Big Novel


"HOW CAN YOU STILL NOT KNOW?!" Stefan demanded as he tipped the table nearest to him over in rage. 

"We are doing everything we can... " Jamie said but was interrupted by Stefan. 

"IT'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH! The Russian's killed my uncles, two of the most powerful men in the world... who's to say they won't target Lilly next? We need to find them before they get the chance, Starting by finding out who the mole is that's working for them. I want that information by the end of the day or you won't like the consequences." Stefan snarled as he stared at Jamie with a gaze of pure anger that made Jamie shudder in fear. 

"Boss, it's not Jamie your mad at," Marcus said softly as he stepped in between Stefan and Jamie. "We understand why you're angry and why you're ...frightened but I promise you we won't let anything happen to Lilly, we know how much you love her and she's become like a little sister to me too...we have the best-trained men in the world looking for this mole and we have Lilly well protected, we will find the traitor soon and it will all be over I promise," Marcus said soothingly as he reached out to squeeze Stefan's shoulders in brotherly affection and a show of support. 

Stefan flinched at Marcus's touch at first, as he was like a dangerous wild animal with pent up anger waiting to attack; But as he looked into Marcus's eyes and saw determination and support in his gaze, he knew Marcus meant every word and with Marcus by his side, as he had always been in difficult times, Stefan knew he would achieve his mission- as Marcus had never let him down before. 

"You're right. I ...just need to keep Lilly safe that's all that matters to me right now and I can't do that whilst I don't know who to protect her from." Stefan admitted as he for the first time in his life sounded - scared. 


"I understand..." Marcus said as he pulled Stefan into a brotherly 

Jamie was stood behind the ridiculously tall MARCUS taking shelter from Stefan's wrath when a light bulb went off in his head. " Erm excuse me, Stefan..." Jamie said as he poked his head around Marcus to gage Stefan's mood. "I mean Mr. Marconi..." Jamie corrected as Stefan stepped back from Marcus's embrace to stare at Jamie- still with an angry expression, although less deadly looking. 

"Yes," Stefan replied 

"Well, your conversation there gave me an idea....not that I was listening to it intentionally... I wasn't... I have big ears as my Mam always said...." 

"WHAT IS IT?" Stefan shouted vastly losing patience at Jamie's babbling. 

"Sorry. You said Marcus Lilly was like a sister to you and that got me thinking...we have questioned all of our men and sent people we trust out to do the same with all of your uncles and we have questioned your household staff and your uncles but what if the reason we haven't found a mole between them is that it's not anyone inside your Mafia organization or either of your uncles...what if it's someone else with a grudge against the Mafia and more specifically you... Lilly's brother." Jamie said nervously and Marcus and Stefan stared at him in shock and then each other. 


"Jason's in the rehab facility you sent him too isn't he? " Marcus 

Yes, he is...although for once what Jamie said is actually pretty smart. 

We were so busy looking for someone in my or my uncle's organizations or 

someone outside them associated with me and them that we didn't think to 

investigate the possibility it could be someone from the 

Jason. " Stefan said as he thought about the idea more clearly. 

"But I thought you said you trusted that Jason had changed and was 

trying to make amends with Lilly, why would he do this it makes no sense..." 

Marcus said. 

"It does when you think about it... he may think he's protecting her. 

What if the Russians offered to kill you but to make sure she was unharmed? 

Don't you think he would take a sea they offered like that if he thought your 

were bad for Lilly and he would be saving her." Jamie said convincingly. 

Jason knows you aren't going to hurt Lilly and that she loves you, Lilly 

told him the truth about your relationship before he went to rehab including 

the fact you loved her so much you hoped to retire for her...why would 

Jason feel the need to target you if he knew Lilly loved you and that you 

were going to leave this life behind and offer her a different life... a safe one 

Mafia free?" Marcus said equally as convincingly. 

"I don't know..." Stefan said confused his two best men usually agreed on important matters which meant he was able to make decisions quickly but this time they had such different opinions and time was of the essence, Stefan had to make a decision on who to listen to, Jamie who advised focusing on people outside the Mafia starting with Jason or Marcus who suggested looking over people from inside again. 

"A brother would do anything to protect his sister even things he knows is wrong, I know I would," Jamie said with a curious sad voice." If Jason thinks that there's even a small possibility you won't leave this life behind, or that you couldn't offer her a safe and happy life like she deserves even if you did ...he would do whatever he had to protect his sister and accept any consequences of doing so, any brother would," Jamie said as he looked at Stefan. 

"Okay what you both say has merit so here's what we are going to do, Jamie you stay here and watch Lilly - protect her with your life because that's what it will cost you if anything happens to her and Marcus and I will go to the Rehab center Jason is and pay him a visit to question him to rule him out. He may be innocent but if he's not in his mind if what you say is true Jamie, he thinks he's aligning with the Russian's to protect Lilly and at least in his own twisted way has Lilly's best interests at heart; so we will need to approach this with some delicacy...." Marcus still thought Stefan was making a mistake and was about to advise him so when Stefan continued speaking. "I know you think I am making a mistake MARCUS but we have to look into all possibilities, Lilly's life could be at risk but before you and me go tell our men to relook into everyone inside mine and both my uncles Mafia organizations and households, a deep look. I want files on everyone's family and friends, financial records, their phones tapped and if anyone has any connection to Russia I want it found by the time we get back 

from our visit from Jason." Stefan said and Marcus sighed before he took out his phone and made the call. 

