die...which is it?" 

Stefan's got his answer as the man took a knife from his belt and charged at Stefan, much to Mia's delight who began clapping gleefully from her position of safety," suit yourself," Stefan said as he waited until the man was within striking distance then pushed his arm that held the knife sideways and headed butted him as hard as he could- instantly breaking the man's nose. 

The man screamed in pain and automatically dropped his knife and 

Stefan took the opportunity offered to reach for his own knife that in one quick motion he slashed across the man's throat killing him instantly. 

Stefan cleaned his bloodied knife on his fallen opponent's shirt before he placed it back in its sheath and then started to walk towards Mia ready to dispense justice. 

"Oh, well that was awfully dramatic..." Mia chuckled as she casually sipped her champagne completely unaffected by the fact that Stefan was stalking towards her like a lethal predator that was cornering its prey. 

"THAT'S ENOUGH OF YOUR JOKES b***h! NOW TELL MW WHERE LILLY AND JAMIE ARE," Stefan ordered in a voice dripping with so much venom Mia couldn't;t help but shudder a little. 

"Well, aren't you rude..." Mia laughed "If you ask me nicely I MIGHT tell you..." Stefan responded to Mia's teasing by reaching for his gun and pointing it at her. 

"Fine! I will tell you. Jamie is lying at the safe house we stayed at last night...I killed him and Lilly is being prepared for her flight to her new life in Moscow...I hear the Russian Mob Boss has big plans for her..." Stefan wasn't able to control his temper anymore he aimed his gun and squeezed the trigger. 

But instead of the bullet hitting Mia in her ice-cold heart as he planned the bullet bounced harmlessly off the glass, "It's bulletproof glass silly...I am vain but not stupid," Mia laughed cruelly. " Now here's what going to happen next, you are going to be a good boy and put your gun on the floor then walk over to me and raise your hands above your head in surrender and if you don't I will call my men and they will kill your little w***e Lilly." Mia said smugly 

"You wouldn't do that, Jamie told me you made a deal with the 

Russian's and the Russian Boss wants her," Stefan said standing his ground. 

"True I did make a deal with the Russian Boss and he was planning on having Lilly in his bed and then passing her around his men...but unbeknown to Jamie at the time, I also made a deal with the Boss to give him Jamies sister as the Russian Boss it turns out has a fetish for virgins...I am sure therefore that Lilly's head will do just as well if it comes down to it, although admittedly it would be less entertaining," Mia sneered making Stefan growl. 

"You have three seconds Stefan and then I will choose for you three...two..." 


"Wait!" Stefan screamed as he dropped his gun and walked towards 

"Good boy..." Mia said as she stroked his face almost lovingly before she kicked him in the balls making him fall to his knees, " you're such an obedient dog now...but you've been misbehaving and need to be taught a lesson," Mia said as she punched him in the face over and over again until blood followed from Stefan's face and she became breathless. "You must really care about the b***h to take a beating like that and not fight back..." Mia cackled as she wiped her bloodied hand on the handkerchief sticking out of Stefan's suit pocket. 

When Mia didn't get a response from Stefan over her jibe she sighed before she took out her phone and called her man, " Get the pilot to start the plane, we will be there shortly and bring the girls to the plane," Mia said as she smiled at Stefan, "we are going for a little walk now be a good boy and do as your told or your w***e will suffer the consequences." 

Mia gestured for Stefan to stand and then she led him to the other end 

of the runway where a small private plane was waiting and as they got 

closer Stefan noticed the men at the bottom of the plane steps were holding Lilly," Lilly!" Stefan shouted as she attempted to go to her to take her in his 


"Ah ah, remember to behave or she will be punished..." Mia said coldly stopping Stefan in his tracks. 

Mia led Stefan closer to Lilly and another girl Stefan assumed was Jamie's sister and they stopped a few steps in front of them. " Now you Stefan Marconi are going to get on your knees slowly facing your w***e and my men are going to force her to watch as I blow your brains out..." Mia said pointing the gun to Stefan's head as her men grabbed Lilly by the throat and stopped her turning away. 

" STEFAN NO!! DON'T LET HER HURT YOU...PLEASE!" Lilly begged as she pointlessly thrashed in the man's arms and Stefan forced himself not to attack the man restraining Lilly in case Mia hurt her more severely in punishment. 

"If you don't comply, Stefan, I will blow Lilly's brains out instead..." Mia said and knowing her threat wasn't empty Stefan fell to his knees. 

" STEFAN NOOOO!! PLEASE GET UP!!" Lilly screamed crying hysterically as she thrashed harder. 

