Stefan's and Lilly's funerals and Wake's had gone quickly and Marcus wanted nothing more than to stay in bed cuddled up with Abby all-day, reminiscing about happier times they shared with their dearly departed friends. But sadly they had to go to the will reading this morning and then he had a meeting with the Council in the afternoon- Marcus was looking forward to neither but he had put both off long enough, and it had to be done; So with a loud sigh, he began to kiss Abby's neck to wake her.
"Mmmm..." Abby sighed as she sleepily arched her back in delight and fluttered open her eyes," Good morning to you too..." Abby purred as she leaned up and grabbed Marcus by the neck and claimed his lips in a passionate kiss.
"Stop it, woman, before you tempt me too much...we don't have time we need to be at the solicitor's office in half an hour, we slept in...." Marcus groaned as Abby wrapped her shapely legs around his rights.
"Well had better f**k me quick," Abby demanded as she reached for Marcus's erect c**k and guided it towards her entrance as she reclaimed his lips.
f**k, Marcus thought as he lost all his self-control and his body seemed to just take over, as his c**k slipped inside her tight and soaking entrance making her moan and he began to pound into her with desperate force and speed.
"AH!! "Abby screamed in bliss as Marcus f****d her hardened and faster until she climaxed, squeezing him so tight as she did that she brought about his climax also. "Wow, you're amazing! " Abby said as Marcus slowly
pulled out of her and kissed her lovingly on the forehead and she turned on her side.
"Thank you, as are you. You know I never thought I would ever find a woman who had a s*x drive to match my own but you...your one lusty woman," Marcus said as he reached around to spank her.
"I certainly am...and you manage to keep me well satisfied, love" Abby smiled at him.
"I am pleased to hear it and as much as I would love to spend all day in bed obliging your lusty demands...I am afraid we really have to go. We are due at the solicitor's in twenty minutes," Marcus said sadly.
Abby nodded and rolled out of bed, she had been dreading this day- somehow hearing their wills made it all seem real and Abby didn't know if she would have the strength to get through the day, she couldn't believe her best friend was truly gone.
Abby and Marcus got ready quickly and had arrived at the solicitor's office, quicker than either of them would have liked. "It'll be okay, I am right beside you and Matt, Jason and Aiden will meet us upstairs," Marcus said reassuringly before he stepped out of the car and offered his hand to Abby who hesitated for a brief second, wishing this was all just a terrible dream before she looked up into Marcus's supportive gaze and took his hand.
After Abby and Marcus had greeted everyone and they were all seated the solicitor took a seat opposite them and began, "We are gathered here today to hear the last wills and testaments of Miss Lilly Thompson and Mr. Stefan Marconi. These wills detail their last wishes and divisions of their assets, I shall begin with Miss Thompson's." The solicitor said as he retrieved a black box and took out five envelopes.
"Firstly I have five envelopes, one for each of you, and one to post to
Miss Gemma Romanov who couldn't join us today. Each one contains a private letter for you written by Miss Thompson and she wishes for you to read them privately after the reading, so I will hand them out but please, as hard as it maybe, refrain from opening them until later," the solicitor said lowering his glasses to look serious as he handed out a envelope to Aiden, Marcus, Abby, Matt & Jason. " Next we come to the division of assets but Miss Thompson wished me to read something before we begin." The solicitor said as he turned the page to read Lilly's letter to them all.
"To my dearest family & friends gathered, before the solicitor divides
my assets I wish to warn you, do not get too's Stefan who has the money not me " the solicitor read making everyone laugh despite, the sad circumstances." I may not have managed to gather wealth in my lifetime but what I did get was wonderful memories- filled with laughter and love and I was fortunate enough to meet you all, the best friends anyone could ask for who truly made my life amazing and made me feel incredibly happy. I want you to all know that I cherished every moment we spent together and I love you all. Abby and Matt - you both helped me find my way in the world and helped me grow from a girl to a woman, I will forever be grateful for
your friendships, love and support. You are two of nicest people I have ever met and I wish you both every happiness for the future; Do not settle for partners who do not see your worth, you both deserve someone just as amazing as you- Abby I believe you may have found yours and Matt your prince will be just around the corner, I love you both so very much.
Aiden and Marcus, I met you both under the strangest of circumstances and I can't thank you enough for your kindness during that confusing time. Aiden, you were by my side through all my up's and lows during the confusing period and I couldn't have got through it with out you- you were my dearest friend and confidant, you showed great compassion and empathy for my situation and your wife is a very lucky woman- thank you for EVERYTHING you have done, you are an amazing man who I will never forget.