"Jamie, Jason's Rehab facility is about two hours drive away so the time we get there, get answers and come back we should be back early evening...protect Lilly whilst I am gone or else..." Stefan warned. 

Marcus and Stefan left to go and speak to Jason to get answers and to find the mole- completely unaware that they had just left the mole at home and that the mole was at this very second with Lilly. 

"Thanks for coming in on your day off to hang out with me," Lilly said gratefully as she returned from the kitchen with a tray with the homemade muffins then had made and a pot of freshly brewed coffee. 

"Your welcome, I know things have been crazy around here....with everything that's happened to Stefan's uncles and I am glad to help where I can," Gemma said as she accepted the mug of coffee with a smile and patted the couch next to her and Lilly smiled before she sat down next to her. 

"Thanks, Gemma you're a good friend. Things have been crazy around here your right and I want to support Stefan...I am just not sure how. He's been so different since his uncle's death's - he has closed himself off to me emotionally and won't talk things threw with me. I know it's hard for him as his uncles weren't nice men and he was never close to them, but still, they were family and if anyone understands how confusing it is to still love your family when they aren't nice people and hurt you it's me, I just wish Stefan would talk to me- I might be able to help him." Lilly sighed. 

"I get it, you're a kind person Lilly with a good heart but you have to understand this whole assassination thing is normal in the Mafia world as was Stefan's uncle's cruelty sadly. The reason Stefan might be keeping you 

at a distance is that he doesn't want you to be tainted by this world and that's not a bad thing Lilly..." Gemma said but Lilly's phone ringing 

interrupted her, Lilly quickly rejected the call. 

"Gemma, I hear what you're saying and I pray that's all this distance is- just Stefan trying to protect me in his own stupid way. But if Stefan and I are going to have a real relationship and a future together he needs to stop trying to wrap me in cotton wool and start trying me as an equal, it's my job to protect him just as much as it is his...." 

Lilly's phone rang again and this time instead of automatically rejecting the call so as not to be rude to Gemma, Lilly flipped open the phone to see the caller ID, "Oh, Gemma I am sorry... it's Stefan, there are 6 missed calls and looks like lots of texts that I must have missed when we were baking muffins to go with our coffee..." 

"It's okay take it, it must be important if he's called you that much," Gemma said and Lilly smiled her appreciation before she answered. "Hi Stefan, I am so sorry I missed your calls I ...." 

"Lilly do not react but listen to me very carefully, I am about to ask you some questions and I need you to stay calm and answer. Just pretend everything is okay....if you can do that usually reply of course Hunny." 

Lilly took a breath to calm herself before she replied in a cheery voice,' of course Hunny." 

"Good. Now, are you alone?" Stefan asked with urgency but as calmly as he could. 

"No," Lilly replied calmly. 

"Is Gemma with you?" 


"Okay listen to me very carefully. Marcus did a phone tap on all staff 

and we just found out Gemma has been calling a Russian number 

regularly....also a call was made from the house about ten minutes ago to 

Mia's mobile number. Lilly Gemma is working with the Russians and Mia...I 

need you to calmly when I hang up to make an excuse to leave the room and 

then go to our bedroom, on my side of the bed there's a bookshelf with a 

purple book on it, pull the book towards you and it will reveal a secret 

passageway that will lead to a panic room, go there and use the phone on 

the wall to call me back...okay, do you understand." Stefan asked trying to 

keep his fear from entering his tone. 

Okay Hunny, I will speak to you later," Lilly said in as much of a breezy 

tone as she could. 

"Everything will be alright...I love you, Lilly." 

"I love you too," 

Suddenly Stefan hung up. " Lilly, you look pale are you okay? " Gemma 

asked reaching out to hold Lilly's hand. 

Lilly tried her best not to flinch from her touch and to keep calm as she 

replied, " yes I am okay thank you. I need the bathroom though so if you'll 

excuse me..." Lilly said as she smiled and stood trying to stop her legs from 

trembling as she walked and exited the room in the direction of safety. But as she exited the living room she walked right into none other than 


"Mia !!!!" Lily shouted in fear as her eyes darted around for her security detail for help. 

"It's been too long Lilly dear, I missed you. There's no point in looking around for your bodyguards for help....they are taking a little nap." Mia cooed making Lilly look at her horrified. " Don't look at me so shocked or frightened Lilly, I mean an actual nap... my accomplice slipped some sleeping pills in their tea." 

"Lilly is everything alright?" Gemma said as she ran out of the living room hearing Lilly's scream. 

Before Lilly however, could decide which direction to run in for safety, with Gemma at her back blocking off her exit outside and Mia in front of her blocking of the stairs and exit to the front door, Jamie suddenly appeared behind Gemma... and he had a gun! 

Gemma took a step towards Lilly and Jamie lifted the gun and without hesitation, he lifted the gun and fired.
