Big Novel


Chapter 57 

Not really 

"I have a feeling you're going to tell me" I sighed as we started walking. 

"I see a scared little girl petrified to get hurt again. You're being stupid Ava and you know it, blaze would never hurt you and I think you need to step into reality before it smacks you right in the face". 

What the fudge? 

"I suggest we part ways right now before I say something I regret" I can't believe she had the nerve to say that when she hardly knows what's been going on. 

"Ava I'm sorry"... "I didn't..." 

"Let's just leave it at that..." I muttered walking away from her. 

Rounding the corner a yelp escaped my mouth as I was pulled into a broom closet. I couldn't see anything. With his hand over my mouth my breathing became more heavier. Different thoughts started swimming through my head causing me to become distraught. 

What's was going to happen to me? 

Taking his hand away from my mouth I wanted to scream but nothing came out. "W-what are you going to do to me?" I stuttered my voice barely a whisper. There was no point in fighting when I had no idea who it was. What if he was armed? 

"I'm going to take you home darlin'." 


Pushing away from him I moved my hand satisfied when I heard the smack. 

"Nice shot and in the dark too". He muttered and then there was light. 

"What the hell are you playing at?" I hissed "Are you really trying to scare me?". Who even pulls the shit he just pulled? Watching him I frowned "Why are you locking the door?" 

"We're going to have words" He grinned leaning against the door. Why the hell was he grinning? 

"About what this time?" I asked. There wasn't any point in putting up a fight because the only way I was getting out was by him. 

"How have you been?" He asked. 

"Really?" Was he trying to piss me off even more than I already was? 

"Let me get this straight, you dragged me into a broom closet like some lunatic scaring me half to death just to ask how I have been? Are you on drugs right now? You can't keep doing this". 

"It's the only way I get to talk to you or get you by yourself" 

"By locking me in a closet?" I yelled "People get jailed for less seriously Blaze what's this all about?". 

"I can't stand it" He snapped punching the wall in front of him causing me to jump. "You are mine Ava not Nate's mine". 

"You can't-..." 

"I want to put aam bullet in his head" He spat cutting me off. "Brother or not he has the only thing I will ever want". 

"Don't be so stupid Blaze". 

"I've fallen in love with you" He roared my breath catching in my throat. "How can I leave you alone when you're the only person I think about? Dammit" 

punching the same wall as before I cringed when I heard a crack. 


"What is it you want from me?" I whispered. "If you love me then you'll let me go". 

"Don't you think I've tried? I can't get you out out of here Ava". He grumbled tapping his head. "I need you by my side not having you with me fucks me up". 

"You never had me with you Blaze I was never yours". Signing I slid down the wall pulling my knees up to my chin. I had a feeling he wasn't going to let me out anytime soon. 

"Is that how you really feel?" He asked cradling his hand as he sat down beside me. 

"I don't feel anything Blaze and even if I did do you think doing this would make me want to be with you?" 

Moving hisiy good hand he placed it over my heart "This tells me something different" Shrugging him off me I put some distance between us. "Why is your heart racing Ava? Scared in case you do something you'll regret?". 

Was I? 

"No" I whispered aware that his face was getting closer to mine. "Does he make your heart race the way I do?" He whispered so close I could feel his breath against my lips. "Does he thrill you the way I do?" Chuckling he rubbed his nose against mine causing my eyesnd to close. 

"What are you doing to me?" Feeling his lips caress mine my shoulders slumped. 

"Don't you feel that baby?" Rubbing his thumb over my cheek he kissed me again. "We're connected whether you like it or not sweets". Again he placed his lips against mine only this time there was nothing gentle about it. 

He had got me once again. 

"I have to have you" He panted pulling me to my feet his hands going for the bottom of my skirt. Placing my hands on his chest I pushed his cut over his shoulders my hands then going straight for his zipper. Pulling his shirt up I undid his belt buckle as he pulled my skirt up over my bum. 

"So beautiful" He groaned squeezing my ass cheeks hard. As his fingers slipped inside my panties I dug my nails into his back "No fore play" I huffed needing exactly what he was offering. 

Pushing his boxers down he hooked my leg over his hip before entering me in one hard thrust. 

Cheater! That's what I was. 

Buttoning up my blouse I tucked it back into my skirt. What had I just done? Feeling his arms circle my waist made me feel physically sick. Now I was just like him. A cheater, a liar. 

"You okay darlin'?" 

How could I have been so stupid? 

"I have to go" I muttered slipping out of his arms and out of the closet. Basically running to my office I locked the door behind me once I was safely inside. Sliding down the door I burst into tears. 

What the fuck was wrong with me? I was no different from him. I was so fucking stupid to even let him touch me. Running my hands into my hair I screamed through my tears. How could I have let him get to me like that? How am I going to tell Nate? 

