Gerald Crawford: The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 759 "Don't say that Xyla! Not in front of him at least!"
Vincy said.
Although she too, felt that it would be rather embarrassing to arrive on nothing but an electric tricycle, her fear was whittled away by the sight of Gerald riding the vehicle unapologetically. If he himself didn't fee embarrassed, why should she?
Xyla on the other hand felt the complete opposite. "Maybe you've gone drunk! If you want to ride on that thing, go ahead and knock yourself out! Like hell, I'm gonna go in with you though. I'll be waiting for you outside the venue. And you! Don't you forget what happened today, Gerald!"
After that, Xyla hailed a taxi and left for the venue in a hurry. After all, she needed to be where her boyfriend was as soon as possible.
"I think it's better if you don't go. Listen, my little sister's whipping up a real good meal. Why don't you come over to my place and have a meal together? It's on my tab!" Gerald offered.
After all, Gerald and Vincy still had the kind of friendship ex-classmates shared.
"No, I don't think I'll do that. I have to keep her company, Gerald. I fear that if I let her go there herself, she'd suffer from a tremendous loss!"
Despite how vile her friend is, Vincy remains a kind-hearted girl.
But Vincy felt secretly embarrassed when she imagined the scene where she arrived at the venue on Gerald's little tricycle.
Even though Vincy had a very good disposition and manners, it was an undeniable fact that every girl loved flashy things.
If she refused Gerald now, she might hurt Gerald's pride and dignity.
She was stuck between a rock and a hard place.
However, there was no way out. Hence, she said, "Alright, Gerald. You can just drop me off at the entrance!"
"Sure! This electrical tricycle is plenty powerful! We'll arrive there soon!"
As he said that, he got on the electrical tricycle.
Beep! Beep!
He even honked twice to prompt Vincy to get on the tricycle.
Vincy tidied up her hair with her fingers. There were a lot of people looking at them, which made her blush deeply.
But at last, she still got onto Gerald's electrical tricycle.
"Go faster! Xyla might have reached that place now!"
Vincy said softly. She lowered her head, perhaps in an effort to shield her face from people who might know her, as they zoomed past the tricycle on the freeway.
On the other hand, Gerald said nothing when he saw Vincy, whose face had now turned beet red from all the blushing.
After all, Gerald never felt that a person who drove a four-wheel vehicle was much more respectable than those people who rode on two, or three wheels.
He stepped on the gas pedal and zoomed towards their destination.
The chosen venue was a large hotel in County Salford.
The interior of the grand hotel was hung with red and long draperies, and it was lined with a seemingly unending row of expensive-looking confetti tubes.
There was also a red carpet from the lobby of the hotel which led up to the entrance at the outer courtyard of the hotel.
There were a lot of distinguished people and rich businessmen to be found in the hall.
On the other hand, the organizers of the event were waiting outside to greet and welcome the guests. Some of them were also snapping away with their cameras.
It seems like they were going to hold a small ceremony outside of the hotel first.
There was a crowd that had formed outside.
"Vincy, is it here?"
Gerald said.
In front of them was a couple of rich young men smoking their cigarettes.
They did not even feel obliged to give way to Gerald's vehicle.
Beep! Beep!
Gerald honked twice to get their attention.
It made that group of rich young men turn and look at them. When they looked over, they saw Gerald, who was riding on an electric tricycle. Behind him was a young lady. The men started whispering to each other before they burst out laughing.
"That's enough, Gerald. Just put me down here!"
Vincy was deeply embarrassed.
She regretted her decision of agreeing to let Gerald send her here.
It embarrassed her so much as these young men were in the same age group as herself, and they were now giving her weird looks. Truly the nightmare of a young maiden!
Gerald stepped on the brakes and the tricycle rolled to a stop right before the entrance of the hotel.
And coincidentally, Xyla came out to fetch Vincy.
Her eyes bulged when she saw that Vincy really did arrive at the hotel on Gerald's stupid little tricycle. "D*mn! Vincy, are you out of your mind? How could you ask him to send you here on his electric tricycle?" Xyla's face turned as red as a tomato as soon as she saw Gerald's vehicle.
"Xyla, stop talking about that now. Gerald, why don't you go home first? I'll treat you to a meal next time!" Vincy quickly shoo-ed Gerald away when she noticed how much attention they were garnering. "Sure thing!"
Gerald nodded.
"Chairman Larson and his convoy have arrived!"