Big Novel


Gemma and Stefan had spent the past two hours sharing stories about themselves and getting to know each other better and Gemma had fallen asleep- it had been a long day and he knew from personal experience how a gunshot wound drained energy from you, sleep was the best thing for her. So despite his urge to continue talking to her to get to know her more he had tucked her in and gave her a quick brotherly kiss on the forehead-which admittedly was an odd thing to do since he had only known he was her brother for a matter of hours but he had an overwhelming protect urge to do so so he did and then he quietly left Jason to watch over her and made his way upstairs to find Marcus. 


"Still no word?" Stefan asked trying to keep the worry from his 

"No, Boss. We have men out patrolling the train and bus station and everyone from police to men from the gutter searching the streets for her but there's been no sighting as of yet." Marcus replied apologetically. 

"Jamie hasn't contacted me again yet either, my guess is they have bedded down somewhere for the night and Mia will most likely move out tomorrow morning hoping the bustle of London's busy streets, Transport hubs, and roads during people's morning commute will disguise them better," Stefan said as he thought of Lilly alone somewhere and scared, he hoped where ever she was that she was warm, comfortable and hadn't given up hope that he was coming for her. 

It had been a hell of a day. He had been forced to betray Stefan, a man whom he deeply respected in order to protect his sister, kidnap an innocent 

woman and he had also shot an innocent woman...that servant girl back at the manor, although he had shot her in the stomach and was careful to miss any vital organs, he had no idea if she had survived or not...but he had no real choice if he hadn't of shot her he knew Mia would have and she would have shot to kill. He hadn't any choice in any of his actions today...but that didn't mean he didn't feel guilty over them or that they were okay, he knew what he had done was wrong and he was willing to pay the price of his actions-just as soon as his baby sister was safe. Right now though as Mia had gone to sleep and the coast was clear he would sneak some food down to the woman in the basement and make sure she was comfortable as she could be given the was the least he could do. 

Lilly was huddled on the floor shivering when she heard the door at the top of the stairs open. 

She forced herself to her feet, straighten her sore back, and lifted her chin in defiance determined that whoever was coming down those stairs would not see her broken or weak. Lilly braced as the steps grew louder but as the mystery person came into view she relaxed a little seeing it was Jamie- as she knew, unlike the others who seemed to be Mia's willing servants who reveled in her pain and misery that Jami,e despite his actions, was actually a decent guy who had been forced to do her bidding. 

"Don't be frightened I won't hurt you..." Jamie said holding up his hands submissively. 

"I know," Lilly said in a calm tone surprising him. 

"I just came to bring you food and a drink and to make sure you were comfortable...sorry as comfortable as you can be, given the circumstances," Jamie said as he slowly lowered his hand s and took off the backpack he was wearing ready to give Lilly the supplies he had stolen. 

"That was considerate thank you. The food and drink would be 

appreciated I am thirsty and hungry and if you had a blanket and first aid kit 

that I can use to wrap my wrist that would be welcomed also. " Lilly replied 

in her usual kind tone that made Jamie feel even guiltier. 

"I thought you might need them so I brought two blankets and first aid 

kit along with, a pillow, a magazine, and flashlight. If you eat I can look at 

your wrist for you...I was an army medic." Jamie said surprising Lilly who 


Lilly was sat on one of the two blankets Jamie provided eating the 

sandwich and crisps he had brought her as he gently tended to her wrist - 

which most likely was not broken according to Jamie's medical knowledge 

only sprained when Jamie surprised Lilly with an apology, "I am really sorry 

for my part in your pain and fear... it's no excuse but I had to do Mia's 

bidding or she would kill my sister and she's only fifteen- still, a kid really, 

not that it matters as no matter how old she was I would still try and protect 

her as it's what siblings do." 

"I understand...more than you know," Lilly said thinking of Jason, she 

prayed that if she didn't survive that he wouldn't fall off the rails again, not 

when he was finally on the right path. 

"Also, just so you don't lose hope...I texted Stefan back at the manor before we left and told him it was me and not your friend who was working for Mia so your friend should get the medical help she needs and I shot her in the stomach missing all vital organs so her chances of survival are good. I feel really bad I hurt her but if it wasn't me it would have been Mia..." 

"I understand," Lilly said and she genuinely meant it. 

"I told Stefan I would give him an update as soon as I find out either where we are now, which isn't looking likely since I was blindfolded on the way here just like you, all the windows upstairs are nailed shut, Mia's men are standing at the exits, my battery on my phone is really low and Mia wouldn't let me charge it claiming I don't need it anymore so I dare not turn it on and waste the battery trying to use google maps or another app trying to find our location unless its a last resort...or until I find out our next location, which is my plan. 

"You would do that? What about your sister?" Lilly asked. 

"In my text, I begged Stefan to rescue her and I know he will because he's a good guy..." Jamie said sadly. 

"You really care for him don't you?" 

"Stefan ?Yes. That's another reason why it makes this so painful...I just hope he knows how truly sorry I am for betraying him and how much I do genuinely respect him." Jamie said. 

"I am sure he does," Lilly said comfortingly 

"You better get some rest, I don't know what tomorrow will bring but I know you'll need your strength for it...I promise I will protect you as much as I can." Jamie said as he smiled at Lilly and as he left Lilly curled up under the cozy blankets and tried her best to sleep. 

Morning came quickly and Jamie was woken from his position on the floor in front of the fire y a swift kick in the ribs by Mia who grinned at him evilly. "Good morning, did you sleep well?" Mia asked knowing fine well how uncomfortable Jamie must have been last night. 

"Wonderfully, thank you for asking," Jamie replied with mock cheer making Mia laugh. 

"I am glad to hear it as we have a busy day today so go an get your breakfast and then feed our guest we have a long journey ahead of us and for now I need to keep her healthy and life." 

"Where are we going?" Jamie asked as he looked at the suitcase behind her and Mia grinned at him. 

"Why to Moscow Russia of course, we should be there by lunch.we leave in an hour..." Mia said as she turned her back and wheeled the suitcase towards the front door. As the door opened Jamie was able to see her put her suitcase into a black BMW and get a partial registration plate before the front door slammed shut. 

Jamie wasted no time he took out his phone and texted Stefan," Low battery 8%, Don't know where we are now but Mia said we are going to Moscow Russia next and she said we will be there by lunch so we must be traveling to an airport nearby our location, we are traveling in a black BMW registration SR6 B1... 

Stefan was in his study when his phone went off, " Marcus! Jason! 

Marcus and Jason came running at his call. "I have a text from Jamie, he thinks they are heading to an airport soon to fly to Russia, they are leaving in next hour and will be traveling in a black BMW with the partial registration SR6 B1, get our tech guys to track all cars with that description within two hours distance from an airport. And get ready to move out.' 

Stefan ordered as he pulled his gun from the draw and stuffed it in his 

waistband-arming himself for the upcoming battle.