Marcus you were Stefan's best friend and like a brother to him, but despite your close relationship you too found room in your heart to show me kindness and offer me friendship. You are quite the man and despite Stefan refusing to admit it you gave great advice and were rarely wrong, I feel extremely privileged to have met you and I wish you well for the future, although please know if you hurt Abby I will return as a ghost and haunt you
Jason- my dearest brother, we have had our up's and down's and been on quite the journey together. It's important to me that you know that no matter what happened in our relationship that I never stopped loving you and I never lost faith that you would one day return to the right path and make mum proud as you have now done. Everyone deserves a second chance in life and now you have one please use it wisely and stick to this path. My biggest wish is that you go on to live a long and happy life, meet a
girl, have a family and be the amazing person I know you can be - the person who you have finally became. I love you Jason and I always will, I am so proud of the man you have become."
Once the Solicitor had finished reading there wasn't a dry eye in the room, everyone was crying a mixture of tears of joy and sadness....including the solicitor," excuse me," the solicitor said as he pulled a tissue from the box on his desk and dabbed his eyes dry before he passed the box around the room. " So..." the solicitor said as he tried to ignore his emotions to stay professional," let's move onto the asset Abby, I leave my expensive wardrobe that Stefan brought me, I know you already have a wardrobe at home any girl would die for but apart from being gorgeous clothes and accessories, these clothes, bags and shoes have sentimental value to me and I would like to know they have gone to someone who will take care of them whilst looking hot as hell wearing them. I also leave you my diary, and return to you my favourite pair of shoes- the pair of black heels you gave to me to wear at Sinclair's that I have cherished from that day - as when you gave them to me it was in that moment that I knew you were not just my best friend but my sister." The solicitor gave Abby the diary and box containing the heels and arranged for her to collect the rest later. Receiving Lilly's belongings made it real and Abby began to cry, leaning into Marcus's embrace for comfort.
"To Matt, I leave my boxing gloves and sports equipment as I know you'll put them to good use. I also leave you my DVD collection and book collection as I know your the only one who will appreciate them, as I love Abby with all my heart but you definitely have better taste in books and movies. I also leave to you my training journal that I kept during our training sessions, it's filled with not only a note of my progress but a few embarrassing comments about how much I fancied you- in my defence l
didn't know you were gay! I hope you find humour in the comments and
take comfort in the fact that with out your lessons I would never have developed into a strong woman, capable of defending myself. Your lesson's helped me more than once and I will forever be grateful for them." The solicitor said as he handed Matt the journal and gloves and arranged for him to collect the rest at a later date.
"To Aiden & Marcus I leave each a copy of my recipes that you both seemed to enjoy so much, and Marcus don't worry I wrote yours in simple steps, so hopefully there will be no repeat of the pancake incident." The solicitor gave them each a copy and Marcus opened his and was pleased to see his did indeed look very simple to follow.
"Wow, I can't wait to try these recipes...In fact there's one here on how to cook a Sunday roast complete with a homemade apple pie...I will make dinner for us all this coming Sunday! " Marcus said excitedly much to the horror of everyone in the room.
"Look's like we will all be joining Lilly and Stefan then come Monday, when Marcus poisons us all..." Aiden joked as Marcus scowled at him.
"And finally to Jason my dear brother, I leave my half of mothers house, my childhood journal, and the two most precious things I own...mother's necklace and wedding ring that she wore on her wedding day, I hope you find a special girl to give them too and something I have always carried close to my heart..a locket I have wore since mothers death with a picture in in we took together the first weekend after her death, the one where we spent all say baking together - that day meant more to me than you know." The Solicitor handed Jason the jewellery and paper work to Lilly's half of the house.
"I have one final asset that is to be given to Miss Gemma Romanov,
Lilly's baking tins that were your mother's" The solicitor said looking at
Jason to see if he would object," It was Lilly's wish that they be passed to another mother and daughter to make memories together. I will send them with the letter..." the solicitor said looking at Jason who smiled and nodded.
"That was the last will and testament of Lilly Thompson, now let's move onto Mr. Marconi's if there is no objections?" Everyone wiped away their tears before shaking there heads. " Excellent, this is the last will and testament of Mr. Stefan Marconi. He has a short letter that he wishes me to
read first..." the solicitor said as he quickly cleaned his glasses before continuing.
