Big Novel


"JAMIE THANK GOD!" Lilly shouted as she shook aside her shock and worry for Gemma and remembering she was the enemy and dangerous she ran over to Jamie. 

"Lilly I am sorry..." Jamie said as he looked at Lilly with genuine remorse and guilt. 

"No Jamie it's okay, I understand you had no choice...she was working with Mia and the Russians...." Lilly said trying to soothe Jamie guilt. 

Mia burst into hysterics and Lilly looked at her like she was mad, "Oh you really are so naive. Gemma isn't working with me... Jamie is." Mia said with a cruel laugh. 

"No, it's not true..." Lilly argued but as she looked into Jamies eyes she could see it was and she recoiled from his touch. " But Gemma was making phone calls to the Russians..." Lilly said confused. 

"Oh, that... well it's very simple really, Gemma was calling her mother who is Russian not 'the Russian's' " Mia said taking great delight in Lilly's confusion and pain. 

"So she's not a spy? And Jamie how can you betray Stefan like this?" Lilly asked hurt. 

"I don't have to give you any of these answers you know...but I think it will hurt you more knowing the truth and well you'll be in Moscow soon being pimped around the Russian brothels after the Russian Boss has had you so I will tell you. Gemma is a spy but not in the way you think. You see Gemma's has been spying on Stefan for years, not for any organization but because Stefan is her brother...." Lilly stared at Mia in shock. 

"Your lying! Stefan's mother is American part of the Genovese family, 

"Yes she is and Stefan's father as everyone knew was 'the Marconi', however Gemma is Stefan's half-sister, her mother was the old Russian Boss's niece and Stefan's father and uncle took her as a hostage and when the old Russian Boss didn't give in to their demands and Stefan's father and uncles raped Gemma's mother as punishment...I know because my father did also. The plan was to kidnap her and hold for for ransom to negotiate a better price on an arms deal and defile her if the Russian's refused to cooperate so the Russian Boss couldn't give her as a bride in an arranged marriage to some foreign Cartel, which would have increased his wealth and power." Lilly looked at Mia in disgust. "Don't look so disgusted Lilly, such things are common in any criminal organisation...women are nothing more than property and bargaining chips to the men in charge of such empires...sadly, I know first hand." Mia said sadly that almost made her sound human. "Any way where was I, oh yes their plan.... so they planned on giving her back chaste if the deal went through or sending her back disgraced if it didn't, since they knew the only repercussion for doing so would be the Russian's would do the same to one of their women and would sabotage some of their finical deals, since no criminal organisation would risk war over a woman. However Gemma's mother, according to the conversations I overheard as a child was quite a beauty and she was a strong woman and refused to cower in fear as they men wanted which enticed Stefan's father who grew obsessed with her and he decided to keep her. He had her for two years before she fell pregnant and thus Gemma was born..." Mia cackled. 

Lilly looked at Gemma who was lying unconscious on the floor, with blood seeping around her and her heart broke...Gemma her friend was 

innocent!" Gemma!" Lilly cried as she tried to rush forward to help her 

friend but Jamie grabbed her arm and pulled her backwards. 

Yes, poor little pathetic Gemma... she meant you all no harm, all she 

wanted was to get to know her brother and was just spying on him to find 

out if he was as cruel as his father first before she introduced herself...and 

now she's dead...because of you! " Mia sneered. 

"You b***h!" Lilly kneed Jamie and grabbed his gun she pointed it at 

Mia, she was just about to fire towards Mia's cold heart when Jamie 

recovered enough to tackle her to the ground and the gun went off shooting 

Jamie in the shoulder instead. 

Lilly lay on the ground thrashing wildly refusing to let go of the gun and 

Jamie straddled her making her thrash even harder, " Lilly please trust 

me..." Jamie whispered but Lilly was to riled up to listen to him. 

GET OFF ME!!" Lilly screamed as she continued to trash. 

"Oh, for god sake," Mia walked over to the pair of them and then with 

out warning stomped on Lilly's wrist with a sickening snap. 

"AH !!" Lilly screamed in pain as she dropped the gun. 

"The Russian Boss requested to have you unharmed, apparently he 

enjoys inflicting pain on the women he owns on his own...a way to mark his property like a farmer marks demeaning for you Lilly. But I am sure he will understand the slight damage done not make me correct your behaviour again or next time I will shoot one of your sleeping Guards as punishment...perhaps Aiden who's lying in the hall ?" Mia said with a evil smile and Lilly immediately stopped her thrashing at her words. Good girl, your so we are going to take a little trip get up and stand against the wall with your hands above your head, if you move I will kill your men." Mia threatened and Lilly unable to bear the thought of people getting hurt because of her struggled to her feet and did as Mia requested, wincing in pain as she lifted her wrist. "Excellent, now Jamie text the driver tell him its clear and to meet us out front and then text the Russians and tell them we are on schedule," 

"I don't understand...why are you betraying Stefan Jamie?" asked 


"Oh, that's simple...he's doing it because I have his sister and I threatened to pass her around my men and then kill her if he didn't and Jamie here well...apart from Marcus and Stefan might be the only man in the Mob who actually respects women and he loves his little sister and will do ANYTHING to protect her or so he told me when he begged me to stop when I held a gun to her head and allowed my men to grope her a little in front of him ..." Mia laughed as she held Jamie's gun pointed at Lilly and Lilly turned sideways to protect her vital organs and something else that was much more important. 

