Gerald Crawford: The Secretly or invisible Rich Man Chapter 1980
"Bullsh*t! Men can't be trusted and all of them deserve to die! Also, did you honestly think that we'd just allow you to come and go as you pleased?" retorted Yoona as she glared at him while unsheathing her blade!
Leaping forward extremely quickly, Yoona then aimed her blade straight for Gerald's chest!
Seeing that, Zianne immediately pushed Gerald to the side while yelling, "Careful!"
Naturally, Gerald could've easily dodged Yoona's attack. After all, she was no match for him. Regardless, since he got pushed to the side, he could only watch as Zianne drew her own sword and clashed it with her junior's!
Following that, a swordfight commenced between the two girls... However, since Zianne had earlier gotten hurt, she ended up falling to the ground when Yoona kicked her in the stomach!
Watching as Zianne covered her stomach in pain, Yoona took the chance to sneer, "Hah! Since when have you become this weak, Eldest sister? I guess having a man has truly made you lose yourself! No matter! I'll teach you a lesson on behalf of master!"
Just as Yoona was about to launch another attack at Zianne, Gerald bolted toward Zianne, picking her sword up and sending an aurablade straight for Yoona!
Due to the immense force, Yoona was sent flying backward, causing the disciples who were right behind her to topple to the ground as well!
As Yoona fell to the group-spitting a mouthful of blood out in the process-, Zianne herself could only stare wide-eyed at Gerald. To think that he had such terrifying power...! No wonder Johnny and his friends couldn't win against him!
Whatever the case was, Gerald then stabbed the blade into the ground before glaring at Yoona as he growled, "What ignorance! To think that you'd dare to fight your Eldest sister even after I've told you time and again that there's nothing between us!"
At that exact moment, a sword suddenly flew out of one of the houses! Though it came dangerously close to piercing through Gerald, the youth himself simply turned his body, causing the blade to fly right past his eyes!
Once the sword stopped moving-after stabbing through a door that was in its way-, everyone turned to look at the direction the sword had been thrown from...
Watching as a white-haired woman-donning an equally white robe-walked out the house, everyone except for Gerald immediately knelt before calling out, "Master!" As it turned out, she was Fayth Quenelle, the matriarch of the Purplefog Abbey...
Glaring at Gerald, Fayth yelled in a furious tone, "No man has ever dared to step foot into the Purplefog Abbey... Who are you? And how dare you come over to cause trouble!" Hearing that, Zianne quickly replied, "I was the one who brought him over, master! I sincerely apologize!"
Turning to glare at Zianne next, Fayth then retorted, "Zianne, are you not my chief disciple? You, of all people, should know the rules of the sect! How could you commit such a grave sin!" Bowing low, Zianne then replied, "I'm well aware of my mistake, master!"
Before any of them could say anything else, Gerald took the chance to yell, "Hold it! Just you know, if it wasn't for me, your chief disciple would've died by now!"