Gerald Crawford: The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 1571
By the time the shocked Julian could feel his heart sink, the gargantuan green dragon was already inches away from Gerald!
However, the next thing everyone knew, a golden arc of light suddenly appeared and completely enveloped Gerald!
The second the dragon touched the arc of light, it instantly retracted! From an audience's perspective, it looked like something had shocked it to the core!
"My god! What tactic is he even using?!" exclaimed the surprised Carlos who didn't even dare blink as the battle went on.
Daryl found himself equally as surprised as well. After all, he, of all people, knew how powerful the Double-dragon spell truly was.
While Daryl knew that Gerald had summoned that golden arc of light to shield him from the attack, he hadn't the slightest idea of what the arc of light actually was.
It couldn't have been a magic weapon since that wouldn't have been able to block the Double-dragon spell... The arc was most probably not cast through the use of mere inner strength either. After all, no amount of inner strength-no matter how strong it was—would've been able to block the spell's power.
With all that in mind, what the hell was going on...?
His heart now racing, Daryl turned to look at his green dragon that had almost dematerialized from Gerald's arc of light alone.
Shortly after, he watched as Gerald slowly floated into the air... and it was at that moment when he realized what was really going on.
Though he was still surprised, his gaze tightened as he declared, "So, it appears that you've learned a lot more secret techniques than I've anticipated! No wonder your fighting strategies are always so amazing!"
Following that, he began gathering power in his hands again... and this time, both dragons began charging toward Gerald!
With sparks of electricity running down the dragons' bodies, both of them rammed straight into Gerald's protective shield!
"You're wasting far too much of your essential qi, you know, Daryl? I fear that your essential qi will have completely depleted before you even start fighting me head-on! Still, I'm sure you already knew that you couldn't defeat me using regular means after our little clash yesterday... With that in mind, I can't help but wonder if you proceeded to invite me to a duel thinking that this weak spell of yours could kill me..."
Despite the two dragons continuously ramming into Gerald's protective shield of light, all that did was further thicken the shield's layers!
"Impossible... Impossible...!" roared the pale-faced Daryl whose arms were already filled with bulging blue veins...
Unwilling to just accept this, Daryl kept on ordering the dragons to crash into Gerald's arc of light slowly depleting his essential qi... Deep inside, however, Daryl knew that all he was doing was for naught. How on earth was Gerald this powerful...? Daryl knew for a fact that Gerald was only a Third-rank Chakra King during their battle yesterday... Now, however, Gerald's training was very evidently beyond that. Daryl's power wasn't even closely comparable to Gerald's anymore! The Herculean Primordial Spirit... It was simply far too terrifying!
Still, the more he thought about it, the more he refused to give up on his assault! Maybe perseverance was the key!
The second his thought ended, however, a massive explosion could suddenly be heard, snapping him out of it!
It was evident that the explosion was caused by the dragons' final ram into the arc of light... And now, all the surprised old man could do was watch as his shattered green dragons slowly began falling apart..... Seconds later, the horrified Daryl ended up spurting out a mouthful of blood before falling from the sky!
Shouting in pain from the impact of falling, Daryl was still more terrified of Gerald as he turned to look at the youth.
He now knew that even if he used up all his strength, he would never be able to break through Gerald's defenses... This... This was all impossible...!
As utter disbelief was reflected in Daryl's eyes, the crowd watching from below found themselves completely clueless as to what had just happened...