Big Novel


Chapter 36 

'I've found you.

A deep chilling voice rumbled out in her head. The sound echoed in her mind; she shook her head and blinked trying to regain focus. The humming sound of the vehicle began to sound as clarity was being restored. What the hell was that? Was it a memory that she had forgotten? Or was it a voice she heard just now? She could feel the tugging, pulling in her head, creating a throbbing sensation. 

She felt like something was watching her. Kira paced about in Lilly's head; she was antsy. She looked out the window and to the trees. 

"You've been incredibly quiet." Tyler squeezed her arm. She was staring blankly out the window and had been quiet for quite some time. 

"Mmmhmm." She answered quietly as she continued to analyze the presence she was feeling. 

Cedric leaned forward. "Lilly, give me your hand." He reached his hand out to her and all but grabbed it. 

His touch was like liquid fire that pulsated up her arm through her veins. Burning ribbons were stinging her body, devouring her skin with an intense inferno. The heat was oppressive, binding her down, enveloping her into a prison threatening to cook her. 

He reached his other hand up and leaned her head backwards so that he could place his forehead on hers. "Easy, Lilly. Don't fight me. Just bare it a little longer." 

The pain was no longer bothering her. It was the darkness she could feel out in the distance. It was menacing. It seemed to be frantically 

searching. It had lost what it was looking for and was menacing the area with its presence. 

As they continued to drive away the presence grew even more faint. The moment they were back in her packs territory she could no longer feel it. Her body felt like it was ablaze, hot knives lashed at her skin and she had to bite her bottom lip as she bore it. 

What was moments, felt like an eternity, before Cedric finally released his grip on her. She greedily gulped for air that she was not able to consume. She did not say a word, she just closed her eyes and tried to gather her senses. 

After a moment she tilted her head so that she could look at Cedric. His eyes were closed, his face contorted, he looked to be suffering. She did not know what was going on, but she felt concerned for him. 

"Cedric... are you okay?" Lilly watched as he peaked out to her through one eye. His lips curled up halfway over his face. 

"What are you doing worrying about me? Are you okay?" Cedric knew that she had to have been in immense pain. They both were. Her body's magic was fighting him back. He held on as long as he could, but he would not be able to continue to do that. 

She let out a breath through her nose. "I thought I was going to burn to death. It was like a fire was burning inside of me and holding me down at the same time. What were you doing?" 

Tyler pulled her into his side so he could inspect her body. He tenderly rubbed her arm and smoothed her hair. He wanted to pull her away from Cedric when he saw her in pain, but he knew he was protecting her. They had a few days together in the woods and Cedric had explained several things to Tyler. It helped him have a better 

understanding of the situation and what he could expect. 

"He was suppressing your presence." Tristan was looking angry as 

he stared at the road in front of him. "It's a good thing we got to you when we did. You were being searched for..." 

"Is that the darkness that has been watching me?" Lilly asked and got a shocked glance from Tristan. 

"You could feel it?" Tristan looked back over at her and furrowed his eyes. 

"Vaguely. It's like when you know you are being watched. I could feel a presence that seemed threatening." Lilly watched as Tristan frowned a bit. 

"I'm glad we are back in pack territory." Kade whistled out in relief as they pulled up to the pack house. 

"Lilly, are you okay?" Tyler was looking over her with concern. He was not sure how she would be feeling after something like that. 

“Mmmhmm, just feel really tired, drained." Lilly's body felt like rubber, every movement was heavy and brutal. 

Tyler hopped out of the truck and turned and pulled Lilly into his arms. He held her bridal style against his chest. 

"I don't want you getting bothered by other pack members. I know they will be excited to see you are back, but you can greet them later. For now, let's get you in bed for a nap." Tyler felt Lilly lean her head into his chest. She was not arguing with him, this showed him exactly how exhausted she was. 

Tyler led the way into the pack house. When he entered Avery immediately ran up to see Lilly. 

"Later Avery." Tyler said tersely and continued to brush past her. 

Avery pouted and turned and looked at Kade. "Well now he is just 

being out right selfish. She is my friend too." She crossed her arms and pouted as she watched after Tyler. 

"She's been through a lot Avey. Once she is rested, I'm sure he will share her again... maybe a tiny bit." Kade chuckled knowing all too well how possessive Tyler was over Lilly. It is even worse now with everything that had happened and what he has learned. 

He carried Lilly effortlessly up the stairs and down the hall to his room. He gently laid her onto the bed and pulled a thin blanket over top of her. 

"I want to get a bath." Lilly's groggy voice whispered out. She smelled the clean linens on the bed and closed her eyes as she nestled into them. 

"Rest first, then you can get your bath." Tyler scooted into the bed beside her and pulled her into his chest. This was the first time she had been back in his bed since he marked her. The memory of that night stirred his desire for her deep down. He wanted nothing more than to be able to taste her again. He had time though. She was back and he made a resolve that he would never lose her again. 

