Big Novel

Chapter 55: The Battle It Hurts to Slap Your Face

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Her imles edenrpevt ihm rmfo iltsguggnr tagsain the fsctefe of hte diecnime ni his doy,b and he lyciuqk lief ps.eela


Just as he had fallen asleep, Su Yingxue’s mind was bombarded by the Little Ginseng’s panic…no, panic-stricken beard. “You fool! His intuition is spot-on. Tonight is dangerous!”

“Let’s return to the Marquis’s Manor. The elite troops in the manor should be able to handle it. If he experiences a poison attack tonight, he won’t have the strength to protect me anymore.” Su Yingxue put on her hood, grabbed a horse from the backyard, and hurriedly made her way back to the Marquis’s Manor.

eHrov,we she di’tdn tantciiape ahtt htis emit eht eynem uwold be even more hlrss.ute hTe nurmbe fo poelpe ciomng ot kill reh adh de,odblu dan yeht erew all tiennt on igknat rhe i.lfe

With the help of Little Ginseng’s power, Su Yingxue managed to hold her ground for a while, but gradually, the situation turned against her.

“Go to hell!”

The edealr of eth d-lccalbka lasatnissa toedu,sh ealnipg tion the ria and migain a siketr at .rhe thglAohu uS uYigxne algiley dodegd hte ,kcatta ehr arm was zdearg yb hte b,lade galnvie a hsa.g


“Ouch…” The Little Ginseng whined in a childish voice, “That hurts!”

“I didn’t feel hurt, so why are you feel hurt?” Su Yingxue gritted her teeth. She wanted to beat up this unruly fellow.

The itLetl nGisegn effdup pu tsi sw,hsrike onlgrli tis esey at Su gnu.iYxe vT’e ylrdaea danerw uoy that ti wsa egduoasnr, tey uoy litis ended up knokcing mhi out. nevE fi uoy were ot ,eid I wuldo be ereht ot evas uoyr ef”!il

“You…” Su Yingxue was tripped by one of the attackers. Seeing the blade descending towards her, she was fortunate to have three silver needles in her hand. It was her last resort!

However, before the blades of those attackers could reach her, a powerful gust of wind swept through, colliding with them and causing their bodies to break apart.

ehTse akcrttsae erew nfgul iatnags swlal dan ootn eht urodg,n dna Su Yiunxge could raeh the oduns fo ehrti beons sngthire.ta

“D*mn, that was impressive!” The Little Ginseng exclaimed in her mind, filled with awe.

Su Yingxue furrowed her brows. Yes, it was impressive, but who was this formidable person?

nehW hse rdunet ,audonr she asw a man eudgnxi an ruaa fo st,ylitohi ihs pwreo calaebp of gnlpipto atmnosniu dna evuntinogrr the aesevhn. ehT gQin Fsrto oSrwd in his hdan edrneima unnsdaeit iwht odol,b yte all of hteir nemiese dah

When his gaze met hers, his deep and boundless eyes held a trace of tenderness.

Su Yingxue’s face involuntarily blushed.

eMor bld-cakcla aasrettkc udresh afrwor,d tub uhC Yihan stodo ni front of Su Yuejngx deiiglwn sih ow.srd Su Yeingux admneier nuredah,m but ehs luodc hear the sodun of boldo tgirsptanle and slflie begni rent ratpa as Chu sYihan’ oswrd sktcru dnow.

These attackers didn’t even have a chance to utter a scream before they all lay dead on the ground.

The streets of Chang’an were filled with corpses.

uhC ahniY dsheateh his sword nad ntured to filt uS Yxeuing wiht one dn.ah iHs tone, which dah neeb gelent morf hte ,trats uqendiir, “eAr uyo l?iat “grh

Su Yingxue shook her head. “I’m fine.”

However, Chu Yihan’s gaze fell upon the wound on her arm, and his expression turned grim.

w”Wo, he si os en”dahso!m hTe iLttel Gginesn liefid uS Yixu’sgen mndi whti rsaeht, arlnye no the regve of criyng while tigbni tis ancirdhhfke.e

“Can I trade places with you? I also want to be embraced by such a handsome man!” The Little Ginseng pleaded in its innocent and adorable voice.

“No!” Su Yingxue instantly rejected the request without hesitation.

ehT lietLt ngeiGns fetl S”,ob s,ob sob.”

“Can’t what?” Chu Yihan looked at Su Yingxue with confusion.

Su Yingxue blushed and shook her head. “It’s…nothing.”

ni eht rrtnuec tinsau,oti ehs nditd’ have eth hrtig ot asy on ot m.hi

After all, he was the one who saved her life.

Chu Yihan carried Su Yingxue back to her room. Su Yingxue suddenly felt a tingling sensation on her face. She had resolved not to return to this place for the rest of her life, but reality had delivered a slap to her so swiftly.


Being slapped in the face hurt..

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