Stefan, Marcus, Aiden, and Jason who demanded to join them and
wouldn't take no for an answer where all traveling at neck-breaking speed
through London heading towards the outskirts of the city.
"The tech guys said Jamie's phone pinned of this cell phone tower,
here..." Stefan said showing Marcus and Jason the location on a map as
Aiden weaved threw the traffic. "Which means they must be in this local
area, Jamie said they were heading to an airport shortly and that they
would be in Russia by lunch, and knowing Mia she would fly directly, so
since it takes just over three hours to fly direct that means they must be one
or two hours max away from an airport... the tech guys have texted you a list
of all know airports with a two-hour journey from Jamie's rough last
location Marcus, how many are there?" Stefan asked.
There's six Boss and all in different directions. Two are North, One is
East South, Two are South and One is West..."
Is there any other clue as to which one they will be heading to?
Jason asked worriedly.
"I am afraid not...the only option we have is to head as fast as we can to Jamie's last known location, where Lilly will obviously be so we aren't too far behind them and the tech guys, who have hacked into the traffic cams and government tracking software, will use the tracking software to alert them when a car fitting the description Mia is traveling in and with the partial reg Jame gave us is spotted and then we will know which direction she is heading in and we can spilt our resources accordingly. " Stefan said laying out his plan.
"Sounds like the best bet rather than splitting us and the rest of the men in our convoy up unnecessarily sending them in the wrong direction, we might need them...who knows what we will be walking into, the more men we have the better chance we have," Marcus said making Stefan nod.
"I agree with both of you, how long do we have until we get to their rough last know location?" Jason asked.
"About half an hour," Aiden replied as he served to take a sharp left, making Stefan nod at him gratefully.
"We should only be about twenty minutes behind them then, we will catch up to them don't worry Stefan," Jason said smiling at him reassuringly.
"Try and get some rest Stefan, I know you didn't sleep well last night we could hear you pacing. You need to be alert when we confront Mia and no offense but you look like s**t- I have never seen someone with as big bags under their eyes as you do WHEN we find Lilly and WHEN we save her she might take one look at your ugly sleep-deprived mug and run into my arms instead..." Marcus teased trying to take his friends mind off his worry.
Jason and Aiden snorted at Marcus's witty comment and Stefan smiled at his friend knowing he was trying to distract him, "Lilly would have to be blind to do that, ugly because of sleep deprivation or not I am still a hell of a lot more handsome than you..." Stefan teased as he bit back a yawn, " but none the less I will take your advice who knows what tricks Mia will have planned for us so I do need to be as alert as possible." Stefan said as he leaned against the window and tried to rest.
The house had been scrubbed clean and the car packed all that Mia had to do now was deal with one last order of business before she put the little b***h Lilly in the car and went to meet the Rusian's. " Jamie..." Mia called.
"Yeah?" Jamie asked in a barely civil tone as he entered the living
"We will be going soon... but before we go take a seat and join me for a cup of tea." Mia said in a deceptively sweet tone.
"I think we should just don't want to keep the Russian's waiting and I want my sister back SAFE... as soon as possible..." Jamie said keen to reunite with his baby sister and to see Mia meet her end...hopefully at Stefan's hands.
Mia relaxed deeper into the couch and crossed her shapely exposed legs as she smiled at Jamie, " Don't worry I won't be late and EVERYTHING is going exactly to come take a seat and join me for a minute," Mia purred as she pointed to the seat next to her and Jamie knowing he didn't really have an option to say no begrudging sat next to her.
"Milk? Sugar?" Mia asked sweetly as she picked up the teapot.
"Just milk," Jamie answered abruptly. "What do you want to talk about?" He then reluctantly asked making Mia smile.
"Lots of things, your mission...your sister and my plans for the future..." Mia said as she subtly nodded to her man who was standing behind Jamie who went down to the basement to fetch Lilly.
"Okay then ...well..." Jamie said impatiently wanting to get away from Mia as soon as possible as she may have been the most beautiful woman he had ever seen but she was also, in his opinion, the devil reincarnated.
"Patients Jamie," Mia said as laughed and slowly sipped her tea- making sure she took her time and kept him waiting like a well-trained dog.
Jamie's temper was bubbling over and he tried to control it as he knew if he slipped up and offended her that she would likely, out of spite, take in out on his sister. He was just about to ask her, politely as he could, if they could speed this up when Lilly's screams caught his attention.
"GET OFF ME YOU BRUTE!" Lilly screamed as she thrashed in the vice-like hold of Mia's man who was holding her painfully by the arm.
"Why have you brought her here...shouldn't she be in the car?" Jamie asked concerned and not liking the direction the situation was taking.
"You really are a worrier aren't you? " Mia laughed cruelly, "don't worry she will be in the car soon and safely buckled in... on the way to her new life in Moscow, but first I wanted her here for our conversation..." Mia said as she signaled to her man who pushed Lilly violently into the chair in front of her and forcibly held her down in it.
Jamie growled and went to stand up to protect Lilly from the brute restraining her to the chair when Mia reached over and gently patted him on the knee, "I wouldn't do that if I was you...not if you don't want your sister to suffer for your rudeness of turning your back on me during our little conversation..." Jamie hesitated briefly and looked over at Lilly who smiled
at him to communicate she was okay before he sat further back on the couch and turned to face Mia.
"Good boy! I have you so well trained," Mia mocked cruelly as Jamie bit his lip to stop replying with the retort that was on the tip of his tongue. Now where were we ...oh yes, we were going to discuss your mission then your sister and finally my plan for the future..." Mia said rather civically as she took another sip of her tea and subtly pulled something from her bag, unbeknown to Jamie." So your mission, do you think it's going well?" Jamie thought smugly of his text to Stefan and how Stefan was on his
way here," I would say it was right on track."