"You all know I am not one for rambling and I prefer people talking directly so I will give you all the same courtesy as no doubt Marcus is hungry and starring at the clock- " and right on cue Marcus's stomach rumbled loudly making everyone laugh. "I was never one to declare my emotions, especially before I met Lilly and she thawed my cold I never told you enough how much you meant to me and how much I cared for you all so I will say it now, I love you all- old friends/ family and new you are all
remarkable people and I care for each of you deeply and I wish you all the best for the future. Now that the mushy stuff has been said lets get down to business, Aiden I leave you my red & silver Porsche's you were so fond of, my holiday home in Malibu for you and your family, Three Million pound in a trust fund for each of your kids that they are to receive when they turn Twenty-One as well as a One Million pound University fund to support them all through their education. I also leave you and your amazing wife Ten Million pound to use how you wish, my only stipulation is that you use it to make you happy. Thank you for your service and being a good friend." Aiden nearly collapsed in shock- he had never seen money like that before in his life and he was incredibly speechless, his wife and Kids were going to have heart attacks when he told them.
"The next bit is for Gemma I shall read it. To my Sister Gemma and her Mother Katrina, I leave the sum of Twenty Million pounds and a Eighth share to be divided between you, in my company Marconi Enterprises that should generate approximately Five Million pounds each per year...enough I hope for you to live comfortably. I know money will never make up for the suffering you faced at my families hands but I am deeply sorry and wish for you to know that our agreement Gemma, still stands. One of my biggest regrets will always be that I never had the opportunity to know you as a Sister but I wish for you to know I loved you as one from the moment I found out and I hope you have a long and happy life." The solicitor arranged fro the assets to be passed onto Gemma before he continued.
"Next I leave Five Million pounds each to Matt and Abby for being such good friends to the love of my life Lilly- I haven't known you very long but I know Lilly is a good judge of character and she was very close to you both, so I am confident you will find a good use for the money. Matt I also wish to thank you for teaching Lilly martial arts, the skills you taught her were in
valuable and in honour of them I have set a charity that funds martial arts lessons for girls and women and I have organised for it to have Ten Million a year in funding from the profits of Marconi Enterprises and I would love for you to be the CEO of that charity to ensure the money is put to good use." Matt and Abby gasped in shock, they hadn't expected to be mentioned at all in Stefan's will never mind be given so much.
"My dear friend Marcus- who I love like a Brother, I here by leave you all my remaining Financial assets with the condition that a small sum of Ten Million a year is to be sent to an offshore account that my accountant has set up and the beneficiary of that account is to be kept confidential. I also name you CEO of Marconi enterprises and give you half of the company as well as leaving you my strip club Tease, I trust you will take good care of my empire. On a personal note- I also leave you Marconi Manor, that I brought when I was eighteen and you,Marcus, helped turn it into a home. I have many fond memories in that mansion of both of us and I hope that you will make many more. Thank you for always being there for me and now I am dead I can finally admit- most of the time you were right. I love you deeply Marcus, live a long and happy life and never forget what is important in life- love."
"And finally Jason...we didn't start off on good terms but you sure made a hell of a lasting impression- you saved my life and I will always be eternally grateful. I wish to leave you Twenty Million pound- on a few conditions... that you stay sober for the next Ten years, as I know you have great potential to do good things but you just need support to get there. Two you take a job within Marconi / Davenport as it should now be named, Enterprises as Marcus's Personal assistant, I trust that he will keep you on the right path and keep you out of trouble. I will leave the wages and conditions to Marcus but I also leave you my Mayfair penthouse and my
Ferrari, which will provide you with a home and car fitting your new
position." Jason was speechless. He had changed but he never expected Stefan to have so much confidence in him or his Sister, he was truly touched and vowed he would make them both proud.
As the Solicitor said his goodbyes and left, after Jason had a quite word and took Gemma's letter and his Mother's baking stuff, the group started to put on their coats, "Wow, that was emotional...I need a drink," Abby said as she hugged Marcus and wiped away her tears that wouldn't stop falling. "Yeah it was, well since Stefan left me the mansion and I happen to know where he keeps all the good wine and whiskey...I have one quick meeting first but why don't you go back to the mansion drink to Stefan and Lilly, order some food and I will meet you there? Then we can read our letters in privacy and share a few stories about the pair of them?" Marcus suggested.
