"I would rather be at home...with a glass of wine and slobbing around on my couch watching TV shows." Abby sighed.
"I keep reminding you, you're not a teen anymore...the older you get the worse the hangovers get." Matt laughed as he joined Abby in front of the restaurant ready to meet the mysterious customer who had paid a great sum of money to his boss to hire the restaurant for a private function-with the odd stipulation he and Abby work tonight.
"You cheeky git! I am not that old! unlike you old man I am still in my twenties and young and beautiful..." Abby teased as she grinned at Matt playfully.
"You may still be in your twenties but unlike you, like fine wine or expensive cheese I get better with age." Matt winked making Abby roll her eyes.
"And vainer too apparently! " Abby giggled and their Boss Mr. Kelgrove who was standing next to them joined in.
"You are both gorgeous, there now that's settled behave and smile please Mr. Marconi will be here shortly." Mr. Kelgrove chided softly in his kind voice with amusement in his tone. Pretending he didn't overhear that Abby was hungover since she was doing him a favor by coming in on what was meant to be her day off.
"For you, of course, we will behave Boss, but admit it I am better looking than her." Matt joked as he draped his arm around Mr. Kelgrove's shoulders making him laugh.
"I will refrain from commenting or else you'll hound me and ask me to
settle more silly disputes between you and they are always too many of them to count." Mr. Kelgrove replied as he playfully rolled his eyes.
"You're a smart man Mr. Kelgrove." Abby laughed, " is Mr. Marconi a friend of yours...?" Abby asked curiously.
"No, I have never met the man in person but I have heard great things about him. He is a Billionaire and has a reputation for his large charitable contributions - mainly supporting charities that help children and women but most recently he was in the news for his plans to build a state of the art cancer center and gifting millions of pounds in donations to fund new cancer treatment trials and research. Truth be told I have no idea why he was so keen to hire our restaurant out privately or why he requested for you both specifically to be working but he paid a great deal of money to make sure it happened...and as promised you'll both receive a fair chunk of that money as a thank you for agreeing to work on such short notice."
"Thank you, Mr. Kelgrove." Abby and Matt said in unison, just before they heard the restaurant door open and Mr. Kelgrove went to greet Stefan and Lilly, leaving Matt and Abby standing nervously waiting for their mystery customers to be seated.
"Ah, Mr. Marconi it's a pleasure to meet you and your guest...miss..." a kind man who Lilly assumed was the owner said.
"Lilly is fine. pleased to meet you too and thank you for allowing us to dine privately in your beautiful restaurant." Lilly said as she reached out to shake the kind man offered hand.
"Thank you Lilly and Mr. Marconi for choosing to dine with us at Howies Steakhouse. My name is Mr. Kelgrove I am the owner and my staff who will serve you tonight, the ones you specifically requested are waiting in the dining area to greet and serve you. If you'll be kind to follow me, Sir, Mam I
will escort you to your table where they will take your coats and then serve
you." Mr. Kelgrove said as he bowed to Stefan and Lilly and with Stefan's permission led them to Matt and Abby.
"Matt, Abby allow me to introduce Stefan and
"LILLY?" Matt asked in shock and Abby gaped at her before she squealed and bounded over to Lilly excitedly and swept her into her
"LILLY!! I can't believe it's you, I missed you so much. What are you doing here? And who is he? Oh wow, you look stunning. Are you okay? Abby asked excitedly asking question after question without pausing long enough to receive an answer.
For God's sake Abby, let the poor Lil get a word in will you?" Matt teased as he hugged Lilly making Stefan tense and restrain himself from hitting him.
"It's so good to see you both!! I missed you both so much!!! I have so much to tell you as I am sure you do also...oh allow me to introduce you to my boyfriend Stefan Marconi." Lily said as she turned still in Matt's hold and smiled at Stefan who was glaring at Matt.
Abby looked at Stefan in awe.
He was definitely the most handsome man she had ever seen and a Billionaire too- Lilly had done well and Abby was impressed and happy for her, "It's nice to meet you, Stefan." Abby said extending her hand which Stefan gently took hold of and kissed the back of it in a gentlemanly gesture.
"The pleasure is all mine Abby, it's nice to meet Lilly's friends who she talks about all the time and thinks very highly of." Stefan said.
"Oh Lilly... sexy, rich and a gentleman...he's a keeper." Abby winked
making Stefan smile and Lilly laugh.
"And Stefan allow me to introduce you to my friend Matt," Lilly said still in Matt's embrace, Stefan simply stared at Matt silently with his eyebrows raise and Matt smirked at Stefan knowing exactly what he was thinking.
"Easy tiger. I am her... GAY friend." Matt replied in a teasing tone and as soon as said gay Stefan expression and manner instantly changed into friendly ones.
"Oh, good I won't have to challenge you to a fight or anything now to win Lilly's heart." Stefan teased in return half-jokingly.
Matt laughed hysterically, "No I guess you won't." He grinned at Stefan - he liked him instantly and could tell them would get on well.
