Gerald Crawford: The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 698
The statement had come from Isabelle who was currently clapping loudly as she watched Warren ascend the stage.
Seeing her reaction, Gerald simply rolled his eyes.
"How did you get acquainted with Brother Warren, Isabelle? I thought he just got transferred here very recently!" asked one of her friends curiously.
"Haha... Well, you know that my brother is friends with our school's popular Jamier, right? Since Jamier and Warren are good friends, it's only natural for me to know him!"
"I see!"
"Speaking of which, see that girl beside Warren? I think her name is Maia. She's pretty, isn't she? I have a hunch that she probably likes Warren a lot since they even transferred here together!" added Isabelle.
Though Warren was garnering all the attention for now, in her mind, Isabelle was sure that Brother Fabian would still be the eventual star of the day.
With that, she stopped talking and began focusing on listening to the announcements again.
After a few more people got on stage, the host then said, "From the Department of Economics and Management's third class, we have Ms. Stella who donated four thousand and five hundred dollars! Ms. Stella, please join us on stage!"
Hearing that, the crowd in the hall instantly went wild with cheer! Even the lecturers sitting up front seemed to be talking about her.
Sensing that the cheering wasn't going to end any time soon till she stood among the other top donors, Stella simply got up and began walking rather nonchalantly toward the stage.
At the same time, Isabelle was getting giddier by the second. After all, it would be Brother Fabian's turn to go up the stage next!
Upon reaching the stage, Stella stood right in the middle, cuing the crowd to slowly dwindle their cheering.
Finding his chance to speak, the host-who seemed to be getting increasingly excited-then announced, "Next, also from the Department of Economics and Management's third class, please welcome Mr. Fabian who donated fifteen thousand dollars! Mr. Fabian, please come up the stage!"
Immediately after hearing that, the entire hall fell silent.
Fifteen... thousand dollars?!
The cheer that came after was the loudest one yet. Accompanied by the thunderous roars of applause, it was a wonder why all the glass windows in the hall didn't shatter! Everyone's eardrums were ringing from all the noise.
After all, someone had donated fifteen thousand dollars! Of course that would get the crowd excited!
"God d*mn! That's a lot!"
"Of course it is! It's Fabian we're talking about!"
"I knew that Fabian was rich, but by god! Fifteen thousand dollars is something else!"
At that moment, several people from the crowd were exclaiming in awe.
Isabelle herself was shaking Fabian by the elbow, looking way more thrilled than Fabian was.
"Brother Fabian! Brother Fabian! Your name's been announced!"
Seeing everyone's reaction, Fabian simply shook his head while smiling helplessly.
'It's just fifteen thousand dollars... Was there honestly a need for everyone to find that so surprising?'
Sliding both his hands into his pockets, Fabian then began walking toward the stage as girls continued to scream with glee at him.
Once he was on stage, the host then announced two more massive donations.
Two girls from the fourth class had donated twenty-three thousand dollars each! However, the host didn't mention either of their names, nor did he invite them up the stage.
Even so, everyone already knew who the donors were, and everyone in the hall took turns peeking at the two girls sitting in the last row. They were all fully aware that Jasmine and Mandy were the donors. Though their donations were clearly superior to Fabian's, the uproar that ensued wasn't as great as his. After all, everyone in Salford University knew how rich they were. What more, they had already made several contributions in the past as well.
While the inclusion of their donations had lost their surprise factor, applauses were still made since they were still contributing for a good cause.
When it came to the twelfth student, however, the host seemed to be at a loss.
"Well this is a new one! While this student donated the most this time around, he only wrote down his class and which department he was from! Since he was unwilling to provide his name, we'll just have to respect his decision to remain anonymous! Regardless, I hope that everyone gives a loud round of applause once I announce his class!"
"Huh? Which class does he come from? How much did he even donate?" chatted the students among themselves curiously.
Everyone was looking forward to the final announcement, especially Fabian, Stella, Maia, and Warren as they exchanged gazes with each other on stage in anticipation.