Gerald Crawford: The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 1718
"You won't be able to!" It's far too risky! Keep in mind that the Hulkeroic Union is actively looking for us right now! With that in mind, if you go back to look for him, you'll be caught in no time!" Juno replied almost instantly.
"With all due respect, Miss Zorn, if he's dead, we won't have the will to live in the first place!" Ray stated emphatically.
Ray and Nori had already bolted back, retracing their steps, before Juno could even respond...
Juno could only sigh helplessly when she saw this. Despite this, she couldn't deny that she was slightly moved. Gerald had a lot of good and loyal friends...
Regardless, after a long search for Gerald, Ray and Nori eventually arrived at the cliff from which Gerald leaped... And, to their horror, they noticed Gerald's jade pendant lying nearby on a stone...!
Nori remained silent for a moment, her heart skipping a beat, before tears streamed down her cheeks...
"...No... It... Nori muttered to herself, quickly picking up the jade pendant before staring in disbelief at the abyss beneath them...
But, because the jade pendant was so close to the edge of the cliff, Gerald...
Ray patted Nori on the shoulder and said, "Calm down, Nori." Gerald is going to be fine. Have faith in him..."
It was difficult, but they both managed to convince themselves that Gerald was still alive for a brief moment. They waited patiently by the cliff for him after that...
As the hours passed, however, it became increasingly difficult to bear. Finally, the two shook their heads and walked away from the cliff, completely dejected...
Juno knew something terrible had happened to Gerald when she saw how depressed they looked when they finally returned to the forest. Her fears were confirmed when she noticed that Ray was holding his jade pendant.
"... Miss Zorn... Gerald... He's most likely fallen off a cliff...! We say that because the only place we could find his pendant was near a cliff..." Ray grumbled as he showed her the pendant in a gloomy tone. Juno's heart sank when she heard that. She paused for a moment before reaching out to take the pendant from his grip and saying, "...
Let's start by going back to my house. We can't just give up at this point! After all, just because we haven't found him yet doesn't mean he's no longer alive!"
You are correct, Miss Zorn! We don't think he'll go down without a fight! He is, without a doubt, still alive! Nori, cheer up! Remember, we have to believe in him!" Ray exclaimed as he tried to cheer Nori up. Nori slowly raised her head and gave a firm nod when she heard that.
Juno took advantage of the fact that Nori was feeling a little better and ordered, "That's the spirit!" Regardless, we should get out of here as soon as possible. We're not in the best of places, so we'd better get back to base before the Hulkeroic Union finds us!"
Juno quickly led the others back to her house after that...
Gerald was later discovered unconscious beside a black-robed and mysterious-looking old man... Their faces were lit by a fire that the old man had started, and they were protected from the elements by stone walls all around them.
Gerald slowly opened his eyes not long after...
He exhaled a sigh of relief when he realised he was still alive. He quickly realised, however, that he wasn't alone.
He wondered who the old man was, frowning slightly as he looked at the person sitting by the fire. Was it he who had rescued him...?
Who... are you...? "Did you come to my rescue...?"