Big Novel

Gerald Crawford: The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 957

"D*mn it! Are you even a lecturer? How could you not know about Bloomlin Mountain? That's the place where several youths, who are mostly in gangs, usually gather to host parties! What more, they like to have car races there to amuse themselves as well! That place is just bad news!" explained another student rather helplessly.

"There's no use explaining it to him! Regardless, Tulip's daring enough to go literally anywhere once her recklessness kicks in! I should know since the same thing happened when she last got into trouble! Come on, let's just hurry and try to get her back already!" said Nicole who was now so anxious that she was almost in tears.

While Nicole was Tulip's bestie, she was also the daughter of the Yowell family's butler. Because of that, Nicole was usually tasked with keeping an eye on Tulip.

After all, almost everyone associated with the second young lady of the Yowell family knew that she was infamous for being reckless. She was a person who valued her own enjoyment above anything else, which was why she was now skipping Gerald's class.

Gerald found that her classmates were all quite loyal to her as well, as all of them instantly agreed to go after her. Getting to Bloomlin Mountain wasn't an issue for them either since several of the classmates were rich heirs who had their own cars. After entering the cars in twos and threes, all of them left.

"... Wouldn't your arrival there be rather strange and unexpected...?" muttered Gerald to himself helplessly.

'Just don't get into any trouble... If she gets into any then all my efforts this time around will be for naught!' Gerald thought to himself.

Knowing how many influential groups were targeting her now, it was impossible for him not to be worried. Shaking his head, he got atop his scooter and immediately began following them to the place. Meanwhile, Tulip-who had just arrived not too long ago-was starting to slightly regret coming to Bloomlin Mountain. Looking around, the place resembled more of a colosseum rather than a racetrack. The racetrack itself was located at the foot of a mountain in the suburbs of Heavenly City. Since the suburbs were already complicated enough with several intertwining paths, it inspired the planners of the racetrack to build it there.

Due to their efforts, what used to be a deserted open space was now filled with all sorts of cars, even high-end sports cars like Ferraris and Maybachs.

The regulars of the racetrack were all young men and women who were either screaming or playing musical instruments loudly, making the entire area somewhat deafening.

From the moment she had arrived, Tulip was left shocked by the youthful atmosphere there. Her sheer disbelief stemmed from the fact that she had never been exposed to people like these in the past. The existence of such individuals had simply been beyond her wildest imagination.

While she had definitely heard about Bloomlin Mountain before, this was actually her first time here since her father had prohibited her from ever coming here. While that was the case, Tulip had been in a bad mood recently.

The incident regarding her elder sister still flustered her greatly. As if that annoyance wasn't enough, she was humiliated in front of so many people today due to a coward!

Dwelling on the incidents filled her with so much wrath that she forgot all about her father's prohibitions and simply drove to Bloomlin Mountain to have some fun.

Now that she was there, however, she could only sit in her car, bewildered by all the sights and sounds there.

Just as she was about to consider leaving, a man with big hair-reminiscent of the eighties-who had his left ear adorned with a row of silver studs stood by her car before saying, "Well hey there, girl! Are you a new face here? How about a race with me? If you win, I'll host a party here tonight for you!"

"I'll have to refuse. I just came here to have a look around," replied Tulip as she shook her head.

"Oh, you're not going to race? Well, you are still a student, after all! I guess you must be afraid to compete with others! What a waste that this sports car ended up in your hands!"

"You take that back you mother*cker! Who's afraid? I'm joining the race!" scowled Tulip angrily.

However, upon realizing what she had just said, Tulip found herself regretting it slightly.

After all, she truly had just wanted to have a look at the fabled racetrack in Bloomlin Mountain. Since she had previously assumed that the place would be deserted, she had even considered the thought of speeding along the winding paths of the mountain at least once before returning to university. It hadn't occurred to her that this place would be so populated with hooligans!

Sensing what Tulip was worrying about, he simply pointed at the people surrounding them before saying, "See those beast-like people? F*ck then! Don't see them as humans! Once you see them as mere animals, you'll be fine. However, if you truly are reluctant to look at them, then just close your eyes!"

While Tulip was hesitant, when she looked at his resolute and fearless expression, she replied, "... Since we're competing with each other, cut the cr*p and let's go already...!"

"Settle down, this round has already been taken by someone else. We'll just have to wait for the next round!" said the man as he pointed at two cars revving their engines loudly in the open space. Hearing that, Tulip could only anxiously smack the side of her steering wheel in anger.

At that moment, a dozen or so cars arrived at the area, signaling the arrival of Nicole and the others. "Hey! Look over there! That's Tulip's car!" yelled Nicole as the Tulip's classmates ran toward her. Immediately after, however, a loud clamor was heard.
