Big Novel

Gerald Crawford: The Secretly or invisible Rich Man Chapter 1987

It didn't take long for the scarred man to locate the inn that Gerald and Yale were staying in.

Thankfully, upon hearing quite a racket outside their inn, Yale popped his head out of their room's window... and immediately recognized the scarred man!

His face now fully pale in fear, Yale quickly turned to look at Gerald-who was lying on the bed-before whispering, "B-brother Gerald...! It's the gang from the casino...! They're here looking for us...! What should we do...?"

Hearing that, Gerald headed to the window to have a look... and he was just in time to see the scarred man rushing into the inn with his men!

Frowning slightly, Gerald then turned to look at Yale while ordering, "Come quick!"

Just as Yale was wondering what Gerald meant, his eyes went wide when Gerald began climbing out the window!

Though Gerald then easily leaped onto the roof-from the windowsill, Yale was far weaker than him. With that in mind, though Yale eventually managed to get to the windowsill, he simply couldn't get up the roof! In the end, Gerald could simply sigh as he yanked the man up... and just in time, too.

After all, the second Yale got beside Gerald, the duo heard their door being kicked open! Of course, the deed was done by the scarred man.

Regardless, after the scarred man and his subordinates entered, they immediately began searching the room... To their surprise and annoyance, the two were nowhere to be found!

Frowning, the scarred man then glared at the innkeeper before growling, "Where the hell are they?"

"H-huh...?! B-but they never left their room! After all, I was downstairs the entire time and I never saw them leave!" exclaimed the astonished innkeeper.

Raising a slight brow, the scarred man noticed-at that moment-that the room's window had been left open. Squinting his eyes, he then headed to the window and looked out...

Meanwhile, Gerald and Yale-who were still hiding on the roof-made sure not to make a single sound... In fact, neither of them even dared to breathe for fear that it would expose their location. Thankfully, it didn't take long before the duo heard the scarred man shout, "D*mn it all! They must have escaped through the window! Give chase! We're getting them if it's the last thing we do!" Following that, the group of angry men then bolted out of the inn...

Seeing that, Gerald then lifted Yale up and brought both of them back into their room... By that point, the innkeeper was already cleaning the room up... When he saw Gerald and Yale jump in from the window, however, his eyes instantly widened.

Though the innkeeper's first instinct was to yell in surprise, Gerald swiftly covered the innkeeper's mouth before growling, "Hush. Just pretend we aren't here...! Listen, no matter who comes over asking about us, tell them that you don't know anything. If word about us gets out, I'll make sure to end you before they take me away. Got it?!"

Hearing that threat, the innkeeper immediately nodded. After all, he was simply a businessman trying to make a living. He would very much prefer following Gerald's orders rather than losing his life! Before the innkeeper left, Gerald made sure to say, "Again, if you say even a word about us, you and your inn are vanishing off the surface of the planet! Understand?"

Gulping in response, the innkeeper then replied, "Y-yes! I got it the first time..."

With that said, the innkeeper then left the room, making sure to properly close the door behind him... For his sake, he knew it was best to just pretend that nothing had happened.....

Either way, now that the innkeeper was no longer here, the worried Yale couldn't help but ask, "A-are we going to have to hide here forever, brother Gerald...? Also, are you sure those men won't come back...?"

While Gerald couldn't say for sure, their best bet of losing their trail was to stay here for now. After all, as the saying went, the most dangerous places were usually also the safest....