"So would I ! You gave me the information I needed to take out Stefan's uncle's ...his strongest allies, helped me successfully sneak into the country under Stefan's nose, drugged Stefan's men so I could get into his house undetected and assisted in kidnapping our target, Lilly," Mia said as she turned to smile sweetly at Lilly who glared at her in return." But in my opinion, the most successful part of your mission was how you texted Stefan that it was you working with me winning his trust and then you no doubt texted him again with the description and partial registration of the car we
will be traveling in so he will follow us...right into my trap," Mia replied smugly reveling in the shocked expressions on Jamie's and Lilly's faces before she quickly leaned in and stabbed Jamie with the mystery object she had subtly pulled from her bag- a deadly knife.
Jamie screamed in pain and his eyes widened in shock as he automatically placed a hand over his rib to try and stem the bleeding. "I wouldn't bother...I stabbed between your ribs and straight into your lung'll be dead in minutes as the hole created by the knife will act as a one-way valve, letting air into the chest, but not letting any air escape. With each breath you take more air collects in the chest. The air will completely collapse the lung and then put pressure on the heart meaning your heart cannot pump normally and POOF die," Mia said as Jamie began to dribble blood and feel faint, "I am disappointed in you Jamie being an ex solider you should have known that it is how you are trained to kill in close combat it not? Don't look so surprised you soldiers aren't the only ones who can learn to kill someone effectively." Mia chuckled as Jamie began to slump forward
"YOU b***h!" Lilly screamed as she squirmed under the man pushing her down hold, trying to launch herself forward to attack Mia.
"Why thank you, I am aren't I?" Mia laughed at Lilly's pointless struggles," you should be thanking me you know..." Mia said in a serious tone as she looked between Lilly and Jamie," after all I am trained to kill people slowly too...I can drag someone death our for days...torturing them, killing them, reviving them and then continuing until they beg for death..."
"YOU CRAZY BITCH...!" Lilly screamed pushing Mia's patience and Mia reacted by slapping Lilly ...hard making her head lul backward.
"At first you were entertaining but now...your squeaking is annoying
me girl," Mia said in a threatening tone as she glared at a woozy feeling Lilly, "Muzzle her, the adults are trying talk," Mia ordered and her man clamped his foul-smelling hand across Lilly's face- silencing her protests.
"My sister..." Jamie managed to croak between gasping breaths.
"Ah, yes thank you for reminding me where we were at with our talk. So as you've gathered by your unfortunate current state I knew all along that you would betray me in fact plan was counting on it so you successfully carried out your mission- to do my bidding. Next, your sister, what I didn't tell you in our little deal, to spare your sister's life and me letting her go, was that whilst I or my men wouldn't kill her...I didn't guarantee that she would live or come to no harm and whilst I said that I would let her go...well I never said into your custody, thus I was able to make a deal with the Russian Mob Boss involving your sister without breaking my word to you- not that I care about keeping my word." Mia said proudly
Jamie used the last of his energy to try and attack Mia and she easily dodged his attack and knocked him to the ground where he groaned in agony. "Tut tut you silly boy, take it easy don't exert yourself or you'll die before we finish our conversation," Mia pouted.
"S..I.STER...WH..A...T ...PL...AN ...FOR...H..E..R " Jamie managed to ask
"Well since you asked I will tell you, it turns out the Russian Mob Boss wants Lilly since she's Stefan's woman to punish Stefan and he agreed to give me some of his men and help plant the bombs to kill Stefan's uncle in exchange for her as p*****t. However, it turns out he has a fetish for virgins and since Lilly is ...used goods he wasn't overly excited by the prospect of having her, he just wants her so he can say he mounted Stefan's b***h and
then he will take his joy from watching his men use her..." Mia said as she looked into Lilly's eyes enjoying Lilly's fearful expression " when he found out I gained the information he needed to bypass Stefan's uncle's security systems from one of Stefan's trusted men by taking his sister hostage he made me an offer I couldn't refuse when he found out her he was desperate to have an English virgin to add to his collection..." Mia chuckled and Jamie growled, " he offered me £500,0000 to have her and I thought well why not? " Jamie looked frightened and Mia knew his fear wasn't for his impending death but for his sister, which made her smile.
As Mia was hoovering over Jamie who was quickly nearing
unconsciousness she looked at the clock on the wall, "Well I think we have delayed long enough to allow Stefan to not be too far from here and to be able to follow us to the airport not too far behind us...he should arrive at the airport right on time as scheduled- thanks to you being so predictable. Before we go however and you die I have one last thing I just can't resist sharing with you...BRING HER IN! " Mia shouted and one of Mia's men came in the livingroom dragging...Jamie's sister kicking and screaming.
Jamie tried his best to get up and make his way to his sister who he was staring at with a mixture of shock and love," JJ! JJ PLEASE GET UP!" She cried but Jamie despite his best efforts was simply too weak.
"What a good brother you are...trying with your dying breath to save her, it's a shame really because the jokes on you as she was tied up upstairs in this house all this time...if only you knew that last night when you were sleeping directly under where she was being held." Mia laughed cruelly as Jamies eyes widen in shock knowing his time was very near he did the only thing he could, he managed to whisper just loud enough for his sister to hear "LLOWVE Y..OU...AMS.." and then he looked at Lilly with one last pleading
look wordlessly begging for her to watch out for his sister and with Mia's
oaf's hand over her mouth she wordlessly communicated she would with a
Jamie's eyes fell shut and he drifted away to peace as Lilly and Amy
were dragged out to the car and Mia swaggered behind feeling incredibly