Big Novel


Stefan and Marcus had been interviewing Jason for three hours...and interviewing was exactly the right word as he was Lilly's brother their question was unusually civil. "Tell us again everything that has happened since you gave Lilly to Stefan as collateral, " Marcus ordered as Stefan put his head in his hands and prayed for patience - he didn't want to hurt Jason for Lilly's sake but he had to find out if he was the mole, even if Jason was the mole and thought he was acting to protect his sister and had made some sort of deal with the Russian's, the Russian's couldn't be trusted and he had to know what the Russian's were planning so he could protect Lilly. 


self-control snapped. 

"YOU BASTARD!! YOU GAVE YOUR SISTER TO A MONSTER TO PAY YOUR DEBTS KNOWING I COULD have KILLED HER OR WORSE...AND KNOW YOU HAVE THE NERVE TO PLAY THE PROTECTIVE BIG BROTHER?! ANSWER THE f*****g QUESTION !!!" Stefan sneered as he lifted Jason off the ground and shook him violently by the collar of his shirt. 

" STEFAN! THAT'S ENOUGH! this isn't helping..." Marcus said as he tried in vain to break Stefan's vice-like hold on Jason and calm him down. 

"What I did to Lilly was the worse thing I ever did! I will spend the rest of my days regretting it and I will spend the rest of my life trying to be the brother she deserves...I know I was cruel, heartless and I wasn't the brother she needed or deserved but I really am remorseful for everything I have 

done and I have changed...please just tell me she's okay...these questions 

you wouldn't ask if something wasn't wrong...please just tell me Lilly is okay." Jason begged. 

Stefan stared deep into Jason's eyes and he could see he genuine confusion and concern in his gaze. " f**k!" Stefan screamed as he let go of Jason and he fell to the ground in a heap. " You really have nothing to do with this do you?" 

"I have no idea what's going on...please Stefan tell me perhaps I can help?" Jason again begged worried about Lilly. 

Stefan paused for a brief moment and looked to Marcus for council who nodded his encouragement, " The Russian's planted a bomb at both of my uncles and assigned them." Stefan said studying Jason's reaction. 

Jason looked at Stefan with genuine shock confirming Stefan's gut feeling that Jason was innocent. "I don't know what to say...everyone knows you don't have the best relationship with them...sorry had ...but they were family and I am sorry for your loss." Jason finally said " but think the person who killed your uncles will come after you next and Lilly will get hurt? " Jason asked fearfully for his sister. 

"No, I think if they wanted me dead right away that they would have killed me by now as they did my uncles, I think whoever killed my uncles did so to send me a message and to remove my allies, I think they are targeting me specifically and Lilly will be their next target to get to me. We managed to catch one of the men who planted the bomb in New York and are we interviewed him, not as gently as we did you by the way..." Stefan said looking at Jason pointedly and Jason nodded his gratitude in acknowledgment, "We discovered he was Russian and working for the Russian Mob, he also told us that they were able to bypass my uncle's 

security systems and plant the bombs as they had had a mole in the inside 

who gave them information...we don't know YET if the mole is from mine or 

my uncle's organizations or if they are from outside the Mafia ...we are trying 

to find that out." Stefan confided 

"And you think I am that mole? But why would I risk Lilly getting 

hurt...that makes no sense." Jason said and Marcus glared at Stefan as if to 

say I told you so making Stefan roll his 


"I thought it could be a possibility, my enforcer Jamie had a theory that 

made sense...he suggested you might be working with the Russian's 

because you thought by doing so you were protecting Lilly from me," 

"I mean yeah, there's a side to me admittedly that's concerned about 

her relationship with you...but after what I did like you said I have no right to 

'play the supportive big brother' that's something that I have to earn back 

by proofing to Lilly I have changed...killing her boyfriends family and 

targeting him isn't a great way to prove to her that I have changed. Besides 

she told me she loved you and that you were planning on retiring for her 

and I know from my years of working with you that you are many things but 

you're not a liar...good or bad you have always kept your word." Jason said 

surprising Stefan with his undertone of respect for him. 

"So if it's not you..." Stefan said 

"Who else can it be?" Jason asked equally as determined to find out to protect Lilly as Stefan was in case Stefan's theory is true. 

"I might have the answer to that, my tech guy is calling with the results of the wiretap on everyone's phones..." Marcus interrupted. 

"Put it on speaker, Jason's innocent and deserves to know too..." Stefan demanded and Marcus looked at Jason's and seeing his fear for his sister and genuine concern he agreed with Stefan and complied with Stefan's order. 

"Hey, Marcus I know time is of the essence so I will get to the point..." a surprisingly kind and elderly male voice said at the other end of the phone. My guys did the wiretap as requested and hacked into everyone's phones associated with Mr.Stefan Marconi's organization and both his uncles and everyone's households as requested to search for anyone with a connection to Russia and we found only one result, a miss Gemma Scott she has been made several calls to a number in France that has ties to Russia and she has several text messages in Russian, we can translate them if you want..." 

"Translate them and send them to my phone as soon as they are translated! I need to call Lilly to warn her...I am sure she said she was having her over..." Stefan said as he took his phone out and tried to call her. 


"There's one more thing Marcus and Mr. Marconi the number you had us watch...belonging to a Miss Mia Vanatini, there was a call made from your house phone to that number ..." 

" f**k !!! Marcus call our contacts in the police department I want a police escort from here home and I want them here in the next ten minutes OR HEADS WILL ROLL !! f**k LILLY PLEASE ANSWER..." Stefan ordered as he 

tried desperately to reach Lilly. 

Marcus did as instructed and within the ten-minute deadline, two police cars and six police motorbikes were waiting outside with sirens blaring. "Let's GO!!" Stefan ordered as he rushed outside still desperately trying to get hold of Lilly. 

