Big Novel


"I can't think of any connection I have to any of the six airports, as far as I can remember I have never been to any of them and none of my companies do business with any of them. I really thought Mia would be overconfident and couldn't resist toying with me by going to and an airport that I have a connection too in some way...but perhaps I was wrong, perhaps, for once Mia's common sense overtook her childish spitefulness and arrogance and she decided simply to use the airport nearer or that less entry and exit point which means she would be protected better..." Stefan sighed as he turned to look at Marcus and Jason, who had turned to face Stefan. "Any luck with your search Jason and Marcus any updates from the Council?" Stefan asked hoping they had better luck than him. 

Marcus nodded to Jason and Jason replied first, "Well Boss all Airports seem to be small private airports with minimum security, except one that's South it's called Eden Airport and it used to be an old military base so as expected it has only one entrance/exit and it has top of the line security..." 

"If Mia is being smart and focusing on a quick getaway rather than trying to get to me then that will be the best option...although something in my gut is telling me that playing it safe just isn't Mia, I mean if she really wanted to hurt me why go to all this trouble? She could have just ordered Jamie to kill me or worse Lilly, or hired someone to do the job, she didn't need to construct Lilly's kidnapping or risk her life by coming in the country to do the job herself- no this feels way too personal...I still think she wants to toy with me and will lead me to the airport she is using, arrogantly 

assuming I will arrive in time to see Lilly leave or she will draw me to her so l walk into an ambush and she can watch me die. Check everything again you help him Marcus after you give me your update, there has to be a clue somewhere we are missing." Stefan ordered and Jason nodded before he went back to work. 

"I will do Boss, and your right I think...Mia is too arrogant just to leave quietly and quickly to safety. She will end up making the same mistake all villains make in movies...not being able to control their own big headedness and making the plan to elaborate or not shutting up and killing their target without trying to boast, it always ends the same way...with their arrogance getting the better of them and the hero winning." Marcus said making Stefan smile at Marcus 's child-like attempt to give him hope- which strangely worked. 

"And I am the good guy am I? I have been called many things in the past... Mobster, Dark King, a monster...but never a good guy, anyway tell me what the update is with the Council," Stefan replied. 

"When it comes to Lilly Boss, you're always the good guy and her hero and I am sure she thinks so too," Marcus said trying to comfort Stefan with the knowledge that Lilly beliefs in him and wouldn't have given up hope. 

Stefan smiled at his friend, it sometimes felt like Marcus could read his mind. Stefan's main thought at the moment was praying Lilly didn't give up hope and that she knew he was doing all he could to find her and Marcus's soppy remark was exactly what he needed to hear and that moment, thanks Marcus," Stefan said with a stiff nod gesturing for him to continue. 

"Right the Council, I have managed to contact a Council representative 

who has updated the council that Mia is currently heading in the direction of Waybridge tunnel and that she will be heading to one of six airports next. They have a small number of men already deployed who are an hour away and they said they would prefer it if you captured her alive so they can take her in for questioning but if it comes down to it and it's you or her they understand you have to do what you have to defend yourself. They also have spies in Moscow and have them on standby in case Mia escapes..." Marcus said waiting on Stefan's reaction. 

"I knew they wouldn't just sit by and wait on the sidelines for me to bring Mia to them for questioning or her body if I killed her- which I fully intend on doing, but an hour away...that doesn't give us a lot of time. We need to make sure one way or another that this situation is under control by then and that Mia is dead before they arrive on the scene and Lilly is safe and hidden before they arrive. As the only reason they are offering their help is that they think we are tracking down Mia so we can question her about her working with the Russian's and then to avenge my uncle's deaths...if they manage to get to her alive and she talks telling them about Lilly again and Lilly is there to prove her words, it won't matter that she's a traitor and working with the Russian's the Council will see me as weak...chasing a woman and find Mia's previous allegations true and they will find a way to punish me but more importantly will most likely hurt Lilly too, if not kill her." Stefan said thinking the mess they were in throughout loud. 

" f**k yeah, I didn't think about what do we tell them about their men in Moscow?" Marcus asked 

"We tell them we gratefully accept their offer of help. If we refuse the aid they offer it will look suspicious and if Mia manages to full fill her plan and get Lilly to Moscow... it might be the only chance we have to keep track 

of Lilly, who will no doubt be by Mia's side as her trophy until we come up with a plan to enter Moscow undetected and rescue Lilly. By that point our mission is already failed so it doesn't matter if the council knows about Lilly or not, all we need to do then is to focus on getting the council to extract 

Lilly from Moscow too, when they no doubt try and extract Mia, by convincing them that they need Lilly as a witness to Mia's crimes as Mia might have another evil plan up her sleeve that will harm the Council, that's too late to stop and that Lilly might have overheard something that could help them reduce the damage..." 

"Such as another bomb maybe and Lilly may have overheard Mia's target?" Marcus said understanding Stefan's plan. 

"Precisely," Stefan replied. 

"But what will happen once they have questioned Lilly...won't they kill her and you?" Marcus asked confused. 

"They may yes if our back up plan to rescue her from the Council in time doesn't work but I know they won't punish her with torture, they will kill her quickly...and as much as it breaks my heart at the thought of her death if the only way we have to get her out of Moscow is with their help and if our rescue of her from the council fails...a quick death would be kinder than a lifetime in Moscow being tortured," Stefan said in emotional tone making Jason stiffen at his words but he too knew in his heart that what Stefan said was true so didn't argue with his plan. 

"It's horrible to think of Lilly's death but what you say is true, but what about you? Do you think they will kill you too and if so will it be quick like Lilly?" Marcus asked noticing how Stefan never mentioned his own fate. "The most important thing is Lilly, let's focus on her for now," Stefan said suspecting that the council will most likely torture him but unwilling to 

tell his friend that and Marcus was just about to insist Stefan told him when 

Stefan glared at him to silently communicate that was the end of the matter 

and Marcus reluctantly submitted to Stefan's will. 