"Oh, so you know each other? " Mr. Kelgrove asked confused and they all nodded. "How lovely, If you would like to take their coat's Abby and have them seated when they have looked over the menus you can take their order and then Matt you can make their dinner and you can all catch up after dinner...if Mr. Marconi finds that agreeable?" Mr. Kelgrove said trying to allow them the time to catch up but also ensuring they received top service.
"Actually Mr. Kelgrove I was hoping your other chef could cook, Myself, Lilly, Matt, and Abby a meal and they can use the privacy of your restaurant to enjoy a wonderful dinner and catch up and I will take my dinner in your office, so I can leave my girlfriend in peace to catch up with her friends and to have my own privacy to reply to a few important emails so when my girlfriend is ready to leave I can turn my work phone off and give her my soul attention," Stefan asked in a polite manner but his tone was authoritative.
"Of. course Mr. Marcaroni you have after all hired the restaurant and
staff for the evening to serve you privately- so if you wish to use this time to
feed my staff and work in my office be my guest." Mr. Kelgrove said in a
merry tone as chuckled and shook his head at Stefan's unusual request.
Matt and Abby looked at Stefan in confusion and awe - had he really
just paid to hire the restaurant and in turn paid them to come into work so
he could buy them dinner, all so they can spend time with Lilly? Wow, he
must really love her Matt and Abby thought.
Lilly smiled at Stefan he was full of surprises and romantic gestures
tonight," Stefan are you sure you don't want to join us? You are more than
welcome, it is no imposition and I can introduce you to my friends."
"I promise there will be plenty of time for me to meet your friends
properly and get to know them, but right now you haven't seen them in
ages I think it's important you take the time to catch up and enjoy their
company. Also, you should explain why you are back- they must be worried
about you. I am lucky enough to have you all to myself the majority of the
time so they deserve to spend time with you without having to make polite
small talk with me and ask you any questions they may have without feeling
awkward with me around - just enjoy yourself, you deserve it and when
you're ready to go come and get me."
Lilly kissed Stefan passionately making Matt blush and Abby grin like a madwoman. "Thank you Stefan, this means the world to me and I love you so much for being so thoughtful tonight first with the necklace and now this...I can't wait to be your wife one day and spend the rest of my life with you trying my best to always make you as happy as you've made me tonight." Lilly said after they broke their kiss.
"Your welcome Angel and Lilly, I know what you're thinking...don't be nervous and overthink it. I trust you so if you trust them so do I. Part of the reason why I decided to arrange your reunion with your friends here rather than at our home was that I knew they would have questions, it can be dangerous for them to know if they repeat anything you tell them or people find out they know since they're not part of the Mafia...so if you want to tell them the truth you can and you can rest assured it will be safe to do here as there's no risk of this place being bugged or having Mafia spies. However, you must make it perfectly clear that whatever is said in the privacy of this room stays in this room...for everyone's safety, okay?
Lilly smiled at Stefan, it was like he had read her mind.
She was, of course, excited and happy to see her friends but at the same time it was tainted a little by her anxiety over what to tell them and how to avoid their questions- now Stefan had given her permission to tell them the truth, something Lilly knew was very risky for him, she felt like a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders." Thank you," Lilly whispered concluding their private conversation before she looked over at her friends who were smiling at her and waiting patiently a few feet away, With their Boss at their side.
"Your welcome my Angel, have fun," Stefan said kissing her gently on
the cheek " Abby to was a pleasure to meet you," Stefan said stepping
forward and kissing Abby's hand again in a gentlemanly gesture." It was a pleasure to meet you too Matt...after I found out you were gay," Stefan said making everyone laugh and Matt smack him on the shoulder in brotherly affection. "I hope to see you both again at our home next time. Mr. Kelgrove can you show me to your office now please, we should leave them to catch up."
After Matt and Abby said their goodbyes, Abby turned to Lilly with excitement," so you left a virgin and managed to bag yourself a real hunk, who obviously is romantic and loves you by the way he treats you and not go mention spoils you by that gorgeous dress and that unbelievable necklace you are wearing...I have never seen anything so beautiful. Spill what's your secret, I want to bag myself a Stefan! " Abby teased.
"Me too...but a gay one obviously," Matt added and Lilly smiled at her friends.
"It is a long story and not exactly a fairy tale either considering Stefan treats me like a princess, but I love him with all my heart and I will tell you everything but first can we get a bottle of wine and order some food I am starving," Lilly replied making her friends curious.
They eaten, talked and drank five bottles of wine (Matt an Abbty drinking four to get over the shock of Lily's story) and Matt and Abby had finally made sense of everything Lilly had said and decided that of course, they were a little worried for Lilly after all Stefan was a Mafia Boss and it wasn't exactly a romantic, normal start to their relationship but that overall they could see Lilly was happy and Stefan loved her so they were willing to put their prejudices aside and give Stefan a chance for Lilly's sake.
