Big Novel

Sparks explode through my body, flooding me with warmth as my heart pounds in my ears. Hayes remains still and my stomach drops out, my cheeks heating in embarrassment and disappointment before I pull away. I stumble backward, my hand coming over my mouth

as Hayes reaches out and catches me.

"I'm sorry." I murmur, looking everywhere and anywhere but at him.

"Kyra." Hayes says softly,

"Shit, shit, I am sorry. I don't know what came over me." It's a lie. I know exactly what came over me. The damn mate bond and the memories of how much I cared for him. It was idiotic and I realize that now that I am in my right mind.

"Kyra," He says again, his arm yanking me to him as my eyes grow wide and I let out a confused squawk.

"Uh," I look up at him, feeling the air fade away around me as I watch his eyes scan my face and land on my lips before they crash into mine.

Electricity surges from my lips to my fingertips as I melt into him, forgetting everything else. He is harsh and hungry as his hand slides up my face, guiding me, no, holding me in place. His calloused thumb rubs over my cheek, my lips parting as I slip my tongue out to taste him.

Hayes' mouth opens, his teeth catching my tongue before releasing it and chasing me with his own. My arms slip up and over his neck, his hands moving as he holds me tight and kisses me like he wants to consume me. Butterflies dance in my stomach, my limbs feeling like they melt on the spot if I can't have more of him. I need more of him.

He breaks away in a flash, his heated breath panting over my lips as I lift my lust laden eyes to meet his. There is nothing but desire and unbridled need on his face, no regret or hesitation and yet, he presses his lips together and leans back.

"I need you to stop." He says, his voice a husky growl that brings an uncontrolled shiver up my spine.

"Why?" I whisper, leaning into him as I press my head to his chest, trying to catch my breath.

"Because I can't," He whispers. His hand glides up my side, over my arm and across my shoulder. Then he tickles over my skin with his fingers caressing over my collar bone before he gently places his hand over my throat and up my chin, lifting my head. "Say no, or I will not stop."

"I thought you hated me," I whisper, that snarky part of me unable to remain hidden.

"Hate has nothing to do with this," he murmurs before he captures my lips again.

I inhale sharply, my hips rolling into his as I moan in pleasure. His lips are softer than I imagined they would be with how sharp his tongue is. But I relish the way he doesn't hold back. The way his lips may be soft, but his grip on my neck and around my back says he is hardly keeping himself together.

He is coming undone just as much as I am. Hayes must be feeling the bond, too. What other reason would he have for not being able to restrain himself? Not that it matters. What matters is the way he fingers at the hem of the oversized shorts I am wearing. My breathing hitches when his hand slides up my thigh, softly rubbing my skin, his fingers brushing along the outside of my hip where, had circumstances been different, I would have the line of my undergarments. There is no stopping the way my skin goosebumps with his touch and he lets out a barely audible growl of delight, his chest vibrating.

My head falls to the side, his lips moving to my chin, then my neck as he nuzzles and presses kisses to my soft flesh. I drag my hands to his chest, resting them gently as I roll my hips toward his hand, practically begging for more than the soft massage he is giving my outer thigh. I can feel his smile against my neck and my chest flutters with excitement.

"Mmm," I hum.

Hayes' hand leaves my leg for a moment and I want to whine, but his lips find mine again, his tongue tangling with mine as he wraps his hands around my waist and lifts me.

I wrap my legs around him, allowing him to carry us wherever the hell he wants. I gasp when my back presses against a tree, his hard body pressed against mine in a delicious way.

"Last chance," He whispers, breaking away to press his forehead to mine.

I miss his touch already as I shake my head violently, unable to speak the words. His hand disappears, and he reaches between us before he deftly slips my shorts to the side and his eyes meet mine. Heat floods to my lower belly as I watch him observing me. I moan as he presses forward, his own pleasured groan making me sink into him deeper. My whole world feels like it is shifting on its axis. Everything I thought I knew seems to disappear as he rolls his hips into mine and I let out a loud groan. I press my head to his neck, taking him in the strides he gives me as I cling my quivering body to his.

"Fuck," he grunts, his speed picking up as I gasp along with his every movement. I can feel pleasure mounting, the way it seems to build steam and makes my toes curl before I throw my head back, exposing my neck to him.

"Hayes," I murmur, unable to say his name with any more force than a breath. "I'm so close."

"Ah," He groans, his arms gripping me tight as if he is dragging me onto him harder.

"Oh, oh...shit!" I cry out, trying to keep my voice down before he buries his head into my neck and grunts.

"Fuck, Leandra...yes...fuuuuck." He groans.

My heart stops, my ear throbbing and my chest burning. It shouldn't hurt this much. I should understand that she means something to him. After all, I had a mate I loved severely before him.

But...I knew who I was with. I knew it was Hayes who was making love to me in the woods. But then again, maybe my mistake is that I assumed we were making love and not just having a good fuck.

Tears threaten my eyes as my throat


grows thick, and it feels like I might rip apart at any moment. Gone is the high of the moment as I turn my head away and gently press against his chest, disconnected us on too many levels before I stumble to the side and fix my shorts. I clear my throat, unsure of what to do, how to act now.

Does he realize what he did? Who he called me and how much it hurt?

"You okay?" he asks, concern filling his voice.

"Of course," I say, clearing my throat. "Why wouldn't I be?"

He doesn't say anything as I take my hair out of its ponytail, run my fingers through it and tie it back up, just looking for ways to buy myself time before having to look at him. "Was I too rough?" He asks, and I scoff, shaking my head.

"No, it was fine." I mutter, turning with the fakest smile I have ever mustered. He frowns at me, his hand on his hips as he tries to read my reaction.

"It was fine?" He arches a brow, clearly wanting to go back to our usual bickering. But I can't...what I want is space, but that isn't an option either. So I smooth my shirt and lie.

"Sorry, I'm just...can we pretend that didn't happen?" I ask him and he seems a little shocked before he nods his head.

"If that is what you want..." He offers, but I see the way confusion tickles his brow and his lip twitches into a disappointed frown.

"Hayes, why did you do that?" I ask him and he seems shocked before he chuckles.

"Do what? Fuck you?" He asks, the way his crass words make it seem like it was emotionless stings. Then he shrugs, "A guy needs a release every now and then, and you kissed me first so..." "Yeah, I did. I get that but...I just." I stumble over my words and he takes a step closer to me.

"Woah, Ky. You don't have to

overthink it." He smiles. I swallow and lick my tips, looking away and nodding. He doesn't feel it. My heart sinks. Hayes doesn't feel the mate bond, instead of that being some breakthrough, some...thing that might have potentially been special. It was a quick release for him.

It was nothing. Noted.

"I'm not," I sigh heavily. " can't happen again and I don't want anyone else to know."

His face grows dark, and he glares at me.

"You mean you don't want Marcos to know?"

My hurt demands I hurt him back. It's juvenite and idiotic, but I don't care. I want him to feel an iota of the ache he has caused me. So I roll my shoulders back and look him square in the face.

"Yes. I think I could like him and I don't want to live the rest of my life alone. He understands what I have been through."

"So does Nisha, Dean and Koda." he snorts.

"But they aren't Marcos. He has the face of an angel." I give him.
