Big Novel


Mia pushed the muscular arm of the stranger lying beside her off her and climbed out of bed. 

He was a very good looking man and had brought her immense pleasure but despite his handsomeness and skill in the bedroom he had severed his purpose and was no longer of use to her. At first, she thought about slitting his throat, but her body was still tingling pleasantly in the aftermath of her most recent orgasm, brought about by his skillful tongue so she in a rare moment of charity decided to let him live. " You may go," Mia said as she brazenly stood completely naked in front of the stranger. 

"You are very bossy for such a beautiful woman...are you sure you don't want to come back to bed and we can aim for orgasm number six? And then we can spend the rest of the day making love and maybe get dinner?" The man, who Mia couldn't remember name asked hopefully as he stared at Mia lustfully. 

Mia sighed heavily in response and controlled her impulse to cut out his insolent tongue." Listen carefully...because you pleased me last night | have decided to give you a warning rather than reacting automatically so pay attention, Last night was a meaningless one night stand, it meant nothing to me other than the fact I was horny and you were the tool I used to satisfy my needs. Do not try to make it into more than that as I don't have the patience for clinginess and you will suffer the unpleasant consequences for ruining my blissful after orgasm glow. I am going to shower now- alone, and if you're still in my mansion the time I come downstairs I will kill you...slowly and painfully." Mia growled making the man in his terror jump 

out of bed and run downstairs- completely naked as he could see by the deranged and violent look in Mia's eyes that she was serious. 

Mia burst into laughter at seeing him sprint from her bed and run downstairs naked, she loved dominating men outside the bedroom almost as much as she loved being dominated by muscular and well-endowed men in the bedroom. 

What a pleasant start to the day, Mia thought- having several orgasms and being f****d hard and then wielding her power over a man to the point she terrified him so much that he ran- naked. She also had three men tied in her basement waiting to be killed in the afternoon was going to be a great day. Mia stepped into her shower and began to hum to herself joyfully- unaware just how wrong her prediction was. 

"Boss," her new second in command Cain (she had killed her first in a rage) greeted as he bowed his head in respect. 

Mia's designer heels clicked on the marble floor as she walked passed him without returning his greeting, and sat in her oversized chair that resembled that of a throne. "What's on my schedule for this morning? " Mia demanded coldly as she raised her eyebrow expectingly waiting for Cain to pour her morning coffee like he was meant to. 

Seeing her raised eyebrow Cain sprang into action and poured her coffee with trembling hands. This time he was extra careful not to let his fear of her take over causing him to spill any, as when he had split some on her new desk yesterday staining it Mia had reacted by submerging his hand in a pot of boiling coffee to teach him a lesson. " This morning Boss you have mail to open and reply to from 7.30 am to 8.30 am, emails to read and reply to afterward which will take you until 9.30 am, you have a meeting with your accountant from 10 am until 11.30 am and then a quick meeting with the 

head of your drug operation and head of arms deals to discuss profits, 

recent police seizures and recent arrests of your men as well as any other matters they need to update you on. " Cain replied nervously awaiting his Boss's approval. 

Mia waited a moment longer than was necessary before replying, enjoying the look of fear in Cain's eyes. "Very well, and in the afternoon? Mia replied secretly very pleased at the schedule Cain had created so far but refusing to give him the praise due. 

"This afternoon Boss... after lunch you have a meeting with the police chief, the police sergeants and officers on your payroll to discuss any pressuring matters from 1 pm to 2.30 pm then you have a meeting with the Judges at 3 pm and a meeting with the mayor at 4 pm to negotiate their salaries for keeping them on your payroll and then at 5.30 pm I have arranged for a beautician to visit to give you a relaxing facial before dinner and after dinner, you have the three dealers in the basement who's sales have gone down to deal with." Cain said holding his breath. 

"That's acceptable, that'll be all, for now, you may stand outside and I will shout you if needed." Mia dismissed and Cain bowed respectfully before he quickly retreated to safety- before her temperament changed and she became violent. 

Mia finished the coffee Cain had poured her, this time without spilling any and staining her new gold plated desk - he was learning she thought before she started opening the mail he had arranged neatly on her desk. 

Invitation to a state ball...maybe reply to pile, a letter from a high-class jeweller asking for her Mafia's protection from thieves...interesting she would put that one in the reply to pile, a few bills...boring, ignore them, suddenly a red envelope with the crest of the Mafia council appeared and 

Mia became giddy with excitement as she saw it. 

It must be their findings on the investigation she started on Stefan, she 

couldn't wait to find out how he was going to be punished! Mia ripped open 

envelope and excitedly began to read. 


This letter is written solely for Miss Mia Vanatini, any other person 

found to have read this letter will have their eyes removed as punishment. 

This letter concludes the matter of the investigation carried out on a Mr 

Stefan Marconi, all decisions made by the council as a result of the 

investigation are final and can not be appealed and any person found to go 

against the councils ruling will be viewed as challenging the council's 

authority and will be punished without mercy. The council have 

investigated the allegations made against Mr S. Marconi and have found 

them to be without merit and false. It is also the council's view that you, Miss 

Mia Vanatini may have knowingly made false allegations to the council with 

malicious intent resulting in smearing your fellow Boss's reputation and 

wasted the council's time and resources on an investigation you knew to be 

unneeded, therefore the council demands your presence at the French head 

quatres in three days hence so you can explain your motives in person and 

face any punishment we deem just. Failure to appear as summoned will be seen as willful defiance of our authority and will result in you being 

punished - by death. We WILL see you as requested in three days, there is no need to reply in the meantime. 

Mia was shaking by the time she had read the letter. 

