Gerald Crawford: The Secretly or invisible Rich Man Chapter 1862
Upon hearing that, Rey went silent, not even daring to breathe too loudly... And a split second later, a black figure suddenly appeared before them!
Wielding a scepter, the individual had a crown made of bones atop his head, and his mask bore two sharp fangs... In other words, the person looked utterly terrifying...
Staring at the two, the individual then replied, "...And I go by the Grim Phantom. I'm the ruler of the Phangrottom Clan! Why have you come?"
Each word the Grim Phantom said felt domineering and pressuring at the same time, and with how immensely imposing the Grim Phantom's aura was alone, Gerald could already tell that there was no way in hell he would be able to win against the Grim Phantom in battle.
The Grim Phantom's power was probably way past the Thousand Souls Realm...! Gerald couldn't even begin fathoming how truly powerful the Grim Phantom was!
After doing his best to shake some of the fear off, Gerald cleared his throat before respectfully saying, "... Good day, sir. You see, I'm a half human and half ghost cultivator who's come to borrow the Phangrottom Talisman in order to save all the souls in the world... The anaconda has died, you see, which means that the large entrance of the ghost world is now open..."
"Hah! Everything is simply going according to destiny! With that in mind, nothing will change even if you do take my scepter! Regardless, since the entrance of the ghost world is now open, I'm sure that vast changes have already taken place in the world. Perhaps you'll even find everything to be foreign once you return!" sneered Grim Phantom as he looked straight into Gerald's eyes.
"Even if that's the case, I'd still like to try! At the very least, know that I'll strive to make the residents of both the human and the ghost world live harmoniously! After all, I'm sure none of us wish for mass suffering and pain to occur!" replied Gerald in a determined tone.
Hearing that, the Grim Phantom couldn't help but see Gerald in a new light. As it turned out, Gerald truly was thinking of the benefit for all the souls in the world.
Understanding that, the Grim Phantom couldn't help but sigh as he declared, "... Fine, then! Take it!"
While this definitely surprised Gerald and Rey, they were equally delighted to hear that. After all, neither of them had anticipated that the Grim Phantom would hand the talisman over that easily! Regardless, even after the Grim Phantom had handed the Phangrottom Talisman to Gerald, the youth honestly found all this hard to believe...
Even so, he forced himself to snap out of it before saying, "Thank you, Grim Phantom...!"
"You're very welcome. Keep to your word and don't make me regret handing the talisman to you! Make sure to save all the souls in the world!" replied the Grim Phantom in a slightly more casual tone. "Definitely!" replied Gerald as he nodded.
Gerald knew that the Grim Phantom trusted him greatly. Otherwise, why else would he hand the talisman to them that easily? Whatever the case was, since the Grim Phantom was placing that much trust in him, there was no way Gerald was going to willingly disappoint the great individual. He would definitely save all the souls in the world!
Either way, just as Gerald was about to leave with Rey, the duo heard the Grim Phantom shout, "Hold it!"
Turning around, Gerald couldn't help but ask, "...Is... something the matter, sir...?"
While Gerald wondered if the Grim Phantom was about to go back on his word, he immediately shook the thought off. There was no way such a superior individual would ever go back on his word! Then... Why was he stopping them...?