Big Novel


Lilly and Stefan spent hours making love throughout the night into the early morning, where Lilly finally fell asleep from exhaustion feeling happy, loved and extremely satisfied. 

Stefan however was still highly aroused. 

He would never get enough of Lilly as she was temptation itself 

disguised as an angel- his angel. 

Trying to ignore his throbbing erection he stood and decided to have a cold shower before going to bed. Before he went for his ice cold shower, he gave Lilly one quick glance. She was laying peacefully on-top of the covers, her beautiful silky hair floated around her like a golden halo and she had a satisfied grin on her face even in her sleep. Seeing Lilly's grin made Stefan incredibly happy to know that he had manged to satisfy her- a feeling that was new to him, since all the woman (and there was hundreds) he had slept with before were either meaningless one night stands or paid s*x workers. However, like everything with Lilly, Stefan had an urge to act differently with her and making sure he pleased Lilly s****l- giving pleasure as equally as he received it was important to him. 

"Good night my angel," Stefan said as he leaned down and kissed her gently on the forehead wrapping a blanket over her tempting nakedness as he did so. 

Once assured she was warm and comfortable he quickly made his way to the shower before he could listen to his inner demon, that was telling him to wake her with a passionate kiss and once she was awake to ram his length into her, claiming her as his over and over enticing screams of ecstasy 

from her sweet lips. 

He definitely needed a cold shower he thought as he turned the shower 

on and stepped into the icing cascades of the water, trying to block out the 

scenes of their love making, that were playing in his mind which kept his 

c**k erect despite the freezing temperature of the water. 

After twenty minutes of enduring the freezing shower Stefan finally 

stepped out the shower and wrapped his shivering body into the warm 

awaiting towel- thank god for heated towel rails he thought as he sighed in 

bliss at the warmth the towel provided. 

Once dried Stefan tiptoed as quietly as his large form would allow, back 

into the bedroom careful not to wake Lilly and lifted the blanket to climb 

into bed next to her. As he lifted the blanket however, his c**k instantly 

sprang into a stiff erection at seeing her enticing curves. 

" f**k," Stefan whispered in dismay. He should of known this would 

happen no matter how many cold showers he took he would always 

become re-aroused at the sight of his bewitching girlfriend, as Lilly was like 

no woman he had ever met- she had his heart and balls in her delicate 

hands and he loved her. 

Deciding it was to late to face the pointless torture of another icy shower, Stefan sighed before he got into bed facing away from Lilly and forced himself to stay facing that way so he didn't give into his dark impulses and reach out and caress and kiss her awake. 

After a couple of hours Stefan finally manged to fall asleep. Although it wasn't as deep or peaceful sleep as Lilly who slept blissfully through out the night, snoring loudly with her smile of satisfaction still visible between snores. Stefan finally woke at 7 am and rolled over to look at Lilly. 

She was stretched out taking way more than half of the bed and was snoring loudly. Stefan smiled at seeing Lilly so relaxed and comfortable in his bed. He had never allowed a woman in his room before (apart from maids to clean of course) or spent a whole night sleeping beside a woman, and he was so glad Lilly was the first woman he experienced this intimacy with and he hoped the last, just as he was glad and honoured that Lilly had chosen him to be her first lover and he prayed with all his heart that he would be her last too. 

As his thoughts drifted towards the fact that he took Lilly's virginity last night he pledged that he would discuss with her today what that meant for them but for now he decided he would organise Lilly a romantic breakfast in bed, so he stealthily got dressed and sneaked out of the room to make his way to the kitchen. 

Stefan was in such a good mood this morning that he greeted every member of his staff that he passed with a huge grin and friendly" Good morning," making them all stare at him speechless, as they had never seen him so uncharacteristically happy nor friendly. Indeed Stefan was in such a good mood as he danced into the kitchen that not even Marcus's usual annoying and teasing grin, a feature only a brother could posses, could 

diminish his joyful mood. 

"Good morning, Marcus," Stefan replied cheerfully as he made his way over to the fridge. 

"Good morning to you too. I would ask you what has you in such a good mood but the fact you have your t shirt inside out and scratches on your arms answers that question..." Marcus said and Stefan knew there was a good chance Marcus was making his dishevelled state up but looked down to check and was surprised to see he was telling the truth. 

"Oh, so I do." Stefan laughed before he changed his t shirt and smiled at an amused Marcus. Stefan was just about to confirm Marcus's prediction behind his good mood (leaving out details to respect Lilly) when the chef walked into the kitchen. 

"Oh, good morning Mr Marconi. I apologise for being late and not having breakfast ready for your early cars broke and I had to wait on the bus..." the chef stuttered nervously bracing himself for Stefan's short temper. 

"What's wrong with your car?" Stefan asked in a calm tone that to the surprise of the chef had no anger in it at all. 

