Big Novel


Lilly and Amy were in the back of the car, with their hands tied painfully behind their backs and sat between two of Mia's brutes. "Don't look so sad Lilly you'll see Stefan again and very soon...Jamie saw to that and everything is going to plan," Mia laughed as Lilly glared at her and Amy burst into tears at the mention of her dead brother- he was the only person she had left in the world and now she was alone. 

"Shh... it's okay Amy, it'll be okay. I promised your brother I would protect you and I WILL," Lilly said glaring at Mia getting her message across that if Mia wanted to harm her she would have to go through Lilly first. 

"Aw, how touching! You would have made a wonderful really is a shame you'll never have the chance to become one since you'll no doubt be put to work in one of the Russian brothels after the Russian Mob Boss and his men are done with you and well ... I doubt they offer maternity leave in the s*x trafficking industry. " Mia remarked cruelly and Lilly ignored her jibes until Mia continued and Lilly's blood ran cold, "although I do 

hear that babies sell well on the black market...especially if you do fall pregnant and the babe inherits your blonde hair, porcelain skin, and blue eyes...who knows perhaps The Russian Mob Boss might breed you for profit too." Lilly flinched and fought the urge she had to place a protective hand on her stomach as she thought about the unborn child she was carrying- a child that she loved more than life itself already, hers and Stefan's child. What if Stefan didn't make it in time to save them, would her baby be torn from her arms and sold the minute it was born? That's if she was allowed to live long enough to carry it to term... oh god Stefan please hurry! Lilly 

screamed inside her head as she hugged a still sobbing Amy closer and tried 

not to let her own tears fall at the prospect of all the awful things that could happen to her child if Stefan didn't save them in time. 

Lilly spent the next twenty minutes trying to soothe Amy by gently rubbing her back and trying to stay positive when she noticed the car was slowing down and seemed to be turning off the main road, surely they couldn't be here already? Lilly tried in vain to look out the black tinted windows but she couldn't see anything, although it didn't sound like they were at an airport...perhaps Stefan had caught up with them! Lilly thought hopefully. 

"I know what your we are not at the airport and don't smile just yet Stefan hasn't caught up with us yet either, it's not time for that, yet..." Mia said with a smug smile as the car suddenly got 

darker...where they driving into a tunnel? 

"You don't seem frightened by the idea of Stefan catching up to us and you keep saying its part of your plan...well you must be more stupid than I thought to plan for Stefan to catch'll face his wrath when he does catch up for everything you've done and he has more men than you to there's no chance at all of you escaping," Lilly replied unable to ignore Mia's smugness any longer. 

"Why it's not stupidity at all to want Stefan to catch up but confidence that my plan will work," Mia said as the car stopped. 

"I don't understand why do you want him to catch up? He has more men than you so can easily overpower any ambush you are planning..." Lilly said getting an uneasy feeling as Mia smug smile widened. 

"I am aware of the fact he has more men than me, that's why I came up with an ingenious plan to spilt him and his men up and to ensure that Stefan 

will be lured to me, right into my trap...allow me to show you," Mia said as she nodded to the man on Lilly's left who rolled down the tinted window allowing Lilly to see outside- and what she saw made her gasp in shock. 

Parked beside each other were five black BMW'S completely identical to the one they were in- right down to the exact same number plate! "It can't be..." Lilly whispered. 

"Oh, but it can and it is... you see there are six airports close to the safe house we stayed in last night- and knowing Stefan he has probably traced our car from the safe house to here and he has most likely done his research and knows about the six airports too. Stefan is so predictable, and I knew his plan would be to trace our car from the safe house to the airport and follow behind with all of his men, hoping that he can take out me and my men quickly with his larger number of men so that the risk to you was minimal. Which although predictable admittedly was smart, however as there are now six identical cars that will be leaving this tunnel one after another Stefan will not know which one is ours so he will be forced to spilt his men up. You must be wondering how I can guarantee Stefan will come to the airport I want him too? Well, it's quite simple really, I suspect that once Stefan knows he has to split his men up he will do research into the airports and when he does he will find that one of the airports was recently in the news for having a new runway built, courtesy of a rather large donation that was made under the name Julia Genovese..." 

"Stefan's mother..." Lilly whispered. 

"Precisely...if that isn't a huge scream of we are here then I don't know what is..." Mia laughed. 

" Stefan will know your at that airport and will send all his men there or at least the majority and he will know it's a trap..." Lilly growled. 

"Now who's being stupid! Stefan's gut might be screaming at him that 

is the airport we are heading to but he won't risk diverting all his men there for back up or even a few for back up as that will mean he will be gambling that I haven't used his mothers name as a diversion, so we can go to another airport and make our getaway... and he wouldn't risk losing you. As for knowing he's walking into a trap...he probably will already know that but he will still come because he loves you," Mia mocked making Lilly growl. 

"Now let's give it another fifteen minutes so Stefan is really close and then we will go...all of us," Mia said as she looked in the direction of the 


identical cars. 

What trap was Mia setting for Stefan she had to know," and what's your plan once Stefan arrives at the airport?" Lilly demanded in a dominating tone that made Mia raise her brow at Lilly's unexpected strength. 

"Well now that will be telling and it would ruin the surprise..." Mia laughed. 

Lilly was just about to use a few rather unladylike words to tell Mia what she thought of her and to demand she tell her, when Mia signalled to the 

man on Lilly's left, who held a foul-smelling bit of cloth over Lilly's face that 

made Lilly's eyes grown heavy. "Chloroform..." Mia said gleefully. "We can't have you warning Stefan now and ruining my surprise can we?" Mia sneered and the man next to Amy quickly grabbed her and gave her a dose 


As Lilly's and Amy's world went black Mia poured herself a glass of champagne from the mini-fridge in the back and leisurely enjoyed it until she deemed enough time had passed and then her vehicle and the convoy of identical ones behind moved out. 

Stefan, Marcus, Jason and Aiden were leading Stefan's men in the direction of Jamie's last known location when Marcus's phone went off, Boss it's our tech guys." 

"Put it on speaker," Stefan demanded and Marcus did as he was 


"Hey Mr Marconi, Marcus and guys, I am just phoning to let you know the vehicle you asked us to track is on the move and has been spotted about twenty minutes from your location, heading to Waybridge Tunnel..." 


"Where's that?" Aiden asked trying to figure out which lane to be 

"It's junction B90 just off the M9, Waybridge Tunnel is an old abandoned tunnel if she's heading there maybe she's swapping cars or meeting someone? Either way, there's a traffic camera about a quarter of a mile outside the entrance so we will spot her going in and be able to track her leaving..." 

"That's great thank you if you get any more updates keep us informed," Stefan said as Aiden knowing what Stefan was about to say took the satnav out the docket and handed it to Jason beside him. 

"Put Waybridge Tunnel in the sat nav, we will head in that direction 

and follow her from there," Stefan ordered. " Marcus contact the council to 

give them an update and Jason research the six airports, I want to know 

how many runways each one has, how many staff and how many entrances 

and exits, as well as which one is closer to Waybridge. I am going to reread 

the airport's names see if any of them are familiar...there has to be a clue 

somewhere as to which one she's going too, Mia's vain she will probably 

leave a clue for us to follow assuming we will arrive just in time to see her 

leave..." Stefan said as he picked up his tablet and began to reread the 

names." Lilly, I am coming don't'll be safe in my arm's again 

soon," Stefan whispered praying Lilly was okay and still had hope.