"WAIT!" Jason said as he ripped an IV from his arm, "I am coming with you," Stefan didn't have the time to argue so he simply nodded and they sprinted to the car praying they were on time. 

Stefan had finally managed to get hold of Lilly on their way speeding down the motorway at triple the speed limit and he had warned her of the danger, there was nothing more he could do just now but pray Lilly had reached the panic room safely and the reason she hadn't called back as he instructed her too was that maybe there was a fault with the line...even as Stefan thought it, he knew in his heart that Lilly hadn't made it and she was in trouble and needed him so he shouted at Marcus to speed up. If Gemma and Mia harmed one hair on his angel's head he swore he would skin them alive and make them beg for death. 

They were fifteen minutes out when Stefan received a text from Jamie that made Stefan's drop the phone in shock. 

"I am sorry. I had no choice she has my sister, Gemma wasn't the one working with Mia ...I was. Mia is making me help her if I don't she will kill my sister. Mia plans to sell Lilly to the Russian's I will text when I have an address, kill me I understand but all I ask is that you save my sister she's only fifteen. 

"Stefan, what is it? "Jason asked concerned as Marcus spared him a quick glance in the back mirror before he swerved around a car. 

Stefan was unable to speak so he wordlessly picked up the phone and 

handed it to Jason who read the message out loud. 

"That bastard! betraying us like that, I will save his sister, and then I will kill his Irish ass myself for betraying you so! " Marcus growled. 

"NO!" Stefan shouted making Marcus and Jason look at him, " Lilly is our priority right now, we focus on saving her then we will save Jamie's sister, after all, she's innocent and just a kid really and then we will deal with Jamie and any other traitor... UNDERSTOOD?!" Stefan growled. 

"YES, BOSS." Jason and Marcus answered at the same time respecting Stefan's authority. 

"What about Gemma Boss...what do we do about her? " Marcus 


"I honestly don't know, she may not be responsible for this but she still needs to be questioned. For some reason, she has a connection to a Russian and we need to find out why, and besides if she's not working with Jamie and Mia and they haven't taken her too or killed her she may have overheard something that could help find Lilly." Stefan replied making Jason and Marcus nod in agreement. 

The last ten minutes to the mansion seemed to drag by and once they arrived at the mansion Stefan threw open his car door and ran inside before the car had completely stopped and Marcus followed behind as back up, leaving Jason outside to give the police on Stefan's payroll orders. 

"LILLY?!" Stefan screamed as he ran into the mansion and upstairs to the panic room hopu-ing in vain she was inside. 

As Stefan reached the bedroom and found that the fake wall leading to the corridor in which the safe room was down, was still closed he turned in panic and ran back downstairs passing Marcus and began to search the mansion. He stilled however as he entered the archway of the living room 

and saw blood pooling on the ground and in front of him Gemma's lifeless 


Stefan ran towards Gemma and turned her over, she had been shot in 

the stomach but luckily it had missed all vital organs by the look of 

it...although she had lost a lot of blood. " Is she dead? " Marcus asked 

entering the room with his gun out looking for danger. 

"No, she's still breathing...but faintly. Call the Doctor, tell me to bring a 

surgical team, and to come quickly! This b***h will not die...not until I see if 

she can help find Lilly and then find out her secret at least " Stefan 

demanded as he took off his shirt and used it to apply pressure to Gemma's 

wound to stem the bleeding. 

Marcus stayed and guarded Stefan for the next fifteen minutes until the 

Doctor arrived and whisked Gemma downstairs to Stefan's emergency 

clinic, that was built for such emergencies and Jason made himself useful 

by instructing the policemen to gather all of the unconscious security staff 

that were scattered around the house and drag them into the dining room 

so he and they could watch over them in case there was another attack. 

Stefan lost track of time, but the minutes seemed to drag by as Stefan 

swapped between staring at his phone for an update from Jamie and pacing outside the clinic waiting on word about Gemma so he could interrogate her. " Mr. Marconi, " the doctor called coming out of the clinic door. "Your friend is alive but unconscious...she should wake up in the next hour or so and with rest and care she should make a full recovery." The 

Doctor said reassuringly. 

Stefan sighed in relief before he replied, " SHE'S NOT MY FRIEND AND AS FOR HER RECOVERY WE WILL SEE WHAT SHE HAS TO SAY FOR HERSELF..." Stefan then nodded to Marcus who paid the silent doctor and he then entered the clinic. 

"GET OUT!" he barked at the nurse who were still in the room, he needed her alife but he didn't care if she was comfortable when she woke. 

The nurse ran out of the room in fear as Stefan stalked towards Gemma, "You better wake up soon b***h and you better have information to help find Lilly quicker or a good explanation for your secret contact with a Russian as I have had one too many traitors already and I am not in a merciful mood." Stefan whispered to an unconscious Gemma as he bent and roughly shackled her wrists to the bed before he took a seat at her bedside to wait or her waking or an update from Jamie- whichever came first. 

Marcus sat outside the room guarding the entrance and Jason was passing around water to the men who were beginning to wake upstairs. Whilst all the activity was happening in the Marconi mansion Lilly was being roughly dragged out of the car and she was thrown harshly down the stairs and into the basement of the safe house they had arrived in, by on of Mia's other men as Jamie was upstairs forced to listen to Mia bragging about 

her sick plans for Lilly and trying to find out their current location so the 

location they were going to next so he could give Stefan a heads up. 

It's okay baby, mummy's here and I love you. Daddy will save us don't 

worry." Lilly cooed to her stomach as she curled into a protective ball on the 

cold ground and tried to stop, in vain the tears that were falling from her 

eyes. " Please, Stefan find us..."
