Big Novel

Gerald Crawford: The Secretly or invisible Rich Man Chapter 2111

"Just to make it clear, I didn't say any names," replied Gerald as he shook his head. He, for one, knew better than to just casually point fingers at any of the Futabas. However, from his previous experiences, there was a pretty high probability that Fujiko's guess was right.

"... Whatever the case is, I really don't even dare to imagine such incidents taking place within my family..." muttered Fujiko as her expression darkened.

Even from when she was a child, Fujiko had been well taken care of by all the members of her family. With that in mind, it made it all the more difficult for her to imagine any of her kind family members standing against her father and doing harmful things to their family...

Gerald himself remained silent after hearing that, and simply concentrated on driving, making sure to keep a close eye on the two cars through his rear view mirror behind them at the same time...

In less than twenty minutes, the duo found themselves getting increasingly close to their destination. By this point, there were hardly any villages down the path. Hell, there weren't even any wild dogs around, and to a country with such little land like Japan, this was nothing short of unnatural...

Regardless, upon realizing that Gerald kept looking around, Fujiko was prompted to ask, "Do you know why this area is so sparsely populated...?"

Shrugging in response, Gerald simply replied, "Beats me."

"Well... This is the territory of the Yamashita family. With that in mind, apart from their family members, nobody else dares to live here..." explained Fujiko.

"... Hmm? What kind of people are the Yamashitas?" asked Gerald, his interest slightly piqued. Though he didn't know much about Japan, he was informed when it came to the more influential and powerful families. With that said, he found it odd that he hadn't heard of the Yamashitas before. After all, in order to obtain such a large piece of land, the Yamashita had to undoubtedly be powerful...

Seeing how curious Gerald looked, Fujiko quickly explained, "Well, they're quite an obscure family in Japan... Their abilities simply aren't good enough to obtain a ranking in Japan." "Then how did they buy such a massive piece of land?"

"Well... though the commoners see them as a regular family, to the insiders, we know that they have a rather 'unique' profession... They're secretly a family of ninjas," replied Fujiko in a lowered voice. Similar to cultivators, ninjas weren't individuals whom people from the secular world could learn about all willy-nilly. After all, exposing that such a profession actually existed could easily stir up a never ending storm!


Ninjas, you say?" said Gerald with a slight frown.

"Indeed. I'm sure you've heard of them before..." replied Fujiko with a nod.

"The way the media depicts them? Yes, though I had honestly no idea they really existed... After all, I've never encountered one before!" said Gerald as he shook his head.

"Well, they're very real, and it's an unspoken rule for those who know that ninjas are real that their existence should be kept a secret. I believe it's similar to how Westoners keep the existence of cultivators a secret," replied Fujiko while nodding.

"... Oh? You know about cultivators?" asked Gerald as he turned to look at her.

"Of course I do! I'm the young mistress of the Futaba family, after all. Besides, our family is-"
