Big Novel



"... Of course we'll continue playing! I've only lost a hundred and fifty dollars, you know? I'll definitely win that amount back later!" replied Xanry in a confident tone.

Hearing that, Gerald was instantly delighted as he thought, 'To think that he's still trying to intimidate me! Since it's come to this, don't blame me for taking more of your money!'

Some people just needed to be persistently and mercilessly dealt with for the point to finally get across their thick skulls.

Regardless, the two of them then promptly started their next round.

Throughout the process of shaking their dice, Xanry kept a close eye on Gerald. To his annoyance, Gerald didn't appear to have any tricks up his sleeve. Still, Xanry simply had a feeling that Gerald was different, though he couldn't pinpoint what made Gerald so special...

Whatever the case was, after a while, the two of them stopped shaking their dice at the same time.

This time, Gerald had four twos and a single one. In the game's terms, such results were known as 'leopard' since so many of the dice yielded the same value. Xanry, on the other hand, had four threes and a single two.

Looking at the value of his own dice, Xanry couldn't help but smile confidently.

Seeing that, Gerald then said, "Come on, monitor! After you!"

"Four twos!" declared Xanry, evidently still trying to frame Gerald. Unfortunately, the only way he could succeed with his plan was by getting defeated by Gerald again this round.

Naturally, Gerald was no fool so he simply yelled out Xanry's points, that being, "Four threes!"

Upon hearing that, Xanry couldn't help but frown slightly. How could Gerald have known his exact points?

Quickly shaking the thought off-figuring that Gerald had just yelled out some random numbers-Xanry then shouted, "Five twos!"

"Oh? I'll add one more then! Six twos!" yelled Gerald in return.

Upon hearing that, Xanry was stunned. To think that Gerald would be this quick to act!

Regardless, now that Gerald had called for six, the situation was getting more and more dangerous. If he continued shouting, he was afraid that Gerald would eventually open his dice. With that in mind, Xanry could only choose to open Gerald's dice first.

"... Fine! I'm opening yours! I don't believe that you could have six twos!" grumbled Xanry as he revealed his dice before staring at Gerald confidently.

Unfortunately for him, nothing went according to Xanry's plans.

"Oh my, I'm truly sorry, monitor! It appears that I really have six twos! What more, not only do I have six of them, but I also have a 'leopard"!" declared Gerald as he smugly looked at Xanry. How... How was this possible?! It was truly stupefying to Xanry.

Who would've guessed that Gerald would get a leopard! No wonder Gerald had shouted that out so confidently! He had calculated all the odds extremely carefully!

Whatever the case was, this fact truly made Xanry suffer a great loss.

"...Fine! You win some, you lose some!" grumbled Xanry as he took another seventy-five dollars out from his wallet, unable to play any tricks.

Taking the money, Gerald then handed it to Juno before saying with a smile, "Hold on to it for me, will you, Juno? After all, it's probably rare that monitor is this generous!" Upon hearing that, Xanry was instantly infuriated.