"Lilly its oaky...I love you. Remember I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU." Stefan said looking into Lilly's eyes with love. 

"How touching! Goodbye Stefan..." Mia said as she pointed the gun at Stefan's head. 

Before she pulled the trigger however Lilly snapped, and her body worked on autopilot, maneuvering with quick and lethal steps, as she acted out the martial arts sequences Matt had taught her to successfully free 

herself from the brute holding her captive and then she managed to disarm Mia and punched her so hard she fell to the ground with a painful THUD! 

Stefan stared at Lilly speechless for a brief second before he noticed the man who had been holding Lilly took a few steps towards them and the one who was holding a petrified Amy threw her the ground violently before he too took a few threatening steps closer. Stefan glanced over his shoulder and saw Mia was getting to her feet he glanced over at Lilly who had adopted a fighting stance and she nodded at him with confidence letting him know she had this so he refocused his attentions on the two men in 


front of him, leaving Mia to Lilly. 

"Well how unexpected, you have a backbone after all..." Mia said as she spat blood from her mouth and looked at Lilly almost with a look of respect. "I guess it's fitting it comes down to a fight between us girls...since this whole thing has been about my plan to carve a path for my self out of the male-dominated world I grew up in and to create a powerful empire that is run by a woman...making those sexist pigs realize who really wields all the power," Mia said as she also adopted a fighting stance and she and Lilly moved slightly away from Stefan and her men and began circling each 


"Please! You're making out like your the next Rosa Parks, standing up a righteous cause when in fact your just a crazy b***h who has needs to be stopped," Lilly said. 

"Oh, and you're the one to stop me ?" Mia laughed before she lunged at Lilly and Lilly anticipating her attack easily dogged it. 

"I am not a violent person...but if it means that you can't hurt anyone else, then yes, I am," Lilly replied as she kicked Mia in the side of her leg with such force Mia fell on bended knee and the two of them were locked in a deadly battle. 

As Lilly was locked in battle with Mia Stefan had his own battle to deal with and he was fighting two of Mia's strongest men. The first man held Stefan in a restrictive embrace as the second punched him in the stomach, Go to the main entrance you should run into my men on the way and they will protect you!" Stefan shouted at Amy who was huddled on the floor in a protective whimpering ball," GO IF YOU WANT TO LIVE!" Stefan bellowed frightening Amy into action. 

As Amy ran Stefan slipped out of the hold and managed to get behind one of the men, he reached up and grabbed the man's neck and pulled it violently snapping it and killing the man instantly-one down and one to go he thought as he spared Lilly a quick glance and seeing she was holding her own against Mia he charged at his second opponent. 

Lilly had Mia in a chokehold and was squeezing the air from Mia's lungs without mercy refusing to let go, no matter how deeply Mia scratched at Lilly's hands and arms in desperation. Just as Lilly felt Mia growing weaker out of nowhere Lilly felt a sharp stingy pain in her thigh and looked down to see that Mia had pulled a knife out of somewhere and stabbed Lilly in the 

only part of her body she could access, in the hope it would distract Lilly look enough for her to escape- and it worked. 

As Lilly looked down at her tight and pulled the knife from it to throw it aside Mia elbowed her in the stomach, bringing Lilly to her knees gasping for breath, she was just about to stab Lilly in the back of her neck killing her when Jason rounded the corner and took aim shooting Mia between the eyes and killing her instantly. 

Lilly looked at Mia's body that was lying lifeless beside her in shock before she lifted her gaze to find the source of her savior," JASON?!" Lilly asked in a mixture of gratitude and shock and she stood just in time for him to reach her and take her into his arms in a tight brotherly hug. 

"Lilly are you okay?" Jason asked quickly scanning her for any serious injures. 

"Yes, I am fine but Stefan..." she said as she and Jason turned in time to see Stefan killing the last of his two opponents and Stefan slowly walked towards them. 

" STEFAN!!!" Lilly screamed as she brushed pasted Jason and ran into Stefan's arms to kiss him passionately. " Are you okay?" Lilly asked scanning him the same way Jason did to her. 

"Yes I am fine, are you?" Stefan asked looking her over in return. "Yes, I am ...Jason shot Mia as she was about to stab me, he saved my life," Lilly said as she hugged her brother gratefully. 

Stefan didn't say anything he just walked to Jason and took him in a grateful hug just as Lilly had done, but as Stefan and Jason embraced Jason noticed a red dot on Stefan's chest coming from over Jason's shoulder and suddenly a gunshot rang out into the air and Jason and Stefan fell into a heap as Lilly screamed.
