Chapter 35
"I like your outfit Lilly... It shows a lot of personality." Tristan teased as Tyler stared at him with dark eyes.
"Shut up, Tristan. I fell in the pond and my dress got all wet. My dress is probably dry now, I'm going to change before we leave. Be back in a flash." Lilly sped off to a house in the distance.
Lilly was thankful to see that her dress was indeed dry. She felt like she was a native out in a jungle encampment. It's fine for going swimming but not for everyday attire. She discarded the 'clothing' she was wearing and then slipped her dress back on. Before she left, she walked up to the sink and washed the dried blood off of her arms and face. Then she turned and shut the door to her temporary home and walked back towards Tyler.
She saw Drake talking with Tyler and Tristan as she approached. Cedric and Kade were standing off to the side and she walked up to them first.
"You look much better Lilly. The blood on you made you look like a witch doctor or something." Kade teased and Lilly shoved him playfully.
"How are you feeling?" Cedric was concerned for her. He knew that she could have a tough time during her awakening. They kept calling it an awakening, but it was actually something a bit different.
"I'm doing okay. There is only a slight headache right now. I'm just ready to be back home."
"These last few days have been crazy. I am definitely ready for some down time. I have a date with a lemonade and a hammock." Kade flashed a toothy smile towards Lilly.
"I think we should put the theatre room to good use. I say we binge
on pizza and movies. I could go for a good food coma." Lilly felt excited getting to spend time together with everyone. She wanted to experience normal fun.
"What movies? I'm not into chic flicks." Cedric rolled his eyes at her thinking that's what she would have in store.
"Wow... my company isn't good enough? You have to pick the movie too? Talk about greedy...Anyways, I was thinking like having a movie roulette? We all put the movies we want up on the wheel and then we watch whatever it lands on." Lilly could be fair about it. After all, it wasn't so much about the movie as it was about spending time together.
"I can deal with the outcome of that." It sounded like a decent plan to Cedric. Who doesn't want to lounge around eating food and watching movies? And after the few days they had been through it sounded like the perfect reward.
Drake then galloped up to Lilly. "We hate to see you go."
"Thank you for taking good care of me... even if you were keeping me here against my will." Lilly smiled as she looked at Drake's sheepish grin.
"You are welcome here anytime. If you ever are in need of our assistance, you only have to ask, and we will be there." Drake was sad to see her go. He wished she would have stayed there with them. He had no right to keep her though, especially since her guardian showed up. He knew he would see her again someday.
"Ready to go home?" Tyler swooped his arm around Lilly, and she beamed up at him in excitement.
"You are all set to leave. You are no longer bound to this place. Have
a safe trip." Drake said as he walked them to the tunnel exit.
Lilly held onto Tyler's hand as they walked out through the wooded area. Their fingers were intertwined together and their shoulders were brushing from the close proximity as they walked. Tyler had gotten Lilly back and was now getting ready to take her home. Tristan had a vehicle waiting for them not far from where they were. They just had to walk a short way to get to it.
"I can't wait to go home and wash the days of dirt off of me." Kade lifted his arms up inspecting the filth.
"You guys haven't been back in days?" Lilly knew they were looking for her, but she thought they would at least go home and then back out the next morning.
"Tyler did not let us go back to even refill on supplies! Once we set out to look for you, there was no going back. Tristan finally left to get coordinates for the centaur's location, since we couldn't find it. As soon as he told us where it was at though, Tyler wasn't waiting... even though that was what was agreed upon." Kade rolled his eyes at his impatient Alpha.
"I need some good food, a shower, and a few days of sleep." Cedric spoke wistfully to himself as he tried to think of what he wanted to eat first.
"I'm sorry. I had no idea. I was unconscious when I was taken, so I had no idea how the trail was. Here I thought you guys just abandoned me." Lilly chuckled to herself, but no one joined in. They all gave her their own irritating glare.
"You were unconscious?" Cedric quietly asked.
"Yeah, he drugged me. There is no way he could have taken me if he hadn't." Lilly snorted out angrily. Tyler let out a throaty growl followed by Tristan.
"Damn nags, I should have laid into them. I didn't realize they drugged you too." Tristan growled through his teeth. The idea that someone had taken her was already bad enough, but to drug her too he did not care what their reason was.
"I know what they did was wrong, but I am hoping we can maybe form an understanding or an alliance with them. There has never been one between them and werewolves. Maybe I can be the bond between them."
"You're very special Lilly. You can be the bridge for your pack and reach where no one else ever could. The Diamond pack is very fortunate to have you." Tristan glanced back to Tyler with a knowing look.
"Not just the pack, I am lucky to have her." Tyler dropped Lilly's hand and swung his arm around her shoulders, squeezing her into his body.
"There's the truck." Tristan pointed into the distance where a large dark grey extended cab truck was sitting.
Lilly sat in the front seat squeezed between Tristan and Tyler. There was an intimidating aura between the two of them. It was like sitting between two Alpha's. What was Tristan exactly? He only said he wasn't a werewolf but did not elaborate. Just another thing she would have to ask him about later. Maybe he is like a powerful wizard and can conjure the elements, or something cool like that. It at least gave her something interesting to think about during the ride home.
"How does all this work out now... are you going to be living with us now?" If Tristan was her guardian, did that mean he would always be around her now?
"Yes, that has all already been discussed. My place is with you. Your pup over here doesn't mind since it is another protector for you." Tristan grinned as he noticed the small annoyance coming from Tyler.
"Are you two going to be able to get along?" Lilly glanced between the two nervously.
The two men started laughing, followed by the two in the back. Can't you tell we are best friends?" Tyler teased. "We have an understanding between us. You are our first priority. No promises that we won't fight or disagree, but we will manage."
"I think we are going to end up being good friends. I can feel how much you love me already." Tristan teased again and listened to the scoff out of Tyler's mouth. They both had clashing personalities but united under a common goal. Protect Lilly and keep her safe. Tristan often fought with James, but the two had formed a strong friendship together. He was certain that in time Tyler and him would also form
a bond together. Especially since he wasn't going anywhere. He would be there until his or Lilly's end.
"I bet you two had an interesting meeting." Lilly scooted into Tyler's side. He wrapped his arm around her, and she leaned her head onto him.
"I was definitely not expecting to see Tristan... I had a lot of questions for him." Tyler chuckled as he thought about his shock.
"Interrogation would be more accurate," Tristan quipped in with a small smile.
Knowing Tyler, there was a lot of shouting going on. Lilly soaked in the warmth next to her, the gentle hum of the truck and voices began to meld together. Her head was hurting again. She held open her hand and stared at it, it was tingling. It had the sensation that her hand was being held, but it wasn't, she stared at her empty hand. Then the flashing images started. Images flashed through her mind, but it was blurry... was it a memory? The sound of children's laughter echoed loudly in her ears as she saw two children running through a field hand in hand. The sun was shining brightly on the tall grass that covered most of the children's body's as they ran through it. It felt warm. She could feel the vision in her soul; it was happy.
The sun then vanished. That's when a rumble rolled across the sky. Darkness sprawled across the sky billowing over the area bringing an ominous feeling with it. The air was growing heavy and suffocating as another c***k was heard above. The thunder was not the only snap that was being heard. The loud snap of heavy steps approaching sent a chill down her spine.
Then there was nothing, but the deafening sound of silence. Everything was black, a blanket of darkness had enveloped her.
I've found you.