Nate! Sweet, sweet Nate.... 

Feeling my phone vibrate from inside my pocket I pulled it out my moms number flashing on the screen. Wiping away my tears I cleared my throat before 


"Hi" I croaked pulling the phone away from my ear and putting it on loud speaker. 

"Hey honey just checking you're still coming tonight?" 

"I- I don't know if I can mom I'm up to my eye balls in it here" 

"But Ava it's to welcome... Wait have you been crying?" She asked her voice automatically changing tone. 

How could she always tell? 

"No mom it's just been a long day that's all I can't promise I'll be there for 7 but I will drop by as soon as I can. Give him a big kiss from me okay" I said hoping she didn't push the crying question further. 

Hearing her sigh I knew she wasn't going to let it go but I really didn't want to talk about what I had just done. 

"Are you sure you're okay baby? If you can't make it tonight Ava it's okay. You can always spend time with him when you get a day off. Are you taking care of yourself properly? Eating right? Getting enough sleep?". 

Rolling my eyes I grinned at how worried she always got. "I'll try and be there mom and yes I'm fine stop worrying about me". 

"I'll always worry about you Ava and remember I'll always be here if you need to talk and I mean talk about anything. I'll set a place for you just in case you make it. Don't work to hard and I hope I see you tonight. Take care baby, bye". 

Ending the call I slipped my phone back into my pocket and got up from the floor. Putting on the kettle I slouched into the chair behind my desk. Why did I let him get to me like that? If things weren't already bad enough I had just made them worse. Resting my arms on my desk I lay my head in my hands. 

Stupid stupid bitch... 

Taking out my phone it vibrated in my hand showing I had one new message. 

'Is it safe to come in? Well that's if you even want me there? Ally x 

Not bothering to text back I pushed myself onto my feet and unlocked the door. Walking back to my desk I grabbed my mug and went on to make some coffee. 

"Want me to lock it again?" She asked 

Stirring my coffee I shrugged my shoulders at her question. I wasn't in the mood to talk or to be here. I felt horrible inside for what I had done. 

"Okay then" 

"Do you need something Ally?" I questioned walking back behind my desk and turning on my computer. I knew I had files to update so it would keep me occupied and cooped up in my office for at least and hour. 

"I just wanted to apologise for what I said. I was out of line and I shouldn't have said it". 

"Yeah you shouldn't have" I muttered keeping my focus on my screen. Ally had became my best friend in the last few months but I was still pissed at what she said. "Anything else?" I added taking a sip of my coffee. 

"I-I can stay on tonight if you need to go home" She stuttered making me feel really bad. 

Sighing I turned my focus on her as I sat back in my chair. "I'm sorry for acting like a bitch it's just-..." 

"Your sorry? I should be the one apologisingyi Ava" She said cutting me off "Me and my big mouth. Are you needing me to stay on so you can go?". 

"I'm sure there's enough staff to cover the both of us and I'm not sure Cage would be happy with you if you didn't turn up" I smirked watching her blush. 

"He's so hot headed when he doesn't get his own way. I mean did you see the way he spoke to me in front of you and Blaze? He doesn't give a shit who's around" She sighed causing me to laugh. 

As we fell into a comfortable silence my phone buzzed as a new message came through. 

'Hey beautiful, I hope you aren't working to hard. I've planned something for you tomorrow so I'm hoping you pull a sicky lol! Enjoy your night babe and give me a message when your home. Nate X" 

Reading it over and over again I wanted to cry. I had an amazing guy and I had to go fuck it all up. Why was I such an idiot? 

"Ava are you okay?" Ally asked breaking me out of my thoughts. 

"I fucked up Ally, I fucked up bad" I sobbed 

"Wow what's happened?" Coming round beside me she sat on the edge of my desk. "Surely it can't be that bad hon". 

"I've just messed up my relationship with a great guy and now I don't know what to do. How do I even tell him?" I cried wiping away my tears on the end of my sleeve. 

"How did you mess it up?" 

"That doesn't matter I just know I have and I don't know what to do". 

Placing her hand on my shoulder she gave it a gentle squeeze. "I'm sure what ever it is Nate can forgive you. He seems like a really nice guy and he's totally into you". 

"He won't" 

"Come on let's just get out of here" Grabbing my hand she pulled me up. "I don't like seeing my friend upset and right now work isn't the place to be so grab your bag and let's go". 

"I - I need to make sure there is cover I can't just leave". I croaked slipping my phone into my handbag. 

"There's cover trust me there are other people that work in here besides me and you so screw it and move". 

I wasn't going to say no to that not when I was feeling this shitty. "Are you sure there's enough staff left?" Grabbing my coat from the coat stand I slipped it on. "Yes now come on its almost six we can stop of at mine first and freshen up". 