"Great idea babe," Abby said as she went on her tip toes to kiss
"Sure sound's good," Aiden and Matt said.
"Jason?" Abby asked.
"That sounds wonderful guys but another time right now I have a train
to catch," Jason said as he checked his watch and saw he had half an hour to
get to the station at the other side of London.
"A train? Where are you going?" Aiden asked confused.
"I am following Lilly's advice and I am going to find a special girl," Jason said as he picked up Gemma's letter and packages and ran praying he made the Eurostar train to France in time.
Everyone smiled knowing he was going to see Gemma who was in France taking care of her Mother who had became ill. "Well, then it look's
like it's just us three for now...and now it's finally my turn to spill red wine on your fancy furniture miss lady of the manor," Matt teased Abby as he, Aiden and Abby left after waving a quick good bye to Marcus who was waiting on his driver arriving.
The sea was crystal clear, the beach white and sandy and the weather was beautiful truly was paradise and Lilly loved it here.
"How's my beautiful pregnant wife, this morning?" Stefan asked as he wrapped his arms around Lilly's waist and kissed her cheek.
"Hungry...again," Lilly joked as she leaned into Stefan's loving
Stefan chuckled as he gently spun Lilly round to face him, " Well what can I say my son takes after me," Stefan laughed as he bent down to kiss Lilly's stomach making Lilly laugh.
"He sure does and he doesn't bloody stay at still like you either at night, he's always wriggling and kicking me!" Lilly giggled as lovingly rubbed her stomach to which their son kicked in response.
"Jason Marcus Marconi stop kicking your mother you little devil," Stefan gently scolded and their son kicked as if rebelling making Stefan
smile and Lilly giggle.
"He may not sit at still like me but has is stubborn just like his mother," Stefan teased earning a playful light swat, "I can't believe you were nineteen weeks pregnant and didn't know, you didn't even have any symptoms?" Stefan asked.
"Well...I was a lot more hungry than usual and tired but I just thought that was because you were so lusty and used up all my energy," Lilly giggled as Stefan grabbed her and kissed her passionately.
"Well it's your fault I am as your so irresistible..." Stefan said as he gently nipped her neck just how she liked it making her arch her back in pleasure.
"Even at 21 weeks pregnant?" Lilly joked as she looked down at her huge bump and swollen ankles.
"Especially pregnant, if fact you've never been more attractive you have a beautiful glow and you are the mother of my child...I love you, thank you for giving me such a wonderful gift by becoming my wife and giving me a child. I am sorry that our family and friends couldn't come to our wedding and that Abby can't be here for you now." Stefan said as he helped Lilly sit down and then took her swollen looking ankles and began to massage them gently, like the book the had been reading on how to support your pregnant partner told him to.
Lilly moaned in delight, "I understand it's for everyone's safety and it's worth it if it means we can give our son the safe life he deserves. Besides a years not too far away and then they can come and visit us like you said. Lilly smiled at Stefan.
She loved him so much and she felt so blessed to be sitting on the porch of their beautiful, beach front mansion in the Caribbean with the man
she loved and soon she would have their child in her arms- she had everything she ever dreamed of and Stefan felt exactly the same, he couldn't wait to give his wife and child the peaceful life full of love and laughter that they both deserved.
"Gentleman, we will keep this brief as I have somewhere I need to be," Marcus said as he entered the room exuding so much power every conversation instantly came to a halt as he entered.
"We are here Mr. Davenport to discuss important Mafia matters we don't know how long this meeting will take..." the most senior member of the council spoke.
"As far as I am aware there's not much to discuss, everything is quite straight forward. You wish to interview me and then vet me for the position of taking over Mr. Marconi's London branch, yes?" Marcus asked and every Council member nodded. "Well we can cross that off the list as I was appointed Mr. Marconi's successor by Mr. Marconi himself so no will be needed or interviews..." the room became a buzz with conversation," AND IF ANYONE HAS A PROBLEM WITH THAT THEY CAN DEAL WITH ME! " Marcus roared with such dominance that the room fell silent. " Excellent, I will continue to keep the London branch strong and profitable as Mr Marconi taught me and over time you will welcome me as the new Boss but for now whether you welcome me or not I am the new Boss, the matter is settled let's move on." Marcus said making eye contact with each man in the room intimidating them into submission.