"Er... I might have an alternative plan..." Jason said making Stefan and 

Marcus turn to him. "Sorry I didn't mean to listen in but you are in a car with 

other people so your conversations, not exactly private and well she is my 

sister...." Jason defended as they stared at him. 

"So, what's your plan?" Stefan demanded. 

Jason spent the next five minutes describing his plan and by the end, 

both Marcus, Stefan, and Aiden who briefly took his eyes off the road all 

looked at him in awe. 

"'s a good plan." Aiden said still starring at Jason in shock 

before a car beeped at them loudly and Aiden looked back towards the road 

swerving to avoid colliding with it, much to the horror of all three of his 



Stefan as Jason was still huddled in a protective ball with his legs tucked up 

as much as he can and his hands draped over his face to shield his eyes and 

Marcus ...he was clutching his chest dramatically like he was about to have a heart attack. 

"Sorry Boss...I just got caught up in the plan, it's a good one and 

honestly, I wasn't expecting something so smart to come from you, Jason...' Aiden said as he looked at Jason quickly, who was beginning to uncoil himself, " no offense." Aiden said refocusing on driving. 

"None taken...just try not to nearly kill us again okay.." Jason replied as he squeezed Aiden on the shoulder and Aiden nodded in response. 

Taking a few deep breaths now that the danger had gone Marcus leaned forward and smacked Aiden on the head. " OW!! " Aiden screamed. 

"YOU COMPLETE MORON! " Marcus shouted as he glared at the back of Aiden's head," But you're is a really good plan, but Boss you know what it means if you go through with it...can you live with the 


"Yes, for Lilly I will do anything and I am sure she will feel the same. It's not exactly how I imagined this ending but if it keeps Lilly safe and means we can be together...then it's the best option we have." Stefan replied hoping his friend understood. "And you Jason you could live with the consequences?" Stefan asked. 

"If it keeps Lilly safe then yes, I have failed her one too many times as a brother and if this is the sacrifice I need to make to be a good brother and protect her then I will support you both," Jason said with a sadness in his 


They looked at each other and nodded (apart from Aiden who's head was still stinging from Marcus's slap and he was completely focused on the road) all silently making a pact to follow Jason's plan and accept the 

consequences for doing so. 

"Boss, it's the tech guys," Marcus said pointing to hid ringing phone interrupting their moment. 

"Put it on speaker." 

"Hi Mr Marconi, Marcus and guys again. So you asked us to call you back when we have an update...the camera outside the tunnel has spotted Mia arriving there ten minutes ago and she's just left only she's not 


"So she has backup, how many cars in her convoy?" Stefan demanded. 

"There are five other cars in total Mr. Marconi but there is something else, yes they no doubt have men inside as a backup but it's the cars themselves that are the problem..." 

"DON'T TELL ME THE ARE ARMOURED MILITARY TANKS OR HAVE A MACHINE GUN OR SOMETHING ATTACHED TO THEM?" Marcus shouted making Stefan roll his eyes at his dramatic outburst. 

"No...they are all the same as Miss Vanatini's car." The tech guy responded. 

"So they are all BMW'S I don't understand what's so important about that?" Stefan asked confused. 

"No they are in the same make, model, color and they all have the same number plate." The tech guy clarified and the car went deadly silent as they absorbed the news. 

"THAT CLEVER b***h! She's paid someone to make fake registrations and attach them to the other cars so they can all travel in different directions and I will be forced to split up my men, meaning even if a team arrives in time to intercept her that we will have smaller numbers and 

there's a better chance of her getting away. Looks like Mia has matured and is thinking with her brain rather than allowing her arrogance and big headedness to get the better of her..." Stefan said in a tone edged with 


"Not necessarily Boss, I have been continuing the research on the airports as you asked and I found an article about one of the airports recently being in the news for them receiving a large donation to build a new runway from an Italian businesswoman who wanted to be kept anonymous but the donation was made in her alleged deceased close friends name Julia Genovese..." Jason said. 

"Wait isn't that..," Marcus said 

"My mother's name. That b***h is screaming come and get me!" Stefan replied. 

"Do you think she will lure you to that airport and be there as well? Or will she go to another one knowing you will head to that one?" Marcus asked. 

"She will be heading to that one, and she will no doubt have a trap waiting. I know it in my gut that she won't pass an opportunity to try and see my downfall," Stefan said with certainty," But just in case we can't afford to take a chance we will have to split the men up just in case. Marcus tell the men we are splitting up and to head to a different direction and can you tech guy, who refuse to give their name, hack into my men's satellite navigation and assign them each a route to one airport apart from the one that's recently had a donation in my mother's name...we will be going to that one." 

"Of course Mr Marconi," the tech guys said in unison as they did as Stefan requested and Marcus texted the guys in each front passenger seat of 

the cars behind updating them on the plan and telling them to inform the 

driver that their sat nav will change soon and they should follow it. 

"Good work Jason." Stefan acknowledged. 

"Stefan I understand why you don't want to risk leaving an airport 

uncovered in case Mia gets away but if your gut is telling you she's heading to a specific airport...shouldn't we at least consider taking one car as a backup? We will be walking into a trap if your right." Marcus said 



"I can't risk it Marcus...if Mia's plan is not to confront me and she is using the donation to lure me hoping I bring all my men...I just can't risk it." Stefan said. 

Marcus nodded in understanding and support and they drove in apprehensive silence to London royal airport, bracing to confront Mia and Stefan vowed as they did that once Lilly was save that he would release his 

wrath on Mia and the witch would burn for her crimes.