"I am really happy that you're happy Lil, I am glad you don't have
Tommy to worry about anymore and after this year you can officially move back to London if you want or if not at least you'll be able to make your relationship with Stefan public knowledge and get a home together somewhere putting down roots and we can visit you regularly," Matt
"I second everything Matt said plus I am excited your finally losing your virginity tonight and by the look of Stefan your in for a real treat," Abby said winking.
Lilly blushed, " Thanks Matt and thanks Abby... I am excited about tonight too although admittedly a little nervous.'
"Everyone is nervous on their first time Lil or their first time with someone they really care about even if they are like Abby and slept with half of London..." Matt teased and Abby smacked him for his cheek. "I bet even Stefan is nervous as he really loves you."
"He's right Lilly... not about the half of London thing, it's only been a quatre at best" Abby winked seeing no shame in being a young unattached woman who had an amazing s*x life," But in the fact, Stefan's nervous too, just remember what I told you and it'll be amazing," Abby said as she squeezed Lilly's hand supportive.
"Right well, It's been amazing catching up but if you're going to get laid tonight you better leave before it gets any later. Don't worry about saying goodbye we will see you soon, just you march into that office claim your man and take him home ... quickly before I attempt to turn Mr hot stuff gay." Matt said.
Lilly gave her friends a quick hug with the promise of catching up soon before she left with Stefan planning his seduction in her head on the drive home.
As soon as they entered the mansion Lilly kissed Stefan passionately
before leading him to their room and Stefan followed under her spell, like a
sailor follows a siren.
Once they were inside Lilly turned, " help me with my zip, please?"
Stefan undid the zip and then pulled down the back a little exposing
her shoulder and he instinctively leaned forward and trailed soft kisses
down the back of her neck to her shoulder.
Lilly's body began to tingle in places she didn't know existed and her
breathing became ragged- if this was how her body reacted to simple light
kisses Lilly could only imagine the pleasure that lay ahead.
Stepping away from Stefan Lilly turned to face him and once her eyes
locked with his, she wiggled her curvy hips and allowed the dress to fall to
the floor revealing her sexy underwear. " Do you like what you see- Stefan?"
Lilly asked in an innocent tone.
Stefan's gaze boldly roamed her body- she was even more beautiful
than even he imagined and that underwear it was driving him crazy. " f**k,
you're the honest woman I have ever seen...the things I want to do to you
right now...you have no idea how hard I am trying to restrain myself so I can
be gentle," Stefan growled.
"I don't remember demanding you to be gentle...I want you all of you. Show me everything you want to do to me and share your passion with me, don't hold anything back." Lilly said in a husky tone pushing Stefan to the edge of his restraint. " TAKE ME NOW! f**k ME AND MAKE ME YOURS!!" Hearing such filthy language come out the mouth of an angel tipped Stefan over the edge.
Stefan groaned and quickly stripped naked apart from his grey boxers before he went over to her with purposeful strides, scooped her up, and walked over to the bed where he lay her upon it and then straddled her. You're so hot when you speak like a whore." Stefan asked as he began to grind against Lilly and kiss her neck making her shudder in pleasure.
"Tonight I am a whore...I am your w***e so f**k me like one...NOW!
Stefans kissed turned to nips making Lilly gasp in pleasure at the euphoric mix of pleasure and pain. " That's it my little angelic w for me," Stefan whispered in her ear as his hand reached down to untie the bows at both sides of her Gstring.
Lilly gasps got louder as Stefan's nips and soft kissed trailed down to the top of her breast that he began to knead making her squeal in pleasure, " so you like your large breasts being played with... I will remember that and later I will take them into my mouth and suck your n*****s roughly until they peak in my mouth then massage them with my tongue just like I am about to do to your clitoris."
"My what?" Lilly asked confused, her voice thick with passion but her question was soon answered as Stefan started to circle a secret hidden spot with his fingers making Lilly scream passionately.
"Be a good w***e and keep those legs open..." Stefan said as he moved his head lower and then sucked and licked at her private place for a good while making her scream as he brought her to climax, twice.
"Please Stefan, no more I can't wait any more... please just make me yours." Lilly begged her whole body tingling in the aftermath of her orgasm's
Stefan needed no further encouragement he pulled off his boxers releasing his impressively large, thick c**k and placed it at her entrance and kissed her one last time before he plunged with all his power forwards breaking through her maidenhead causing Lilly to scream both in pain at his size and bliss that he felt so good inside her.
"Lilly you're a virgin?" Stefan asked shocked as he pulled out and paused wanting to make sure she was okay.
"I was a virgin... I believe your large c**k made sure I am one no longer. Now less talking and more making love to me...hard." Lilly said grabbing his waist and thrusting herself forward.
All of Stefan's thoughts to stop and talk disappeared as he felt his
length slip further into her and her tight wet walls squeeze his c**k greedily, he was overcome with lust and pounded into her ruthlessly, and Lilly enjoyed every second.