Gerald Crawford: The Secretly or invisible Rich Man Chapter 2108
After having their lunch, Gerald and Fujiko left the mansion together in an SUV.
Earlier before they set off, Takuya had advised both of them, especially Gerald, to pay attention to their surroundings no matter where they went. After all, there was a high possibility that both the Kanagawas and Hanyus were actually working together. With that in mind, Takuya knew that his daughter was now in much more danger than she had ever been in. Gerald, of course, agreed with this, and he swore to protect Fujiko as best as he could.
Regardless, as the duo sped off to the location that the Japanese military had designated for them to get registered, the Hanyus who were keeping watch over the manor's entrance whom Ryugu had stationed there immediately reported what they saw to their team leader...
"What? Gerald and Fujiko left at the same time?!" yelled the wide eyed Ryugu as he leaped off his chair, dropping his cigarette in the process.
"Apparently so. My subordinates informed me that they were driving southeast," replied Takeshi instantaneously, not daring to sound slack.
"Well, then what are you waiting for? Get your men to tail them! I'm warning you, if you lose them, you'll have hell to pay!" roared Ryugu as he slammed his fist onto the table.
"D-don't worry about that, team leader! My subordinates have already been doing that! We'd never let our targets escape! " declared Takeshi as he patted his chest.
Seconds later, however, Takeshi then added, "... However... Are we simply stalking them...? Should we take action or something...?"
"Did the obvious really need to be stated? Get your men's coordinates right this instant! We're joining them immediately! That Gerald Crawford... I don't care how, but we're definitely getting our hands on him, and once we do, we'll eventually learn about what happened to Endo and Izumi! There's just no way we could lose two of our family's top assassins that easily...!" growled Ryugu as he stomped out of his room, Takeshi swiftly following after him...
Moving back to the SUV, Gerald could be seen steering with one hand and holding a cigarette in his other. With his cigarette hand leaned against the open car window, both of them were swiftly approaching the competition venue...
On their way, however, Fujiko who wasn't called the Queen of Soldiers for nothing couldn't help but say, "... Is it just me, or are the two cars behind the SUV tailing us...?"
Fujiko, for one, had noticed the cars from the moment they entered the highway. It was pretty hard to miss them since no matter how fast or slow the SUV went, the two cars simply maintained a constant distance from them...
Regardless, upon hearing that, Gerald couldn't help but smile as he peeked at the rear-view mirror while replying, "What, did you just notice them?"
"I do know they've been tailing us for about ten minutes I just wanted to check with you," said Fujiko as she shook her head.
"Well, the truth is, those two cars have been following us ever since we left the manor," replied Gerald as he tossed the cigarette out the window... before stepping on the gas!
With that, the SUV lurched forward, prompting the two cars behind them to speed up as well!
"... What? Are you telling me that the people in those cars have been keeping watch over our manor this entire time?!" exclaimed Fujiko, stunned. After all, the idea of them being tailed from the moment they left the manor was something she had never even considered!
"I'm assuming so. After all, before we headed off earlier, I could already sense the presence of at least ten people lurking in the shadows. However, they weren't very strong, so I just remained silent about it. If i helps to know, they're weak enough that your father's men could easily take care of them."