"I am not sure Sir, it's an old car and it just cut out on the motorway and the mechanic gave me a lift into town where I got the bus, again I am so sorry..." 

"The important thing was there was accident that caused your car to break and you're unhurt. What will you do about your car?" Stefan asked again in a surprisingly civil l tone. 

"The quote the mechanic gave to fix it was more than the car was worth, so I arranged to have it scrapped and I am with out a car for now, but I will get up a few hours earlier so I can catch earlier buses and I promise I will 

be on time from now on." The chef again stuttered praying Stefan didn't sack him or worse. 

"That won't do at all..." Stefan said and the chef looked at him fearfully. "You can't go with out a car, its essential now a days so ask my driver to take you too the local car show room and chose a car you like and tell them to put it on my account and then enjoy the rest of your day, we will not require your services today." 

The chef gaped at Stefan, surely he had miss heard him?" I am Sorry Mr Marconi but I thought you said you were buying me a car and giving me the day off...?" the chef said in disbelieve making Stefan laugh at his bewildered expression and tone. 

"That's exactly what I said, I will be making myself and Lilly breakfast and we will order in today so go home and enjoy the day after you have chosen your car of course." 

"Thank you Sir ! " the chef replied smiling before he bowed and quickly left before his employer could change his mind. 

"Wow that was certainty generous of you, Lilly is a good influence and since your in a uncharacteristically generous mood I can do with a holiday...somewhere far away perhaps the Caribbean ?" Marcus teased. 

"Ha, you wouldn't know what to do on a holiday and come back within two days with bordem like you did when I sent you on your last holiday. But you have worked hard and do deserve a break so take the day off and go down the Tease ...I am sure you can find a way to relax there. In fact tell all the staff apart from the guards that they can have today off fully paid of course, and give them £1000 each to spend on enjoying today." Stefan declared as he drank the coffee poured. 

"Wow, she really has got under your skin, in a good way. I am happy for 

you Stefan she's a great girl and definitely 'wife material', " Marcus said. 

"Thanks Marcus and for once you are right, she is, just like that nurse 

you where seeing is. Sorry with everything that has happened Mia's attack, 

the council and my delinquent future brother in-laws return I haven't had 

time to ask you how that was going, how are things?" 

"Firstly as I keep saying I am always right " Marcus said making Stefan 

roll his eyes," and secondly it turns out she wasn't 'wife material' like Lilly, 

turns out she was actually married and having marriage problems so 

decided to sleep with me to tick 'sleeping with a black man' and 'have and 

affair off her bucket list to make herself feel better about her stale marriage." 

Marcus said with an edge of sadness. 

"I am sorry Marcus, she sounded so respectable... she wasn't the usual 

type of woman you hooked up with and I know you really liked her." Stefan 

said patting his friend on the shoulder, " do you want me to have her killed? 

Stefan asked only half joking- he hated seeing his friend hurt. 


Whoa that's a bit extreme, even for a Mob Boss...although I appreciate 

the gesture. I did like her your right but these thing happen. I guess for now I 

will go back to being a young bachelor and continue to sleep with half of 

London enjoying a good s*x as you did last night " Marcus said winking,' 


until like you the right woman just falls into my lap." Marcus smiled putting on a brave face. 

"The right one will come Marcus, if I ...the most f****d up man in London, can find a good woman like Lilly who loves me unconditionally so can you and like Lilly you'll probably find her when you least expect it. For now though enjoy your bachelorhood starting with a day in the club getting the VIP treatment on me, tell the girls I will pay them double to make sure you have a good time and also tell the body guards they are welcome to join you at the club to receive the same treatment after their shift." Stefan said trying to cheer his friend up. 

"Thanks, Stefan your a good friend. Well I am of to enjoy your new found generosity, remember not to set off the fire alarms when cooking...its easily done." Marcus grinned. 

'Yeah if you're a complete moron,' Stefan thought as he waved his friend goodbye and concentrated on doing something he hadn't gone since he was a kid - baking homemade bread. 

Lilly woke up soon after Stefan left. 

She looked around the room and then went to the en-suite in search of Stefan and seeing he was in neither in the room nor en-suite tears started to slip from her eyes as she realised he had left her. Had she been that bad last night that he left her this morning? Her heart ached. 

Lilly sat on the floor crying for a brief second over Stefan's assumed rejection before something inside her snapped, she loved him and she refused to give up on him so easily- if was turning from her because she didn't satisfy him as he did her (numerous times) then he would just have to be dam well patient with her! And if he was turning from her for another 

reason perhaps because he was frightened she would demand he marry her 

immediately because he took her virginity, she would beat that old 

fashioned and frankly sexiest notion out of his tiny brain and force him to 

talk with her until they fixed his fear and he stopped turning away from her, 

because Stefan was hers and she intended to fight for him- whether he 

wanted her too or not.
