Gerald Crawford: The Secretly or invisible Rich Man Chapter 2028 Will had his reasons for being this worried.
After all, though Daryl had kidnapped Gerald's parents and sister, he didn't make things difficult for them. On the contrary, he made sure to take good care of them! That fact bugged him to no end. Thinking about it, while Daryl had promised that he would be the Crawford family's successor, in the end, he was simply an adopted child. Gerald, on the other hand, was a true Crawford. If he didn't get rid of Gerald quickly, Gerald could very possibly end up taking his place one day...!
Closing his eyes to think about his next step, Will eventually walked to the door and called out to his two most loyal followers, "Both of you, come in."
Upon entering, the two closed the door behind them before replying, "Brother Will."
Nodding in response, Will then lit cigarettes for both of them-and also himself-before sitting on a bench. Crossing his legs, he then asked, "You two should already know that Gerald's at Gong Island now, right?"
"We're aware," replied one of the men as both of them looked at each other.
"Good. I want you two to head there tomorrow to finish Gerald off. I want this assassination to be quick, and the fewer people notice you, the better," growled Will as he narrowed his eyes.
"With all due respect, brother Will, didn't the chief say that he simply wanted to test how strong Gerald was...? He doesn't want him dead, right...?" muttered the other man in confusion. Being Will's closest followers, they naturally knew about Daryl's orders.
Frowning in response, Will then retorted, "Which part of 'I want him dead' don't you understand? Look, as long as Gerald remains alive, he'll be a threat to my position as the successor of the Crawford family. Once he's out of the picture, nobody else will be able to get that position but me! Got it?"
“Loud and clear!" replied the two men, now understanding where Will was coming from. "Excellent. Now prepare yourselves. I hope to hear good news from you tomorrow. After raising you two for so many years, it's high time for you to help solve my problems!" declared Will whose cigarette was already half-burnt by this point...
"Roger that!" replied both of them, not saying anything more since they knew that Will was still angry...
It was only after they left when Will started feeling slightly better. After all, he raised those two from scratch, so he knew how strong they were. Hell, he had even planned to send them to the cultivation competition as representatives of the Crawford family before this. If they ranked highly in the competition, the Crawford family's status would surely rise, thus further securing his position as the next chief!
"I wouldn't have even bothered about you if you remained in Weston, Gerald... However, since you're so keen on looking for trouble on Yearning Island, I'll make sure you never leave this place!" grumbled Will as he grabbed onto the corners of his table, tightening his grip until the table's corners were crushed...!
Moving back to Gerald, he was barely affected by yesterday's incidents.
As for the residents on Gong Island, not only did they now know that the chief's grandson was on the island, but he was apparently in conflict with the main Crawford family as well. Regardless, Gerald turned to look at the summoned disciples of the Sacrasolis Palace before saying, "I'll be counting on all of you from today onward!"
"Not to worry, brother Gerald! We'll be sure to guard this island properly! Nobody will get on this island without you knowing!" yelled the crowd in response as they took turns nodding. Smiling when he heard that, Gerald then nodded as he said, "It's such a relief to have you guys around.....”