"Well, the next matter is what to do about Stefan's uncles territories..." a nervous Councilman said.
"The new York one will be gifted to the remainder of the Five families in New York as a sign of good will and respect, I trust the Council will see that
the assets and land is divided fairly?" Marcus asked and the Council slowly nodded. "Good, in exchange for my kind gift, I expect the Five families to cut their rate for smuggling weapons to us by 50% for the first year and then 20% for the following two as an equal sign of respect and goodwill," Marcus demanded. "The Marconi territory in Italy and the Vanatini, which I am taking over as of today will be franchised out shall we say to the next most powerful family in Italy, they may live, work and make money on my land without charge but in exchange I will take 40% of all of their profits, in exchange for our protection and permission to operate. " the room listened carefully to Marcus in awe of his strength and ambition. " I believe that sums up the important matters for now gentleman. Thank you for coming, please feel free to retire to Tease, which I inherited today...entertainment and drinks are free tonight for you in honour of our new partnership. I think we will work well together now we understand how our relationship will work...DON'T YOU?" Marcus asked with a edge to his tone and a aggressive snarl that made them all agree quickly.
"Excellent well then good day gentleman," Marcus said exiting before they gave him permission to leave and they all gaped opened mouth at Marcus as he left- there was a new King of the London Underground and it seemed he was about to shake things up.
I have exciting news, because this book was so popular, I have decided to do a sequel out in January 2021 so add me on f*******: - Susan Manion or Susanbluemoonbooks@o****** *m to keep up to date with it's release.
Below is an extract from my new book " The Princess & The Pirate"
please be so kind as to add it to your library by clicking on the love heart and if you can leave comment after you read it that would be appreciated as I have entered it into Dreames writing competition, Fantasy romance contest & Girl power contest and the winners are chosen by the book with the biggest following and comments- so your support is appreciated. The first chapters of this book will be released on Sunday, I hope you enjoy it
EXTRACT FROM MY NEW BOOK " The Princess and The Pirate,"
"So we are clear on the mission ?" Captain Morgan asked as he
searched the faces of his most trusted crew members.
"Sort of..." his second Charlie said.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN SORT OF ?!" Morgan bellowed these men might be the most loyal men you could find on the seven seas but he swore at times they were also the thickest.
"Well...I just don't understand why you want to kill two soldiers, play dress up in their clothes to hand myself and Jameson in as prisoners, just so you can gain access to inside the castle and kidnap a spoilt princess and
then try and escape with her after you've freed we don't get our
necks stretched when we can just ...wait," Charlie said with his usual annoying smirk.
"WAIT?!" Captain Morgan said in disbelief.
"Aye Captain," Charlie said still with his annoying smirk that Morgan was becoming very close to wiping off his face.
" WAIT ON f*****g WHAT? The princess being stupid enough to walk out of the castle and down to the docks and jump onto my ship unescorted?" Morgan asked as annoyance laced his tone.
"Well, I wasn't thinking she'll be obliging enough to swan down to the docks and voluntarily board your ship, but perhaps if she decided to go on a wee midnight stroll by herself, perhaps to meet a secret lover in the woods...we could follow her at a distance and snatch her when she was far enough away from the castle..."
"You've clearly been hit on the head too many times in battle and your brain is addled, what Princess would be stupid enough to leave the safety of her castle in the middle of the night and decided to sneak off unprotected," Morgan scoffed as the rest of his men joined in.
"That one Captain? "Charlie said as he pointed to the castle window at the top of the tower, which had a long flowing ladder of shredded and knotted gowns dangling from it and the figure of a woman perilously climbing down it- a women Captain Morgan could easily identify as Princess Reanna by her long strands of vivid red hair that whipped in the wind like a beautiful beacon.
"What the hell is that crazy wench playing at? Doesn't she know how dangerous that is? One misstep and she will fall to her death and brake her bloody neck..." Morgan said in disbelieve as he watched the figure fearlessly
descend closer and closer to the group.
"And what a bonnie neck it is too from my recollection..." Charlie said
making Morgan's men chorus their agreement.
"What could drive a woman to run from her own home in the middle of
the night and the safety of her own bed.?" Jameson asked curiously.
"I don't know but whatever or whoever it is the Princess will wish she
stayed and faced it or them when I get her on my ship...come on." Captain
Morgan ordered as he silently led his men back into the forest to wait on the
Princess, who as fate would have it would soon walk directly into his
You can add it to your library now :)