Not from fear as most would be after receiving such a letter from the legendary and formidable council but out of anger over the sheer indignity of the whole situation. HOW DARE THEY! Mia screamed inside her head as she tore the letter into tiny pieces. Mia had tried to do the right thing and do what was expected of a Mafia Boss - to raise an issue about another Boss threw the Council and allow them to deliver justice, but she should of know that as old as that traditional was, so was the sexism the Mafia was built on and she should have expected the Council to automatically conclude the investigation in favour of Stefan. As whether Stefan was guilty or not it didn't really matter as Mia maybe tilted a Boss but to the old fashioned Council she was still a woman and viewed as beneath them. 

Mia had tried it their way, she had tried to follow their out of date rules to fit in and prove herself worthy but it has failed. Now however she saw clearly that no matter how hard she tried or how successful or powerful she became she would never in their eyes be seen as an equal, therefore she had only one course of action left- she had to punish Stefan her way but first, she would have to get rid of the Council and his allies so the path towards her vengeance was clear, and she knew just how to do it. 

"Cain !!" Mia screamed 

"Yes, Boss? " Cain replied running into the room quickly and automatically lowering his eyes, hearing anger in her tone. 

"My morning plans have changed. You will read and respond to my 

emails and have the meetings with my accountant, head of drug sales and arms sale in my stead. I will go and deal with the lazy dealers in the basement as I am in the mood to let out some pent up anger. Come and get me at 12 pm and bring my lunch to my room at 12.30 pm. I will keep the schedule the same for the afternoon." Mia ordered. 

"Yes, Boss," Cain acknowledged and bowed as Mia passed him without a second glance, heading in the direction of the basement, fantasying about all the gory things she was about to do to her captives as she went. 

Stefan and Lilly were cuddled on the couch eating the cakes he and Lilly had made when Marcus entered the lounge, " Right love birds stop fondling each other I am entering the room," Marcus shouted making Lilly giggle. 

"We are just cuddling Marcus nothing more than that so it's safe! " Lilly responded and Marcus dramatically sighed with relief. 

"What do you want Marcus?" Stefan growled. Annoyed at being interrupted just when he was planning on slipping his fingers unexpectedly into Lilly's shorts and bring her to an orgasm, which would hopefully have ended with her allowing him to carry her upstairs for an afternoon of wild lovemaking. 

"Sorry to disturb you but an important letter came for you's from the Council." 

Lilly tensed, she and Stefan were expecting good news from the Council but she couldn't help but feel slightly anxious just in case. 

Stefan looked at Lilly apologetically. " It's okay go, I understand completely," Lilly said supportively. 

"I will be as quick as I can," Stefan promised as he lifted Lilly's legs off him and kissed her passionately before he left with Marcus, leaving Lilly to 

silently pray for Stefan. 

Stefan was sat at his desk reading the letter from the Council Marcus had given him. 

This letter is written solely for Mr Stefan Marconi, any other person found to have read this letter will have their eyes removed as punishment. This letter concludes the matter of the investigation carried out on you, all decisions made by the council as a result of the investigation are final and can not be appealed and any person found to go against the councils ruling will be viewed as challenging the council's authority and will be punished without mercy. The council have investigated the allegations made against you, Mr S. Marconi and have found them to be without merit and false. It is also the council's view that Miss Mia Vanatini may have knowingly made false allegations to the council with malicious intent resulting in smearing you a fellow Boss's reputation and wasted the council's time and resources on an investigation she knew to be unneeded, therefore the council has demanded her presence at the French head quatres in three days hence so a verdict can be made of whether or not she knowingly made false allegations and to decide upon any punishments the Council deems just as a result of her actions. Mr. Macaroni, the Council thank you for your cooperation in this matter and apologizes for any inconvenience caused to you. A representative will arrive within the next few weeks with official papers of clearance. On a separate note, the council wishes for you to bring your second a Mr. Marcus Gerrard with you at the next summit of Boss's in three months hence so we can meet him. Regards, MC 

Stefan reread the letter twice before he finally allowed himself to sigh and smile in relief. "I take it it's good news then? " Marcus asked. 

"Yes, they have officially cleared me and Mia is going to be punished 

for her allegations, they also requested to meet you at the Boss meeting in 

three months." 

"I am relieved everything worked out for you and it deserves that b***h 

right- even if her allegations were technically truthful, she still deserves to 

face the Councils wrath and be punished for hurting Lilly. Also, that's great 

news about the council it means your plan is working to line me up in their 

eyes as the next natural successor, you and Lilly will be running off in the 

sunset in no time." Marcus smiled, pleased for his friend. 

"Yeah, I know I hope whatever they have planned will be painful," 

Stefan said referring to Mia, "and as for running away together right now I 

will settle for a if you'll excuse me I need to go and tell Lilly the good 

news and after we celebrate privately...a few times, Lilly wants me to help 

organize a dinner party for her friends Matt and Abby tomorrow night, which 

I will like for you to join to celebrate with us." Stefan encouraged. 

"Enjoy your private celebration but remember the walls aren't as thick 

as you think they are...we can all hear you." Marcus winked and Stefan 

shrugged in response. "I will give dinner a miss thanks, I wouldn't want to 

intrude and be the fifth wheel." 

Marcus, you can never intrude, besides they aren't a couple. Matt is 

gay and Abby is Lilly's SINGLE best friend..." 

"SINGLE you said...what time is dinner? " Marcus replied making 

Stefan laugh. 

"We will see you at 7 pm tomorrow Marcus, cancel the rest of my 

afternoon I have some celebrating to do and I apologize in advance for any 

of Lilly's loud screams.'

See you at 8 pm tomorrow but my the way it's your loud screams we 

always hear..." Marcus said winking as Stefan laughed, he was probably 

telling the truth as Lilly drove him crazy as no woman had ever done 

