Gerald Crawford: The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 1649
Scattered around him, were the carcasses of the white wolves from before that had died upon impact.
With how tough Gerald's body was, it was no wonder why he had not only survived, but he barely suffered any injuries! Due to that, it wasn't long after before he slowly awoke...
Checking to see if he had suffered any injuries, Gerald was delighted to find out that his body was a-okay.
After hopping off the thickets, Gerald then retrieved his small knife and began slicing the meat off the white wolves. Since he didn't know how much longer he was going to remain stuck here, Gerald knew that he had to stock up on food while he could.
Once he had gathered enough, Gerald began walking around to gather his bearings.
What he was able to witness soon after, however, was nothing short of a utopia. Staring in amazement, it was the first time Gerald had ever seen such a beautiful place. It was so beautiful, in fact, that Gerald simply knew that such a place couldn't exist anyplace else.
As he continued walking around the fairyland-like place, Gerald was surprised to suddenly hear a gentle and almost ethereal female voice saying, "Who's there?"
Turning to face the source of the voice, Gerald was immediately greeted by the sight of a woman-who had a white, muslin dress on and a long sword in hand-hovering out from the forest... Stopping close to Gerald, he then watched as she pointed the sword toward him.
Rather than being afraid, Gerald was more stunned than anything. To think that such a flawless-looking woman with such pure temperament would actually be in this place!
After staring at her for a while longer, Gerald eventually snapped out of it before replying, "...I... fell from the holy mountain and somehow wound up here!"
Upon hearing that, the charming woman raised a slight brow. Looking at him rather doubtfully, she then asked, "And... you're telling me falling all the way down here didn't hurt you at all?" She was right to feel doubtful. After all, Gerald looked perfectly fine despite his claims!
"There's a reason for that! You see, I'm a person who's training to attain spiritual enlightenment! Due to that, such heights aren't really a big deal to me!" explained Gerald.
"...Are you really someone who's training to attain spiritual enlightenment...?" asked the woman, almost as though she wanted to be absolutely sure of his claim...
After seeing how determinedly Gerald nodded in response, the woman felt that he was probably telling the truth. Deciding to believe him for now, she then lowered her sword before sheathing it...
Seeing that she was now being less vigilant toward him, Gerald took the chance to ask, "...If I may, could I know who you are? Also, why are you here? And what even is this place...?"
"...My name is June Lovelybite, and I'm the guardian of Magic Land, the place you're currently in!" replied June in a casual tone.
"...I beg your pardon, Magic Land...?" muttered Gerald, feeling utterly bewildered. To think that such a place existed within Jaellatra!
It appeared that Jaellatra still had many secrets that had yet to be discovered... Jaellatra truly was a mysterious place....
Regardless, June then prompted Gerald to follow her. After flying together for a bit, they eventually arrived at a secluded house...
"That's where I live. I'll allow you to rest here for a night. Once dawn comes, I'll lead you out of this place!" said June.
"How... long have you even been living here, June...?" asked Gerald.
From what he had been able to gather, June simply didn't feel like a human who belonged to the real world. If he was going to be honest, she seemed more like some ancient fairy... "Two thousand years or so."