Big Novel

Chapter 1744

Unfortunately for him, Gerald wasn't about to grant him such a chance.

Immediately picking the bowling ball up, Gerald then walked toward the lane... Without even having to look where he was throwing, Gerald then confidently tossed it toward the pins.

Every dog had its day, and it was now Gerald's turn to do the mocking. After all, he was simply doing the same thing that Xanry had done to him in the first round.

Whatever the case was, as expected, no pins remained standing, signifying yet another strike from Gerald. With the scores being fifty-two against forty-nine now, Gerald's score had finally surpassed Xanry's... With Gerald's turn over, the start of the seventh and final round began...

By this point, Xanry knew that he couldn't afford to mess up anymore. If he didn't land a strike, then he would surely lose to Gerald!

He was also worried that Gerald would get yet another strike... If that happened, then Xanry would still lose the competition, regardless of whether he managed to get that final strike or not... With that in mind, he could only pray that Gerald made a mistake in his final throw.

Shaking the thought off, Xanry then picked his final bowling ball before walking toward the lane...

As he took in a deep breath, Xanry heard as his classmates began cheering for him.

"Monitor, come on, you can do it!"

"Yeah! You'll definitely win, monitor!"

Upon hearing that, Xanry felt his confidence slowly return to him.

Now that he had recovered his strength, he glared at the pins before tossing the ball forward in a fluid motion!

Rolling in a straight line, the ball never swerved, and in the end, all ten pins were hit with a loud clatter!

"Strike!" yelled Xanry as he instantly jumped in joy and excitement. At the very least his final throw wasn't a disappointment.

However, now that that was over, it was now Gerald's turn...

Gerald's performance in this final round would decide who won the battle. If Gerald got another strike, then it would officially be Xanry's loss. However, if Gerald flubbed his roll, then it would be Xanry's win... Looking at Xanry's score of fifty-nine, Gerald knew that he only had to hit eight pins in order to surpass Xanry by a single point. Of course, with how easily he had been getting strikes, hitting eight pins was nothing to Gerald.

With that, Gerald then picked his final bowling ball and adjusted the strength in his hands... before tossing the ball forward!

Swiftly rolling along the lane, the clattering of pins could soon be heard as the bowling ball's strike left only two pins standing...

Just as Gerald had hoped for, he had managed to hit exactly eight pins, and with his score being sixty, he had managed to win against Xanry by exactly one point!

Xanry himself could only stand there, completely flabbergasted. To think that he would be defeated by someone who hadn't even played bowling before!

Of course, Gerald was no stranger to bowling, but Xanry didn't know that, nor did he need to.

Regardless, despite winning, Gerald didn't want Xanry to get too embarrassed. After all, in the end, he was still Juno's monitor. With that said, Gerald knew he had to give Xanry at least some respect.

With that in mind, Gerald then smiled faintly before saying in a humble tone, "I guess I won, monitor! Sorry for that! However, I know how much of a pro you are in this game, so I'm pretty sure you deliberately lost to me, right?"

Upon hearing that, Xanry instantly caught on to what Gerald was trying to do. Since Gerald was granting him a chance to lessen his shame, Xanry was certainly not going to say no to that.