He leaned his head on hers and listened to the sound of her rhythmic breathing. She had fallen asleep so quickly as Tyler laid there holding her. The past few days were a nightmare for him that he never wished to experience again. She was so precious to him. She was home and safe for now, but it wasn't over. There was still a threat out there after his angel. They would not be able to be at total peace until the threat was eliminated, something that would not be an easy feat. That was another day's problem to deal with. Lilly was home and they have worked out the problems they were having. He was going to enjoy this time and enjoy her. His body relaxed as he melded into her side, slowly drifting off to sleep with her. 

Lilly began to stir ever so slightly causing Tyler to wake up. They were both exhausted and slept through the evening and until the following morning. He looked down on her delicate face as she buried her head deeper into his chest. He kissed her forehead and gently pulled away from her. He chuckled as he heard her whimper in protest. 

"I'm going to get your bath water going. Then I need to check on the pack business. What do you want to have for dinner tonight?" Tyler tucked her hair away from her face as he watched her eyes pop open. 

"Pizza. We are having a pizza and movie night in the game room." Lilly's eye lit up as she remembered the plans she had made the day before. 

"Oh? We are?" Tyler watched her nod her head and smiled up to him. 

"Cedric, Kade and I decided on it yesterday. Your job is to make sure you supply plenty of pizza... Oh, and breadsticks too, with sauce. Lilly was making herself hungry thinking of her dinner plans. 

Tyler chuckled quietly. "Alright, sounds like a plan." He walked into 

the bathroom and turned on the water before walking back over to 

the bed. "Enjoy your bath and I will see you soon." He leaned down and kissed her lips tenderly before reluctantly pulling away. With one last longing glance, he turned and left the room. 

Lilly stretched her arms over her head and sighed with happiness as she heard the tub filling up. She was going to enjoy this bath. She had been dreaming of it and was going to relax in the pooling warmth. She walked into the steamy bathroom and slipped her clothes off. She dipped her toe in to test the water out first before she eased herself into the heavenly warmth. She slid herself down into the water. Its heat hugged and soothed her body. This was a much needed bath. 

After soaking until she was wrinkled and flushed, she finally parted from the water, but promised she would visit again soon. She quickly got dressed and made her way downstairs. 

Before she had even fully found her footing on the first floor, she was pounced on by Avery. 

"I was so worried about you. Are you alright? How were you treated? What was it like? You have to tell me everything!" Avery excitedly held onto Lilly's hands as she spewed a barrage of questions. 

Lilly giggled. "Let's start with I missed you too, Avery." 

"How are you feeling?" Tristan walked up to her from behind. 

"Rejuvenated and refreshed!" Lilly turned her head and beamed up at him. "Where is everyone else?" 

"Tyler and Kade are out doing whatever it is your puppy leaders do. Cedric is still resting. That took a lot out of him.” 

"You said he was suppressing my presence earlier? So, was he covering mine up or just blocking it? It felt like I had a fiery veil over 

me." Lilly thought about the painful experience and how the radiating power felt. 

"Cedric's specialties are barriers, among other things. He had put a barrier on you to block your presence from being detected. The problem is, that you are stronger than Cedric, so it was difficult to put a barrier on you. He is not able to hold that barrier for very long and it may be almost impossible for him to do it again. He had to link himself to you to even accomplish what he did this time." Tristan tried his best to explain to Lilly, though it was a phenomenon that was hard to describe. 

"How do you know all of this stuff? Are you a fairy too?" Lilly was still trying to figure out how Tristan was connected with everything. He was her guardian, but what did that mean? 

"Hahaha, no. I am not a fairy. I can see it, sense it, plus, I have studied everything. I know what types of fairies can do what. I know who are allies of fairies and who are not. I am called the colossal enforcer, but my job is a bit different from the others. I am your enforcer. My responsibility is to protect you, not all of fairy kind." 

"Wow so you are like her own personal bodyguard. Man, my envy for you keeps on growing toots. You get to eye that piece of flesh anytime you want to." Avery pouted with a slight whine. 

"Hahaha, Avery, you have Caleb." Lilly giggled, reminding Avery of her mate. 

"Oh, I know, but I still like to look." Avery shrugged. "I've gotta run out for a bit. I'm getting refreshments for tonight, Alpha's orders. I'd take you with me, but Tyler said you aren't allowed to leave, so I'll see you soon." 

Lilly watched her energetic friend skip out of the pack doors. She 

looked back at Tristan and shrugged. "Since I am on pack territory 

arrest, do you want to go for a walk?" 

"Yeah, a walk sounds refreshing." Tristan smiled down at her as he 

watched her bounce over to the kitchen. There was still a lot to 

discuss and there was a seal on her that needed broken.