"Your sick! How can a woman who has grown up being abused by men allow another woman to be abused so? "Lilly said both out of anger and trying to stall them as long as possible, she needed to give Stefan as much 

time as possible to reach them before Mia got her in the car and one step 

closer to Moscow where it would be dangerous for Stefan to try and save her and their baby...which Lilly had found out yesterday she was carrying but hadn't yet told Stefan. 

"Please! It's because I grew up in such a world that I know what's really important in life and what you need to survive...power. The Mafia offers unlimited power to those who are strong enough to seize it and keep it, women will always be abused unless they grow a back bone and learn to take charge like I am doing." Mia replied making Lilly see she had struck a nerve and she could use it to her advantage to keep Mia talking a little to buy more time. 

"So you're doing all of this out of some misguided attempt to empower women?" Lilly laughed "I hate to tell you but all this violence doesn't make you look like a strong just makes you look like a scared little girl with daddy issues who's lashing out in a a child." Lilly mocked and she smiled as she saw Mia's eyes flash with anger. 

"I will show you violence and who's a scared little girl !!! " Mia screamed as she handed Jamie back the gun, giving him a warning look to remind him his sisters life was in Mia'a hands before she launched at Lilly. 

Lilly stood tall with her head raised defiantly unafraid and waited for Mia's first strike, she would take as much as she could, making sure she shielded her stomach and then when Mia was tiring she would fight back to shock Mia into defending herself which would drag the fight out as long as possible and hopefully achieve her goal of giving Stefan more time to reach she knew even if she could kick Mia's ass that Jamie had a gun that he would be forced to use for his sisters sake, this was a risky strategy but it 

was the only one she could think of to protect her and more importantly her babies life. 

SLAP... SLAP... SLAP ..." Who's afraid now..." Mia cackled in a fit of 

delirious rage. 

"Not me..." Lilly said wiping the blood from her mouth and staring at Mia dead in the eye... "You even hit like a little girl..." 

PUNCH...PUNCH...WHACK... Mia was beginning to tire from beating Lilly and Lilly smirked beneath the blood that was dripping from her mouth, nose and wound on her cheek knowing it was time to fight back. As Mia pulled back her fist in preparation to strike Lilly suddenly punched Mia in the stomach as hard as she could sending her flying backwards to land on her back on the ground. 

Mia looked at Lilly briefly in shock before she attempted to get up, but Lilly was quicker and before Mia could get up Lilly jumped on top of her and began to punch her over and over until Mia was just as bloodied as Lilly 


"GET HER OFF ME !!! " Mia screamed in anger and Jamie obeyed instantly for the sake of his sister. 

As Jamie held Lilly captive in his arms Mia struggled to her feet, " you think you've won because you managed to land a few blows...well we will see if you're still smiling smugly once the Russian Boss has you in his bed and he takes his fill of you then passes you around his men...and after what you've just done I am going to pay him to allow me to watch." Mia smiled. 

"The cars here," Jamie said with sadness in his tone. 

"Good get that b***h in the car and when we reach the safe house clean her up...we want our little gift to be presentable." Mia said in a 

deceiving sweet tone. 

Mia walked over to Gemma and kicked her hard a few times in the ribs, 

with no response and seeing the amount of blood pooling around her she 

was confident that if she wasn't already, that she would be dead soon so 

there was no need to cause any more of a delay by dealing with her. "Well 

that's one lose end we don't need to worry about..." Mia smirked as she 

Stepped over Gemma's body and swanned calmly in the direction of the 

back exit with Jamie dragging a struggling Lilly after her who was swearing 

at Jamie profusely. 

What neither Lilly or Mia knew however was that Jamie sent another 

text when he was texting the driver and Russian's he had texted Stefan, 

"I am sorry. I had no choice she has my sister, Gemma wasn't the one 

working with Mia ...I was. Mia is making me help her if I don't she will kill my 

sister. Mia plans to sell Lilly to the Russian's I will text when I have an 

address, kill me I understand but all I ask is that you save my sister she's only 

fifteen. " 

But would Stefan be able to save Lilly in time before the Russian's got 

her and save Gemma who was quickly slipping away...?
